

Start Your Ordinary Day With A Good Meal.

This is what it says to a banner that is randomly hanging in a stall.

"It's delicious!"

Shido sighs when she looks at Kurumi who is currently eating at a stall.

Kurumi don't have a hobby to eat but the Takoyaki in this stall is very delicious.

Today, the owner of this takoyaki stall will be dead.

This will happen when the first spacesquake shows up.

She heard to the grandson of this takoyaki stall in the future that his grandfather make the most delicious takoyaki in their family.

However, with the unfortunate event, when the first spacesquake appears, an earthquake shakes the whole world.

This made his grandfather feel dizzy and fell down the stairs.

They thought that this is a murder scene but with the help of a famous detective who happened to pass on their stall, they were able to solve the mystery.

Shido got curious about Kurumi's story so he asked if the famous detective has someone tag along with him.

She tells that the grandson said that there is a girl who looks like in High School and a kid with a red ribbon.

This made Shido stunt and tell to Kurumi that the kid might be the suspect.

Kurumi rolls her eyes in disappointment.

Shido shrugs but didn't complain since no one will believe that the harmless one is the most harmful.

"Wait a minute! We didn't travel back 30 years ago just to eat takoyaki and talk about a solving mystery."

Currently, they are in the nearest kid's park, sitting on one of the benches.

"Don't make a ruckus, Shido-san. You can teleport anywhere, right? We can just teleport to the place where the first spacesquake happened before the spacesquake begin."

She said while eating with a yummy expression for every takoyaki she eat.

This made Shido realize that despite her age, Kurumi's internal self didn't grow a lot.

Now that she goes back to the past, her behavior unconsciously changes to the atmosphere.

In the end, he didn't think anything and just enjoy watching Kurumi.

In the central part of the Eurasia continent, the wind was silent as if heralding the arrival of a storm. 

Three figures, one woman and 2 men stood amidst the open wilderness. 

"──Shall we get started. Karen, get ready." 


One of the men talks to his communication device.

At the same time, a device called the magical furnace designed to draw out the circle, began to start up while growling out a low howl. 

From the skies, from the earth, from the air. 

The energy that resides in every substance in the world turned into dazzling light, swirling and coiling around the surroundings.

The very next moment. 


The sound of a ticking clock roams the area.

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