AntiGod: The Odyssey Of God

[V2, C5] : This Is War, Part II

“So, this is where the key leads to…” Said a that pulsed faintly with a mysterious energy. The air was thick with anticipation, and I could feel the weight of the moment pressing down on me. “What kind of idiot would drop something like this.”

In an instant, Rin crafted an unusual device -the likes I’ve never seen before. I assume it must’ve been something akin to a handheld cannon seeing as, with a flick of her wrist, she unleashed a brilliant beam of light that enveloped the entire entrance. I could sense the intensity she poured into that attack; even I would struggle to defend against such a fierce onslaught. The light shimmered like a beacon, a testament to her determination and skill.

“What a waste of effort” a voice cut through the brilliance, dripping with disdain.




Suddenly, a hand emerged from the swirling smoke, limp and unsteady, yet commanding in its presence. “Now step aside…” he commanded, waving his hand dismissively as if brushing away an annoyance. The arrogance in his tone sent a shiver down my spine.

“Who are you? And where did you get that key?” Rin demanded; her curiosity piqued despite the danger that loomed before us.

“I said, step aside.” His voice was low, almost a growl, and the air around him crackled with an unsettling energy.


Before I could react, the girl I thought had at least obliterated an arm, was hurled against the wall, creating a crater that echoed with the force of the impact. She lay there, unconscious, her body crumpled like a discarded doll. My heart raced as I realized the gravity of the situation.

Then, through the doorway, a man stepped in, ensuring to close the door behind him. I found that rather odd considering he was clearly after our lives. But what I found even stranger was the fact that he was completely unscathed.

He dusted off his lightweight armor, a glint of amusement in his eyes as he remarked, “I truly despise repeating myself. It’s such a waste of-”

He brushed the dirt off his light weighted armor while saying:

Before he could finish, Tenshi, charged at him, unleashing a flurry of powerful strikes. Each blow landed with a resounding thud, the sound reverberating through the hideout like a war drum. Though different from his earlier attack, I could see the determination etched on Tenshi’s face. I was sure that had to do him in.

“That’s a waste of effort, you know. Only someone with divinity could scratch me…”

Yet, he merely brushed off my hope with a knowing smile.

As he retracted his elbow, a legion of shimmering white stars materialized around him, and he continued, “...But even then, all they would manage is a mere scratch.”


In that instant, I became acutely aware of something beyond the imposing spear he gripped with ease or the fact that he towered over me by a head. It was his hair that captivated me. It flowed long and free, almost grazing his nose, glistening like silk as it swayed with the gentle breeze, teasing the crimson depths of his eyes. And that hue… (There’s no mistaking it… This man is a god.)

“You there. I smell a hint of divinity coming from you. Why is that?”

“That emblem on your chest plate. It bears the Trojan insignia. Have you come on Priam’s orders?”

The man, appearing to be in his mid-thirties, exhaled a deep sigh, reminiscent of someone returning home after a grueling day, only to find a cold sandwich waiting for dinner. “That didn’t answer my question at all. Are you seriously going to make me go through the trouble of asking again? Let’s make a deal: I’ll respond to your question if you answer mine first.”

(This guy is so odd. Should I just go along with it…? Why not?)

“…It’s the Jade Emperor. They were created with the help of a God.”

“I see… Yes. You are indeed a cut above those other two.”

“Enough about that. Have you come to seek the head of Polyxena’s killer?”

“Polyxena’s dead…? Huh. First I’m hearing it.”

(What?! Then what business does this man have here?!)

“I didn’t come here on Priam’s orders. I came on Poseidon’s. By his words ‘This is war’. Then again. None of you were on the list, so I guess I haven’t come on anyone’s orders.”

(List? Just what is this man talking about… But more importantly…)

“If you’re in contact with Poseidon, then you must be…”

“Right on the money. I’m one of the Twelve Olympians. Achilles… Wait, no. We’re at eleven right now. But Eleven Olympians doesn’t roll off the tongue as good… *Sigh. Thinking about it is such a waste of effort.”

“You lie! Achilles was an honorable warrior, who died defending the Greeks during the last war.”

“Oh, I was very much on the verge of death. But thanks to Priam, I was reborn as an Olympian. Which is why I have chosen to serve the Troy Empire.”


“Oh, come now. What’s that look for?”

“You’ve betrayed your land. You’ve betrayed the hopes and dreams entrusted to you by fallen comrades. And worst of all. You’ve betrayed your own humanity… You gods really do disgust me.”

He waved his spear around, offering a compliment that sounded like, “That look in your eyes is remarkable.” I could barely hear him; my mind felt completely numb.

As I readied my stance I declared:

“On the honor of Buddha. I will destroy you.”

“Whatever you say. Just try not to waste my effort.”


The king, a formidable presence adorned with an iron crown and a heart brimming with compassion, reclined in his throne, his brow furrowed with unease. The atmosphere was thick with apprehension, the hushed murmurs of dread reverberating through the majestic hall of Chamelot. He could feel the impending storm brewing on the horizon, an instinctual awareness that gnawed at him. He knew what was to come, he could just sense it.

“MY LORD!! MY LORD!!” A frantic voice pierced the tension as a man burst into the king’s chamber, urgency propelling himself forward. “MY LORD!!”

The king's expression tightened, confirming his gut feeling; his intuition had never failed him in moments of peril and today was no different.

Merlin, the king's sage advisor and a formidable warrior in his own right, approached the throne, his demeanor heavy with foreboding. His robes flapped wildly, a testament to the speed at which he had come, nearly unraveling in his haste.

“What is it, Merlin?” the king inquired, his voice steady despite the turmoil. He was not a man of fear, as he was confident in not only his power, but the total might of his kingdom.

“*Pant! Just…*Pant! Give me a moment.” Merlin bent at the waist, struggling to catch his breath, his tattered robe a sign of his frantic journey.

“Take your time.” The king reassured him.

After a moment of recovery, Merlin's voice trembled with urgency as he spoke:

“The gods, my Lord! Just as my visions foretold! They have descended upon Brizzark soil! They’ve come for war!”

A smile crept across the king's face at the revelation. He shifted in his throne, settling into a more relaxed posture as he murmured:

“I see. So, the hour has arrived.”

“Shall we summon the Knights of the Round?” he asked, knowing well that this kingdom had no ordinary soldiers. According to ancient decree, those unfit to protect their realm had no right to govern it. Thus, the royal family’s own men were entrusted with this sacred duty, known as “The Knights of the Round.”

“No. Arthur Jr. will do. It’s about time he sees just how vast this world truly is.”

“A-Are you sure, my Lord? The god in question is one of the Twelve Royal Decks.”

“Don’t worry so much, Merlin. If he steps on Camelot soil, then I’ll just annihilate him.”

“Um… I was actually referring to Arthur… I was concerned about whether he’d manage on his own…”

{He seemed to have dropped the formalities pretty quickly.}



“It’s as I always say. Within this world, there are an infinite number of problems. But inside of you, dwells an infinite number of solutions. If he’s to surpass me, then he’ll need to find his own solution.”



“Riiiggght. Ssssuch a fountain of wisdom you are.” he retorted with a hint of sarcasm.

“Ah-! W-What’s that supposed to mean…? I’m pretty wise… I am.” He twiddled with his thumbs while pouting.

“The wisest of them all… I’ll send Arthur, just as you wish.”


To the west of Camelot you would find the thriving Akkadian Empire, a realm governed by one of the revered Four Saints of Qishi Lu. The women of this land are renowned for their breathtaking beauty captivated all who beheld them. It is said that the only woman who could possibly rival them are the Amazonians. The men on the other hand, well… they’re all dwarves, but I guess that adds to their charm? Maybe.

“What's going on, Mama? Are we going to be alright?” A little girl asked, her voice trembling with fear.

“Absolutely, sweetheart. King Ivan will come to our rescue. Just hold on to your faith.” The mother reassured her, gripping her daughter's arm tightly as they fled from the chaos that erupted behind them. The evacuation order had been issued an hour earlier, but fate had delayed their escape.



The mother’s hurried steps were too swift for her child, who stumbled over a jagged piece of debris.

“Today just isn’t your day…” a sudden voice muttered.

Even without the skills of a warrior or the courage to look back, she could feel the chilling breath of death looming close. Behind her stood an unsettling figure, a bizarre creature with the body of a middle-aged man and the fearsome heads of Cerberus. It radiated an aura of divine light, adorned in pure white fur and flowing robes that fluttered in the breeze, complemented by enormous wings that trailed majestically behind it.

“...How about I relieve you from that stress.” it said, extending a hand toward her neck.

The mother was gripped by an overwhelming fear, her body drenched in sweat and trembling like a fragile leaf caught in a tempest. Fortunately, her daughter had matured enough to understand the peril of any abrupt sound or movement that could lead to their demise. In that harrowing moment, a singular plea echoed in the mother’s mind:

(Someone, anyone, please save my daughter.)




The air ripping with tension as a shimmering crescent moon sliced through the void, seemingly severing the creature’s arm. At least, that’s what they believed had transpired. Yet, astonishingly, there wasn’t a single mark on their body -no wound, no scratch. Still, the dog-man hybrid yelped in surprise, recoiling and clutching at his arm.

“Do not fear, beautiful maidens. Your prince has come to save you.” A young boy stood before them, clad in a blue button-up shirt and ordinary black sweatpants, gripping a sword with determination in his right hand while the sheath rested in his left. Like the beast, he too possessed hair that seemed to shimmer with divine light.

Fun fact, members of the Kamui family -or the Angels- were known for their minor healing abilities, capable of mending small injuries in mere moments. Yet, there were no injuries to heal, leaving them to wonder why they couldn’t lift their arm.

“Grr! Who the hell are you?!” the beast snarled.

“My name is Arthur Kamui Jr. I am the eldest brother of the Pendragon Family and the knight given the duty of vanquishing you, foul beast.”

“Kamui...? I see... I see-I see. So, you must be the Seraphim who somehow escaped from heaven long ago! HAHAHAHA!! TO THINK I’D ENCOUNTER YOU LIKE THIS!! AND YOU WERE EVEN ON THE LIST TOO!! TODAY MUST BE MY LUCKY DAY!!!”

“Seraphim? Heaven? Have you gone mad, beast?”

“Oh, dear me. No one is supposed to know of their existence… Just forget you heard any of that.”

With a flourish of his sword, the boy demanded:

“I’d like to know the name of the beast I’m about to slay.”

With their left arm still incapacitated, the creature prepared its right claws, responding:

“I am the King of Diamonds... Amon Kamui.”

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