Arcane Innovator

Chapter 100: Reconnaissance Mission

After we came to an agreement with Clovis, I sent out my driver to deliver the rest of the elixirs to Isadora while I asked the plump merchant if I could catch a ride with them for a short while since we were traveling in the same direction.

He eagerly agreed, and I hopped on one of their carriages, loaded with various goods. Before long, the caravan was on its way, heading along the main highway in a western direction.

I used this time to rest and gaze at the autumn countryside around us as the carriage bumped along the way.

I quite enjoyed this short respite as I knew that in a few days' time, when Isadora's customers discover our elixir's miraculous capabilities, there will be a repeat of what transpired previously at the market.

But this time, the Guild won't be able to do anything about it - unless they plan to play dirty, that is. However, in that case, they will find out that I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well...

Riding a carriage was much faster than going on foot, so by midday, we had already arrived at the same travel inn I spent a night previously during my last year's expedition. I thanked Clovis and jumped off the carriage as the caravan continued their long journey west into the heart of the Kingdom.

Looking up at the gray clouds that threatened to start pouring rain any moment, I didn't waste any time and hurriedly followed the same narrow path leading north into the mountains as before.

The path was surrounded by tall trees that stretched up into the sky. Soon, to my dismay, it began raining, prompting me to tighten my coat around my body, and with a sullen determination to get this over with, I braved the elements.

The rain that fell slowly and steadily made the pathway slick, and the grey clouds above cast a dull light over the area. While making sure not to slip on the abundant moss that clung to the rocks, I slowly made my way up the mountain.

However, this time, I didn't follow the road all the way to the end but turned left after a few kilometers. As the loose stones crunched lightly under my feet, I continued until finally, by afternoon, I arrived in a tiny village built on a slight slope beside a mountainside.

Evidently, the villagers were quite impoverished here, which made me wonder what made them stay in such an inhospitable environment and not try their fortune in one of the newly built frontier villages like, for example, my own former village.

However, I wasn't here to ponder someone's life decisions but to try to find Jenny's parents. By the description she gave me, I followed the trail all the way to the communal well at the edge of the village - the very same well where the unfortunate incident took place, which started Jenny's current troubles.

The well, made of meticulously placed rocks, stood quietly with a bucket dangling off a pulley from its side. Nearby was a small cottage with a thatched roof, which looked cozy despite its small size. It was evident that someone was living here, given the fact that the house was well taken care of and the small garden beside it was freshly plowed.

But only this much wasn't nearly enough to satisfy Jenny's worries, so I activated my magic sense, ensuring no one was around before I carefully approached. I adjusted the heavy backpack on my back as I walked.

Before I left, I filled my bag to the brim with herbs. Also, I made some simple ointments to present myself as a traveling merchant selling medicines to not appear too suspicious to the villagers or any potential spies the people from the court might have left here.

I carefully walked forward, and before long, I noticed two people inside the house. I peeked through the opened window, and I recognized Jenny's parents from the time I saw them at the plaza before the Measuring ceremony.

However, this time, they looked even more weary, and from their look, something had to be bothering them. Realizing I wouldn't find out more by simply looking at them and noticing no one else around, I came to the front doors and loudly knocked.

"What do you want?" Jenny's mother warily asked after she opened the doors.

I put on an amicable smile as I greeted them. "Good day. Please forgive me for my intrusion. I'm a traveling merchant and come to ask if you are perhaps in need of some medicines? I have both herbs and ointments that will cure any ills!"

When I told her I was a merchant, she seemed to lose some of her tension, but then she simply shook her head. "We are healthy and don't have any spare money. Go away!"

Seeing her dismissive posture, I didn't want to push my luck further and promptly said my goodbyes. But before I left, I gave her some ointments as a gift so that she could try them out and told her neighbors about them - or that was what I told her. In reality, I felt pity for them seeing them living like that and I didn’t have any need for them myself.

But as I was leaving, I smiled. 'She clearly said they are healthy, so this much will suffice...'

However, I couldn't help but furrow my brows slightly as the next thing she said didn't make much sense. 'The Court wizard was supposed to pay them a hefty sum for taking Jenny in. Unless...'

They were either lying to me about their monetary situation, or they didn't get anything. I recognized the need to keep such things a secret as any newfound wealth could bring envy from the other villagers, but given their thin statures and the worn-out look on their faces, it didn't appear like they had much money going around.

I knew there was probably more to their story than what they were letting out, but it was getting late, and staying here any longer would be pointless. On the way back, I pondered what made Jenny fear for her parents in the first place. Was it something Sir Roderick said to her? I guess I will have to ask her about it when I get back...

The journey back to the highway was just as miserable as before. Maybe even more so as it was getting dark, and it was especially challenging to not slip on the wet rocks, but I somehow managed to get back to the inn without any incidents.

I paid the innkeeper for a room and spent the night there before returning to Ereneth the next day. To my great surprise, nothing disastrous happened while I was gone, and everything was as peaceful as possible, given the circumstances.

Now that Hans and Greta didn't have to work, I found them merrily playing in the garden. "Mister! You're back!" They happily run up to me. "Will we be making more of those fizzy drinks?" Greta asked with big eyes.

I chuckled at her enthusiasm but shook my head. "No, we made enough for now. You can go play..."

I then nodded at Jorn, who patrolled around the perimeter with another hunter whom I still didn't know the name of.

I went inside, and noticing everything was in order, I happily strode to my room to change out of my wet travel clothes into something more comfortable and spend the rest of the day resting after the long journey.

But I didn't rest for long as shortly after nightfall, I sneaked out of the house, navigating the dark alleyways until I arrived at the Fortress. Now that I already knew the way and the pattern of the guard's patrols, breaking in was much easier, and this time, I didn't encounter any problems.

Before long, I was already standing under the now familiar alcove face to face with Jenny. I didn't know how long it would take me, so Jenny promised she would be waiting here every night until I returned. I was impressed by her commitment. That was why I went to meet her right away after I returned to not let her wait unnecessarily.

She was more than happy to learn that her family was sound and safe, and I could see a visible relief in her eyes. I didn't tell her about the money issue as that was simply my assumption, and I didn't have any proof, so I didn't want to give her any more reasons to worry about.

However, seeing relief like that made me curious, so I asked the question that had been nabbing me ever since I left the village. "Why were you so worried about your parents in the first place? Didn't Sir Roderick say he would take care of them?"

She looked down for a while before replying. "Yes, he did... It was just something that he said to me after...But don't worry about it. I'm just glad they are well. Let's talk about something else. That reminds me, I have what you asked for!"

She forced out a smile and presented to me a richly decorated book. She evidently didn't want to talk about her parents, so I didn't press the matter any further, and instead, I let my lips curl into a grin as I accepted the book.

This was the price I asked Jenny for my service - unrestricted access to Sir Roderick's famous book collection. Now I could finally learn all the old wizard's secrets...

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