Arcane Innovator

Chapter 95: Mysterious Message

'Now, all that is left are a few willing workers to help us with the potion... ehm, the enhanced elixir production, and we can finally start making some real money.' I thought pleasantly as I was leaving the Fortress.

I was just thinking about how to go about the next step of my plan when I bumped into someone. 'Huh?' I blinked a few times, wondering how it could happen, as I was pretty sure I always kept track of my environment even when submerged in my thoughts.

But then I instantly became alert as it became quite apparent the person in question must have bumped into me on purpose. I squinted at the small figure in front of me as I hurriedly patted myself down, ensuring that all my belongings were still with me.

However, when I took a better look at the perpetrator, I paused as in front of me stood an unassuming old woman with a kind face.

'Huh? Why would someone like her bump into me?' I was left staring at her in utter bewilderment. It was evident that she didn't try to rob me or do anything.

In fact, she was simply standing there with a small smile on her face before theatrically falling down on her knees.

"Ah! Honourable Sir, please forgive this old woman her transgression. My eyes are getting bad, and I couldn't see the road very well." She loudly pleaded with her head lowered to the ground.

This situation was getting weirder and weirder by the second. 'What is her reason for doing all this?' I wondered but decided to forget my curiosity and quickly get out of there as a small crowd of onlookers was already forming around, pointing their fingers at us.

'Whatever it is you are trying to accomplish here, I'm not interested as I have enough problems as it is...' were my last thoughts before I quickly tried to move past her.

But right as I was squeezing through, she suddenly grabbed the hem of my sleeve, and before I could react, she slipped a small piece of paper into my hand.

She then quickly stood up and disappeared into the crowd of people. I couldn't help but blink a few times as I was left standing there wondering what all this was about.

I moved out of the way of the ongoing traffic and hurriedly examined the piece of paper she had left me. I realized it was some sort of message.

'Why did she play such theatrics just to give me a message? She could simply give it to me normally...' I shook my head as I placed the message into my pocket and continued walking like nothing had happened.

Before I looked at it, I wanted to get someplace safe and quiet as I knew it surely wasn't any regular message since she went through all that trouble just to give it to me.

I left the Fortress and continued until I arrived in a secluded alleyway a short distance from the main road. I carefully unwrapped the meticulously folded list of paper and began reading.

I couldn't help but furrow my brows as soon as I managed to read the first few words. It was written in a very crude way, almost like it was written by a child's hand or, more likely, a person who only recently learned how to write. Right then, a subtle smile appeared on my face as I finally realized who had sent it.

It was from none other than my fellow Aspirant Jenny, from whom I hadn't heard anything from when we attended Sir Roderick's party together. Finished with the letter, I first employed my magic sense again to check I was truly alone before quickly extending my hand with the said letter placed on top of my palm.

I then simply focused my essence and burned it until nothing but ashes remained. Throwing one last look at the grains of dust fluttering in the wind, I promptly exited the alley while trying my best to maintain a poker face. However, inwardly, I was far from calm.

The content of the letter was very peculiar, to say the least... In general, what Jenny wanted was to meet with me. That, of course, by itself wouldn't be anything too outrageous.

In fact, I was still mildly curious about her and all the information she could provide me about the venerable Sir Roderick and what he was teaching her about magic.

Still, the way she wanted to meet was as far from ordinary as one could get. She asked me to meet her at midnight at a particular place within the Fortress. Not suspicious at all...

It would mean breaking into the Fortress at night - something which was strictly forbidden. During the night, the Fortress was all but closed shut while being under heavy guard with no civilians allowed.

Of course, sneaking in would be pretty easy for someone like me. All I needed to do was manipulate the air around me to help lift me over the walls during the changing of the guards. But if something went wrong and I got caught inside after dark without permission, it would be pretty tough to explain...

I couldn't help but wonder if this was some sort of trap, but despite going through every possible scenario in my head, I couldn't think of how getting caught inside would benefit Jenny in any way.

Not to mention, she didn't come across as someone who would be skilled in intrigues and subterfuge. Thus, I decided to risk it and meet with her.

My reasoning was simple. Even if it is a trap, no one knows about my magic sense, so I would be able to notice any kind of ambush from a mile away...


'Alright, time to go look for some orphans...' I thought as I put on my poor man disguise. I then carefully hid my face under a plain-looking hood before promptly exiting the mansion by a side entrance heading for the Northern Quarter.

It was shortly after noon, and I had just had a quick lunch. I would love to enjoy some afternoon rest, but I needed to deal with this as soon as possible since we were scheduled to start delivering elixirs to Isadora within a few days.

Thus, with a sense of purpose, I diligently trodded along the cobblestone streets. I decided to follow my original plan to try to employ several orphans as I'm sure they would be much easier to manage than adults and less likely to betray me.

Before long, I arrived at my destination and began looking around the familiar streets. I knew plenty of orphans were busy drawing water in various groups around the public wells. Sadly, here in the quarter, there were very few work opportunities for them besides running simple errands and drawing water.

This meant that the majority of them would turn to crime long before they grew up joining the various gangs in the slums and surrounding areas.

I already came across several boys who joined Dominic's gang, running errands for them and slowly working their way up the gang's hierarchy, hoping to one day join as a full member - if they lived long enough, that is.

I wandered the streets of the Northern Quarter for some time, looking at the kids hanging out by the public wells. So far, I haven't discovered anyone who caught my eye. All of them were either too violent or simple-minded to do the type of tasks I had in mind.

But as I was coming close to the center of the quarter, not too far from the fountain where Old Martha was selling her vegetables, I stumbled upon a particular scene.

"Mister, please, a little food for my sister..." A young boy, around ten years old, passionately pleaded.

"Get lost!" The middle-aged man the boy had just approached shouted angrily and kicked the poor boy, who instantly bent over, holding his stomach in visible pain.

Such sights were quite common in this part of the city. But what caught my attention was the articulate way the boy was speaking, which was rare in this part of the city. Most people here spoke in a rough, vernacular way, making the residents of the Northern District very distinctive compared to the rest of the residents.

The way he was talking suggested there was more to him than what meets the eye. Not to mention the little girl cowering behind him...

'Ah, this is perfect!' I thought pleasantly. A small boy with a starving little sister. On top of it, she even looks quite pale, suggesting some sort of illness. And by the look of things, he is apparently very attached to her and also quite protective, given all that he is willing to suffer through for her sake.

So if I, for example, healed and fed her, he would undoubtedly be very grateful to me. And in my generosity, I could even suggest they can both stay in my house where I can keep his sister safe and well-fed, while also ensuring that she stays healthy - as long as he works for me, that is.

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