AntiGod: The Odyssey Of God

[V1, C4] : The Asuras, Part V

“We’ve been walking down the stairs for daaays man. Where are you taking me!”

“It’s been like 10 minutes, you baby.”

“Yeah right. Tell that to my poor legs.”

The walk down was a treacherous one. I could feel the muscles in my thighs tightening -praying for salvation.

(I’m sorry little ones, it doesn’t look like salvation is coming anytime soon.)


After another ten minutes of descending stairs, I came face to face with a large copper double door.


I noticed there were no nobs to open it with, so I asked Finral:

“Umm… How are we supposed to get in?”

He didn’t answer my question. I’m starting to think it’s a kink or something.

That’s when he raised his walking cane and channeled some starlites around him while muttering some strange chant. He looked just like those fake priest pretending to exercise a demonic spirit.

The door’s scraped against the ground as they exposed the contents of the room.

What was inside was something straight out of fantasy. The ideal mancave that every man dreamt about when they were just a little boy.

This cave could easily fit a thousand people. Hell, it might be able to sustain them too.

Despite being underground, it was well lit.

There were robots flailing about from left to right. Most of them didn’t seem to be wearing any clothes but every now and then you’d spot one in a frigin butler uniform.

And the machinery they operated. Are they even human technology? If they are, I must be living under a rock.

I was still observing every angle of the cave when a question crossed my mind.

“Hey Finral.”


“How come you always chant when you use Hoshi? Does it boost the power or something?”

“Not at all. I just saw it in a manga one time, and it looked cool.”


(What a loser.)

“Here is the item you requested Master Finral.”

One of the robots dressed in butler attire rushed over to us.

(Master Finral?! Lucky bastard.)

“Ahh thank you. You know I do very much enjoy the work you boys do here.”

I couldn’t get a good look since it was wrapped in some cloth, but I think they gave Finral some sort of circular object.

The robot quickly made himself scarce. They must be in one hell of a rush hour.

(Even robots have it hard… It brings tears to my eyes.) I thought while wiping the single tear from my right eye.

“Here you go, Akuma…”


“Your Tamashi is finished.”

“Oh, I guess the thing that butler-bot gave you was my Tama…shi…”

This must be a prank. No other explanation could explain what I was looking at. But I had to be certain.

“...Oh Finral?” I asked in a sweet tone.

“Yes, my boy?” he also answered in a matching tone.

“Umm. Could you run it by me what exactly a Tamashi is again?”

“It’s the weapon that would fit you best. They each have their own characteristics and unique traits while also alleviating the stress on one’s soul when using Empower. Don’t you remember that silly?”

“Oh no. I remember clearly. I just wanna know… Why on God’s green earth is my perfect weapon… A DAMN CLOCK?!!...”

Yes, you read that correctly. This frigin baldie has the nerve to tell me my perfect weapon is a clock! A clock! Am I supposed to toss it at the Asuras?

“…Where’s the cool dragon armor? Or a sword of legends, like Excalibur?”

“HAHAHA!! You really do have a big imagination, my boy. Like you’d ever be able to wield Excalibur.”

(Laughing at my suffering? Count your days bastard- wait. Excalibur actually exists?)

“This isn’t actually your Tamashi.”

“Ahh whoooo would’ve guessed” I replied in sarcasm. “So, where’s my actual Tamashi? You know, my Excalibur?”

“Ahh about that. Theres no good way to say this, so I’ll just say it flat out...”

I already accepted my fate. Anytime he said those words, nothing good came after. I braced myself for the news.

“...Your soul is impossible to synthesize.”


“Every time I tried to synthesize it into a solid form, it’d just go back to its original shape. Every attempt ended in a dud.”

“A dud?”

“Yeah, that only happens when one of two things are at play. And none of them are pretty. Either your current soul is a fake, or -the worst case- your past life is still alive.”

“My past life… is still alive?”

“...Yes. And if that’s the case, that means your past life lives outside the realm of time and space. In other words, a God. Which would make your soul way too overbearing to effect it.”

I could feel the sweat on my cheek as it trailed down to my jaw. It’s not like he told me my life was in danger but for some reason I was terrified. I couldn’t swallow the saliva in my mouth, and I was shivering from head to toe.

I scrounged up my courage and mustered the strength to ask about the other option:

“What about my soul being a fake?”

“It’s not really that dire of a problem. Your current soul is like an exoskeleton for your damaged soul underneath.”

“Wait, you’re speaking as if this did happen. But I thought you were implying that my past life is alive? So, which is it?”

“…Akuma my boy. In your case… both are at play.”


By this time, my mouth had produced so much saliva that it swallowed on reflex. One big gulp. The memory of Rin telling us about a soul being destroyed crossed my mind.

“Is there any way to fix it? My soul I mean.”

“I imagine Micheal must have a solution.”

“Micheal? Like that angel from my dream?”

“Yes, that same one. Your body currently houses three colors. Gold, black and the nastiest color of them all… white.”

“…I’m not gonna pretend I understood all that color business. What I do want to know is, if that clock isn’t my Tamashi, then is its Micheal’s, right?”

“Yep. And any question on how to use it should go towards him.”

Finral turned his back to me after saying that and started walking to the horde of robots. There was nowhere else to go so I trailed him from behind.

I was a little confused on how we’d get through the stampede of worker bots, but seeing as they all stopped moving to let Finral walk by I assumed they would do the same for me.

{They didn’t…}


“Where are we going?”

“Hehe. It’s a secret” he answered with a face of accomplishment. I think he must’ve been dying for me to ask that.

(He’s such a kid, sometimes I forget he’s a fossil.)

“It’s a giant spaceship.”

“Gah-! What happened to the surprise?”

“Couldn’t wait that long.”


“So, this spaceship. Is it really big enough to fit millions of people?”

“The hell are you yapping about. Only the four of us are getting in.”

“Four of us?! What about Alice!?”

“Man, you sound like a broken record. Your girlfriend is dead, get over it.”


“Listen my boy. There’re a few problems with teleporting everyone:

First, I don’t have the power to teleport, what I do is collect each molecule in your body and send them to another space. You can guess how difficult that would be for so many people.

Second, the farther I’m transporting them, the harder it is to pinpoint the location. Meaning most of them will end up in random spots around the world.

Lastly, and the most troublesome issue. There’s a chance anyone with their soul still sealed will suffer some kind of brain damage. And that’s literally everyone on this planet.”

“I see. So how long will it take to reach the ship?”

“We’re here actually.”


I leaned my head over his tall frame to see in front of him.

Spaceships weren’t invented yet in modern times, but I watched enough anime to tell. This was a ship that could travel to space, fly us though the infinite stars and take us to a world never seen before.

The word “wow” was about to leave my lips when a sudden ray of red and black light beamed through the ceiling. Or since this is underground would it be better to say it beamed through the ground?

I could see it in slow motion as the light cleaved the ship in half.

The two halves rolled over and caused a cloud of dust to circle the area.

Finral’s expression was that of someone who missed the lottery by a single number. Or someone who bet their life savings on black, only to watch as the ball slowly rolled on red. All while hearing their friend go “Damn man. You should’ve bet red.”

Standing in the middle of that nonsense was a man.

He was the big, beefy kind of guy. He had braids with a blond gradient and wore furry barbarian-like armor and a devilish smile that curled up to his eyes.

There was no mistaking this sinister presence. This man was an Asura.

“Did you think you could get rid of me that easily, Finral?!” the man yelled out.

I immediately entered a defensive stance.

“Stand down Akuma, my boy… this one is on a whole other level than halter.”

“Stand down? There’s two of us, so why fight him alone?”

Finral’s patience ran empty and for the first time he raised his voice at me.


The pressure he gave off was intimidating, but in a way, he was kinda cool. All the same I wasn’t backing down.

“Listen Akuma… Remember that time you said I was fighting a strong opponent that forced me to turn back time? This is him. His name is Solomon and he’s the Sin of Wrath… And he’s… my brother.”

“I see. Then if it’s family business I won’t interfere” I said as I dropped my stance.

“Thank you… Since I’ll have to do it while fighting him. It’ll take me five minutes to transport every survivor.”

“So, you do need my help?”

“You wouldn’t last ten seconds against him. Besides. You’re in charge of another task.”


Just then, the surrounding walls crumbled open, reminding me of a person I’d rather forget.

To make the situation worse, coming from behind us was a sound I wish I could forget.

The sound of boots as they tapped against the floor.

“…This space is for families to have their squabble. Everyone else… should leave!”

The sound of Finral’s staff hitting the ground bounced all around the hallway. And before I knew it, somehow, I’d been transported back to the surface.

“I’m so glad I get to see you again.”

Unfortunately, I had company.

(I bet you are happy to see me, aren’t you.)

“Holding on to grudges, are we?” I asked while turning to face him.

I really did hope to see someone else when I turned around. Sigh. I guess that’s just wishful thinking.

“You say the silliest things. Why would I let that slide?”



“…Oh no look over there. It’s Lucifer.”

The oldest trick in the book, I know. But can you blame me? I was desperate. I’m not even sure why that name came to mind, it just seemed like it’d work.

“Lucifer!? Where?”

Surprisingly, it did.

Of course I used that time to run as far as possible.

I could hear him hauling insults as he chased me.


Finral Ark

*Pant! *Pant!

“I don’t suppose you don’t feel like letting me off the hook this once?”

“Fu-fu. Of course not! You and Michael shall die here.”

(Originally, I set aside half my starlites to automatically formulate a complete magic circle while I fought. With a complete magic circle, I’d basically cheat my way out of the first two problems that my teleportation caused. The time necessary to pinpoint the destination, and the difficulty in teleporting such a large number of people. A solid plan in theory. But there’s just one issue. My opponent is Soloman. The mightiest of all the Asuras. To make matters worse, because I set away half my power to form the circle, I reverted to my true form. A form with little mobility, little reach and zero intimidation. The form of a mere child.)

“Just how long are you gonna struggle against me? Abadon Michael and fight with all your power!”

“…His name isn’t Michael. It’s Akuma.”

(This is gonna be a gamble, but it’s better than us all dying.)

I absorbed the power I split off and abandoned my old plan

For a moment, his gaze shifted to the magic circle that disappeared after I stopped drawing it.

I used that moment to close the distance.

“Have you finally abandoned Michael?!”

“I told you; his name is Akuma!”

(Good news, Akuma. I won’t be needing those five minutes. Bad news, I’m not sure how this will turn out... I just hope you’ll stay with us)

Finral’s body started producing starlites like crazy. It was like an industrial machine on overtime.


“I know you will. And I’ll be expecting your visit… brother.”

For some, the circle of light that appeared under them saved their life -protecting them from zombies.

For others, they may have been stretching out their arms when the light formed, causing them to lose that limb.

One man -in particular- was trying to grab his daughter after she was grabbed and bitten by a zombie. Unfortunately for him, he lost his daughter and his hand.

On this day, the animals that ruled over Earth like gods, the ones who sat comfortably at the top of the food chain -whether they be man, woman or child- would suddenly vanish.

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