Arifureta: Dark Lord

Job Class [1]

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Reiji rose early in the morning, a routine he had become accustomed to during his time in South Korea. As he got out of bed, he went through his familiar morning ritual before stepping into the inviting bathtub.

The warmth of the water enveloped his body, offering a soothing sensation that eased his sleeping muscles. With a contented sigh, he closed his eyes, allowing himself to fully relax in the comforting embrace of the water.

Reiji basked in the warmth of the water, letting his mind wander to the events of the previous day. He replayed the moment when he and his classmates were summoned to the other world, how they ended up causing discord within the class, and the shocking revelation that the Kingdom was being controlled by the Church. It added another layer of complexity to the already intricate situation.

Lost in his thoughts, Reiji contemplated the path he would need to navigate in this unfamiliar world. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together, and he realized that he would need to be cautious and strategic in his actions.

Reiji acknowledged that the decisions he made in this new world would undoubtedly have consequences. However, he also understood that it was up to him to navigate and mitigate those consequences. He couldn't control everything, but he could control his own actions and choices.

If he were to make a mistake, Reiji knew that he would have to accept the consequences and live with it.

After finishing his bath, Reiji stepped out of the bathtub and wrapped himself in a fluffy towel. He then headed back into the main room and spotted the training outfit that the kingdom had provided for him.

The clothes consisted of a white, sleeveless tunic paired with black pants featuring a red stripe running down the sides. The tunic had a high collar with a red ribbon tied around the neck and was designed to be comfortable and non-restrictive during training. Reiji quickly changed into the outfit and prepared himself for the day's training.

Reiji emerged from his room and made his way down the silent hallway, the rhythmic sound of his footsteps reverberating through the stillness, serving as a stark reminder of the early hour. With each step he took, his mind was consumed by thoughts of the mistake he had made the day before.

‘I shouldn't have done that in the dining room," Reiji thought to himself, sighing. ‘While I don't regret addressing the effects of war to my classmates, there was no reason to state my apathy towards this world and its inhabitants.’

He continued his train of thought, ‘I wasn't lying when I said I didn't care. It's the truth, after all. We had no knowledge that another world existed like this, and this world summoned us out of the blue and is now requesting us to join a war we had no knowledge about? While some may say it's morally wrong not to lend a hand in such a situation, I would call them fools.’

‘But that's beside the point,’ Reiji mused. ‘I could've just stayed silent and laid low, mindlessly agreeing with Kouki's idea of participating in the war and gathering information. But I don't trust the Kingdom nor the Church.’

‘And if they were to somehow want information about my capabilities, then I would either have to lie or refuse. But even then, it could attract attention towards me. There's no way to know if they have a means of detecting falsehood. It seems like there's no advantageous outcome for me, only minor benefits and drawbacks,’ Reiji pondered as he eventually reached the training grounds.

Reiji let out a sigh, knowing that his situation was not ideal. He had to be careful and make calculated decisions, or else, he could end up in a worse predicament.

The field was spacious, stretching about 100 square meters. In every direction, Reiji saw humanoid targets made of straw and wood, meant for the mages and soldiers to practice their combat skills with. It was a simple but effective training ground, allowing for the practice of a wide variety of techniques.

As Captain Meld noticed Reiji's presence, he raised his hand and waved in greeting, wearing a casual smile on his face. Reiji returned the greeting and took a walk around, examining the rest of the area.

After a few more minutes, the students finally arrived, following Kouki and Aiko like ducklings following their mothers. Most of them wore tense expressions, while others attempted to appear superficially calm.

All the students greeted Captain Meld and Reiji. It seemed that they had gotten over the facts Reiji stated and either accepted them or buried them. Whichever it was, Reiji wouldn't know, but he was relieved to see that his sacrifice meant something.

As Reiji was going through his revelation, Captain Meld proceeded to hand each of them a silver rectangle badge that fit perfectly in one hand, along with a sharp pin.

Captain Meld inquired, pointing towards the status plates, "Do you know what these plates do? They measure different parameters and provide quantified data for you. They also serve as identification cards."

"Just make sure you hang onto them tightly, alright? With these plates, you'll be fine even if you get lost somewhere," he continued, pausing for emphasis.

"If you examine one side of the plate, you'll notice a magic circle engraved on it. Use the needles I passed out to prick your finger and let some blood drip onto the circle. That will identify you as the owner of the plate."

"After that, when you say 'Open Status,' your current stats will be displayed on the plate. Oh, and don't bother asking me how it works. I've got no clue. These items are remnants from ancient eras."

"Artifacts?" Kouki asked, stumbling over the unfamiliar word.

"Artifacts refer to powerful magical items that we no longer have the technology to reproduce. They were supposedly all made during the age of the gods when the descendants of the creators still walked the earth."

"The status plates you all hold are also artifacts from that era, but they're the only artifacts that still see widespread use to this day. Most other artifacts are coveted national treasures, but there are enough of these plates that even average citizens own one. It's helpful since they serve as reliable identification."

"The artifacts that produce these still exist and are under the strict supervision and control of the Holy Church," Captain Meld explained.

The students all nodded in affirmation as they listened to his explanation. "Alright then. Everyone, do as I told you before, prick your fingers and let your blood come in contact with the magic inscription on the plaque." Captain Meld instructed.

Using the needle, Reiji pricked his finger and allowed a droplet of his blood to fall onto the plate. The plate immediately reacted, its woolen surface absorbing the blood and causing a bright amethyst color with a hint of black to spread across it.

As Captain Meld proceeded with his explanation of the plates, he unveiled that every individual possessed a distinct color of mana, and once their data was registered on the plates, the color would correspond.

The plates were highly reliable identification cards because the color of the plate and the color of the owner's mana were always the same.

‘What a beautiful color,’ Reiji thought to himself, a sense of amusement washing over him. The significance of the colors was not lost on him, and he had to admit that it was impressive. It also sparked a sense of wonder within him. What exactly was his power? And how would it manifest in his hands?

The mere thought of it excited Reiji, and he eagerly anticipated the moment when they would teach him about Mana. Observing his peers, Reiji noticed that Kouki's status plate had the expected pure white color. Ryutarou was a deep shade of green, Kaori's a light and delicate purple, and Shizuku's was a rich blue hue, resembling the color of lapis lazuli.

Captain Meld gave a wry smile and reminded the students not to forget to check their stats. "I know you all must be impressed, but don't forget to confirm your stats, okay?" Captain Meld reminded the students, bringing them back to reality. They quickly checked their stats and gave Meld a brief nod of acknowledgment.

Reiji returned his own gaze back down to his status plate. On it, he found written—



Name; Reiji Sukehiro — Age: 17 — Male — Level: 1

Job: Dark Lord

Strength: 130

Vitality: 120

Defense: 100

Agility: 110

Magic: 150

Magic Defense: 100

Magic/Skills: Language Comprehension, Physical Resistance, Dark Magic Efficiency, Spear Proficiency, Darkness Affinity, Darkness Manipulation, Increased Mana Recovery, Stealth, Image Composition, Necromancy, Shadow Manipulation, Detect Presence, Detect Magic, Dark Lords Haki



—the above information. Whistling in amazement at his stats and skills, a satisfied smile adorned Reiji's face. All the preparations he had made had paid off. Although he acknowledged that most of his skills came from his inherited power, it was now up to Reiji to master it.

"Everyone had a chance to check their stats? Great. Now, let me explain it to you from the beginning. First, we have your level. It indicates how much you have grown and is closely linked to your other stats."

"The maximum level is 100, which signifies the pinnacle of human capability. In other words, your current level indicates how much of your potential you have realized. Reaching level 100 means unlocking all of your latent abilities, and it's a rare feat that only a few people achieve," Meld explained.

Reiji's face contorted into a frown as he heard the statement. It implied that only humans were subject to a specific level cap, while other species' limits remained unknown. The concept of being constrained by limitations did not sit well with Reiji at all.

However, his initial dissatisfaction gradually dissipated, and he began to feel a sense of realization. As the true meaning of those parting words sank in, Reiji couldn't help but widen his eyes in realization. "Your potential is as deep as the abyss. Never limit yourself," he repeated to himself. It was a welcome surprise to such a problem, and Reiji felt grateful for it.

"Your statistics will naturally increase as you train. Additionally, you can use magic or magic-imbued items to raise your stats. Furthermore, those with a high magic stat will grow faster than others. Although we don't know exactly why, we assume it's because a person's mana assists in the growth of other stats."

"Later on, you will have the opportunity to select equipment that aligns with your stats. The items in our treasury will be at your disposal! After all, you are the heroes who are going to save our kingdom!"

Based on Captain Meld's explanation, it was clear that defeating a monster wouldn't magically increase one's stats. Instead, everyone had to rely on the old-fashioned way of training, which Reiji had no problem with.

"Moving on, do you see the little box that says 'job'? That refers to your natural aptitude. It is directly linked to the 'skills' box at the bottom, and your job determines the type of skills you can learn. However, few people possess a job."

"Jobs are split into combat-based and non-combat-based disciplines. Combat jobs are exceedingly rare. Only one in every thousand, or ten thousand depending on the job, people have a combat-based job."

"Non-combat jobs are technically rare too, but... well, one in every hundred people has one. Some of them are even prevalent enough that one in every ten individuals possesses one. There are many people who have jobs that are not combat or production-oriented."

Captain Meld proceeded to request the status badges of all the summoned individuals for inspection. As per usual, Kouki eagerly stepped forward and presented his badge to the captain.


Name; Kouki Amanogawa — Age: 17 — Male — Level: 1

Job: Hero

Strength: 100

Vitality: 100

Defense: 100

Agility: 100

Magic: 100

Magic Defense: 100

Magic/Skills: Elemental Affinity, Elemental Resistance, Physical Resistance, Advanced Sorcery, Swordsmanship, Superhuman Strength, Armor Proficiency, Foresight, Increased Mana Recovery, Detect Presence, Detect Magic, Limit Break, Language Comprehension


"Wow, you are truly a hero," exclaimed Captain Meld as he examined Kouki's badge. "Even at level 1, your stats are in the triple digits! Most people only acquire two or three skills, but you have surpassed the norm. You are a highly dependable hero!"

Kouki blushed and scratched his head in embarrassment as he accepted the captain's praise. Subsequently, the captain proceeded to review each summon's status badge and elucidate their respective job specialties. Although each individual possessed their own unique strength and expertise, there was one particular standout.

When Hajime approached Captain Meld with his status badge, the captain's excited expression quickly turned to confusion. He tapped the plate with his knuckles and inspected it closely as if trying to find an error. Eventually, he returned the badge to Hajime with a complicated look on his face.

"Um, well, you see... a Synergist is sort of like a blacksmith. It might be useful if you plan to open a forge, but otherwise..." Captain Meld stumbled through an inadequate explanation of Hajime's class.

Daisuke Hiyama sneered at Hajime and jeered, "Hey, Nagumo. You didn't seriously get a non-combat job, did you? How is a blacksmith going to fight monsters? Meld, is this Synergist thing a rare job?"

"No, not really. One in ten people has the class. All the craftsmen employed by the kingdom have it," Captain Meld replied.

"Give me a break, Nagumo. You're going to fight with something like that?" Hiyama taunted, folding his arms. Hajime surveyed the room and noticed that most of his classmates, particularly the boys, were laughing at him. Except for Reiji, that is.

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