Arcane Innovator

Chapter 66: Allure of the Night

"Here we go..." I mumbled to myself, my heart beating loudly as I stood in front of the elaborate doors leading into Sir Roderick's private chambers.

The flickering flame of the torches hanging by the side of the doors cast eerie shadows across the fortress courtyard, adding to the already unsettling atmosphere. I didn't want to be here at all, but refusing an invitation from the Court wizard himself was not an option.

Gathering what courage I could muster, I cleared my throat and adjusted my finest attire that I put on for this occasion. Then I loudly knocked on the wooden doors, the sound echoing down the corridor. Soon, they creaked open, revealing a young attendant who regarded me with a respectful smile.

"Be welcome, Master Darian," he greeted, his voice soft yet carrying a hint of authority. "His Excellency is already expecting you..."

With a nod, he gestured for me to enter. The room beyond was a symphony of opulence, with tapestries and gilded frames adorning every surface. I stepped cautiously, feeling as if I had crossed into another realm entirely.

The attendant led me through the luxuriously decorated hallways until we reached a large dining hall. The room was abuzz with the murmur of conversation. I discreetly scanned the other guests' faces, quickly spotting the only familiar one, which was Jenny.

The young girl was almost unrecognizable. Her former tattered clothes of a simple peasant were replaced by an opulent gown, and her previously unkempt hair was now meticulously combed into an elegant hairstyle. I nodded at her with a smile. She seemed to notice me too and smiled brightly, giving me a small wave.

I was quite surprised by how well she was holding herself together despite being thrown into such an unfamiliar situation surrounded by strangers.

Looking around the hall, I shifted uncomfortably. My discomfort was almost palpable as I stood amidst the unfamiliar guests. I was an outsider in this type of society; I felt like a pawn in a game much larger than myself.

But luckily, I was among the last ones to arrive, so as soon as the last guests were seated, the herald promptly announced the commencement of the dinner. Sir Roderick then suddenly emerged from a side chamber with his typical overbearing aura. He greeted the attendees heartily, his laughter resonating through the hall.

I didn't forget to ask Theo to tell me more about the old wizard, and his advice is echoing in my mind at this very moment. In order to placate Sir Roderick, flattery was apparently the key. Compliments were the currency that unlocked his favor.

For this exact purpose, I bought him a bottle of an exquisite, aged liqueur, hoping that it would not only please him but also cloud his judgment like the last time when we met at the reception...

As the sumptuous dishes were continuously being served by a line of servants, I had to admit that Sir Roderick knows how to throw a party. Glistening platters overflowing with roasted meats, their skins crisped to perfection, sat alongside rich sauces that shimmered like liquid moonlight, and flagons of rich red wine lined the table.

The exquisite flavors danced upon my tongue, and my initial discomfort quickly dissipated as I succumbed to the allure of the feast, my senses awash with flavors that seemed to whisper tales of distant lands.

After the dinner concluded, the guests formed small groups, and the sounds of lively conversation and laughter soon filled the whole room. I shifted uncomfortably, not sure what to do as I wasn't very good at making small talk.

'Maybe I could go look for Jenny and ask her how she is doing...' I thought so, but before I got a chance to go seek her out, a corpulent figure blocked my way.

"Ah, Darian, here you are!" Sir Roderick's jovial voice greeted me as he keenly studied me with a glint in his eye.

'Oh, crap...' I swallowed nervously as I felt like a lamb being led for slaughter. "Sir Roderick, It is a great honor to be here," I replied with a respectful bow, trying to keep my voice steady.

"I brought you a little gift as thanks for your invitation..." I continued as I quickly presented him with the liqueur.

"Hahaha! What a great choice!" He laughed as he eagerly grabbed the bottle. "I invited you tonight as we didn't get a chance to finish our conversation last time..."

"You see... Now that you have been bestowed such a high status given your humble origins, there will be many who try to take advantage of you. You will need powerful allies..."

'Hmm, let me guess... you?' I scoffed dismissively in my head, but I didn't let anything show on my face.

Instead, I tried to look humble. "Your excellency, it honors me greatly that you take such great care about my well-being, but as I had already told you, I want to study at the Grand Tower, so I won't be staying in Ereneth for much longer..."

"Hahaha! Wouldn't we all want to study there?" He laughed merrily, but then he narrowed his eyes. "However, the journey there is very harsh and fraught with untold dangers. Not to mention, only a select few could ever find success there... Wouldn't you say it is much better to remain here where your great talent would surely shine a lot more brightly?"

I took a deep breath, my brain working in overdrive, hurriedly trying to figure out how to tell him, in the most polite way possible to bugger off. I was just opening my mouth to retort when I felt someone grab my arm from behind.

"Oh, what do we have here? You must be the new Aspirant the whole city is talking about!"

I quickly turned around, only to discover a stunningly beautiful middle-aged woman in an elegant red dress. Feeling something soft, I moved my eyes down, realizing that she was tightly pressing her well-endowed bosom against my arm.

I raised my eyebrows at her forwardness, finding myself momentarily lost for words. My deadpan expression was probably not the reaction she was expecting, making her furrow her brows for a fleeting moment, but then a flicker of amusement danced in her eyes, and she clutched my arm even more tightly.

"Ehm..." I cleared my throat. However, before I managed to find the right words, Sir Roderick interjected.

"Baroness de Fleur, we were just in the middle of something..." He scowled with displeasure.

"Oh, I'm sure you can finish it later..." She waved her hand dismissively before turning to me.

"Would you mind if I stole you for a bit? I'd love to introduce you to some of my friends." She winked at me, her lips curving into a smile that was both sultry and dangerous.

I swallowed nervously, feeling my heart quickening. I quickly moved my eyes between the two of them. 'What the hell...?' I felt like I was between a rock and a hard place.

If I go with her, I have a feeling that she might do something inappropriate to me, but on the other hand, if I stay here, Sir Roderick might coerce me into servitude...

In the end, I decided to take my chances with the Baroness, hoping I would be able to slip away before too long. I gave her a small nod, and her subtle smile instantly widened.

Sir Roderick's expression betrayed a hint of frustration when he realized he had lost. He then gave a gracious nod, his lips curving into a knowing smile. "Of course, Baroness de Fleur, I shall leave you in Master Darian's capable company..." With that, he promptly withdrew, leaving me alone with the enigmatic Baroness.

She extended her delicate hand towards me and said, "Elisa de Fleur, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

I reluctantly took her hand and awkwardly kissed it while at the same time noticing the plethora of golden rings adorning it. "I'm Darian; the pleasure is mine, Baroness," I replied with a courtly bow.

A glimmer of satisfaction danced in her dark eyes, and she motioned for us to step away towards a secluded corner of the hall. I raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you say that you wanted to introduce me to some of your friends...?" I asked with a puzzled face.

"Oh, they can wait! I want to have you all for myself for a bit..." She chuckled, the sound a symphony of allure.

I tried to maintain my distance and, at the same time, to keep my guard up, as I quickly realized that Elisa was quite a dangerous woman. Her eyes were like two deep, dark wells, and I felt that I could very easily lose myself in them if I was not careful.

She looked at me with a gaze that lingered a heartbeat longer than necessary. Seeing my reluctance, the Baroness placed her delicate hand on my shoulder, leaning forward while whispering sweetly in my ear.

"Modesty suits you, Master Darian. But let us not dwell on such matters tonight. There are... other pleasures to be indulged in." Before I could respond, her hot breath brushed against my ear, sending a jolt of heat through my body.

At that moment, I couldn't help but feel that staying with Sir Roderick might have been a safer option after all. 'This is going to be a very long night...'

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