Arcane Innovator

Chapter 64: Back to the Village

The journey to our village is a long one, so I had to wake up quite early to make it there in time for lunch. Not to mention, the summers in Ereneth are usually very hot, so I wanted to abstain from traveling under the scorching sun as much as I could.

I made my way through the quiet morning streets of the city. The air was filled with the scent of freshly baked bread, and the distant sound of merchants hawking their wares blended with the laughter of children playing in the winding alleyways of the quarter. Reaching the outskirts, I quickened my pace as I was not obstructed by the city's traffic any more.

As I was walking along the meandering road that went through the fields of ripening crops, I pondered how much I should tell my parents about what I was doing. I will certainly leave out all my illicit activities, along with my expeditions into the wilderness, as I don't want to worry them too much...

I will only tell them that I was discovered to have a talent for magic after I attended a public Measuring upon a recommendation by my friend Theo. And as to the source of my newfound wealth, it was a series of lucky investments with the help of Myra's uncle Alaric.

'Yeah, that should keep it simple and believable...' I thought happily. It is not like I'm lying or anything; all of it is nothing but the honest truth... I'm just leaving a few things out of it.

In regards to my future plans... I decided, after putting some serious thought into it, to do something that most noble families do for their children who have a magical talent: hire a private tutor.

I was still somewhat lacking in regards to magical knowledge, only getting second-hand information from Theo. Although it would be a stupidly expensive endeavor, it will give me something no amount of theory can: a practical experience and someone to compare myself to.

However, I soon realized another problem. Even if I managed to acquire a tutor, where would he teach me? I can't possibly take him to my humble room in the Northern Quarter.

Just the idea of a venerable Magi walking through the dirty alleyways of the quarter would be something unimaginable. 'I need to buy a house...' I quickly realized. I certainly had more than enough money for it...

If I counted all my profits from the potions I made so far plus all my profits from my ongoing investments, I was sitting at close to four thousand marks of silver. I could even buy several houses with this kind of money. In the Western District, no less.

But as I was still a minor, I couldn't do it on my own, and my parents lived too far away to take care of a house, not to mention they would freak out if I told them how much money I had.

Although they do love me, it is better to keep them away from such things, as they are quite content with their simple life in the village. The only other person in the city who I would trust with something like this was Myra, but she is still a minor like me, so that couldn't work either...

Then it hit me, 'Wait... what about Helga?' My sister will soon turn 15 and thus become an adult. Besides, she always wanted to live in the city with me and Konrad... Not to mention, she already knew about my magical talent for a long time and still didn't tell anyone, so I knew I could trust her with something like this...

Alright, I'll try to take Helga to the city with me... The only problem with this would be convincing my parents to allow something like this. 'It will be an interesting conversation, that is for sure...' I chuckled to myself.

I could already imagine my parents' faces when I told them that I was a mage... Not to mention the wonderful news that I want to steal Helga from them so that she could go purchase a mansion in my name with the silver I got by selling illicitly made potions to a bunch of criminals...

'Yeah, maybe I should leave that part out...' I thought with a weak smile.


I arrived in the village shortly after noon. I stopped a few times after I detected traces of herbs in the surrounding woods, and it felt like a waste to leave them there.

The village was still the same as I remembered it. Rows of wooden houses are surrounded by a vast expanse of fields and pastures, with the looming shapes of the ancient trees of the Forest on the horizon.

I arrived at our humble home and couldn't help but be surprised at how small it actually was. After two and a half years spent in the city, it felt kind of surreal looking at all the familiar sights through the lenses of a city dweller.

I instantly spotted my father and Rolf sweating away in the smithy. I also saw my mother tending to the vegetable patch in the garden. I couldn't see Helga; she was probably in the house helping in the kitchen.

My mother turned around as she heard the sound of my footsteps, and a smile instantly brightened her weathered face. "Ah, Darian!" she exclaimed before quickly running up to me and hugging me tightly.

After a while, she loosened her grip and started to look me over. "I almost didn't recognize you; you've grown so much!"

"Hello, Mother," I smiled at her, "It's good to be back."

My father came over from the smithy as soon as he heard the commotion. "Darian! That's enough that you paid a visit to your old parents," He said with a stern face before breaking into a smile. My brother Rolf didn't come to greet me as he was utterly focused on his work, so we exchanged nods before I went into the house after my parents.

Before I had a chance to adjust my eyes to the dark room, I suddenly saw a movement in the corner of my eye, of something lunging at me. "Darian!" It was my sister Helga who hung on to me with all her strength. When I came to my senses, I patted her on the back and signaled to her that she was squeezing me too much.

Helga reluctantly released me and stepped back. "Why are you here? Did something happen?" she asked me with a worried expression.

"Nothing happened. I just came for a visit. I'm sorry I didn't send a word, but I wanted to surprise you all." I said with a smile.

I then took out the gifts I brought from the city. A fine cloth for mother, a bottle of exquisite mead for father, and some sweets for Helga and Rolf to enjoy—all the things that were hard to come by in the village.

My mother then offered me something to eat, and I happily agreed, as it had been a long time since I had been able to eat my mother's cooking. After lunch, we sat around the table, and I decided that this was the best time to break the news to them.

"Y... You have a talent for magic? And the Court wizard himself has tried to personally recruit you into the service of our Lord, and you turned him down?" My mother said incredulously, her eyes wide.

Both of my parent's jaws were threatening to fall to the ground after I finished telling them everything that had happened so far. Only Helga wasn't surprised by this, as she already knew I had a talent for magic, so she was looking at me proudly instead.

"Well, as I told you already, I want to pursue my own path in life. Not to mention I have managed to get enough money to pay for my training on my own." I replied.

"That is actually another reason why I came here..." I then continued telling them about my plans involving Helga.

"Wait... Hold your horses, Darian." My father raised his hand to stop me. "You can't take Helga with you to the city. She has responsibilities here for our family, and she will be getting married soon. I have already talked with the potential suitors, and the arrangements have been made..."

Before I had a chance to reply, Helga suddenly exclaimed, "I won't marry any of those bumpkins you have talked to, Father! I want to go to the city with Darian!"

"Helga! That is not how you speak with your father!" my mother interjected angrily.

Helga wanted to retort, but my father released a sigh and raised his hand to stop them from arguing. 'It seems this was not the first time for such an argument...' I thought with furrowed brows.

My father then looked at me and said, "It's not like I don't want to respect Helga's wishes, but you can't just take her to the city. It would look like we couldn't even take care of our own daughter... Besides, what would she even do there? She wouldn't be able to get any respectable job, and it would be shameful for an unmarried girl to live without any means and be dependent on the mercy of others..."

"That would certainly cause rumors, and her reputation would be forever tarnished. And she wouldn't be able to marry anyone..." My father finished his explanation as he looked deep into my eyes with a stern face as if to make sure I understood the gravity of the situation.

"Well, if it is just about money, then that is not a problem at all. I can employ Helga as a housekeeper to take care of my new house so that she can make her own money, as I can certainly afford it... And I'm sure her marriage prospects will be much better in the city than if she remains here." I replied with a smile.

"How much money do you have?" My father asked as he furrowed his brows.

"Well, I have enough..." I replied as I shifted uncomfortably.

"How much?" My father insisted.

'Ugh, I guess there is no avoiding this subject...' I sighed with resignation, as I now had no other option but to tell the truth, as my parents would notice if I tried to lie to them.

"I have around 4000 marks," I said weakly.

"What!?" My father exclaimed, "Where by the gods have you come to such wealth? And why do you carry around so many coins? Can't you exchange them for silver?"

"Ehm, I have 4000 marks... of silver," I corrected myself.

*BOOM!* That was the sound of my father's jaw hitting the table—or at least it seemed like it, as I had never seen my father make such an incredulous expression before.

My mother and Helga were too, looking at me with wide eyes and open mouths. Well, it was not surprising, as I had just told them I had enough money to buy a whole village—maybe even several villages.

Thus, my parents in the end reluctantly agreed for Helga to come with me to the city after her 15th birthday in a month or so.

'Perfect...' I thought happily. Now the only thing left is to purchase a house with Helga's help, and then there would be nothing stopping me from hiring my very own magic tutor...

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