Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor


Hi, author here... I have to change that...


ok, so... what can I say I was planning on uploading this chapter about 3 - 4 days ago sadly I was hit with a test from my institute and tasked with 2 more assignments so F it, I guess had to give priority to that.

due to that, I... wrote the chapter in the span of the week with some intermissions in between so might be something that needs some fixing in there that I didn't see

that about it... Ha..! right, there is a poll at the end.

hope you enjoy it!




as the sword came down into me I knew I would not be able to avoid it in time even if I make tentacle appear it would not be able to redirect the sword from my body...(something to keep in mind for later...) so I continued with the original idea and sent fling the "bandit" girl, which like the other two after landing on a tree got her face hugged by my minion she tried to resist but fainted soon after.

after kicked her I received a cut that crossed from my shoulder down and sends me staggering forward because I lost my footing due to the amount of pain I got from it, like that really fuking hurt way more than you would expect, like having a thousand needles piercing into your skin on the same area simultaneously with burning sensation while they are at it, and all in different instances of the same feeling meaning an overwhelming sensation after another.

he appeared a bit surprised but when he saw me staggering he didn't let the opportunity go and started to swing at me, I, still a bit distracted by the pain and made my best effort to evade or block, I had already closed the wound with the best of my abilities but thanks to the burn effect of the sword and the constant attacks I can't do anything more than a fast patch right now.

this continued for a bit until I noticed my sword was starting to glow a little and with it, small deformations started to appear after each hit blocked meaning that his sword was heating mine and slowly melting it which I don't appreciate at all, now I want to hurt him real bad.

to that end, I covered my arms on metal with my normal leather armor on top, then I timed one of the blocks to make an opening then when my sword was about to give I drop it and deflected the incoming attack to the side with my arm finally making him lose balance and uppercut the bastard, and while he is thrown a bit in the air because (I didn't contain my strength), I hit him in the head again with a rotating backward kick finally throwing him on his back really pained, I then grab his sword a kick him in the gut one last time to make him faint, easy thanks to the fact he didn't have any armor, but tough because even with two hits to the head he didn't go to sleep.

man... how I love the [unarmed combat] skill.

in the end that was a nice fight, he had the experience and I had the stats so we were pretty even but he could not adapt to my sudden change on tactics, altho he would have been even wordier of an opponent if not for the fact that he attacked from the back on his opening move, which reminded me of my wound and... OW... it appears that that attack practically destroyed that part of my body, it is black so I have to remove it... point taken, stay as far away as I can from fire-based attacks or get the resistance or nullification skill but both are expensive...5k for the first and 15k for the second so, for now, that's a no...

and as for removing the damaged part, I have shapeshifting abilities so... I remove that part and then grow it again leaving no marks, and believe it or not that attack, apparently removed 100kg out of 250kg that I had in my reserves it appears that in this instance it works in a stat-based and not in a volumetric one... or maybe it is volumetric and when I received the cut I was burned and that amount compensated the damage...? maybe that's why he was surprised... this need to be tested even if it hurts I need to know what can kill me so that I can plan around it.

after that was done Luna and Grace came to me.

Luna, been my little and cute slave run up to me and started to worry about my well-being, after all... I am the one that "patched a wound that was in the making" when she was essentially abandoned so she is kind of dependant on me as I could see when the goblin incident happened and I "wasn't" on the bed when she woke up...yea... seen me get hurt is a no-no for her, still need to find out the other side of her story.

Grace in the meantime dragged the guys into the same place and tied them up, and after Luna had calm down I consumed the dead guy that Luna decapitated then we stripped all the bandits and supposed bandits of their stuff finding some pretty nice things mainly the swords of the guy I fought and the other three women which all had a badge with an insignia I didn't recognize... wait a second... the guys that transported Luna had a similar insignia...

and after a quick check on my inventory I confirmed it they are related... or at least I believe that they work under the same boss because the insignia has the same base design it does have some notable differences... which reminds me I haven't described it... well the insignia of the guys that are now dead (the ones that transported Luna) is two black iron crosses one on top of the other one below and one on top and in the center of the top one there is a hood in a white space and on the lower one there is a bow and a dagger, the ones these guys have is a little different instead of the hood it has a footman helmet and instead of a bow and a dagger, there is a sword and a lance.

mmm... I can get the first one been a sort of cover operations/spec ops type of unit, these guys must be some sort of low-end knight or infantry type of unit if my hunch is correct, just to add titles don't necessarily depict the nature of someone's job... except for bandits... and slavers... and... well you get my point the bad ones tend to have a title, altho mercs are not always entirely bad...

now into this insignia... by now their boss must have found out Luna's escapeand he or she must not be happy, so the search must have already started... and if I am correct this is another project of his to... maybe de destabilize the trade between Redwell and somewhere else? must be someone with power then... he will not be happy when he finds out... speaking of which I left some of my scouts back in Redwell in case the one that was after Luna appeared, and dude to the distance it takes time to get the info... and...there are two... no three contacts that appear in red I expected more... but it confirms another theory, that this is a private or clandestine operation from someone with power... time to prepare the tinfoil hats... when the time comes this might get bloody.

but that's for the future.

and if you hadn't already guess it that's why I was calling supposed bandits to the 3 girls and the guy I fought plus another one they don't possess the bandit title the other 3 do, also the one that died but he does not matter now and the guy I fought last is an ex merc.

after a bit of time passed the all the guys were tied up and grouped, the girls, on the other hand, were lied down one beside the other with my face-hugging minions on their face, they won't be waking up any time soon so they don't matter that much... also they are naked.

why do I have them naked close to Grace that is a frustrated dom, which I must add, is enjoying herself with the toy I gave her that she can't take out, it is kind of funny because she is all stiff making small movements and generally moving about.

well, that's because they will be the first to be sent into my [internal dimension] and as they won't need clothes I removed them, but this also showed another interesting thing, the three are rather young not more than 20 and the three have short hair the longest one reaches the shoulders, but they also have some notable defects like scars that... women normally try to cover... they also have different bearly noticeable small deformations on their general bone structure, probably old untreated bone fractures, and missing teeth, they also appear to have different degrees of whip marks all over the covered parts of their body so as not to show... something to keep in mind for later.

well... time to start... I might do something about that later.

-you... might not want to see this...(Blake)

I warned Luna and Grace just in case

I already consumed the remains of my meat reserves except for the ones that I have for food and I dumped all into crating three containment capsules with my skill for the three in front of me, thankfully I can personalize them to some extent... that's not correct... I can quite literally make it in any shape, form, or material I want, these three particular ones are rather simple it is an enclosed cylindrical membrane that is filled with a biocompatible transparent liquid (don't ask me how it is made probably something from the skill depending on the design), then in the middle, there is a place where the legs will be encased and the whole body is kept straight there covered in a transparent flexible membrane except for the head, there is also a mask with a feeding/breathing appendage that goes inside the mouth down the throat, and finally, there is the waste appendage that sits comfortably on the groin area but it doesn't penetrate inside... for now, and it all aside from been in my internal dimension they're also on my experiment area, on a separate area glued to a wall.

so for starters, I grab the head of the first girl that was the one that first ran out of the cave, and raised her into the air... I know that for a normal human this position is kind of impossible but I am in a fantasy world with system assistance plus I am kind of a bullshit existence made from two fundamentally different species so... anyway.

about her, she has the least amount of whip marks on her body, has rather small breast probably A or B cup... then I make appear a tentacle from my back that positions its tip right underneath of her and it splits into for parts and enlarges itself revealing a passage in inside... it is a bit grotesque...

confirmed by the gasp I heard behind me...

then I remove the head hugger and absorbed it into my body releasing space for another minion and the tentacle swallows her from her legs up in one fell swoop, you can see how the tentacle now has a bulge that it is moving becoming smaller and smaller towards my back until it just disappears, while this happened I felt shivers from the foreign sensation moving inside of me it felt kind of like...


When I forced luna to lick me that sensation when her tongue brushed my reproduction of a clit... it is a similar sensation but less intense.

well continuing on my avatar inside my dimension started moving to receive her on its side, how it is done it can be the same process just in reverse or it can appear from any solid position like the floor or wall, in this case, she appeared from the wall, the me inside graved her and placed her on her own containment place, first inserting the legs that get trapped then she gets encased on the membrane up to her neck then the mask is placed and the tentacle forces its way inside of her mouth then it all gets closed and filled.

the other two is pretty much the same, grab them from the head remove my minion then swallow them with the tentacle, speaking of which the second has the most whip marks and overall body damage she also has C cup breast approx if you needed to know the last one has slightly fewer amounts of body damage and similar cup size and I have to admit. she does resemble the second one... ho and by the way, she was the one that almost screamed at me and the last to be "put to sleep".

I am still thinking about what will I do with them aside from fuking them... you know it is actually quite hard to resist the temptation of my tentacle inheritance side to just go nuts and rape them silly, but my "human side" is still somewhat rejecting the idea... and my living armor side literally does not care for others that are not wearing me... if that makes sense to you, also I am actually kind of more curious about their whip marks... if they are part of an army then why do they have them hurting your own soldiers would only lower the morale of the rest, and judging by the amount it does not appear to be from only "punishments"... food for thought.

When all that was done I gave myself a second to recover from the stimulation of doing that three times in a row... and yes, I am aware that that shit is called vore, and no, it is not one of my fantasies it is just an interesting requirement of my skills... in any case, I turned around and started thinking what to do with the other 5 guys... I mean I am going to alter their brain chemistry... play with the neurons... I wonder if I can interpret them to get memories...

I am also curious about what could there be in the cave, I mean I believe that these guys were raiding merchant caravans so there must be something interesting in there... and as you would have guessed neither Luna nor Grace could enter without suffocating due to the still smoke saturated cave, but with me here the thing is a bit different.

-Want to investigate the cave? (Blake)

of course, I would ask Luna might be my slave but I care for her opinion, and Grace is...a friend with advantages maybe? no... more like a horny woman that had to get away from her toy because of some circumstances and found a different thing that provided her with a similar satisfaction? need to think on that one

well, long story short they both agree but ask me how we would go in, and in all honestly, I could just vent it with wind attribute magic... but I kind of what to try one of my skills... [re-breather] to be exact, I know that the description said that it allows to breed underwater but the way that it does that is creating an air bubble has around the host that refills itself from either the surroundings or the same breath the host but, the skill has some freedom in what I can make to be that bubble of air, for example, I can reduce the bubble to just the head or in this case create a mask out of part hard membrane for the interior and the part that touches the skin and a leather-coated metal body then the bubble is inside two side cylinders that connect to the main part of the mask.

literally, a gas mask without the visor because that gets covered by the bubble.

then I make that mask appear on their belt and on mine then I stealthily grow a skin-tight collar that goes up to the lower mandible and has the mounts for the mask.

When it was completed I just took my mask and put it on, they both wondered what I was doing but then they pointed out the changes in their armors, then they did the same and we entered the cave leaving the tied-up bandits outside, will later send them into my dimension.

I have to add they both were really surprised about the fact that they could breathe "fresh air" inside that environment, and soon after we entered Grace came beside me and handed me my damaged sword which I had forgotten about, it was really warped.. need to make it again... after entering a bit inside I noticed that visibility deeper was pretty much null so I made 3 light balls out of light magic, got the idea from all the novels I have read it always is one of the simplest light skills to get.

the inside of the cave wasn't anything especially just mainly rocks, rocks, and more rocks... there were some different passages tho...

some leading to simple beds which didn't have anything special, another lead into what looks like dining place plus simple kitchen with the only useful thing I found in there was a magic device that was hot enough to cook, which explains how they have a kitchen indie closed cave... of coarse I nabbed it, deeper into the cave I found what looked like an office that had some scrolls on some shelves which prompts the question... why do they need an office if they are bandits? the answer must lay on the last guy and... if you are wondering... I left my scouts watching them and the surroundings so no scaping will occur.

a bit deeper into the cave there was what appeared to be an armory there were many different weapons and armors, sword, bows daggers among others as for armors there were a variety of leather armors some of which still had blood, but there were 5 metal armors that were in impeccable condition 2 that had male inclined design and 3 female inclined design, I don't need to explain who they belong to...

after saving all the armors into the various connected instances of my inventory, we continued deeper until we found the storage room that was full of crates we could not make out what some of them had, some others had different building materials like stone or nails, wood planks, and others more specific stuff, stuff which I instantly sent to use to build my prison area, the last set of crates had metal and carbon which I appreciate but can't fully use right now.

once everything was emptied out, I gave one last look, and in all isekai and story plot fashion I found something that was shiny on the ground, and when I went to investigate I found it covered with some cloth, cloth which I promptly removed.

-...mmmm... this... might be interesting (Blake)


wouldn't you know it...

there was a partially disassembled armored metal "skeleton" lying in there with a long bent tube beside it.



I hope you enjoyed it... if you found any misspelling please let me know in the comments... if you enjoyed it please also leave a comment... or if you have a suggestion do leave a comment I will take a look at it and I most probably will contact you to discuss how to implement it



ok, so the poll this time as I have done in the past will be double.

so... two votes one for the first three and the other for the last three

  1. The first three choices will determine the future job of the 3 girls
  2. the next three will determine the level of restraint the MC has and what you want in the level of... let us say... "not for everyone moments" in the near future.

I already know that most likely most of you are fine with rape but enhance interrogation tactics are a different matter

that about it...




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