Arifureta: Dark Lord

Training [2]

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In the center of the arena, Reiji and Tatsuya stood with their wooden weapons in hand, surrounded by instructors and students who watched with great interest, anticipation, and excitement. Captain Meld, acting as the referee, positioned himself in the middle outside the circular boundary they had created.

"Before we begin, let's have a quick introduction," Captain Meld announced, addressing both Reiji and Tatsuya. "Tell us your names and status."

Smirking, Tatsuya gave a slight bow as he introduced himself to the crowd. "I'm Tatsuya, one of the instructors here, and a weapon specialist," he said, his tone dripping with confidence. "And I can assure you that I'm going to win this match."

The crowd murmured in response to Tatsuya's bold statement. Some were impressed by his confidence, while others found him arrogant and irritating. Reiji, on the other hand, remained calm and focused, his face blank, and his eyes revealing nothing.

"I'm Reiji, also known as Kim Min-Joon from South Korea," Reiji announced, tightening his grip on his spear and getting ready for the start of the match. As soon as he mentioned his Korean name, some of the students' eyes widened in surprise.

"Wait, as in that Kim Min-Joon?! There’s no way we would forget someone famous in our own class," muttered a student.

"Are you an idiot? His face was never revealed as he was always wearing a mask," another student responded, smacking the other across the head. It didn’t take long for the others to join in the muttering.

Meanwhile, the instructors watched curiously, wondering if Reiji's other name held any significance. Despite his curiosity, Captain Meld remained focused on his duty.

"The rules are simple. If either of you uses Mana or steps out of the boundary, you lose. If one forfeit or is knocked unconscious, you lose. The stakes of this duel have already been decided beforehand.”

"If you have any questions, ask now," declared Captain Meld. Reiji and Tatsuya remained silent. "Well then, let the match begin!" Captain Meld announced, signaling the start of the duel.

Reiji and Tatsuya faced each other, analyzing their opponent, waiting for someone to make the first move. The tense silence dragged on for what felt like minutes until Tatsuya charged at Reiji with incredible speed.

"If you're not making the first move, then I will!" Tatsuya shouted, brandishing his sword. He charged at Reiji with incredible speed and swung his sword in a wide vertical arc. Reiji narrowly dodged it by stepping to the side and then spun his spear, thrusting it towards Tatsuya’s solar plexus.

Swinging his sword in a diagonal motion, Tatsuya deflected Reiji’s attack and struck his spear upwards, leaving Reiji momentarily vulnerable.

Taking advantage of the opening, Tatsuya swung his sword in a wide diagonal arc, aiming for Reiji’s torso. Reiji reacted quickly, sidestepping and parrying Tatsuya's attack with his spear. Jumping back, he created distance between them, bringing the whole ordeal back to a stalemate.

The crowd was in awe at the scene they had just witnessed. While they had expected the weapon specialist to be skilled, the fact that a student was evenly matched with him was amazing, to say the least. 

However, that was not the case for the instructors and other experienced martial artists in the crowd. Captain Meld observed the match with a sharp eye, analyzing each move made by Reiji and Tatsuya. 

Captain Meld watched the match with a keen gaze, his mind racing with thoughts. ‘Reiji's technique with the spear is remarkable for someone his age, but it's still inferior to Tatsuya's,’ he pondered.

‘His physical condition is also top-notch, superior to that of a soldier in our army, and he hasn't even fully developed yet. He'll be a real monster with proper training when he reaches his peak age. However, I can't help but wonder…’ Captain Meld furrowed his brow, lost in thought.

Captain Meld watched the match with a discerning eye, considering, 'Based on what I've heard and seen, Reiji is an intelligent person, so I can't see why he would agree to a losing battle.’

‘I only mentioned that Tatsuya was a weapon specialist to encourage students to seek him out for guidance, implying that he holds significant influence in the kingdom.’

‘So why would he accept this spar? Although I agreed to oversee this wager due to my growing interest in the boy and Pope Ishtar's request, now that I'm here, I can't help but wonder...'

As Captain Meld observed the boy's stoic expression, he suddenly had a moment of realization. His eyes widened as he considered a possibility that he had previously dismissed as absurd. 

‘Could it be that Reiji has an ulterior motive?’

Regrettably for Captain Meld, there was no one to provide answers to his questions. Opting to keep his thoughts to himself, he continued to observe the match with a vigilant eye.

“You have impressive skills with the spear, I must admit,” Tatsuya remarked. “It's no surprise we were evenly matched in our first exchange. But don't get too comfortable, because things are going to get tougher from here on out. I'll be putting in my full effort, and if you want any chance of winning, I suggest you do the same.”

Assuming a stance, Tatsuya crouched down with his left leg extended behind him and his right leg bent at the knee. He held his sword in his right hand and positioned it diagonally in front of him with the tip pointing downward.

“Here I come!” Tatsuya announced before disappearing from his spot. Reiji widened his eyes in surprise, feeling his hairs stand up before he instinctively ducked, doing a split as a sword slashed at his initial position.

“Flexible, aren’t ya?” Tatsuya commented. Positioning his foot firmly on the ground, he swung his sword at Reiji who had already gotten up. Stepping back, he narrowly dodged the tip of his blade.

Tightening the grip on his spear, Reiji replied, “I have to be flexible in order to survive.”

Tatsuya grinned, pleased with Reiji's response. "Good answer," he said. "But let's see if you're as flexible in battle as you are in words."

"Do as you please," Reiji replied before rushing towards Tatsuya. Spinning his spear in an intricate and complex pattern, Reiji advanced, his footwork light and nimble as he ran across the hard and sturdy ground.

Tatsuya smirked and taunted Reiji as he approached, "Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you come right to me?" But Reiji remained focused and ignored his words, his eyes narrowing as he quickly slashed his sword vertically toward Tatsuya's head.

Tatsuya moved quickly, sidestepping the attack with ease. Before he could even comment on Reiji's failed attempt, a foot appeared out of nowhere, striking him hard in the face. The impact sent Tatsuya flying back a full two meters, his body slamming hard into the ground.

Reiji yanked his spear out of the ground and turned to face Captain Meld. "That isn't against the rules, right?" 

Captain Meld, who had been momentarily stunned by Reiji's action, snapped out of it and replied, "Nope. I've already stated the rules, and as such, you're safe."

Nodding to himself, Reiji kept his focus on Tatsuya. He knew that his attacks would not inflict much damage on an experienced fighter like him, but he also recognized this as an opportunity to learn. Reiji had gained some insight into Tatsuya's style and realized that it would be best to incorporate some of it into his own style soon.

There was no point in hiding his proficiency with the spear since everyone in the class already knew about it. As for his strength, it had been stated that all the heroes had their strength multiplied by ten upon arriving, but Reiji was still holding back a bit. 

He didn't want to reveal that he was stronger than the Hero himself and give the enemy more information. Ultimately, Reiji knew that the most powerful weapon in this world was magic, and as long as he possessed it, he would be able to hold his own.

As the dust settled, Tatsuya appeared from it, rolling his shoulders and popping his neck. "You really do have a lot of strength," he remarked with a slight laugh, but then his expression turned serious. "I've already said this, but I'll say it again. From now on, I'll be going all out at 100%."

Saying nothing, Reiji shot from his spot and appeared in front of Tatsuya who was already positioned accordingly. With his spear overhead, he slammed it down upon Tatsuya’s who just parried it to the right.

Taking advantage of his own momentum, Reiji twirled his spear behind his back and switched his grip, now holding it with his left hand as he swung it at Tatsuya's head. 

Once again, Tatsuya blocked the attack, and in one fluid motion, he used the momentum to kick the spear toward the ground and then stepped on it, using it as a platform to launch himself toward Reiji and deliver a powerful kick to his chest.

Reiji's eyes widened in shock as he felt the full impact of Tatsuya's kick, sending him back even further than he had anticipated. Gasping for air, Reiji managed to dodge Tatsuya's next strike just in time.

Quickly recovering, Reiji positioned his forearms on the ground and pushed himself up to his feet. He then jumped back to create some distance between himself and Tatsuya before tightly gripping his spear and assuming a stance.

Tatsuya continued his pursuit, leaping into the air and preparing to strike Reiji with a powerful blow as he readied his stance. "This is the end!" Tatsuya yelled as he brought his sword down.

Locking eyes with Tatsuya, Reiji's gaze became sharp as he suddenly shifted his stance. Spinning his spear in a counter-clockwise motion, he took a deep breath, clearing his mind of all distractions. The thoughts of Ishtar, the King, and the crowd faded away, leaving only Reiji, his spear, and his opponent in the present moment.

Reiji focused his mind as he prepared to execute his next move. ‘First Configuration:…’ he thought to himself as he aimed his spear toward his target. With a powerful thrust, the spear sliced through the air, extending past Tatsuya’s sword, and struck its intended mark with a satisfying thud, causing Tatsuya's shoulder to dislocate.

"Compass Needle," Reiji muttered under his breath, content that he had hit his target. However, his moment of triumph was short-lived as Tatsuya surprised him by quickly switching his sword to his other hand and launching an attack. 

Reacting quickly, Reiji dodged the swing and attempted to retaliate with a counter-attack. But Tatsuya was too fast. With his lightning-fast reflexes, he kicked Reiji in the abdomen, causing him to stagger back a few steps.

Recovering quickly, Reiji returned to his fighting stance, observing as Tatsuya realigned his shoulder with ease. "Not bad," Tatsuya complimented. "Not bad at all. However, if you believed that attack could take me down, you are sorely mistaken."

“I never expected it to stop you,” Reiji stated calmly. “I just wanted to get a hit in.”

Tatsuya smirked at that. “What are you going to do about it? You know that my skills, durability, and experience are greater than yours, so what will you do? Even the crowd doesn't believe you're going to win.”

“The spectators are irrelevant. They have no say or sway over my actions or decisions here. But since you want to bring up skills, have you gotten an idea of what type of person I am? After all, this is why you wanted to spar with me, isn't it?” Reiji taunted.

Without answering, Tatsuya charged at Reiji with even more ferocity than before. Bringing his sword down, he aimed it straight at Reiji, but the latter brought up his spear just in time to block the attack, bringing them to a standstill.

“Did I perhaps hit the mark?” Reiji taunted sarcastically. However, Tatsuya was undeterred and pushed more strength into his blow, striking down on Reiji once more. The force of the attack caused him to buckle and strain, almost buckling a knee to the ground.

"You talk too much for someone on the losing side," Tatsuya commented as he brought his sword up and roundhouse kicked Reiji in the chest, sending him flying towards the boundary line.

Contorting his body midair, Reiji twisted his waist, keeping his back straight and his grip on his spear tight. He used the force to spin and landed safely on the ground. As he picked up his spear, he gazed at Tatsuya's irritated expression. Suddenly, Reiji coughed up a bit of blood.

“It seems that I used a little too much force. Oh well, there are healers for a reason. As long as I don’t hurt him too badly, then I’ll be in the clear,” Tatsuya muttered as he glanced toward Captain Meld, who was frowning.

Checking his body, Reiji realized he had two broken ribs from the attack. Steadily standing back up, he gritted his teeth and grabbed his spear once more, facing Tatsuya. Although his body was tired and in pain, he knew that his endurance and durability had increased thanks to the mana coursing through his body.

"Wow, I must commend you. Standing up despite all that pain. Truly remarkable for a kid your age," Tatsuya complimented.

Taking a quick breath, Reiji replied, “This match isn’t over yet, you know? Neither one of us is unconscious or outside the boundary line.”

Slyly smiling, Tatsuya rested his sword on his shoulder in a relaxed position. “Then I just need to change that, don’t I?” Assuming a lunge position, Tatsuya spoke once more. “Don’t worry, Reiji. It won’t take too long.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that,” Reiji suddenly said. Everyone was confused, and rightfully so. To them, this match was over, and what Reiji was saying could be seen as nonsense.

Furrowing his brows in suspicion, Tatsuya asked, “What do you mean?” Only to be met with silence and a gesture from Reiji to come at him. Obliging, he dashed at Reiji with caution, something he hadn’t done once since the beginning of the match.

There was a dark, foreboding feeling he had gotten since he kicked Reiji in the chest. It unnerved him, to say the least. However, contrary to his expectations and the crowds, Reiji ran away from him. The action left everyone befuddled, except Tatsuya who laughed in glee.

“I don’t know what you're planning, but if it’s just a random goose chase then you should know…” Shooting off from the ground, he appeared next to Reiji. “I’m faster.”

Saying nothing, Reiji brandished his spear and slashed upward toward Tatsuya's head. Moving his head out of the way, Tatsuya dodged the attack. Not letting up, Reiji twirled his spear and delivered a horizontal slash at Tatsuya.

Contorting his body, Tatsuya moved his sword to his other hand and blocked the attack. However, due to his body being positioned uncomfortably, he couldn’t fully block it, allowing Reiji an opening to deliver a blow.

‘Fifth Configuration…’ Gripping his spear with one hand, Reiji spun it and delivered a diagonal slash at Tatsuya’s torso, only for it to be blocked. He kept up the attack, slightly jumping and swinging his spear in an uppercut, forcing Tatsuya's sword upward.

After landing on the ground, Reiji spun around, twirling his spear above his head and gripping it tightly as he swung it in a wide horizontal arc, before delivering another uppercut. Tatsuya barely managed to block the attack while trying to maintain his balance.

Using the momentum, he delivered consecutive attacks with the blunt side of his spear before finishing with a final blow using the tip, successfully breaking Tatsuya’s defense, and blowing him back a few feet unbalanced.

Sticking his spear into the ground, Reiji vaulted into a flip as he spun and contorted his body, gathering as much kinetic energy as possible before slamming his spear down on Tatsuya. The impact of picking up dust, slightly masking the audience from the fight.

Releasing his breath, Reiji muttered, "Chaotic Eclipse."

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