Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor



Hi, author here how have you been? me? I been good... no... I been better... but what can you do...

there is nothing much to say... the last chapter that I will release this year... yay hope that you have a good new year... whatever you are... now I must go to where my late grandmother lives to spend the new year with much of my family.

in any case, I'll level you with the chapter

see ya...

PD: be sure to check out my other work:

nanites summoned



welp, this became interesting...

you see this "kid" here is caring for his sick older sister who is an A+ rank adventurer with the makings of a rogue/Assassin. why because she was always tasked with scouting monster subjugation sites in other to corroborate the given quest, and so that she didn't disturb the targets she had to know how to hide her presence.

perfect I need someone that can teach how to do exactly that... or at least that it can show a different perspective to my technics...

What? you didn't know? ho... right you only know that I have the stealth skill... well fuck it, I was black belt seventh Dan on ninjutsu thanks to my family...

yea... my family... past life family... were... something else... I mean my mother together with my father alone could be considered amongst the most dangerous people on hearth, why because she could get in and out of the most secure places on the planet in about 30 mins tops in about 8 different ways without being detected... an expert on martial arts, biochemistry, and hacking ... yea in all aspects she was broken...

well on the topic my father was less fond of stealth and was more of the blow the problem up... not with daily life of course, but when he works. you should see him use explosives he is a master at his craft not only that he was a master at chemistry, metallurgy, and electronics an expert on CQC, and weapons in general too...

anyway... continuing with the kid...we were on the main street now walking towards the far end of the village and he nearly got flattened because he wasn't looking at the road and a cart passed quite fast. of course, I didn't want to look for the house without a guide so I graved his clothes and pulled them before having to look for a mangled body.

it all ended without blood so we moved on.

While the me on the outside was walking with the kid. the I on my dimension was looking at the now awaking girls on the bed seated on a simple wood made chair with a simple coffee table in front of with. while Grace was now finishing with the course that I asked her to try out.

well back to the 3 naked girls the first one woke from a wet dream and started masturbating, do you know how hard it was to resist the urges? soon after the other two woke up and after a rather insulin intensive hug stopped the rampage of the first.

it was... quite fun actually... and I giggled... which caught the attention of the girls who... well didn't waste any time on getting closer to me full of endless questions...


just after me giggling

 ...who... are you!? (G1)

she quickly got out of the need and stumbled a little bit before she started to get close to where I was clearly on the defensive

the others only looked at her before sporting me

(while hugging the last one)

sister... where are we? (G2)

(while looking at her a bit weirdly)

don't know... she... might know... (G3) a matter of fact, I do know why you are here... but I got a better question for you all... do you know... ...remember your names? (Blake)

they all stopped for a moment and...

what are you asking? of course I... my name... I... ...I... ...can't remember... (G1)

she was making a desperate face while trying to remember the answer to my simple question... the other two had a similar expression on their faces

she at that moment looked at me with such bloodlust in her eyes that I even flinched for a second... even tho she is far weaker than I am...

why... why...!!! can't I remember...!!! tell me! what did you do to us!!! (G1)

and as you would expect she threw herself at me with the intent to hurt me...

and... I casually stood up and stepped aside while throwing a small ball towards her that after making contact with her skin expanded covering all of her body on a black layer leaving only her head free and just a few seconds afterward she fell on the floor.

Kya...!! wha!!... no... mmh... not... not there...(G1)

she was... twitching and moaning from the sensations assaulting her body.

after all the inside of that suit is laden with thousands of tiny tentacle bumps covered in my now "patented" aphrodisiac and I'm just applying it to only her body just covering her into it increasing her sensitivity so much that she is on the edge of a sensorial overload that said in simpler terms her body interprets as pleasure so subtle but so strong that she can't fight it.

... yes I know it ain't "original" per se... but it's the best way that doesn't involve full penetrating rape off subduing any woman...

the other two tried to "help her" but they can't do anything but just as fast as she started moaning it stopped and her breathing remained rugged.

*clap...clap* I cough their attention with a simple clap.

well, ladies as much as I would love to continue... as I'm a bit hungry/whisper/... I believe that you three would certainly welcome something to eat right? I will answer all of the questions that you might have truthfully as long as I can answer them... but as I said... (Blake)

I moved to my side revealing a big but simple wooden rustic table with 5 chairs and with a tea set that I made with some material lying around and teacups that the "bandits" had on their cave inside a box, plus cookies that I made with the magic cooker thingy after thoroughly analyzing it by tearing it apart before putting it back together as it doesn't generate any gases is convenient

first why don't you accompany me for some tea and cookies? I'll give you something heavier to eat later. (Blake)

just as casually I sat down on one of the chairs and served the tea on 4 of the 5 cups and took one for me, but I couldn't help but notice that the girls didn't sit down...

you don't want? (Blake)

but one of the presumable sisters looked at her own body before looking at me and then it hit me.

Haa... right you are all naked... sorry about that (Blake)

as you would have expected I didn't give them their clothes the normal way by giving them a piece of clothing Ho, no-no. I started first with the one that tried to attack me as she already had an instance of me on her.

sadly I have a very limited number of instances that I can make of myself... so I won't be able to dress them that way... soo with the instance of the one that was on the ground I start removing it leaving behind a simple white dress on her then I make the little ball leap into the other 2 surprising them before doing the same to them... what? I didn't rape them like the other... I just gave them a quick taste that's all.

when I finished I made the ball jump towards me and merge with my body leaving behind the fully clothed girls in front of me with one starting to get up from the ground now

wile with my full body instance I pushed them towards the chairs to talk.

and... nothing too big happened... aside from the first girl being a bit fidgety because of the aphrodisiac still in her body... but that's ok, so? what did they ask about?

(in general, terms avoiding all the swear words)

Q: Why do we don't remember anything (G)

A: you apparently were, I suspect abduction... but it might also be unknowingly forced... but you were given a drug that destroyed what made you... you- *drinks tea* hands a book containing all the necessary information- here all the information that I found about it... sadly there are no names just... an order for three young girls, virgin, trained to be fighters, and obedient. (Blake)

Q: What will you do with us? (G)

A: I will do what you chose... (Blake)

Grace walks into the room while I just served another teacup and two of the girls Freese just as they saw her... hmm... I guess that they do remember... if not by memory because of their bodies... Grace did go a bit overboard with them...

Hi, Grace want some tea? also, how was the course? (Blake)

it was good... I haven't been able to train in a proper training field in a while... thank you (Grace)

then she sat down and started drinking her tea

you are welcome...-looks at the girls- now as I was saying I'll give you two simple yet hard choices... first and the one that I don't recommend is that I give you a weapon, clothes, some food and money then leave you close to a big city so that you can start over... and you won't remember meeting me... just that you will have your life's worth of memory loss (Blake)

the stared intensively at me as if urging me to continue as if by an unknown means they know that this choice will affect them forever

the second is that you join me... and I'll give you whatever you might need to be the best version of yourselves... we can discuss the terms later you just need to know that you will be treated as good as it can get but you won't be able to go against me (Blake)

they had this look in their eyes that told me that they were thinking about it.

why do you tell us that you don't recommend the first choice (G2)

that's because you might be taken again... and this time they might actually kill you...or torture you looking for the one that rescued you... after all, they asked for 3 girls... and they might already have you registered somewhere...mmm...? (Blake)

they were looking at me with worried faces... and I don't blame them they lost all of their memories and now they are presented with two options... one: go back into the normal world with minimal resources and possibly live the rest of their lives looking over their shoulders, or take the option that gives them everything they might ever need but the conditions are iffy at best but they would gain allies and the possibility to better themselves

/whispering/ looks like I'll have to change my concentration to outside... Grace I need you to go outside with me for a while... (Blake)

Grace stood up and went to the door leaving the room before I followed her

where... are you going? (G1)

there is something happening outside that requires my attention but you have to know that whichever choice you make it will be your own... but keep in mind that it will be permanent... ho and before I go...-points toward's a door that no one noticed there- that door leads to a bathroom where you can take a shower if you want (Blake)

then I left send Grace outside by hugging her and sending her inside my body then sinking my body on the ground.

/back a few minutes/

this kid... is interestingly weird... for starters, I can smell 4 distinctive smells on him... one that I don't even begin to understand... that's clearly not from the kid but that it was rubbed on... the second is its natural body smell that by the way, all living beings have...(have you ever gone into a room and smelled the scent from a person you know? well it's something similar)

the third and fourth are a fruity one and a more sour one respectably... I know by experience that those last ones are from the "fun organs" but it's weird to feel the smell of two on a single individual and that would mean that either they have been used... or... they have both...

but in any case, it didn't take long for us to reach the kid's home it was a relatively big structure with probably 5 rooms it had a window beside the door and was mostly made out of wood, and... you could say that it was rundown? mmm, not entirely... more like... it is still structurally stable, but it won't hold for more than a few years more without some serious repairs... not my problem... but what it is my problem is that weird smell coming from the house...

/whisper/ sis any ideas? (Blake)

a nightmare (system)

a nightmare...? mmm I don't get it... I was thinking about what she meant while we continued into the house while Luna and I started looking around and it's a bit depressing... just look at this place... is missing a lot of stuff that you would expect in a house of this size...

my sister is inside that room on her bed (kid)

the smell comes from that room... interesting, the little kid moved towards the room's door only to be stopped by me craving its shoulder

kiddo... first, before we go in can you tell me what has happened to your dear sister? (Blake)

I... don't really know... one day a few months ago she showed home and was wounded...  I helped her the best I could but... she presently hasn't been able to leave her bed... and money has already become scarce because of that... I... don't...

I hugged the little kid giving a reassuring hug before we went inside said room and I looked in shock at what I have seen it was in all terms and purposes a sleeping beauty...

but I also noticed that the smell emanated from her... there was also the smell of magic around her... but not a... bad one like a curse would have... it was more like... similar to the magic used in barrier but this one was different... changing something... or the perception of...

... A...!

now I get it...

that's why sis said a nightmare... many people consider nightmare as what it actually is referred to commonly as a really bad dream... but there is one... or more like a family of creatures that also have that designation... those monsters/creatures that lurk in the dreams of others... for various different purposes... but in this instance... its the one that attacks man in their dreams and feast upon their essence

the sister rose up and after petting the kid and having a small chat

sister! how are you?!! are you feeling better? (kid)

I'm... fine Riber *cough* (???)

sister! ...i... (Riber)

Riber...I'm fine... (???)

they corroborated how the both of them were to each other not noticing that we were here also present in the room... she then noticed us and locked her sight with mine and... somehow... I know that we will inevitably fight now...

... better bring Grace... she may have a history of running headfirst into fights (only once recorded by me) but she does have a light magic affinity (as do I...) she does hale from an "order of paladins"... even tho she kind of failed in that regard... she must have been taught how to fight her kind...

come to think of it I didn't even present myself to either the kid or now the beauty in bed in front of me

Greetings... my name is Blake and this lovely little kitsune behind me is Luna... you could say that we had an interesting encounter with... "Riber" here and I came to see what or why it lead to that... (Blake)

I presented us both while I pated Luna's lovely platinum white hair with the same color with barely noticeable black-tipped ears and I bet that she felt good while I did it because she was slowly closing her eyes trying to stay on guard...

I have said it before and I will say it again... she is cute as f and I love it.

and I would love to continue petting her lovely head but... the kid just received a "black magic attack" in the form of a simple sleep spell that not only targeted the kid but also luna and myself. 

the little kid fell asleep instantly while me being me that I don't sleep didn't affect me... and for some odd reason, it didn't affect Luna... no wait it did affect her but as she was on her guard she managed to resist it...

the thing is that the fall of the kid was stopped by a thin tail that had a small heart at the end...

there stood the "nameless" beauty with a tail growing behind her, two horns on top of her head that came from the back of her head and subtly came around to the top of her head going up and let's not forget that she was with somewhat revealing clothes

ara... that normally works with anyone that I have tried... o well... I'll just have to put you to sleep forcibly, then I can have a feast (???)

she said while licking her lips in a seductive manner... and preparing herself to fight lowering her stance and showing some terrifically long sharp nails, but I am kind of curious by something... if she is a nightmare... or more like a succubus... then why does she have us as her pray... given that she should feed of men?

mmm at least is a good moment to test out a theory of mine...

so can I get your name first...? (Blake)

there is no need you won't even remember me when I'm done (???)

*sigh*... at least can we get the kid out of the collateral damage zone? (Blake)

she just looked at me and nodded slowly... and I moved slowly to retrieve the kid carrying it in a "princes carry" position and walking by Luna

I'll leave her to you don't hold back and... (Blake)

I looked at the succubus that now was looking a bit curiously at our interaction while I continued whispering saying now a bit seductively towards Luna

leave her breathing for me to have later and I will... reward... you ♥ (Blake)

this really caught the attention of Luna and she "jumped" into a similar position as her opponent while her ears stood up in attention and her tails started moving really slowly while some small but really sharp claws came out of her fingers before she answered...

 YES!! mistress!! (Luna)


haven't been able to write as much as I would have liked these past weeks... but I managed to bring this chapter finally to life so... I hope you enjoyed it

that about it...

I hope you enjoyed it... if you found any misspellings please let me know in the comments... if you enjoyed it please also leave a comment... or if you have a suggestion do leave a comment I will take a look at it and I most probably will contact you to discuss how to implement it :V



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