AntiGod: The Odyssey Of God

[V2, C2] : Enlightenment, Part II

I felt a bit of resistance when I tried to move my fingers.

I was floating -wait, no. I think I was drowning. No, that’s not right either. It’s like I was getting tugged lower and lower down an infinite ocean but with the ability to breathe.

It felt surprisingly relaxing.

Before I knew it, I’d shut my eyes and submitted to that relaxing current.



Until a sudden roar zapped me awake. It was a familiar voice. The voice of someone divine-like.


I was always a curious person by nature. The kind of person to ask how instead of why. Which is why hearing that familiar voice, yet not being able to remember their face was like an itch in the back of my throat.

I had to know. So much so that I swam upwards despite the strong tug pulling me down.

I couldn’t tell which way was up by sight alone -that’s just how dark it was. So instead, I followed the voice that kept yelling:


(Resist it? Is this tug really that dangerous?)

Without realizing it, my curiosity got the better of me and instead of swimming to the voice, I found myself turning the opposite way, swimming to the very bottom of this abyss.

The current aided my decent, allowing me to move at high speeds.

Eventually I swam so far down, I caught a glimpse of something white. A mythical glow of white. If someone ever stabbed and spilled the blood of God, this is what I’d expect to spew out.

Impatiently, I squinted to get a better look at whatever it was.


(A book…?)

I couldn’t tell you why but I really, really wanted that book. Just a single touch would’ve been okay.

But something was preventing me from getting any closer. Like a thick, transparent, black crystal wall of sorts.

With how badly I wanted that book, this wall for damn sure wasn't gonna stop me.

The wall was already a bit cracked, so I just targeted that weak spot.

With each strike, it let out a loud cry.


I pushed off and wound up one more solid punch. If this didn’t finally do the trick, then I don’t know what would.

But as my fist clocked back to my ear something grabbed onto my arm, preventing me from throwing that punch.

“You mustn’t do that, Akuma.” they said in a concerned tone.

It was the person who was calling out to me earlier.

Honestly, I’m a little disappointed in myself for not recognizing their voice until now.

“Do what?”

“You mustn’t break that barrier.”

“And what if I do?”

“If the barrier around your Yang is broken then the exoskeleton that Frankenstein made for you will also shatter.”

“…I don’t think I’m familiar with this Frankenstein.”

“Then let me put it in simpler terms… If you break that wall and check-out your story, Yggdrasil will remove you from its Library.”


“To put it in simpler terms. In the eyes of Yggdrasil, your story isn’t supposed to exist. And the moment you check out that story, even I’m not sure what will happen.”

(You call that “simpler terms”?!)

“…So, you’re saying, the only thing keeping me from being me is this wall? But how is that even possible?”

“Akuma. What do you think makes a person themselves and not anyone else?”

“Well… If I had to guess, I’d say their memories.”

“Correct. And why do you think that is?”

“Well, if your memories change then the experiences that made you who you are also change.”

“Correct again. The soul is comprised of two sections:

The Ying (Your Story's cover) – This part of the soul stores your soul type as well as the color of your soul. It’s the part of you that’s responsible for producing starlites and using the Empower technique.

And the Yang (Your Story's contents) – This part of the soul stores the memories of all your lives as well as determines the quality of your soul. It is also the part that is responsible for using the Devour technique. If this part of your soul is destroyed, then your story can never return to the Library of Yggdrasil."

“…Well, I don’t know anything about this Devour technique but what makes my Yang so dangerous? Shouldn’t I want to know about my past life?”


“Umm… Michael?”



“The Yang part of your soul was destroyed a long time ago.”


His words were like a sudden punch to the gut.

“…Then are you saying...?”

“Once upon a time…”

(Is this guy seriously telling a story right now?!)

“…Yggdrasil was a desolate, vacant realm. Eventually, Yggdrasil grew bo-”

“Yeah-yeah. Can you keep the yapping to a minimum? Please? If you hadn’t realized, I’m scared for my life.”

“*Sigh. Basically, no one person is supposed to have two stories. And yet, you did. And to top it off, the contents of your story- the Yang- was destroyed a long time ago. It's thanks to Frankenstein that you can still live. Listen, Akuma. There are other ways to get strong. Just focus on your Hoshi-”


“What is it?”

“Be honest with me. You knew me in my past life, didn’t you?”

"...What makes you think that?"

"Hmm. Just a hunch."

“…Yes... I did. I’ve known you in every single one of your lives… And every time. Each and every time. I couldn’t do anything to save you. But not again. I can’t let that happen again! I refuse to watch as you die right before my eyes for the fourth time!”

“…I won’t act like I remember any of that, and I don’t think it’s my place to say this but… Thanks, Michael. And I’m sorry.”

It was all familiar to him. The way he watched as his dear friend said goodbye with a bright smile. The way he could do nothing but reach for his back as he did so. And even the tear that gently drizzled down his cheek.

It was all familiar to him.


He’d be forced to watch yet again, as the one he loved most faded from his existence.

With no wall to prevent his advancement, he grabbed a hold of the white colored book.

The cover read:


By: The AntiGod

He clung tightly to the book, hugging it in the same way a caring mother would hold their child.

And as it faded from existence, so did he.

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