Arcane Innovator

Chapter 57: The Frost Blossom

'Oh, crap...' That was the only coherent thought I could think of right now. I descended into the valley because it looked to me at first glance like the most likely place where one could find the Frost Blossom.

I read in Theo's scroll that it thrives amidst the frost. And the area around the frozen lake seems to perfectly fit that description. However, it was also the reason I found myself in this precarious situation in the first place.

As the valley was nestled right between the towering peaks of the mountains while also being surrounded by them on all sides, I couldn't spot the incoming blizzard until it was too late.

'I need some shelter, and I need it fast...' I thought as I hurriedly scanned my surroundings. The frozen lake offered no refuge, and the barren trees provided little to no protection against the impending storm. Still, I didn't let panic overtake me as I realized the gravity of the situation.

I tried to suppress my raging emotions, which were urging me to flee, as I looked around calmly. I figured the best course of action right now would be to move around the mountainside. I will try to find a cave or at least some overhanging rock under which I can hunker down for a bit until the storm passes.

Soon everything around me turned pure white. I moved carefully along the mountainside while touching the rocks to not get lost on my way. I anxiously searched around, trying to find any shelter.

'Got it...' I smiled victoriously as soon as I spotted it. A small cave tucked away beneath a rock overhang. It was barely noticeable, its opening partially obscured by snow and ice. Nevertheless, it would provide sufficient shelter to wait out the storm. So without hesitation, I rushed towards it, my boots crunching through the frozen ground.

Entering the cave, I discovered a small chamber barely wide enough to accommodate my body. The walls were damp and cold, but the narrow space offered at least some respite from the howling wind outside.

I knew I wouldn't be able to maintain my protective bubble of air for too long, which is why I needed to find a way to somehow block the entrance. I looked around the cave, but it was utterly empty. I then looked back out at the raging storm outside, and I smiled.

'There is one thing that there is plenty of, and I can make this frigid cold work in my favor for a change.' I thought as I summoned my essence.

I warmed the snow in front of the cave, melting it, and then moved the puddle of water closer to the entrance before pouring it into a thin layer, watching it freeze right in front of my eyes. Nodding happily, I repeated the process over and over again.

Slowly, I constructed a thin ice wall that almost completely blocked the cave entrance. I left only a small opening under the ceiling so I wouldn't suffocate. I looked happily at the result. I was now perfectly protected from the storm, and what's more, the wall was somewhat transparent, meaning I could see out of the cave when the weather improved.

I stopped channeling my essence and dissolved my protective bubble, as I wanted to conserve my essence for when I resumed my journey. Now there was nothing else but to wait. The minutes turned into hours, and the hours into an agonizing eternity.

It took the rest of the day and a whole night before the storm showed any signs of weakening its grip on the world. I didn't sleep at all the whole time, worried about freezing to death in my sleep. So I just sat on the frozen ground, clutching my coat tightly, as I coursed the essence through my body to keep myself warm.

The next morning, the weather improved somewhat. It was still difficult to see anything, but the raging winds calmed somehow. I decided to take advantage of this to start searching for the flower around the frozen lake.

'A little bit of snow won't stop me...' I thought with determination as I melted the ice wall blocking the entrance and left the safe haven of the cave. Now would actually be the perfect time for the flower to bloom, as the blizzard brought even colder temperatures than before—if that was even possible.

I walked deeper into the valley, stepping cautiously onto the icy terrain. The environment was completely transformed compared to yesterday. Everything as far as the eye could see was covered in a deep layer of fresh snow.

I spent many hours walking around the lake, trying to spot any signs of the elusive flower. The constant struggle against the avalanche of snow blocking my way forward was very tiring. After I made almost a full circle around the lake, I was ready to give up my search and return to the cave. However, I then saw something glint in the corner of my eye.

I quickly turned around, and I spotted a soft, ethereal glow that enveloped the surroundings despite the white haze. It emanated from a cluster of delicate white flowers that bloomed despite the harsh conditions at the shore of the lake, only a short distance away.

I hurriedly moved forward to gather them, but then I froze in my tracks. Beside the patch of delicate flowers, there was something else. I first thought it was just a small mound of snow...

However, when I got closer, I discovered with horror that it was, in fact, the body of a monster. Covered with white scales, an enormous snake coiled around the flower patch. I hadn't noticed it sooner, as it almost perfectly blended with the surrounding snow.

Normally, I would have been able to spot it a long time ago with my magic sense. However, I couldn't deploy it while I was already manipulating the air around me to protect myself from the storm.

'Wait a minute... Weren't snakes supposed to be cold-blooded? How could it move in such cold weather?' I thought confusedly, but then I realized there was no need for it to follow common sense since it is a monster fueled by essence. The sight before me sent chills down my spine.

Luckily, the colossal serpent seemed to be asleep—at least for now. Its rhythmic breaths formed frosty clouds in the frigid air. Its scales glistened like ice under the soft glow of the ethereal flowers.

'What the hell am I supposed to do now?' I thought with frustration. I wasn't worried too much about the monster itself since, as long as it was made of flesh, it could burn...

The real problem is that the snake seems too powerful to be killed with half-assed effort. And if I put my full power into it, I might evaporate the patch of precious flowers alongside the snake. But seeing that the snake hasn't reacted to my presence so far, maybe it is really asleep...

With cautious steps, I began to circle the monstrous snake, keeping my distance while also trying to avoid catching its attention. Every muscle in my body was tense, ready to react to the snake's slightest movements. However, the serpent's eyes remained closed, seemingly oblivious to my presence.

Finally, I reached the cluster of flowers, their sweet fragrance filling my senses. I carefully plucked a single blossom, its petals icy to the touch. Holding it delicately in my gloved hand, for that fleeting moment, I felt nothing but triumph and relief.

'I made it!' I thought happily as I quickly put the flower in my bag. But then I froze as the snake's eyelids snapped open at the exact moment I plucked the flower from the ground. 'Oh, crap...' Before I could move a muscle, the giant serpent raised his head, and a low rumble emanated from its throat.

Time seemed to slow as the serpent uncoiled its massive body, each movement deliberate and purposeful. Its eyes, a piercing shade of amber, were fixed on me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. I guess there was no escaping its wrath now.

Before I had a chance to jump out of its reach, it had already lunged at me with an open maw full of razor-sharp fangs, each as long as my forearm. The monster was moving with tremendous speed, and it was hard to even follow its movement. Not able to escape, I at least transformed the ice in front of me into a long spike at the last moment.

But the snake somehow managed to react in time and then quickly moved back before it could impale itself on the spike. I decided to use this brief opportunity and quickly lunged forward, plucking another flower from the ground. 'Yes, just one more to go!'

For some reason, most herbs and other ingredients grow in groups of three, with Frost Blossoms not being an exception to this weird rule. And I was determined to gather them all. Seeing that another one of its precious flowers was gone, the serpent was now really mad at me.

The snake hissed angrily as it lunged at me again, now even faster than before. I summoned more ice spikes, but the snake was smart and wouldn't fall for the same trick a second time. He elegantly avoided all the spikes and moved to the side before smashing his tail at me.

I managed to spot it in time and jump back. Maintaining such a high flow of essence was very tiring, and I knew I had not much time left, so I had to end this quickly. Thus I made my essence surge forward and melt the snow underneath the snake before quickly freezing it again, encasing him in ice.

The monster seemed surprised at first when he lost his footing, but he reacted quickly, trying to break out of its brittle prison. The ice started to crack immediately, but I used this short moment to dash forward and pluck the final Frost Blossom from the frozen ground.

In the next moment, the snake broke out of the ice and lunged at me again with a seething hatred in its amber eyes. But I stood my ground firmly, not moving an inch. Now that I have successfully finished my task, nothing prevents me from unleashing my full power.

I inhaled deeply while closing my eyes. I made my essence flow freely through my body, making it move faster and faster with each revolution. Then I snapped open my eyes, and everything seemed to come to a halt as I smiled viciously at the giant serpent lunging at me.

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