Arifureta: Dark Lord


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Reiji and Yue gathered the flesh from the vanquished scorpion and transported it to a secluded area on the floor. Utilizing his newly acquired proficiency in Earth Magic, Reiji skillfully fashioned a suitable dome to meet their needs. Additionally, he used the remains of the scorpion to summon another Shadow, his most formidable creation yet.

Transporting such a large quantity of meat was no easy task, but with Reiji giving Yue more of his blood to restore her energy, they teamed up to accomplish the feat. Together, their combined strength, bolstered by Yue's body-empowering magic, allowed them to successfully transport the vast amount of meat to Reiji's hideout.

Initially, Reiji had suggested using the room where Yue had been sealed as their new base, but she firmly rejected the idea. Understandably, after spending centuries trapped within those walls, she was tired of the sight and sought a change of environment.

Although they were currently confined to this floor until Reiji replenished his supplies, it was crucial for Yue's mental well-being to be away from that room.

Thus, they spent their time conversing and getting to know each other better as they scoured for supplies. "So that means you have to be at least 300 years old, right, Yue?" Reiji casually commented.

"It's rude to ask a girl her age," she glared angrily at Reiji. It seemed that even in parallel worlds, inquiring about a girl's age was considered taboo.

Sighing, Reiji responded, "I'm not asking, just stating." Based on Reiji's recollection, the vampires had been eradicated in a massive war that had engulfed the land 300 years ago.

It was likely that Yue had lost track of time during her imprisonment in the silent darkness, but it was reasonable to assume that she must have been at least that old. If she had been sealed at the age of around twenty, then she was probably much older than 300.

"Do all vampires live as long as you?" Reiji inquired.

"No," Yue replied, "I'm an exception. I don't age because of my regenerative powers."

According to her explanation, she had ceased to age ever since awakening to her powers at a young age. While average vampires could extend their lifespan by consuming the blood of other races, their longevity typically didn't exceed two hundred years.

As a point of comparison, humans in this world had an average lifespan of 70 years, while demons could live up to 120 years. Beastmen varied in lifespan depending on their specific race, with elves being able to live for centuries.

Yue's extraordinary abilities were attributed to her lineage as she had inherited the blood of the ancient atavistic vampires. This lineage had made her one of the strongest beings in the world during her time, and she had ascended to the throne at the remarkably young age of seventeen.

Furthermore, she discussed the details of her powers with Reiji, addressing his curiosity. According to her, she possessed perfect affinity with every element. However, she admitted to being less proficient in close-quarters combat.

Her preferred approach involved utilizing strengthening magic to enhance her physical abilities, enabling her to swiftly move around while unleashing spells at a rapid pace.

Even though she lacked finesse in close combat, her ability to shrug off wounds due to her innate regeneration, coupled with the overwhelming might of her spells, made her a formidable force capable of vanquishing most adversaries.

"Anyway... onto the most important question. Yue, do you have any idea where we are? Or any idea how to get back to the surface?" Reiji asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

"Unfortunately, I don't have a definite answer to that," Yue responded with a tinge of regret. It seemed that she, too, was uncertain about their precise location. However, her trailing off hinted at some knowledge she possessed. "According to legend, this labyrinth was constructed by one of the mavericks."

"Mavericks?" Reiji questioned, his curiosity piqued. It was an unfamiliar word to him, one that had not been mentioned in the library books or by anyone in the kingdom.

"They were rebels who sought to bring about the end of the world," Yue explained in her usual reserved manner. Her explanations always took time, but Reiji found himself absorbed in her words as he went about preparing dinner and smoking the meat for later.

According to the legends, there were seven descendants who conspired together to orchestrate the destruction of the world. However, their plans were thwarted by the gods, and they were forced to flee to the farthest reaches of the earth.

The places of their exile became known as the Seven Great Labyrinths, with the Great Orcus Labyrinth being one of them. It was rumored that the maverick who created this labyrinth resided in its deepest depths, which everyone else referred to as hell.

"...It's possible that there might be a path to the surface there, in the deepest part of the labyrinth," Yue hypothesized, her gaze fixed on Reiji as he built a fire.

"I see," Reiji murmured, carefully arranging the meat on a cleaned rock slate. "It's possible that there may be a teleportation circle at the end of the abyss. All we have to do is conquer the Labyrinth and find it."

"...Reiji, what are you doing here?" That was the question he had anticipated the most. After all, they were at the bottom of the abyss, the depths of hell where only monsters called home.

But that was just the beginning. One question led to another, cascading like a bursting dam. How could he control mana directly? How could he wield the special magic of monsters? How could he consume monster meat without suffering any ill effects? And the most pressing question of all, was he even human?

Glancing at Yue, Reiji pondered for a moment. ‘It shouldn't matter much if I answer these questions,’ he thought. Surrendering to her relentless inquiry, he patiently addressed each question, providing thorough explanations.

He began with the story of his summoning, followed by his conflict with the Holy Church, his descent into the abyss, his consumption of monster meat, and finally, his current presence here.

As their conversation continued, Reiji noticed tears streaming down Yue's face, and he became filled with worry. Gently wiping away her tears, he asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Sniffing, Yue tried to compose herself and said, "Reiji... you suffered so much... just like me..." Her tears were a reflection of her empathy toward Reiji's past experiences. Reiji found it somewhat surprising and even slightly amusing that she saw his trials and punishments as suffering. To him, they were tests and stepping stones toward a new purpose he had found in the abyss.

Smiling comfortingly, Reiji continued to pat Yue's head and reassured her, "Don't worry about it. That is all in the past now. There's no point in dwelling on it. My focus at the moment is finding a way out of here and achieving my goals."

Yue, still sniffling, closed her eyes, finding solace in Reiji's comforting gestures. However, her eyes widened in surprise when Reiji didn't mention his intention to return home.

"You're not planning to return home?" she questioned, her voice filled with curiosity and concern.

Raising an eyebrow, Reiji replied calmly, "Of course, I will eventually. However, at this moment, that is not my primary goal. There are unresolved matters that require my attention and answers I need to seek. And since you don't have a home to return to, you're more than welcome to accompany me if you wish."

Yue blinked, taken aback by his response. After a moment of hesitation, she timidly asked, "I can really come with you?" Her voice carried uncertainty, but her eyes glimmered with hope.

Reiji nodded, captivated by the beautiful smile that adorned Yue's face. It was a remarkable transformation from her previously impassive demeanor, and he couldn't help but find her absolutely stunning at that moment.

Returning his attention to the food he had prepared, Reiji asked, "Would you like some? Considering your regenerative abilities and invulnerability, I don't think the monster meat would have any adverse effects on you."

Noticing his gaze, Yue set the slate down and shook her head, saying, "I don't need any food."

"Is it because you drank my blood?" Reiji inquired. She nodded in response, explaining, "We can absorb nutrients through food as well, but blood is more efficient."

"I see," Reiji nodded, savoring the last bites of his meal. It consisted of scorpion meat, accompanied by the fruits harvested from the treants, and washed down with Ambrosia. It was a satisfying and nourishing dinner, excluding the monster meat, which was an acquired taste, to say the least.

Reiji hummed in thought, sensing a longing gaze from Yue. Glancing at her, he noticed her licking her lips as if eyeing prey. "Why are you staring at me as if I'm something to eat?" he asked, cautious about her intense gaze.

"Your blood tastes incredibly rich..." Yue trailed off, fixated on Reiji. Sighing, he revealed his neck to her, prompting her to approach and sink her fangs into his flesh, drinking his blood. After a short while, she withdrew, satisfied.

"You know," Reiji began as he prepared for the night, assigning some of his shadows to guard the area. He continued the conversation with Yue, making his point clear. "I'm not a blood bank. I don't possess regenerative abilities, and Ambrosia doesn't exactly replenish blood."

Nodding in acknowledgment, Yue responded, "I'll make sure to hold back." Reiji returned her nod before arranging their sleeping areas, using the fur of the numerous monsters he had defeated to create makeshift futons. With the glowstone safely stored away, they prepared for sleep and settled into their bedrolls.

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