Arcane Innovator

Chapter 89: A Brand New Product

'Well, I think I can start...' I thought as I looked at the large pile of Wormvine before me.

Honestly, I didn't even know we had such a large amount growing in our garden, but at least I didn't have to look for it outside the city. I had no idea how much of it I would need, so I took a whole pile just in case.

'Alright, so how to go about it?' I wondered as I curiously examined the unassuming ivy-like stems. Back in Isadora's shop, we simply plucked out the leaves and discarded the rest. Then we merely ground everything in a mortar, and we were done.

However, I'm only interested in the color, not its medicinal properties, so I think it would be better to simply boil the whole thing and extract it that way.

As I said, I also did, and before long, the whole basement was permeated by a strong herbal scent somewhat different from a typical umbrifila one.

I let it simmer for a while as I observed the color of the water rapidly changing into a bright green one. 'Oh, yeah, this will be perfect...' I thought pleasantly as I stirred it.

When the color of the solution settled and didn't change any further, I removed the herbs from the cauldron. I promptly discarded them before they could smear everything they touched in green.

I was left with a cauldron full of dark green, almost black water. Of course, I couldn't add it as it is, as that would dilute the potion too much.

I could simply let the water boil off, but that would be risky as exposing it to too much heat could degrade the color. So, I instead opted to let it evaporate naturally, the same way the sea salt is made.

Since I didn't have suitable canisters in the basement, I went to the kitchen, where I borrowed several shallow pans and spread the liquid into them thinly.

I nodded happily as this way, the water would be able to quickly evaporate, and I could then simply scoop up what was left at the bottom.

But since I just wanted to test it out, I didn't feel like waiting until it evaporated naturally, so I employed my magic, quickening the whole process, and it took only a few minutes instead of hours.

What was left was a fine green dust, which I scooped into a jar. 'Perfect...' Now we are talking. I smiled as I curiously observed it.

All that was left was to test it out in the potion itself. I let Theo rest and decided to brew a batch myself, as I didn't want to give him false hope if it didn't work. After all, the potion's red color was a work of magic, so I wasn't sure if it would even be possible to alter it.

Thus, I started brewing like I did multiple times before. Now, the whole process was getting increasingly familiar. With each consequent batch of potions, I was getting better at it.

Before not even an hour had passed, I had the umbrifila elixir done, and it was time to move to the essence infusion.

After the infusion was done, then came the moment of truth. I carefully moved the opened jar with the coloring toward the top of the vessel as I didn't want to spill anything, as it would be a real chore to clean it afterward.

Mentally preparing myself, I quickly opened the top vent, instantly hearing the unmistakable sizzling of the escaping carbon dioxide as I hurriedly dropped the contents of the small jar into the vessel and then rapidly closed it while hoping the preservation enchantment would hold up.

After it was done, I simply touched the wall of the vessel. I focused on the liquid inside, taking control of it before gently circulating it around to properly mix it all together. Now, the only thing remaining was to see if it worked or not. Full of curiosity, I quickly filled up one vial and looked at it.

'Hmm, interesting...' I thought, eagerly examining the potion. It still had the distinctive red tinge of a potion, as that was the manifestation of magic, so it was impossible to get rid of completely.

However, a broad smile spread across my face as the underlying color was now distinctly yellow.

'Holy... It worked!' I widened my eyes, being pleasantly surprised. Then, I simply chuckled while shaking my head. 'If Wormvine was too weak to alter its color, then I couldn't think of anything else that could...'

Still, the test was not yet done. I also needed to know if the potion still worked as it should. Thus, I uncorked it and cautiously sniffed it. I smelled nothing unusual, so I quickly took a small sip.

At first impression, I didn't find anything out of the ordinary, but then I froze. 'Wait... this taste...' The potion's regular sweetness was drowned out by a distinctive herbal taste. It was very peculiar, almost pepperminty. It definitely tasted nothing like a normal potion would.

A victorious smile slowly crept up my face. 'This is it...' Now, nobody can claim it is a healing potion. 'Still the taste...' Feeling slightly confused, I immediately took another sip.

'Hmm, it's sweet and fizzy but also quite herbal... It tastes almost like a cola. A little bit of ice, and I could imagine myself sipping on it all day long.' I mused as I slowly rolled the peculiar liquid on my tongue.

However, right then, I couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Hahaha! I know! I'm gonna call it an Umbricola!"

So it came to be that on that auspicious day in late Autumn, in a hidden underground laboratory within the city of Ereneth, a new type of elixir came into existence - an elixir that would one day take the whole world by storm.


After I filled the rest of the vials and cleaned everything up, I went right to Theo's room to tell him the happy news that I figured out a way out of this mess we throw ourselves into.

I gave him one vial to test, and he instantly widened his eyes. "This... How did you make this? It looks and tastes nothing like a potion would, yet it still works just fine."

I chuckled, seeing his bewildered face. "I added a certain rare secret ingredient, and with a little bit of magic, it somehow worked."

Theo looked at me suspiciously but didn't say anything; instead, he asked. "So, how will we sell them now that I can no longer use my mark?"

I looked at him confidently. "That's very simple. We won't be selling them as potions but as a new type of elixir through the city's herbalists, thus outside the purview of the Guild and their meddling."

Theo seemed to think about it briefly before saying, "That's a pretty clever idea. You're right. They wouldn't be able to come after us like that. Still, are you sure it's a good idea? They won't let something like this slide..."

"I have no idea what will happen. We just have to make our move and then wait and see how the chancellor will react." I replied before a broad grin appeared on my face, and I quickly added. "What's the worst that can happen?"

Theo instantly paled while hurriedly exclaiming, "Don't jinx us!"

I simply waved my hand while chuckling and continued, "Oh, right! I almost forgot. I'd like you to accompany me tomorrow to go and see my former master, Isadora. I want to showcase to her our new elixir. Since you dealt with her quite regularly before, you might have an easier time convincing her to try it out."

"Sure, that's not a problem." He nodded.

"Great then. See you later." I waved him farewell and went to my room for a quick dress change out of my work clothes before it was time for lunch.

For the rest of the day, I decided to finally seek out Lily and catch up with my magic studies. Since she was very expensive and I had to pay her every day even if I didn't study, I had no time to idle.

I was so engrossed in it that I almost missed dinner. When I hurriedly arrived at the dining hall, the main course was already being served, and both Helga and Bernadette threw me disapproving looks.

I showed an awkward smile as I quickly apologized for the late arrival. But as I was taking my seat at the head of the table, Bernadette informed me I received a message.

I tensed up, worrying it might be another Guild plot, but to my relief, the letter was from Aunt Ingrid. She briefly informed me that my father would arrive in the city on the last day of the market.

'Oh, I almost forgot about that, too!' I realized with horror. We always met at my uncle's this time of the year as I couldn't possibly invite him to my tiny room when I used to live in the Northern Quarter.

But then I smiled as now the situation was quite different. 'Hmm, I could also invite him for dinner here instead of simply greeting him.' I thought while throwing a covert glance at my sister. 'Yes, having a family dinner after so long would be quite nice...'

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