Another Kind: A Predator/Mimic Fanfiction Crossover Novel

Chapter Six: Entanglements

Day 12

Habitat Wing

Razorback Café

United Space Systems Vessel California

17:42 hours

Bess Trainor is seated in a booth underneath a multi-color canopy. The artificial U.V. light above casts a large spotlight around the dining area. The table in front of Beth is littered with various papers; case studies, personnel files, x-rays, and scientific journals. A pair of pink reading glasses sits atop the bridge of her nose.

Beth mutters to herself as she uses a finger to follow along with a line of text. Another finger lands on the page and Bess follows it to the arm it is attached to. The arm belongs to Chief Engineer Theodore McAvoy.

“Hi,” Theo says, offering Bess his most friendly smile. “Mind if I sit here?”

Bess removes her reading glasses and squares away the items spread out across the table.

“Oh…No,” Bess stammers. “Please, sit down.”

Theodore sets his plate, with English muffin and mug of coffee, on the table. He stares across the table at Bess, but remains silent. Bess waves the folded pair of reading glasses.

“I only wear these to read,” Bess volunteers. She is secretly worried that Theodore is judging her on account of the glasses.

“No…No. No worries,” Theodore replies. His voice is soft and reassuring. “I like your glasses. I think they make you look more…Professional.”

Bess relaxes just a little. She taps the frames of the reading glasses against her upper lip.

“You do?” she inquires in disbelief.

“I do,” Theodore says.

“Oh,” Bess says and puts the glasses back on her face.

A wide grin spreads across Theodore’s face and he leans across the table.

“There she is,” Theodore says seductively. His gaze shifts to the papers Bess has been studying. “What’s all this? Writing a thesis for med school?”

“No…Uh, doing research into a project me and Dr. Boyd are working on,” Bess says. “I can’t tell you what it is though.”

Theodore twists his face into a sarcastic smirk and pulls one of the case files in front of him. He uses a flat palm, pressed atop the file, to turn the papers where he can read them. He raises his gaze to meet Bess’ once again and forces a smile.

“Judas Project. Dr. Susan Tyler,” Theodore laughs. “I seem to recollect a case like this. Sometime in the late part of the twentieth century. If memory serves me…Things didn’t go so well! You think you and the doc can do any better?”

Bess once again removes the glasses from her face. She offers Theodore a smug smile.

“Well, we’re sure as hell going to try,” Bess retorts. “It’s our job.”

“Yes, I’m sure it is,” Theodore replies. “So, what’s the doc’s problem anyway? She doesn’t seem to like me very much.”

Bess is quick to defend her Boss. She pats Theodore’s hand gently.

“Oh…It’s not that,” Bess says. “It’s just that…She thinks you come on a little strong. You do have that tendency.”

“Do I now?” Theodore says, placing his other hand atop Bess’s. “And is that a problem for you?”

Bess’ face is transformed by a smile which nearly covers her entire countenance. She leans forward across the table and Theodore meets her halfway. After a brief kiss, they separate.

“Not at all,” Bess replies. “I like my men strong.”

Theodore drops his hand, and reaches beneath the table. He gently massages Bess’ thigh. She gazes across at him, eyes aglow with youthful passion. Theodore's mouth curls into a wolfish grin.

“Maybe, we’d better go someplace a little more private?” Theo suggests.

“Maybe we should,” Bess agrees. "My quarters aren't far."

Theo's eyes narrow, and his grin widens.

"Lead the way, little lady," Theo drawls, falling back on his usual way of talking.

Bess chuckles and squeezes the hand massaging her thigh.

"Room 346AG. But, we'd better not be seen together. It might look kind of bad. And Dr. Boyd will be furious," Bess explains. "Give me ten minutes. Then, follow me."

Bess climbs to her feet and clears the table, shoving the items into her carrying bag. She drapes her hand across Theo's chest, arm, and back before heading in the direction of her quarters. Theo watches her leave, already plotting how the evening will go.



Day 12

Habitat Wing

Bess Trainor's Quarters

United Space Systems Vessel California

17:57 hours

Chief Engineer Theodore McAvoy rolls onto his back and glances over at Bess as she sleeps. Bess is half inside the blanket and half out of it, one leg hanging partially off of the bed. Theodore does not correct her positioning because he does not wish to wake her.

Climbing from the bed, Theodore carefully slides Bess’ medical tablet from her carrying bag. He turns the tablet on, adjusts the volume, and inserts the USB information scalping device into a port on the tablet’s side. Images and text flash across the screen as Theodore inputs various commands.

After approximately ten minutes, Theodore has all the information he needs. In order to circumvent some of the security measures put in place by company security; he will need more than just two sets of codes. Only members of the Judas Resurrection Project, and the highest ranking security personnel, will have the necessary codes. And it’s not like he can walk up to Crews and ask him for them. Screwing hare-brained Bess was a lot easier, and a lot more fun.

Theodore ejects the device and then shuts off the tablet. Replacing the computer in Bess’ carrying bag, he drops the bag back in its place beside the chair. Next, he conceals the device containing the stolen information in a small pouch—which he places into the right leg pocket of his work pants. Checking to be sure the Velcro on the pocket is sealed all the way across, Theodore leaves the pants on the chair back and crosses to the bed.

Pulling back the blanket, Theodore climbs back in bed beside Bess. He pulls her to him, as she stirs, and kisses her passionately. Bess only too eagerly returns his passion. Theodore can only smile. Everything is going according to plan.

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