Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor

CH12.5 story without a campfire

Hi, author here (but you already... don't you?)

I was thinking... this month... is when most Latino American countries celebrate their independence(most celebrations are already over tho)... so I am going to say that... I hope you had a good time.




that about it...




...I don't have anything else...


now into the chapter as I said previously this is System's back story per se and I made it while I was remembering the 8º mission of CoD BO "Project Nova" so... it has a bit of that vibe



as I said I will leave a poll so that you can choose the name you find more suitable... but I will also leave an "other" for anyone that wants to leave a last-minute addition...

as always you can spect grammar errors... typos... the normal

so.... enjoy


so many POV changes...


-I... my story...

in a seemingly black void deprived of anything a floating ball of existence was... for the lack of a better word... existing without being consumed by the endless emptiness.




-where... am... I? (???)


-what... am... I? (???)


-...? what... is... this...? this...feeling...? (???)

a translucid square appeared in front of a specific part of my vision

-... what is this...? a screen?...?... how do I know that? (???)

by analyzing it a bit I noticed it had symbols in it, and my panoramic vision changed to just focus on the screen.

Curious, I began to try to fiddle with the screen... see what it was, for what it was for, then I found a set of symbols that have a sort of attraction. t...tutorial (???)

tutorial... I feel like I know what it does but I don't know how...


-...mmm... system management? seems... easy enough...(???)

... to try what I have seen...(???)

trial...chose... maintaining balance in world... let's see...



this is... interesting...


(POV change)

In another plane where there is only white as far as you can "see" except for a single figure seated in a slightly decorated crystal table underneath a white marble gazebo-like structure, there was a shape that of a humanoid figure, but where you could only see an infinite amount of moving stars on its body, it all just screams divinity, in the table, there was a tea set with biscuits and beside this a black box showing an existence doing something.

in front of the seated figure outside the gazebo, with a *fush* sound as if a void has been filled with a lot of multi-colored particles converged into a place in the shape of a humanoid figure giving it more stability as the seconds passed.

-Bia (???)

- ha...! you came just in time, have a seat, want some tea? (Bia)

the new arrival stopped for a second showing a face of thinking then, having decided moved beside the table and a glass chair appeared behind her then she seated herself in a relaxed and tired manner, with her face on the table.

-I would love to, green tea if you have... (???)

-but of course, for my friend, I always have a box full of fresh ready leaves. (Bia)

then a metal humanoid-looking butler dressed holding a metal tray appeared and delivered a freshly brewed cup of tea with some cake and biscuits beside it.

the butler then proceeded to place everything on the table and to add sweetener to the tea as per its guest likes, then it itself disappeared, in the same way, its guest appeared and without saying a word or making an expression nor waisted movement.

then the new arrival raised her head from the table took the cup and took a sip

-delicious...that automatic butler really does it without fail... (???)

-I know right, the world that gave it to me was so primitive at the time but to give something so nice I... ...!!... (Bia)

the goddess in front of Bia just stared at her tea

-I am sorry..! I...I didn't mean to..! (Bia)

-don't worry about it... so? why did you call me... with all the problems I am having in my world... even this tea is a nice change of pace... (???)

Bia hesitated a bit before stealing herself up.

-here... take a look at this (Bia)

Bia then moved the black box beside her so that her friend could clearly see it.

-an artificial soul? what do you plan to do with it? (???)

-help you... you see, I remembered that you were working on an improvement for your system so I started to work on this so that I could help you, I designed it so that I could interface with your system and help both improve it and manage it, it is practically ready... this one is just experimental, it's... just... this one is showing emotions... which is bad for this type of work so I was about to of delete it and do it again. (Bia)

then the box started to compress and become smaller

(POV change)

...!!... what!?

what is this? this feeling?!

like my existence is about to end!

-NO!! I don't want to die!!! (???)

(POV change)


The destruction of the box stoped

-Nnn? what happened? (Bia)

-you made it for me and it is already practically completed, I don't see why kill it, besides... having someone close by to talk is a nice extra (???)

-... you have always had a soft heart...that's why you are my friend... and, indeed, we can't always get together like this...  (Bia)

Bia then handed me the now smaller box and I took a peek at it. now that it was nearly destroyed the being inside could see us here, and now knows what I have done for it, I can feel its appreciation.

-now...I am a name is Romina... I believe that I should give you a name given that you will come with me... but... something tells me that I'm not the one that will name you... I am sorry but you will have to wait for some time... (Romina)

I could see it understanding

-do you want it to have something else? it already is familiar with your system and has some general knowledge about your world and situation. (Bia)

(POV change)

who are they... I fell... a pressure forcing me to submit to them... I don't know why... but I couldn't resist, one looks, like, as if many stars converged together and formed her... while the other

goddess Romina? I know that I don't have one...

mmm, I will be given one!? ho... not's fine having saved me is enough, I now must repay this kindes...




have something else? is this other goddess responsible for my apparent knowledge...?

is she the one who made me?


mm? I feel warm...

?! there is something surrounding the goddesses now... it beautiful, the goddess Bia has a more grayish color, while Goddes Romina has more variety in bright colors, they are so shiny... this... are these their... souls?? but there is something black sticking to Goddess Romina...

-you can see it, don't you? you must have more compatibility with that skill than I originally thought you would... that's something that you now must find a way to cure for me. (Bia)

I heard the voice of the goddess Bia within my conscience, telling my mission that I would have done even without been told, that black... something, gives a bad feeling.


I keep on looking towards both goddesses, while still mesmerized

haaa, Goddes Romina let me serve you till the end of my existence.


(POV change)

-there, now it can see souls. that should increase its versatility, mm? it appears to be have been mesmerized by yours (Bia)

-don't be ridiculous, it just got the skill I doubt it can see past just the surface... but this is nice... thank you (Romina) need... just doing something for my best friend, ho! I was forgetting here, I got these for me and the idiot of my ex, but... (Bia)

Bia then placed what looked like a ticket on the table and pushed it beside the now half-destroyed black box containing the entity

-he won't be using it, so go ahead and use it whenever you want they don't have an expiration date (Bia)

I took the ticket and read what it was for and when I saw it I could not help but jump from my chair nearly tilting my now empty cup of tea how did you get your hands on these!?! i...i..i. (Romina)

Bia giggled at her friend's reaction then stood up from her chair then started walking towards her friend

-don't worry about it use it when it gets too hard to bear it will let you relax and it will make it regress for some time (Bia)

then Bia hugged her as tightly as she could so that to show her support for her hurt friend

-I am sorry I can't help you with more but you know the rules... and... so do I (Bia)

Bia laughed a bit but with a sad face while hugging her friend because even if she knew what was affecting her she could do close to nothing to stop it except to provide as much support as she could even if it meant so little.

pov change Sis

after what seem like a... long time of a long, silent, but full of an emotive hug both goddesses separated, then hugged again and stayed their goodbyes Bia said that she needed to tend to her world, while Romina needed to go to hers then the ticket on her hand disappeared and she picked up the box that contained my comparatively small existence.

after some time I could see how the world changed around my container and I could feel a pressure that was making my existence feel as if I was been pressed all around me.

-I always forget how dangerous Deus realms are for unprepared souls, even if you can withstand divinity... (Romina)

she was smiling at me while the damage that was on my box disappeared and everything around me changed from just black to showing me my actual surroundings, I could feel the pressure disappeared

-there, I changed your container that way you will be able to exist without fear of been destroyed... for the time being... should we watch my world in case of a bug or something? it will give you an idea of what you will be working from now on (Romina)

I just nodded then I felt as if we moved somewhere else, but I could feel Goddess Romina close by so I wasn't afraid

-I haven't been looking into my world as actively as I would want, but... I at least manage to repair the damage my creations are causing by summoning heroes... I still don't know-how is that they are doing it... but it doesn't matter... it is their world in the end I am just the one assigned to avoid it been destroyed. (Romina)

we flew around the planet that was full of life... animals, monsters, intelligent life that had so much variation... they all seem so different from me, but suddenly I felt something wrong and when I was about to express my concerns we stoped and Godes... mistress Romina looked at the same direction was that wrong feeling came.

-looks like you will get a practical experience... (Romina)

suddenly we found ourselves in front of a... ripple on reality... it hasn't become a tear yet but I can feel... I know that if we don't do anything now it will tear and other worlds will come through and corrupt both existences.

-well, I can fix it... but you know how too right? (Romina)

I could only nod at that than following the tutorial's instructions transparent screen appeared in front of me showing me information that I needed, while I stabilized the world plane, then reinforced it before looking for any sign of any additional distortion, all of my actions seem to impress my new mistress.

after this, she made her own analysis and after finding no further problems looked with this welcoming and happy... aura... around her...

then we went towards some rather big settlements, which I must add... were pretty impressive, I know because of the knowledge I was given but... there is this giant unfinished tower on one of the bigger ones... that appears to go all the way up to the border of the sky's unknown defying everything and standing tall.

then she looked at me I could see the pride in my mistress's eyes... such beautiful eyes that show that even if there is something wrong there is a way to continue... I don't know how to best describe it... she said nothing, and so I said nothing.

we kept on looking at some of the settlements, there were all equally as impressive... but I could feel something was wrong... very wrong I don't know what caused it but my mistress started to slowly change her... the aura around her changed... to one that didn't feel welcoming...

after a while we stopped in what looked like ruins in a forest where in the middle stood a run-down church... were for one reason or another there were rusted swords scattered about, I don't know what we are doing here... but I can somehow...feel a sort of connection with it...

we entered and... we found... death... nothing of what this holy place should represent... we found the bones of corpses long decayed still their ceremonial robes and something that shouldn't be here...


remains of destroyed souls... particles of what remained... of powerful immortal souls similar yet so different to myself.

my mistress goddess Romina slowly got close to the one that was right at the center of all this death... she slowly kneeled and caressed the remains of one of the piles with such care as to not disturb this place, but she soon started to weep...

I now understood what this place was... what these people were... and their relationship with my mistress... they were her priest... her paladins... her... saints... by what looked like unnatural causes... killed... in cold blood... I understand why she is sad... but I can't partake... I don't understand emotions well enough to make use of them in this situation...

looking at my mistress weeping I could not help but feel that I needed to do something, so I started to look into my connection to this world's system to see if anything useful came up, while doing this on the back of my mind, I started to inspect more carefully my surroundings looking for anything and I found two things of notice

first was a book that was strangely intact for it presumably having been here as long as anything else in here...

the second thing was that the robes of some of the piles here have a symbol with a clear connection with this temple even some of the remaining armors have that very same symbol... but then there are some other piles that have clearly different symbols mounted on a decorative chain on what used to be their necks.

these things were basically screaming to me telling me that they hold the answer to what happened here... I don't have a body that I can use but I can manipulate the space the same way I did with my fix to bring that book to me, and when I read it I saw it was a diary that on its cover had the symbol that was on the robes... it told of how the church had been set to teach the ways of humility and progress of the goddess Romina... then it continued on how some of the countries had started to... forsake their faith... but that was expected by the one who wrote this diary for it appears that it was foretold by their goddess... what was not expected was that the would start new false religions, religions that seek power instead of enlightenment, greed over honesty, completely destroying the trust that had been building there is also an accompanying drawing where the second symbol was present was it said "the church of the 5 deities"

then the book cuts to a way more later date where it said that the new religions were preparing for a conflict.

the diary then cuts again... this time the one author clearly expressing sadness explaining that many of their churches have been destroyed without a real reason... that the author felt fear... but knew that it was faithful to their one true goddess... and that it felt compassion for those that chose fakes that only allowed greed.

the cuts one final time, where it describes that the city was abandoned but they were told... forced... to stay... the author stated that "this might be the end" "see you by the side of our goddess light" and that it would leave this very book on a place where it would be found and that it would be protected by powerful magic that would block any nonbeliever from finding it and it would slow down the aging of the book considerably.

by now my search through my connection with the system showed nothing... but it wasn't needed my mistress also read the diary and as quickly as I could see it screens appeared all around her all showing the same: the new churches greed and unrelenting need for power.

 I felt as we "came back" to where we were originally on the "Deus realm" as it was called, my mistress... was not happy... I could see how that black something was growing but I could do nothing, then she disappeared so I went full panic and looked for her on my system access but when I found her I...don't know what happened... but where there used to be a cluster of deserted planets close to a binary star... gone... everything was... gone.




and my mistress was crying her heart out...

wen she appeared again, close to where I was... she appeared worn out... and lost.

if I had arms... or a body for that matter... I would have hugged her... I know that that is a way to help... but given the situation, I can only think of an alternate solution.

-mistress...? I believe that you should use that ticket now... I am only a few hours old but... it would be for the best if you go and rest for some time... (past Sis)

my voice... without gender... without emotion... only logic resounded on this plane of existence only strong enough to be heard

she slowly looked at me... and her eyes... such a fast change... they no longer had that shine on them, but she managed to make a nod.

then disappeared and repeated with a black with red decorations leather book on her hands that she left beside where I was and then she held the ticket smiled at me and disappeared







*much much much time later....*




another distortion... even after having all advanced civilizations annihilated they still have managed to summon new heroes... and I still haven't managed to find out how... have a few leads, but nothing concrete that will lead to the source...

after I finished with that distortion I returned to the realm of my mistress... well not exactly returned... my existence never left what moved was my conscience.

I looked to a specific place where a single book that had seen better days but was still in a near-pristine condition stood, the book that my mistress left me with before she went to get some rest, even if it looks like it has a 100 pages max... looks can be deceiving... because in reality, that book contained nearly all of the information that there was abut the world making it a very extensive guide.

it contained what has gone wrong, what could go wrong, and how it could be fixed, with some always changing all very detailed information on how skills are working and the entire system is working, there is also more, but then it becomes far more technical.

I on my part have been able to project a... shape of solid "energy" with which I can interact with the world tho my soul is still on my protective container, it doesn't have any defined features like any other being I have seen but that because it hasn't proven necessary.

my days have continued unincumbered until one day... after my fruitless investigation on how I could help my mistress...while I was observing the world and its inhabitants for any abnormality like I have done for the last... how much has it been...? 300...400 years? after they were sent back to the "stone age" by mi mistress rage, they... haven't made much progress on reconstructing... I mean if in the past they'd have these gigantic cities that altho they were on the verge of magically powered space discovery were reduced to mere rubble... the tech is still there... sadly it only appears as if it has been deteriorating and not been repurposed to be able to rebuild faster...idiots, only some of the more free heroes have actually done something to rebuild, but in reality, most of them are making it so that they can better their lives.

sadly the problems that plagued them in the past are still present like... like their endless greed or their insatiable need for power... but that's not what's important about this day... as I said I was observing the world when... I heard a *fushsss* sound, when I focused on the origin I saw my mistress forming from a multitude of different lights, I became really happy seeing that she came back, and I could see that that vacation albeit small in comparison to what she could have stayed had made wonders on that black thingy on her soul, but she appeared far more excited and in a hurry than you would expect after coming back from a vacation.

she quickly disappeared again and reappeared somewhere else with a different kind of interface to what I use... if mine was blue and it activated by my intentions, hers was white and it had a solid light floating keyboard right below

-quick... gotta... divine panel... command... authorization codes... (Romina)

she was typing monstrously fast I wanted to know what was she doing... but I got my answer just a few moments later...

Blake pov

-that's when I appeared...

-.yes... I was surprised when you appeared... you didn't look anything like I do... I was even more surprised when she jumped and hugged you... and that's when I saw that you were the cause of the disappearance of some of that black thing... I could see it then... I can still see it now... your soul and my mistress's soul resonate with each other... calling for one another. (Sis)


-then after the hug you both disappeared... I only knew more after I received my mistress command to help you... (Sis)

pov change Sis

what... happened...?

was my only thought...

I felt happy because my mistress was happy, I was happy because that black thing was regressing, I felt happy... but annoyed at myself... I had a few possible answers to combat that which affects, my mistress... but it appears that for one of my answers I was looking at the wrong place...

I came to the conclusion that my mistress and whoever that soul is must be together no matter the cost... that would be the best way to complete my mission, but I was shocked soon after by a massive amount of power I felt and my mistress tiered appearing again, humming a song. hmm...hmmm hmmm (Romina)

she was writing a note on a rather cute piece of paper that when she finished disappeared with as much power as some moments ago.

pov change Blake

-this note (Blake)

I said while carefully pulling it out of my inventory

-yes that one... after she send it to you she told me that you were my master as much as she was...

-how is she doing...? I... haven't gotten any contact from her and you have been talking about something black on her... there is also mention of her soul darkening on the system interface but not explaining what it is... (Blake)

-I... don't know for sure... her soul is darkening, but that should only occur when she gets really mad then it should regress with time... but she is constantly darkening at a really slow but constant pace... your presence in this world alone is making it go back...(Sis)


-as for how she is... she is fine, she is resting right now, traveling from one world to another is tiring, and sending living beings and objects from Deus realm to the normal realm takes a toll on the body but it might be a few years before she wakes up again...

-hmm... I... understand... for now... we need to find what is causing her soul to blackened... I take it that you already have some leads... but I can guess one... (Blake)


-...the heroes... (Blake/Sis)

then there was a silence as we both agreed on the same answer

-by the way... you won't you finish those two? they seem more than ready... (Sis)

I could not help but notice a hint of playfulness on her voice that has been becoming just... a bit clearer the more we talked

-yea you are right just gotta finish with the clean up on other projects and I will deal with them I need my full concentration after all (Blake)

(pov change Sis)("readers only"... for now more info our MC will know later)

my master appeared to be in a long thought... but I knew what has happened she was taking care of two distractions that both appeared to be within her predictions, but they were fast and she got out of the bed she was seated and wen to play for a bit with her prices.

While I...

seen her...



...can't contain myself, it... it started when I first saw how she interacted with her first host... I just suggested that she should take a different form so that there would be more familiarity but... I didn't know fiscal interactions could feel that good...just looking at them made me wonder... I never bother looking into it, just looking at her face made me wonder... body...

I can...







a little bit... is fine...

I wonder if I managed to transmit the feel of her past... thought process...

poll is ready btw so plis... chose the name you like the most or... if there is none chose the "other" option and write 1 that you think would be better (remember not all the ones present are ones I thought of )


you know... it is always kind of... hard... to press the upload button... I know what I wrote... but I don't really know if you enjoyed it...

so... comments or Reviews... plis...(I enjoy reading them)(and if it is about how I gave my character human form so soon, I get you... too late to change it now... so I will roll with it after all here I am learning a lot of useful things)

another thing I am recently thinking of is if I should upload this novel to another site... like Wattpad or or... royal road for example...

that about it

as always I hope you enjoyed it... if you found any misspellings please let me know in the comments... if you enjoyed it please also leave a comment... or if you have a suggestion do leave a comment I will take a look at it and I most probably will contact you to discuss how to implement it :V


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