Another Kind: A Predator/Mimic Fanfiction Crossover Novel

Chapter Forty: When You Wake

Main Lab

4 hours before geomagnetic storm arrives

Glotis is seated at the late Bess Trainor’s desktop computer. The yautja female's hands fly across the screen of her wrist interface. A rigged apparatus allows Glotis’ wrist device and the human computer to communicate, and a translation of sorts appears on the device. Glotis is satisfied with what she sees and continues to sort through the data.

Dr. Boyd watches Glotis for a moment before going back to her own work. N-Vorl, ever like a shadow in Teresa's wake, stands near the wall. He watches the two scientists with more interest than Teresa would expect from a warrior or an engineer. Or an elder. Eventually, N-Vorl approaches Teresa’s work station, while glancing furtively over at Glotis.

“What progress has been made?” N-Vorl inquires in an artificially flat tone.

Teresa can see through the veil of N-Vorl’s feigned disinterest. There is a lot more to this yautja warrior than meets the eye. Every layer she unravels reveals yet another. However, with enough time, she may finally uncover the true N-Vorl. Though not as easily as he had laid bare her fleshly form, while they made love atop a bed of surgical linens. Teresa looks up at N-Vorl and then points to the computer screen.

“I’ve mapped the genes for...,” Teresa begins.

She skims over her notes and then returns her attention to the onscreen image. Sneaking a peek at N-Vorl, Teresa adjusts in her seat.

“...Specimens twenty-three and eighteen. I’m in the process of generating a computer simulation of what a hybrid creature—With the characteristics Glotis and I have chosen—Would look and behave like," Teresa states.

Dr. Boyd presses a button on her desktop keyboard and a 3D rendering of the proposed hybrid appears on the screen. The image is of a large creature with eight jointed legs, four sets of owl-like eyes set in a face covered with pinkish tentacles, and a beak made of shiny black chitin. The creature’s buglike legs are also black chitin, tipped with dangerously sharp talons. A tail like that of a giant scorpion curls over the onscreen monster’s body.

“Meet Titan Zero” Teresa says with a grim smile. “In a little over two hours, we can start experimentation with live embryos. Unless, we find something that needs…Improvement.”

Teresa scrolls away from the image of the ferocious hybrid and brings N-Vorl’s attention to another subject. She wags a finger playfully in the air.

“I do have some good news,” Dr. Boyd says, unable to hide her excitement. “The cameras on the released juveniles are working perfectly. Although, they're not juveniles anymore. With the nano-chips, I’m able to track them throughout the facility. Right now, they seem to be congregating near the transport hangar. If they leave the ship, I may lose tracking ability once they go out of range. But should they meet up with other Judases…While inside the ship…I’ll be able to track those as well. Via the camera feeds. I call that great news.”

N-Vorl nods his head, and there is a twinkle in his eye. Teresa steeples her fingers and stares at N-Vorl.

“N-Vorl?” Dr. Boyd whispers discreetly. “Since I’m not a complete idiot…How exactly did you figure out…What you figured out…About my research?”

N-Vorl’s mandibles open and shut rapidly. He glances at Glotis, who is absorbed in genetic research of her own, and then back at Teresa.

“This is not a discussion we should have here,” N-Vorl says in a husky whisper.

“Agreed,” Teresa admits. “Another time, then?”

“Yes. Another time,” N-Vorl replies.

Dr. Boyd shrugs and shuffles her eyebrows. A gesture which N-Vorl finds more than a little amusing.

“Okay,” Teresa says.

She goes back to the 3D simulation of the beaked, tentacled creature and presses a few buttons. The image shifts and a computerized voice narrates the strange hybrid’s strengths, weaknesses, and other attributes. All scientific mumbo jumbo that would bore the average person enough to warrant a night of strong drink. However, Dr. Boyd listens carefully, scribbling furiously on the tablet with her stylus. N-Vorl watches her work, taking in every word the computer is saying.



Transport Hangar

Three hours before storm arrives

The three Judases Dr. Boyd outfitted with cameras and trackers roam through the transport hangar—searching for others of their kind. They are slightly bigger than when they were first released and the crest of the largest one has the beginnings of a distorted face. At this stage, the face on the hybrid roach’s armored crest appears neither human nor yautja.

The young queen continues to sniff the area, zigging and zagging across the metal floor. Her long antenna float in the air, and she stops every few steps to reorient herself. Her two siblings follow closely behind. Approaching an intersecting corridor, the young queen stops completely. The trio of roaches exchange antenna wags and then go to the left.



The Lounge

Three hours before storm arrives

Teresa brings the rim of the piping hot mug of coffee to her lips. She observes the movements of the trio of Judases, via her tablet computer, with an arched eyebrow. N-Vorl sits at a table opposite her. Teresa glances up at him and can’t help but smile. The rugged yautja hunter looks so out of place amongst the plush benches and striped tablecloths.

Teresa gathers up her belongings and moves to the table where N-Vorl is seated. He peers silently in her direction. The only part on his body which moves is his eyes. Teresa drops down on the bench across from him, placing her items on the tabletop.

“Is this a good time?” Teresa asks in a quiet voice. “I want to know how you knew I was…Planning to use yautja DNA for my research. How did you know where I had gotten it?”

N-Vorl seems to consider his next words. Imitating Teresa’s usual mannerisms, N-Vorl steeples his hands and leans forward. His large elbows rest on the edge of the table.

“You and certain members of Glotis' team…Are not the only scientists here,” N-Vorl says definitively.

The revelation hits Teresa right between the eyes and her mouth hangs slack. She leans forward as well, her voice dropping even lower.

“Wait a minute. Are you telling me—,” Teresa exclaims.

“Yes. On my native habitat, I completed an apprenticeship as a cultivator. What oomans might call a chemist. With a little botany and biology included. After all, one must know just how much sloso will entice and intoxicate... Without risking complete paralysis or death for your subject. My orders were to watch over you…To ensure that you did not betray us,” N-Vorl explains. “This much, you already know. I hid my level of knowledge from you so that you might become complacent. Confident in the false belief that I was ignorant and unable to uncover any evidence of deceit.”

Teresa’s eyes search N-Vorl’s face and her brow furrows. N-Vorl stares back, his expression blank and devoid of emotion.

“You’re just full of surprises,” Teresa intones. “So…Why didn’t you inform Elder Glandis? Why let me know you were aware of what I was doing at all?”

“Because you were correct,” N-Vorls says cryptically. “In your belief that I wanted more. I am a hunter…A warrior.”

“Amongst other things…,” Teresa retorts. A sly smile creeping onto her visage.

N-Vorl’s eyes narrow but he continues what he was saying before Teresa’s interruption. Omitting the less obvious details regarding his motivations.

“I am a warrior. A warrior does not shy away because a mission is too unpleasant,” N-Vorl says. “I believe what you have done has merit. A prey animal that can hunt as well as any yautja…Is a most worthy adversary. I think Elder Glandis can be brought around to the merits of your ideas as well.”

“And if he cannot?” Teresa asks.

“Then, you and I may have nothing to look forward to but an unpleasant death,” N-Vorl says.

Teresa considers everything that N-Vorl has said. Sliding her hand across the table, she rests it atop his much larger hand. N-Vorl glances down at Dr. Boyd’s hand, and then up at her face. After what seems like forever, N-Vorl slowly raises his hand enough so that he can slip his fingers between Teresa’s.

Dr. Boyd briefly studies their clasped hands. She uncoils her fingers from N-Vorl’s and rises to her feet. He does the same, adjusting his massive bulk and peering at Teresa with half-lidded eyes.

“I’m going to get some rest. An hour at most,” Teresa says. “I want to be alert…When the disturbance gets here.”

N-Vorl walks around the table and strides to where Dr. Boyd stands. She gazes up into his face, and he gazes down into hers. Teresa’s eyes watch N-Vorl’s hands as he cups either side of her face.

“I will be here…When you wake,” N-Vorl utters in a low voice.

Teresa’s gaze wanders to the recessed coffee maker and food processor. To the place where she and N-Vorl had their first one-on-one encounter. Where she had once considered clobbering him with an empty coffee mug. How things have changed. Letting her eyes wander around the room, Teresa finally returns her gaze to N-Vorl’s face.

“I know you will,” Teresa replies.

She is in no way surprised when N-Vorl bends forward and kisses her tenderly. Sliding her arm around his waist, she closes her eyes as he mimics her actions. An ironic chuckle, escapes her lips.

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