AntiGod: The Odyssey Of God

[V2, C4] : Checkmate, Part I

A curly haired man, with striking golden hair, rested on a shining bar as he roared with laughter.

The board in front of him displayed a rather one-sided game of chess. One where white had every piece possible, while black had but a checked king and a terrible placed pawn.

With his cheeks burning a bright scarlet from excitement, he toppled over the checked king.

“…And after all that work to revive our father. Oh Michael, a shame you aren’t here to see it.”



“You called for me, Sire?”

“I see you’re as fast as ever.”

“But of course, Sire. That’s who I am.”

He held one knee to the floor and made sure to bow his head low. He looked as if he were auditioning for some superhero team. He was decked in an almost burgan colored body suit from head to toe. Cliché as it was, it paired nicely with his eagle shaped helmet. His helmet also had a large golden bolt, currently emitted a strong steam. It looked almost like an old, overheating, industrial generator. The kind you have to kick a few times to get it running.

The curly headed ruler rested his right cheek on the back of his hand before commanding:

“Inform the lesser Gods that I will be holding a meeting in Asgard. We shall discuss how we will proceed further.”

“Consider it done, Sire.”


“I will prove it to you, Michael… That our father was not fit to be God.”


Sanzang Tang

(Where… am I…)

“Hey. You sure your power isn’t crap?”

“Her arm came back, didn’t it? So, it worked.”

“Wait. I think she’s waking up.”

“Really? Oh, you’re right.”

With my eyes still bleary, I could only make out a blob of blue goo to my left and a talking chocolate bar to my right.

It took about three long blinks until my vision became clear enough to realize these figures were people, and another two blinks to see them clearly.

(A girl with blue hair? That’s rare. And a boy with… HUH!?)

Having just woken up, I wasn’t in any condition to move around, especially in terms of combat. Yet before I realized it, my body had already gone on the defensive.

With a backflip, followed by a bounce upwards using my right hand, I created ample distance between us.

Instantly, I noticed a glowing blue crystal dangling from the roof. For a moment, I questioned what the hell it was. It was so strange and funny looking. Until my attention was sucked back in when I remembered the two strange people.

The blue haired girl shoved her face in her palms as she sobbed:

“Oh no. It’s happening again… Why is everyone so hostile towards us?”

“I got this… Umm. W-We come in peace. We promise not to hurt you.”

“What are you, an alien?! That was probably the worst way you could’ve said that!”

“I mean… We kinda are aliens.”

(Those golden strands of hair… He could be an Asura… But then why can’t I feel any pressure coming from him.”

“You, there.”

He pointed his finger to his face as if asking “Me?”.

“Yes, you. Who exactly are you?”

“…Uhm. I’m not sure how to answer that. Do you want my name or what planet I came from-”

“Why is your hair golden?”

“Ohhh… that. Ehm. From what I can remember, I was born like this.”

“*Sigh. So, you’re the reason everyone ran from us. I should’ve known it was your fault.”

“What?! False accusations! Name one time that happened!”

“Literally when we just got here, the guards took one look at you and chased us all the way out of town. And do I even need to bring up that time you tried to stop some bandits from robbing a wagon, but after one look at you, the bandits left all their valuables, and hitched a ride on the wagon!"

“T-That wasn’t my fault. They just aren’t used to people wearing tank tops is all. Everyone around here is either wearing a robe or some kind of kimono.”

“I’m the one who bought you that tank top! And why did I need to do that again? Oh right, because every store was magically closed while you were with me!”

(Who are these two... They argue like an old married couple.)

“*EHEM! I’ll ask one more time… Who. Are you.”

“Relax, man. If you want my name, its Tenshi Tiryns. And I come from Earth.”


(Tenshi… Tiryns…)

“Wait now that I think about it. How can you speak English? No one else could understand us until now.”

{It seems Rin was the first to notice.}

(He could be lying. I’ll have to test him.)



(Okay, I’ll try again.)


“…You alright?”

(Even if they were a spy, no Trojan would dare identify as a Tiryns. And if he can’t remember him, then he can’t be an Asura… Maybe he really is his brother.)

“No idiot. I think she’s talking about your brother. Though I’m surprised she knows him.”

“You remember Akuma?! But how?!”

“Why wouldn’t I? He is our companion. I’m more curious about how you know him. In the week we’ve been here, we haven’t so much as heard his name until now.”


(A week?! That’s not right. Akuma only showed up a couple days ago.)

“Wait-! How long was I asleep?”

“We found you passed out like an hour ago. And with the injuries you had, I doubt you were unconscious long before that.”

(Then how could it have been a week… Something isn’t right here.)

“Correct me if I’m wrong but you’re one of the strange people who suddenly appeared around the world a week ago, right? Are you telling me that Akuma came with you?”

“Yep. Grandpa transported all of us at once, so there shouldn’t have been any delay between people.”

(Then how… According to Akuma, he only woke up right before I found him… What part of the puzzle am I missing...? Run through it all slowly, Sanzang… Polyxena. She was with Akuma when I first found him. I’ve been trying to figure out when and why she arrived in my Kingdom. She almost never leaves the king’s side too. Up till now, I thought it was a coincidence that she stumbled upon Akuma the same day she arrived… But what if… she didn’t stumble upon him… What if they were together the entire time. And if he really arrived here a week ago, then that would mean…!)

“Sorry guys. I’ve been trying my best to stand by while you two talk, but I just can’t anymore… Can someone please tell me who this Akuma is?”




In the continent North-West of Tang, was a boy journeying through the Kingdom of Troy.

Within this massive Kingdom stood a beacon of wealth, prosperity and justice. It housed not only the infamous Trojan Family, but also a device that shouldn’t be allowed to exist…

The Seventh Trumpet.

“¡Gree. Zob it florp meez or zork mlooping vurt zu cheefer?”

{Hey. Is it just me or is something coming over here?}

“Zlmp…? Grak yrrg flopka...”

{Hmm…? I think you’re right…}

Two Trojan guards, both weary of the strange figure getting ever so closely.

“Zyblor qunix draj?”

{What do you think it is?}

Unlike Earth, some places in Gaia can experience up to a staggering 12 seasons. Currently, Troy is in Endo season. A brief time where clouds shed their dead starlites.

“Z-Zorplak vree zorgon.”

{I-I think that’s a person.}

“Zlmp… Grak yrrg flopka.”

{Hmm… I think you’re right.}




“Zark thon glibb farnok zis?”

{Do you think he heard me?}

“Zlmp… Dronk kx'laga hjuun. Z-Zax'k ears floopjet.”

{Hmm… There’s no way he didn’t. M-My ears are bleeding.}

“Zyblor wib zenkorb? Is klorbat a vreshnik for gloonbarg?”

{What should we do then? Is he a guest for the celebration?}

“Zar tenk. Klaxivs ne'ra meuja na krentz. Globian fleerox ja farngot greez. Urr'ka Wiska Primix pla'kru knot.”

{He must be. Civilians aren’t stupid enough to come out during this time. Though the celebration started hours ago. I doubt King Priam will be pleased.}


Just then, one guard noticed a clump of starlites falling from the clouds just above the mysterious figure.

“Z-Zark thon gree’ll bloff alright?”

{D-Do you think he’ll be alright?}

“Zlmp? Florp glib. Yarp noh? The Zorgok's kibblorz gloob frobbed their nogs so they zatz here in zingle splosh.”

{Hmm? Oh that. Of course he will. Don’t you remember? The King’s guests all received their own barrier so they could make it here in one piece.}

“Zog, vrak. Wib nork flibud busk zinta? Blor’taz vrik blurn texal?”

{Yeah, but. What if it isn’t able to protect him? Won’t we be held accountable?}

“Glumphar! The skwoosh's blorpt glitter fizzles when it bumps into humon fizglox. So as long as he has the zibbly wall then it should just slorp off and fizz away into the glurph-”

{Impossible. The cloud’s shed starlites only explode when they come in contact with human skin. So as long as he has that barrier then it should just slide right off and dissolve into the earth-}






The two guards clenched their spears and rushed over to inspect the mysterious body.

As they expected, nothing but a pair of legs connected by smoke.

They questioned who the mysterious person could’ve been and their purpose for coming to the royal palace. Had he been a soldier from a neighboring Kingdom? If so, then surely this was a declaration of war. Or maybe he was a spy from Bushin? With how abnormal his skin looked; he could've been. And everyone knows the king of Bushin harbors a deep grudge against Troy.



And in their ponder, they finally realized it.

Truth be told, it was a thought that rested in the back of their minds, but never anything more than that. You could argue they were just too terrified to accept it as reality, so they subconsciously kept themselves from asking.

Maybe you’d be right, or maybe you’d be wrong. Who’s to say really.

But one thing was for sure. That lingering thought was now staring directly into their souls. They had no choice but to accept it.

Everything from the thighs up had been incinerated, yes… But something else was missing.

The blood. Not even a single drop of it.

Unfortunately, by the time the two realized this, their fates had already been sealed.

Those two legs -only connected by a stream of smoke- regrew piece by piece. Until eventually, the walking dead was restored.

Honestly, “restored” is a rather cruel way to put it.

If you could hear the way that thing grunted in pain, you’d probably shed a tear from a sense of pity.

Being warriors, they instinctually leaped back but were stopped abruptly by a strong grip around their jaws.


A grip so mighty, their eyes slowly popped out of their skulls as they desperately struggled.

In a desperate act, they both took their long spears and drilled it straight through him and for a moment, they thought they'd succeeded in stopping him.


But that was just wishful thinking.

Their faces clenched more and more and more, until…


Beneath these shedding clouds, leaving nothing but carnage in his wake, was despair itself. And again, despair marched on with one goal in mind:

“Where is God”

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