Aquatic Nightmare

Chapter 3: “One can’t have two deaths, but you can’t avoid one.”

"The weapons of the otherworlders are truly fascinating. Despite seeming like a bunch of crude, poorly made maces, they actually contain intricate metal components that aren't possible to be made by current methods. Sadly, without the co-operation of these men we won't be able to find out how the weapons are made. We could not get much other info, only with long range magical scans.
-Report from court mage of Dalka to the King

The trip itself was rather uneventful if you don't count flying lizards and the terrain below growing an odd black and white as trees and plants lose their color.

"I read it in the books about demon territory, but seeing it in person is still a whole experience on its own".

S-1 grunts, somehow loud enough to be heard over the flapping of great eagle wings. "I ain't too worried about those trees but more on what will happen to trees back on earth, the book said it was caused by high mana concentrations affecting wildlife and I prefer my trees green and less carnivorous". The discovery that trees in mana dense areas are very aggressive in getting their nutrients was definitely both laughter inducing and fire encouraging.

"I think I see something up ahead". S-2 is somehow managing to stay steady on one of the eagles with binoculars.

"That would probably be the chapel you guys mentioned, we will drop you off here and try to keep you silent until you engage with the enemy". The wizards coming along are obviously out of their element, but were very confident in their ability to keep us hidden from the enemy until contact would be made.

As the chapel comes into view, it becomes clear what the plan will be, as the top of the chapel has a glass dome above where the preacher would stand. "From what I can see from here there are quite a few demons around right now, also are you sure they are all demons? They all look awfully animal-like for a bunch of unholy beings".

"Well, if you would ask the church, they would tell you they are all corrupted demons that sway from the path the goddess has laid out". The robed man gives a suspicious look before continuing. "But every scholar from the Tower experienced in the subject will tell you that the many variants are merely proof of the attempt to create a species better than humans". The man gives a smug look of superiority as he says this.

As we land unto the roof of the chapel, muffled voices can be heard through the glass. The men watch as an ornately dressed half-bull holds a black and white crown while a woman with leather wings horns and a devil's tail stands waiting in front.

"-To celebrate the coronation of the 14th lord of Mazurio, it was a shame to hear about the death of her mother, bu-".

"Finally some good news, it looks like the original demon lord has been long dead for a while now, and we arrived just in time to take out an inexperienced replacement".

As we all get our gear ready and attach our hooks to the bars of the glass dome, S-1 starts explaining the plan. "Well that's good and all, but we still have a demonic landlord to kill, so get ready to use aerial breach plan 8".

"Why can't we just take the demon lord out from here?" S-4 asked, most likely for S-5's sake.

"Higher demons have many varied protections against attacks, we will most likely have to keep up a constant uninterrupted stream of fire".

The wizards signal for one more minute of invisibility, while S-1 signals to be ready in ten seconds. "We need to keep up the illusion that we are locals as much as possible in combat, so remember, no Russian".

"And with some last closing remarks I now pronounce you Kyla'th Mazurio, daughter of Helne'th Mazurio the 14th lord of Mazurio, may your reign be long an-".

*CRASH* as the skylights shatter and small metallic shapes are thrown down from above and the masked men start descending. As the first of the flashbangs and grenades go off, the screaming starts in full as people are blinded and shredded in equal amounts and any spells going off are wildly off course and intention. The demon lord, clearly not willing to just stand there and take it, casts a spell that causes a large sphere of black to start surrounding its position, the masked men move into the sphere undeterred.

"S-1 to all units I believe I spotted target taking out its own eyes and a green light coming from where its face would be prepared for target to not be blinded and engage thermals".

"Who are you people!?" the target shouts and gets its response in a hail of lead and death as the masked men move closer to isolate the target.

S-2 unloads into its position while S-5 is standing further back as target starts lobbing overgrown icicles, fireballs and lightning at the team. The icicles shatter on impact on the thick armor plating, while fireballs and lightning simply seem to be ignored by the horror's given form.

"Target is weakening, press our advantage". As the barrage intensifies, the target increases returning fire and gets a solid hit in one of the men with a ball of energy that radiates death. S-1 drops to the ground, and partially melts.

"S-2 reporting S-1 is confirmed K.I.A., S-3 with me to surround target". While the men move to surround the demon lord, S-5 suddenly yells in rage and anguish as a red pulse goes off, and every member gets a little more agitated for a moment. S-5 pulls out a small shovel and charges at the target, despite the protests of his teammates over radio.

"S-5 seems to be mentally compromised, continue standing orders".

The target suddenly does something barely visible on thermals as it holds its hand on S-5, and he starts spasming for a moment before growing horns and wings.

"It's the transmogrification spell! S-5 is confirmed K.I.A. and new combatant needs to be taken out now!".

The men mercilessly open fire upon the being before it can finish forming, while the target fires another red pulse. This time the screams aren't followed by a man attempting a melee, but rather S-4 unloading his RPK upon the target's location.

"S-3 we need to change tactics and fast, you need to sneak around while I draw the target's attention, and then we hit it from both sides".

As another spell goes off which slowly floats over to S-4 who doesn't seem to care about the spells' intention, he drops his gun as his skin starts to grow scales and his face starts elongating.

"RAAAAAAAGHHHHH!!". The man carrying the Vepr-12 seems to rage as well and blows off the neck of his former teammate at a distance as he too starts approaching the target. As the target throws another transmogrify towards him, he suddenly dodges and keeps getting closer.

As the target gets noticeably sloppy, it spews forth more necrotic energy towards the encroaching assassin. He collapses into a heap as the target gets closer and sticks out its hand.

"You fought well, but it ends now".

The man wriggles some movements as the slow floating ball of wickedness approaches.

"I see you bleed, I don't think it's over just yet".

With those last words, the man detonates the grenades left on him, blasting the target back, and himself into pieces.

I had been sneaking for a small while now trying to seem unimportant and get behind the target and I make my move as I see the detonation blast away the target on thermals. I open fire and get a few solid hits in while the target is dazed and seemed to have been caught completely off guard against me. The target yells something and makes a movement in my direction, which I pre-emptively dodge as I'm rewarded with the sound of furniture behind me smashing and elevated screams of the still present audience being hit by the collateral.

Before I can recover, the target suddenly moves rapidly across the black fog, attempting to find cover from my unending barrage. I can tell it is wounded heavily and won't last long, but I need to confirm the kill if I want to have any chance of success in this world of magic. Suddenly the air changes and the target appears right in front of me as if it was always there, I attempt to dodge a fist but crack my thermals in the dodge and am forced to ditch them. Now that I see the target up close I see the damage done by my former teammates as the thing in the shape of a demonic woman is riddled with bullet holes, shrapnel and even a suspiciously shovel shaped crevice in its left arm.

"♪G-got you♪". And a glowing hand comes crashing down.

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