Arcane Innovator

Chapter 37: Merchant's Guild

I stood at the entrance of the Vogt's residence. My former nervousness dissipated at the sight of Myra's familiar face. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips, and I took a step forward, closing the distance between us.

"Forgotten you? Never!" I exclaimed. "Life has been... complicated lately, but I've thought of you often. How could I forget my dearest friend?"

Her pout transformed into a mischievous grin, and she playfully nudged my arm. "Well, it's about time you showed up!"

"Come inside, Darian," she beckoned.

With a nod of gratitude, I followed Myra into the opulent halls of her family's mansion. We walked through the elegant corridors, adorned with exquisite artwork and intricate tapestries.

"Life here is so boring without anything to do. I want to know everything you have been up to recently!"

Myra led me to one of the expensively decorated rooms, its walls adorned with tasteful artwork, and we settled into comfortable armchairs. The butler, whose name I learned was Sebastian, hovered in the background, his disapproving gaze never wavering.

"So what do you need from me?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"What makes you think I need something?" I replied, feigning innocence.

Myra chuckled. "You always come to me only when you need something!"

She then winked at me mischievously. "Well, not that I mind."

"Is it really so boring here?" I asked while I looked around the lavishly decorated room.

"Didn't you make lots of friends at the school you told me about?"

Myra's smile faltered for a moment before she shrugged nonchalantly. "Those girls aren't really my friends. We talk a lot, but they aren't like you or the kids from the village."

Seeing her lose her smile, I figured out this wasn't something she wanted to talk about, so I quickly changed the subject. "You were right, you know."

"About what?" She looked at me with curiosity in her eyes.

"I actually need something." I grinned at her.

I then proceeded to tell her about my Moonlight Aster problem, and she listened attentively.

"If it's about an herb, why don't you ask your master?"

I hesitated for a moment, gathering my thoughts. "I can't; she won't tell me anything more about it."

Myra leaned back in her chair, contemplating the situation. "Well, my father isn't here. He is in the village collecting taxes and won't be back until the end of the harvest season..."

She then thought some more and exclaimed shortly afterward, "But I know someone who might be able to help you! My uncle Alaric works at the Merchant's Guild, so he certainly will know something!"

Myra then turned to me with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "So, Darian, do you want to go to the Merchant's Guild together?" She asked with a hint of excitement in her voice.

I grinned as I looked into Myra's expectant eyes. "Absolutely." It seems Myra didn't lose her adventurous spirit at all.


We set out for the Merchant's Guild shortly afterward. I wanted to wait till tomorrow as it was getting quite late in the afternoon, but Myra must have been really bored here as she wanted to go right now.

The butler, Sebastian, seemed even less enthusiastic about the idea. He tried very hard to dissuade Myra from going. He wanted to send a servant with a note instead to schedule an appointment with Alaric, as was customary.

But he couldn't do anything about it. As Myra's parents weren't here, she was the one with the highest authority in the house. In the end, he just looked at us with a defeated look and implored us to return before it got dark.

'Poor guy...' I thought. He must have known from the start that it was pointless trying to persuade Myra when she made up her mind about something, but he still tried his best.

'I almost want to pity him... Almost.'

'Not that I would forgive him for his attitude towards me anytime soon...'

With that, we headed out of the residence and into the city. As the day waned and dusk painted the sky in hues of gold and amethyst, the district took on a new aura.

Lanterns flickered to life, casting a warm glow on the streets. Shadows danced on the cobblestones, and we walked among them.

Our goal was the outer fortress in the center of the city. I have never been inside the fortress before. Apart from having no reason to go there, I was also afraid that someone there could sense my magic.

But I have been living in the city for many months now, and so far nobody has given me a second glance, which means I will be fine there.

We climbed the sloping hill and passed under the watchful eyes of the city guards inside the fortress itself.

It was unlike any typical castle. The tall outer walls surrounded a huge piece of land, and inside were many buildings and streets arranged into a huge square. It was like a small city inside a city.

The streets were filled with important-looking people in expensive attire bussing about despite the late hour.

As the fortress wasn't just the administrative center of the city itself but governed the whole region under the rule of our Lord, it housed many clerks and administrative officials in charge of it.

The fortress also housed the city's garrison alongside the Lord's army and his knights, so it was not surprising that it was filled to the brim with people.

Only the inner fortress stood silent, as it was the private residence of our Lord and his family, and no outsiders were allowed anywhere near it.

The Merchant's Guild was very easy to spot as it stood close to the main gates alongside the main road running through the center of the fortress, with many people going in and out.

We stepped through the imposing wooden doors of the Merchant's Guild. The air inside was heavy with the scent of aged parchment and the faint hint of mustiness that clung to the stone walls.

The dim light of flickering oil lamps cast eerie shadows, illuminating the grandeur of the guild's interior.

The room was full of activity as merchants in finely tailored garments huddled in small groups, discussing their latest acquisitions and bartering for better deals. The sound of clinking coins filled the air, accompanied by the occasional burst of laughter or heated debate.

It was a constant symphony of ambition and negotiation, a reminder that wealth and power were the currencies that ruled this building. Beyond the central hall, arched doorways led to a maze of smaller chambers and corridors, where Guild clerks conducted their affairs and managed the intricacies of the trade.

Among the main duties of the Guild was the collection of tariffs and various other fees placed upon the merchants by the city. The Guild also issued trade licenses that every merchant had to have if he wanted to set up a store or a stall inside the city.

We made our way deeper into the guild. Myra's confident steps echoed in the hallways. 'She must have gone here quite often.' I thought.

I was glad for it, as without her guidance, I would have lost myself right away in this peculiar maze of offices and hallways that didn't seem to follow any kind of logic. 'Would it be too much to ask for a simple floor plan and nameplates on the doors?'

I was wondering how anyone could find anything in this place.

But apparently, they could, as nobody here seems to be lost, and we too soon arrived in front of one of the fancier-looking offices. Myra knocked on the doors, and a young woman in a clerk's uniform opened the doors.

"We are here to see my uncle," Myra said with an authoritative voice.

The woman respectfully bowed and said, "Please wait a moment, Lady Myra. I will ask if Master Alaric can see you right now."

We were led into a waiting room, and soon enough, the women returned. "You can go inside. Master Alaric will see you now."

'Hmm, it seems they are quite used to Myra's sudden visits.'

We walked inside the spacious and elegant office, adorned with exquisite tapestries. Myra's uncle was seated behind a massive mahogany desk, engrossed in his work.

Myra knocked lightly on the doorframe, drawing his attention. He looked up; his face was stern, but as soon as he saw Myra, his expression softened into a smile.

"Ah! My favorite niece decided to honor me with her presence! And who's this?" His keen eyes were assessing me.

"Aren't you a little young to promenade yourself with a boy at your side?" He asked teasingly.

"Uncle! Don't say such things. He's Darian. My dear friend from the village I told you about!" Myra exclaimed with reddened cheeks.

"Haha! I was just jesting with you." Alaric chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

He then signaled for us to sit on a luxurious sofa in a corner, where we were served tea by one of the uncle's servants.

"So, what might you two require of me?" Alaric said as he sat across from us.

"I'm sure you wouldn't bring your friend here with you just for a simple conversation." He continued, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Myra looked at me and signaled for me to start talking. I cleared my throat as I tried not to sound nervous before I explained what I came here for.

After I finished, Alaric leaned back in his chair, contemplating the situation while stroking his silver beard.

"Hmm, Moonlight Aster, was it? It doesn't ring any bells for me, but if it is some kind of rare herb, I might be able to help you." Alaric finally said after a while.

"You see, there are special tariffs placed upon rare herbs and other kinds of unique materials. If it was sold within the city, there will be a mention of it in the Guild's records."

He then looked at me with the shrewd smile of a merchant. "But such an inquiry will cost you a hefty price."

My smile froze on my lips as I knew I had no money to offer him.

He then looked tenderly at Myra and added, "Normally... that is. But since this request comes from my niece, I will look into it myself free of charge."

"Thank you, uncle! You're the best!" Myra happily exclaimed

"You should go back. It's getting quite late. I will let you know what I found in a few days." Alarick said as he signaled to us that the meeting was over. We said our goodbyes and were on our way.

As we were leaving his office, he added, "You were lucky today as I had no other visitors but set up an appointment for the next time."

I just threw him a weak smile as I looked at Myra's happy strides.

'That would be a tall order, knowing her personality.' I thought as we disappeared back into the dimly lit city streets.

Little did I know that this meeting was the start of something that would completely change my life forever.

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