Arifureta: Dark Lord


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Time itself seemed to slow down as Hajime watched Reiji plummet into the depths of the earth, his eyes filled with despair. The moments they had shared during their training in the kingdom were some of the most cherished memories of his life. 

Despite not knowing much about Reiji personally or the extent of his abilities, Hajime regarded him as a friend, a brother, and someone he could wholeheartedly trust. Reiji, without any obligation or necessity, had chosen to train and support Hajime, a gesture that filled him with eternal gratitude. 

Despite Reiji's typically cold and blunt demeanor, he had never belittled Hajime or mocked his struggles. Instead, he offered valuable advice and guidance, helping Hajime find solutions to his issues and problems.

But what struck Hajime the most were the moments they had shared within the treacherous Labyrinth. Reiji had consistently been his guardian, watching over him and safeguarding his back. Even in the midst of perilous battles, Reiji would offer valuable insights and tips to enhance Hajime's combat prowess. 

However, it was the pivotal moment when Reiji selflessly handed him the mana pill, the very lifeline he needed to protect himself in that very last moment.


Hajime's anguished cry pierced through the air as he witnessed the devastating turn of events. Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions—anger, frustration, and profound sadness—he pounded the ground repeatedly with clenched fists. Each punch was a release of pent-up despair and a desperate attempt to vent his overwhelming feelings. 

Tears streamed down his face as he poured his heartache into the earth beneath him. Seeing Hajime's torment, Kaori rushed to his side, her tears mingling with his. She enveloped him in a tight embrace, providing solace and support in this moment of deep sorrow. 

"Sorry, Nagumo-kun," Kaori whispered through her tears, her voice filled with genuine remorse. She held him tighter as if trying to shield him from the pain. "It's not your fault. None of this is your fault. We all did what we could to protect each other, and Reiji—“

Shaking his head in denial, Hajime choked out his words, his voice trembling with guilt. "It... It is my fault! I... I shouldn't have taken that last mana pill. I should have given it back to him. If I had, then he would've been able to protect himself and make it back safely. It's all my fault!"

Tears continued to stream down Kaori's face as she held him tighter, her own heart heavy with sorrow and pain. She understood the weight of his words and shared in his anguish. 

"Hajime, I... I know how you feel. I'm hurting too. But please, don't blame yourself. Reiji made that choice willingly because he cared about you. He wanted to protect you, just as you wanted to protect him. We all did what we thought was best at that moment."

Amidst the uncertainty and confusion, the onlookers found themselves at a loss for what to do. It was then that Captain Meld approached Kaori and Hajime with firm determination. Without hesitation, he delivered a swift chop to the back of Hajime’s neck.

A momentary spasm coursed through Hajime's body, and he slumped into unconsciousness. Kaori, quick to react, caught him before he hit the ground, her eyes filled with anger as she glared at Captain Meld. However, before Kaori could voice her disapproval, Shizuku intervened, inserting herself into the situation.

"Sorry. And thank you," Shizuku expressed sincerely.

"I... don't deserve your thanks. But I cannot allow anyone else to die. Everyone, we're heading back to the surface as fast as possible... I'll leave him in your care," Captain Meld responded with determination.

Turning towards Kaori, Shizuku hugged her tightly, tears welling up in her eyes. "Come on, Kaori, we need to get out of here. We can talk about our next steps once we're above ground. Captain Meld intervened to stop Hajime from harming himself."

Turning towards the approaching Kouki she continued: 

"Hajime's grief might have affected the entire class's morale, and more importantly, someone had to stop him before he hurt himself... Now get your butt up front and open a path for us. You have to take the lead until we all make it out of this... Nagumo-kun said the same thing, remember?" 

Reluctantly, Kouki nodded in agreement with Shizuku's words. "You're right, let's get out of here," Kouki affirmed, ready to lead the way.

One of their classmates had died right in front of their eyes. That had shaken the whole class a great deal. Everyone was staring at the chasm where the bridge had been in a daze. A few of the students even sat down where they were, proclaiming things like “I’m done with this crap!” Just as Hajime had told Kouki earlier, they needed a leader to guide them.

Kouki turned to his classmates and raised his voice. “Everyone! Right now we need to focus on surviving! We have to retreat!” His words slowly spurred the class into action.

The magic circles continued to spew out more Traum Soldiers, gradually replenishing their numbers. Engaging them head-on would be perilous, and at this point, there was no need for further combat. Kouki shouted as loudly as he could, urging his classmates to press onward.

Captain Meld and the other knights also endeavored to instill vigor and determination in the students. Eventually, everyone reached the staircase. It stretched on for what seemed like an eternity, disappearing into darkness, obscuring its destination. Based on their pace, they had likely ascended over thirty floors already.

Even with the aid of body-strengthening magic, fatigue began to weigh heavily on the students. The earlier battle had left them partially exhausted, and the seemingly endless darkness of the staircase drained their willpower.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the familiar sight of the main gate and receptionist's desk came into view. Although they had only been gone for less than a day, it felt like an eternity since they last laid eyes on it.

Relief washed over the students as they stepped outside, their exhaustion temporarily forgotten. Some collapsed on the ground just outside the gate, sprawled out with arms and legs spread wide. Most of them were simply grateful to have returned in one piece.

None of the students felt like exploring Horaud, so they all returned to the inn. Some of them chatted with each other, but most of them just went straight to sleep, burned out by the events of the day.


Within the Holy Church of the Heligh Kingdom, a hooded figure knelt before Ishtar, wearing a sinister grin that hinted at a twisted satisfaction. Ishtar himself mirrored the expression, his face exuding contentment. With a lifted hand, the hooded figure stood up from the ground and began delivering his report.

The hooded figure's voice cut through the eerie silence, each word dripping with a sinister tone. "Reporting. The mission has been accomplished. Reiji Sukehiro... is now dead," they declared.

"Have you been compromised? How did you eliminate him, and are there any indications left behind?" Ishtar inquired, his voice laced with a chilling undertone. If the figure had been detected he wouldn't hesitate to dispose of him.

Shaking his head vehemently, the hooded figure denied any detection. "No one noticed a thing. With the chaos caused by the Behemoth and the Traum Soldiers, their attention was completely diverted. I skillfully employed Wind Magic to propel Reiji backward, causing him to fall into the Labyrinth."

"Excellent," Ishtar praised, his voice filled with satisfaction. "Your last-minute inclusion proved to be fortuitous, Tatsuya. Not only did you achieve your revenge, but you also helped me eliminate a potential enemy."

Removing his hoodie, Tatsuya wore a smug grin as he addressed Ishtar. "I express my gratitude to Your Excellency for involving me in this endeavor. However, if I may inquire, why did you abandon your pursuit of controlling Reiji? Initially, you seemed determined to gain information about him, so I assumed you wouldn't allow him to slip through your fingers. What caused this change of heart?"

Gazing at Tatsuya with a disdainful expression, Ishtar retorted, "It's no wonder Reiji considered you a nuisance. You seem oblivious to your own insignificance. However, since I happen to be in a rather benevolent mood, I suppose I can entertain your question."

Frustrated by Ishtar's insult, Tatsuya tightly clenched his fists behind his back, though he managed to maintain his composure as he attentively listened to Ishtar's response.

"I gave up on trying to control him because of his false information," Ishtar began, causing Tatsuya to raise an eyebrow and mutter "false information" under his breath. Ignoring the remark, Ishtar continued.

"As you know, Captain Meld's Job Class is that of a Paladin. However, despite having considerable talent in magic, he is not as attuned as others. He lacks the {Detect Magic} skill, which is why he couldn't perceive the illusion cast on Reiji's Status Plate," Ishtar explained.

"Wait, Reiji revealed his Status Plate?" Tatsuya asked in shock. Ishtar waved his hand dismissively, giving Tatsuya a stern glare to avoid interrupting, and proceeded to answer.

"You were unaware of this due to your request for assistance at the Adventurer's Guild. In any case, it was Ayame, our initial spy, who discovered this tactic. However, she couldn't obtain the specific details of his actual Status information because he had prepared for any countermeasures, such as Captain Meld's instincts or the presence of potential spies.”

“The boy is smart, I'll give him that, but he's naive. He doesn't fully comprehend the dark side of the world, and as such, he perished. He assumed that I would keep him alive due to his status as a hero but failed to realize my desire for control.”

"And if he remains outside my control, it's better for him to be deceased before he becomes too powerful to deal with," Ishtar finished, leaning back into his throne.

Tatsuya stood there in shock. Ishtar had disposed of a powerful ally simply because he desired control? Tatsuya understood the value of having control over a group of formidable individuals, but eliminating someone who displayed the most potential among them seemed like a significant loss in terms of manpower.

"Ah, yes. Tatsuya, I forgot to mention this," Ishtar called out, his gaze fixed on Tatsuya. Showing his respect, Tatsuya promptly knelt on the floor and responded, "Yes, Your Excellence. What is it that you desire?"

"It's not something I desire, but rather an order," Ishtar began, his gaze piercing as he locked eyes with Tatsuya. The atmosphere grew tense as he delivered a stern warning. 

"I strongly advise that everything discussed here remains confidential. If any rumors were to circulate, you will be held responsible and face swift consequences. Nod if you understand."

With a cold sweat running down his back, Tatsuya nodded in acknowledgment. Ishtar's grin widened as he waved his hand in dismissal. "Good. You may leave."

Nodding once more, Tatsuya swiftly exited the premises, leaving the room enveloped in silence.


~Horaud Town~

It had been two days since Reiji's tragic fall, and the Hero's Party found itself in a less-than-optimal state. Morale among the group was noticeably low, and a tense and fearful atmosphere hung in the air. 

Witnessing such a devastating event involving their classmate had a profound impact on everyone, intensifying the somber mood. Adding to the distress, Hajime remained unconscious, his body overwhelmed by a combination of injuries, mana exhaustion, and emotional trauma. 

The weight of these burdens had plunged him into a deep slumber from which he had yet to awaken. Taking turns tending to his bedside, Kaori dedicated herself to his care, accompanied by occasional visits from Shizuku when Kaori's exhaustion became evident.

It wasn’t until now that Hajime awoke from his deep slumber, his eyes gradually fluttering open to the gentle illumination of the room. As his senses returned, he cautiously lifted his stiff body from the bed, feeling a slight headache coming on. 

Instinctively, Hajime reached for his head, his grip tightening as the memories of recent events flooded back, including the moment when Captain Meld had rendered him unconscious. Just as he was about to rise from the bed, a shattering sound of glass echoed in the room, catching Hajime's attention. 

His gaze lifted to find Kaori standing there, her hand covering her mouth, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Hastening to his side, she offered her support, helping him to sit up slightly as Hajime inquired, "Where are we?"

"We're inside the inn in Horaud Town," Kaori replied, her voice filled with concern. "How are you feeling, Nagumo-kun? Are you experiencing any pain or discomfort?" she asked, her worry evident in her eyes.

"Shirasaki," Hajime called out, interrupting her barrage of questions. "Is it true? Did Reiji really fall into the Labyrinth? It was just a dream, right?"

The questions wiped the smile off Kaori's face, and she fell silent. The silence confirmed to Hajime that it wasn't just a dream. "Can you give me some space for a while?" Hajime requested, his tone reflecting his lack of energy and desire to engage in conversation. He was in no condition or mood to socialize or do much of anything.

Nodding, Kaori rose from her seat and turned to leave. However, before departing, she placed a notebook on the lamp table beside Hajime. She explained:

"This notebook belongs to Reiji. On the night we left your room, he asked me to give it to you in case something happened to him. I'm going now, but Nagumo—no, Hajime, you don't have to face this alone. I'm here for you if you need someone."

As she opened the door to depart, a faint whisper escaped Hajime's lips, "Thank you, Kaori." With a soft smile and a blush on her cheeks, she closed the door, leaving Hajime alone with his thoughts.

Letting out a sigh, Hajime leaned back against the bed frame and cast his gaze upon the notebook. With a hint of hesitation, he reached out and started flipping through its pages. 

The initial ones displayed various designs related to spears and weaponry, but one page, in particular, grabbed his attention. It was a letter addressed to Hajime, written by Reiji himself.

“Dear Hajime,”

“If you are reading this, then I am either missing or, perhaps, deceased. It feels strange to write such a message, doesn't it? However, I believe it is essential to compose this letter in case such a situation ever arises.”

“Similar to Kaori, I have also been plagued by unsettling premonitions and have sensed that something significant is about to happen. Hence, I decided to write this letter.”

“First off, I am going to say this bluntly and clearly: It isn't your fault. I'm not sure what may have happened, but without a doubt, I know you would blame yourself for it. You are too nice and selfless to do otherwise. If I made such a decision, then it's my fault and mine alone. I don't need your pity or sympathy.”

Wryly smiling at Reiji's comment, he continued reading. He was aware of Reiji's blunt and straightforward nature, and Hajime had always found it somewhat amusing, considering Reiji's secretive disposition.

"Now that we have that settled, let's delve into the core of the matter. Hiyama was spying on us the night Kaori came over. I'm not entirely sure of his intentions back then, but I want you to remain cautious regardless.”

“Anything can happen, and I want you to be prepared. Don't repeat the same mistakes I made. I have left behind my custom creative training courses and trustworthy instructors within the kingdom to aid in your training. Hajime, you're a strong individual; don't let my disappearance affect you.”

As Hajime continued reading, tears welled up in his eyes, staining the pages of the notebook. The next line, however, brought a smile to his face. It was uncharacteristic of Reiji, given his reserved nature, but at that moment, Hajime didn't mind. It lifted his mood and filled him with a sense of hope.

"Besides, who's to say I'm dead? After all, I am the strongest."

“P.S: Confess to Kaori already.”

Overwhelmed by a mix of emotions, Hajime couldn't help but blush and burst into laughter, feeling a sense of fulfillment. He made a firm decision to believe in Reiji and strive to surpass his expectations. 

The recent events undoubtedly left a profound impact on Hajime. The old version of himself had perished, and in its place, a renewed Hajime would emerge. Even though he wouldn't follow the canon counterpart of himself, he was determined to rise to the pinnacle and stand by Reiji's side as a brother.

It made him wonder what situation was Reiji dealing with right now.

Meanwhile with Reiji:


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