Arcane Innovator

Chapter 7: Mastering the Elements

When we returned to our humble village from the city, I couldn't help but notice that the days grew shorter and colder.

The winter was coming, and we needed to prepare. I was eager to lend a helping hand to my family as we prepared for the long winter ahead.

We worked tirelessly, stacking wood and preserving food, ensuring that we had enough supplies to last us through the harshest months of the year.

As the winter winds howled outside, I celebrated my fourth birthday in the safety of our home.

Even though I was still just a child, I had already grown accustomed to this strange world. Thoughts of Earth, my former home, began to fade away like a distant memory as I focused on learning about the magic and customs of this place.

As winter held us tightly in its icy grip, we waited for the arrival of spring with bated breath. The winter was harsh, as usual, and our village was blanketed with snow and ice. We hunkered down in our small home, doing our best to stay warm and safe.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the first signs of spring began to bloom. The trees started to bud, and the flowers peeked out from beneath the melting snow.

It was then that my mind turned to the conversation I had with the herbalist, Isadora, in the city.

She had told me about the herb umbrifila, which grew in the forest. If I could gather enough of it, I could sell it for a hefty price.

The thought of being able to make lots of money filled me with excitement, and I couldn't wait to start searching for the herb.

On the first sunny day of spring, I bolted out of the house, eager to start my search. But before that, I needed to record my progress with magic to see how much my abilities had improved after the winter.

I then once again gathered some pebbles and shot them across the stream with my [Stone Bullet] spell.

The result:



Name: [Darian]

Race: [Human]

Age: [4 years]


Mana: 10 --> 22


Spells: [Stone bullet], [Small flame]


I think my power is growing nicely, I thought as I sat on the ground, exhausted. But how could I find out if it's good enough?

I still didn't stumble upon anyone else who could use magic, so I can't compare my progress with anybody else's. Helga said that only nobles can use magic, but I can't just come up to a random noble and ask him about magic.

After a while of pondering about this, my strength recovered, and I decided to not worry about it and just train as much as I can and then see for myself when the time comes.

I then jumped across the stream and went into the forest to look for Umbrifila.

After a day of wandering through the dense forest, I finally managed to collect a bounty of 21 umbrifila herbs. I was pleased with my success.

Since most of the villagers are afraid to go inside the woods, no one apparently gathers them here. With my trusty knife, I carefully dug up the herbs, ensuring that their roots remained intact.

After removing the excess soil, I sat down to examine my haul. The delicate green leaves and stems of the herbs sprawled out in front of me, releasing a fragrant aroma that tantalized my senses.

I then sat on the ground, wondering, 'How am I supposed to dry them?'

I can't bring them home and hang them there unless I want my parents to find out about my adventures in the forest, which I'm forbidden to come near.

Rabbits can possibly wander near our house for me to catch them, but these herbs grow only in forests, so no kind of excuse would work.

I spent some time studying the herbs, trying to think of a way to dry them without arousing suspicion.

I then thought of my fire magic, but that would run the risk of burning them, and if I wanted to preserve them perfectly, I had to do it as Isadora showed me: dry them slowly with cool air to preserve their medicinal properties.

I then thought that if I started a fire near them and then used magic to somehow move the warm air towards the herbs, I could make something similar to a hairdryer. Or better yet, manipulate the water inside the herbs directly to move out, and then use the warm air to evaporate the water.

"That could work!" I exclaimed with excitement.

But something different is having a brilliant idea and then implementing it.

"It took me weeks just to conjure a small fire, so how am I supposed to learn to control two new elements in time before the herbs spoil?" I wondered aloud.

It was getting late, so I gathered my loot and decided to worry about this later.

I still had to find a way to transport the herbs back to my home without my parents discovering my secret. I couldn't risk being caught, as the consequences would be severe.

I was pondering my predicament. Suddenly, I remembered an old hollow tree stump that I had seen when I was exploring the forest with Helga last summer.

It was hidden in a remote corner of the forest, far from any trails or paths. I decided to use it as a temporary storage place for my precious herbs until I could figure out a more permanent solution.

With relief, I carefully stashed the umbrifila in the hollow stump, making sure they were well hidden and protected from the elements.

I knew I would have to return soon to check on them and move them to a safer location, but for now, I could rest easy knowing that I had successfully completed the first step of my plan.

With some luck, I have around two days to figure this out before they lose their potency.


I rose before dawn the following day and made my way back to the forest, my mind filled with determination.

I approached the stump where I had hidden the umbrifila, my thoughts focused on the task at hand. I had to find a way to dry the herbs quickly and efficiently.

As a temporary solution, I decided to use the natural resources of the forest to my advantage.

I quickly gathered some thin branches and twine and set to work constructing a makeshift drying rack. I carefully tied each umbrifila leaf to a branch and hung them up, making sure they were evenly spaced.

With the herbs safely drying in the cool air, I breathed a sigh of relief.

I surveyed the drying rack, pleased with my handiwork, but this still doesn't solve the main problem; drying them this way would take too long.

There is mostly shade and very little sunlight inside the forest, and I can't leave them there overnight, not only because rain could ruin my efforts but also because some animal might come to eat them.

I decided to take a risk and leave the herbs in the forest for the day, but I resolved to come back before nightfall to check on them. I couldn't bear the thought of all my hard work going to waste because of some unforeseeable circumstance.

I then started working on my magic. I began by focusing on my control of the air. I closed my eyes and imagined a gentle breeze blowing through the forest.

I could feel the cool air on my skin and the rustling of the leaves as they swayed in the wind. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, ready to begin.

I reached down and gathered a handful of dust from the ground. I threw it into the air, watching as it danced and twirled in the wind. I closed my eyes and concentrated, picturing the air molecules moving in my mind.

I then tried to move the cloud of dust myself with magic. At first, my attempts at controlling the dust were futile. But I persevered, focusing on the cloud of dust as a whole rather than a collection of individual particles.

Finally, I succeeded. The dust began to move as I willed it, swirling and shifting in the air.

But it was a taxing process. Controlling the dust directly was exhausting and gave me a headache. I knew I needed to find a more efficient way to use my magic.

Instead of controlling the dust, I pictured a cloud of air in its place. I focused on the movement of the air molecules and tried to will them to move in the way I desired.

It was difficult to tell if it was working, as air is invisible, but I sensed a shift in the wind.

Determined to test my new ability, I gathered another handful of dust and threw it into the air. This time, I focused on the cloud of air and willed it to move. To my delight, the dust moved with the air, following my commands.

"Finally!" I shouted with joy.

I had never attempted to control multiple elements before, but with a clear objective in mind, it had become much easier to do.

I then gathered some dry twigs and started a fire nearby, trying to control the hot air above it. I sat cross-legged on the forest floor, surrounded by the rustling leaves of the trees. I willed my mana to move the hot air above the pile, but the quick movements of the air molecules made it a challenge.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, allowing my consciousness to merge with the elements around me. I felt the heat emanating from the fire and the coolness of the surrounding air, and with a sudden surge of power, I managed to move the air and compress it into a funnel-like shape.

The hot air rushed towards the hanging herbs, and soon enough, they began to flutter in the warm wind I was generating. Triumph washed over me as I opened my eyes, admiring the sight of the herbs swaying in the breeze.

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