Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor

CH.1 (+18)

ok by the time I started writing this part the poll on the last chapter had 17 out of 25 votes on a slaver, so I just went and did it following the idea I had about how I should follow the story(i wanted the betrayer by the way but I also want this to be a bit of community-driven), this chapter has close to 6k words (i was a bit inspired) but in any case, I made it this long because I wanted to make it a gift to you, the reader, the next chapters should be half as long, in any case, I will leave another poll at the end, this time to where the character should go... enjoy XD

when I came to, I was underneath a big lonely green tree in the middle of a small hill covered with vegetation with the scenery around me that was just... incredible as I was admiring the scenery around me, i "felt" something in my "head?" or is it more like my body... something to think about I suppose...I guess it must be a leaf from the tree as it was starting to get annoying, I tried to move my new limbs trying to get used to the new sensations that came with being a blob of biomass... speaking of which why I have this form should it be in the form of armor with inlining of tentacles or something? I thought while I moved one of my now many limbs on top of me to remove whatever was in there. 

what I thought was a leaf of the tree ended up being a perfectly white sheet of paper that has something written and the page has some rather cute decorations in the corners.

it read:

-dear ... ug... I forgot that I can't use your previous name...

-in any case, I could not explain many things about your new world.... and... new body... mostly about everything... so I will explain half and let the system explain the rest, speaking of the system in my world there is only a command-driven system for most of the world inhabitants, not the classic isekai-ish HUD1heads-up display type system so for the time being, I left you an experimental version that I was planning on implementing but the human idiots disrespected me and with that the rest of the world, so I will only give it to you (the heroes have an inferior version by the way) it is a semi-sapient made by a goddess friend I have to give it orders to help you in any way possible, it comes with a HUD so you will feel right at home :D world is named Euclid there are 5 continents in my world, there are 3 that are occupied the rest haven't been discovered yet... and the level of civilization is the classic medieval era with sword and magic but they have developed gunpowder and are in the proses to make guns, there is also a level system in place so be careful

-now, as for your race, you now are a technically tentacle armor, so you are different than be normal living armor, while they level up they get stronger and provide better bufs in a symbiotic relationship (if they have one) or they could just straight up atack like the monster variation, you on the other and can also have the possibility to force a parasitic one where you can actually feed on your host and do whatever you want with them (you have my permission) also you have two level systems in place the normal one related to XP and the second one that it is based on biomass, XP gives you normal upgrades and so on, the biomass lets you shapeshift intobigger armors you can even turn into a human if that what you want you can also release it in the form of extremely powerful attacks or use it to form toys to play with your prey it also works as your remaining hp in a way because you can only die if you dont have a way to regenerate, also like the normal living armor you have to acquire materials to evolve your outer shell.

-and the why you have that form it's because there where only plant biomass where I put you and it is less efficient than the animal, sorry but it was one of the only places where there are low enough level monster for you to get started

-ok I am running out of paper so now I need you to use the system to see the messages, there is an experimental system for you, you only have to say "system message open" then it should be a message named "system update V4.3 experimental" you just have to say its name and say install that should be all...

-I miss you already...

-with love world goddess Romina.

Ps: The system will recognize you as its master just below my self

Ps2:in this world the legal age is 15 but it also depends on the race

I did the steps to install that system to later appear in my vision a translucent screen

system updating from V1.4 to V4.3 unpacking...


system successfully updated



-hello master, in what can I help you? (system)

-um hello, could you show me a status window or something like it?

-certainly (system)




living armor (tentacle)





MP2 magic points

DEX3measuring agility, balance, coordination and reflexes

STR4 measuring physical power

INT5 measuring deductive reasoning, cognition, knowledge, memory, logic and rationality

DEF6measure of how resilient u are










master: max 7the user is capable to refine and mold materials anywhere at a 50% efficiency and with tools and equipment at a 99% efficiency






Especial skills:

investigation 8 allows its user to investigate deaths of others and objects
/conceal 9allows the concealment of the status of the user from others: max

ability shop 10allows the user to buy the skill that he wishes for, it is only granted by the goddess of creation: max





racial skills:

shifting 11allows it, user, to change shape at will(as long as there is enough biomass))

Tentacles control I

Biomass (in kg): 5 12allows the absorption of biomass from any source with a variation of efficiency depending on the source, depending on the volume of the bearer the mass is applied or kept on the skill

Material absorption. 13allows its users to absorb and adapt the material to use it

materials: meat


Defensive skills

magic def
upgrade I






Symbiotic skills

upgrades I

re-breather 14allows the user to make its host breath underwater

waste reutilization 15allows the user to reuse the waste matter of the host body and convert it to energy, food source, or biomass




Parasitic skills

alteration16 allows the alteration of the host body

control 17the longer the bearer of the skill is connected with the host, the harder it will be to separate forcibly and the easier will be to control the host body and mind





Sexual skills

corruption 18corrupts the mind of the target that the user is attached to and makes it more likely that they see the user as its master

drugs 19lets the user create low-level drugs as long as there are water and plants that can create said drugs and gives knowledge about plants and materials and how to use them






Goddess Romina's soulmate 20soulmate for goddess Romina capable to ease and heal her darkening soul- grants double the XP and if in possession of skill [ability shop] double the shop points

First, of species 21the first of a species when a racial skill is acquired it will be easier to level up and 10% more XP

Otherworlder22lenguaje understanding;faster skill acquirement

otherworldly knowledge 23it lets the title bearer remember any information from that deems useful from any world that he has been to-affects other skills upgrading them

 system master


-...why does my HP say null? my name is understandable but my HP?

-That's because your race can grow back as long it has biomass remaining, meaning that you are vulnerable to fire-based attacks and disintegration AoE attacks (system)

-now, following mistress orders I must ask master to use your [ability shop] skill to acquire detection skills: [Map] [radar] [dismantling] and the Especial skill: [inventory] that my mistress was unable to grant you because there are certain rules that don't allow her to do so(system)

-ok- I think of the skill and it opened up another interface that showed that I had a 1000 shop points, then I searched for the skills and it showed that the [dismantling] 24allows it, user, to dismantle objects to get the objects it is made of, it more commonly used to dismantle animals, it works better when tools are at hand skill cost 20 points and was uncommon, the [map] 25gives a map to its user in the form of a transparent interface or minimap and the [radar]26allows its users to detect anything that it is on the search list, it gets better the narrower that list is, it combines with the skill map allowing it to display it there too in a visual way skills both went 100 points and were in the rare category while the inventory went for 300 and was in the very rare category, I bought them.27480 shop points remain for those interested
instantly, a minimap with a lot of different markers appeared in the corner of my vision some were red while others have symbols like plants and rocks, also it has a colored map of the area around me
-ok I suppose that the red dots mean enemies, so to get used to this new body I will hunt a bit-
but before I could move a white rabbit appeared from some of the bushes, it had a horn so it should be called horned rabbit or something similar so I used my [investigation] skill on it and it showed that it was lvl 1 and was of a species called horned rabbit
-knew it...
it looked at me soon it launched itself with its horn aimed at me so using my tentacles I moved to the side and at the same time aimed at its head smashing it on the ground
-lvl up, you are now lvl 2, all of your stars have advanced by 5 and you now have 20 more shop points... you should also get the materials and biomass of that horned rabbit. (system)
-how do I do that?
-just touch it with any part of your body and think of using your [dismantling] skill then think of absorbing the pelt bones that you can use as materials and the meat that remains or just consume the organs and keep the meat in the [inventory] for later use. (system)
I did just that and got new materials the fur and bones also got about 1kg of biomass from the organs
-you should change to a more appropriate form of travel, I recommend a cat, you now have enough mass; bone, and fur enough to make it viable you should also keep some tentacles hidden on your back for defensive and offensive purposes (system)
-and I do that how?
-just think of the shapeshifter skill and imagine the form you want to take, I can also save that form for you, for later use (system)
soon enough I had that body shape with black hair and two tentacles that were hidden and would deploy when needed
-somehow I am getting furder and furder from my actual form...
-there is nothing you can do about it now after all you need a body that you want to attach yourself up to (system)
-...for now, I will head to that forest to the south, there should be a lot of XP... prey there, there is also a lot of obstacles, so it will help me practice a little
I headed towards the forest and spend its good 3 days hunting, preys don't go past horned rabbits and the occasional wolf that was harder to kill but it returned a lot of XP speaking of which, my first encounter went something like this, I was walking when I noticed that wolf getting closer so wen it pounced on me I jumped to the side and slam it with one of my tentacles but it just got bruised a little so when I landed I change the shape of the tip of the tentacle to have something similar to the horn of the horned rabbit but that it could be kept hidden inside it, then I just waited and soon enough it pounces at me again but this time, I aimed at its neck perforating it and braking its spine a cutting his blood artery soon it was dead.
by the end of the 3 days i had gained about 50kg of biomass and some other items like magic stones from some of the wolves i also lvl up to lvl 10 and got 540 shop points, so i got a total of 1020 points now, it gived 10 at lvl 2 but at lvl 10 starts to only give 50 but as i got it double... you can do the math, my stats only go by 5 each lvl up i also collected a lot of plants that can be used to heal and other that are poisonous or paralysis, i even got a lot of wild cotton (witch i have no use right now) among others, and got my self some skills like [stealth] and i bought [water] [fire] [wind] affinities and [magic control] from the store, they were common so i got them for 5 points each then i tried to make some poisons like paralysis and some healing using processed stones as containers, i also got some other skills that i can't use because i need a someone to wear me exept one but for that one i need the skill [parallel thinking] or similar but i don't want to get it be cause it cost 300 points as it is a very rare skill.




living armor (tentacle)















now, I am taking a nap on top of a tree, I have farmed for 3 days straight so even if I don't need sleep I want to rest, and the animals here now just avoid me...

the next day I am taking a stroll jumping from tree to tree, I heard a voice and went to investigate
then i heard the voice closer, it was a female voice crying of pain so i hurried, the closer i got the clearer i could hear men voices as well, i guess these idiots are following my new prey, wen i got close enough i found 3 guys dress as thugs geting closer to a white haired kitsune (it said in her stat creen) that was hiding behind a tree she was badly wounded she had an arrow on her left thigh and cuts that went the whole length of her arms her clothes were now rags from all the blood and cuts that they had i also saw two dead bodys from two more guys that had their head burned that where behind the other 3 guys so i sused my small body and [stealh] skill to get the swords from the death bodies, so that i could consume the material and reinforce the tips of my tentacles, then i coat them and my fangs and claws in paralysis poison for the finishing touch, then i jump back into the top of the trees that were 7 meters tall at the smallest and waited for the moment they found the kitsune to kill them, but for the time been i sheck their stats but they are not so impresive the strongest one is just lvl 25 altho he is 15 lvl stronger than me he his bearly stronger than me...













but his titles are something interesting, as it appears that in this world there are no jobs per-say the titles make the difference here these guys all have these.
Titles loan shark bandit ex-mercenary slaver  
in any case, I wonder if I will be able to kill them... in the end, they are humans... I was one of them after all, but now my race has changed... and I wonder if it is the influence of this new body or the fact that I killed a lot of animals but, I don't feel disgusted towards the act of killing a sentient being, I just feel an urge to consume them or to make them mine especially the any case better get ready the first one to get the first hit wins and I intend to win.

POV change (kitsune)
/SFX/ Sob...sob
-they sold me...
-they sold me...
-they...sold... me...
I was in the cart sat inside my wooden jail, repeating these words over and over again in a low enough tone that my "buyers" don't hear me...
what did I do to deserve this fate...
all I did was to be a good daughter for 15 years, I helped around the house, took care of my little brothers, I even worked with the hunters of our village of our territory to make money when we had economic problems but!
they sold me... they sold me to pay up the debt they had with some loan shark...
even if I was from a minor noble, still... could have sent me to a political marriage or something...
but I end up as a slave... marked for life... lucky the slave seal is incomplete and can only block some of my skills... I still have my special skill foxfire...I can... escape
I will not let them...i... I will escape... get them for this.... or die trying...
when we stopped and my "buyers" went to eat leaving me with just a half-eaten bread and a bow of tasteless soup, which I eat as fast as I could receiving laughter from those idiots but it does not matter when they were distracted I used my skill with low enough output that was barely noticeable, it put a burden in my head but it burned my prison and I started to run... run and run hearing shouts behind me I shoot out two fireballs behind me hitting two of the guys in their head killing them but I received an arrow in one of my legs and I screamed like I never done it before I also noticed some cuts that I got when I escaped knowing that I would be either captured or would bleed to death I chose the latter and sat down in behind a tree that covered me completely hiding me...
tho soon enough I felt a presence looking at me but when I looked in that direction it was already gone...
now to just wait... and I don't have to wait long because those thugs have found and started to surrounded me, but before they said anything I felt the presence again above me but when I looked it was all over, the three were dead, one with a bite to his neck and the other two had holes in their neck and torso, all it stood there was a creature covered in blood that had the form of a cat but it had tentacles in its back that was turning to look at me, but before I could defend myself from the creature my sight began to turn gray then I lost consciousness

POV change (our MC)
that was underwhelmingly uneventful... first, because I didn't hesitate which I was expecting, but they didn't notice meaning they could no react fast enough not even that lvl 25 high guy that was my first target... it was bloody as hell tho my mouth got all bloody because I pierced the jugular or carotid one of the two, in any case, I was covered in blood, then I turned to look at the kitsune to confirm her safety but when it noticed my look went paled and she fainted...
-she has fallen in love with my master (system)
-was that a joke?...
-in any case, she has lost a lot of blood I need to treat her...
-master should force her to wear you in your armor form that way you will be able to treat her more effectively it would also be a good idea to get the [multiple minds]28this skill creates another concise that thinks independently of you but will always do what you need or [parallel thinking] 29this skill allows you to think of more things simultaneously and if you have multiple bodies it allows you to control them simultaneously it grows with each lvl, allowing you to increase the number skills so that you can use your [second body] skill so that you can also change to a human body so that she can have someone to recognize as her master or mistress.
during the 3 days that I spent farming, I got [second body] together with another skill called [life suport] the former lets me deploy a second body that I can change between whenever I want, but the first won't do anything as long I wasn't actively using it so it was useless the latter lets me temporarily"grow" into my host body when it gets severely hurt allowing me to support it in those moments
I start to take the biomass from the slavers of the bodies allowing me to get 180 kg of mass, then I think of my former body but I can't remember...
-along your name and gender your body shape was also deleted (system)
-so I have to change my body too?...haha...
i think again and start to imagine a new humanoid body this time i guess i will go female because i got the feeling that i was a man in the past, but i don't care i can shange any time so i imagine a 18 year old body that was 1,75 305.7 ft meters with long raven black hair with a small decorative red line on a few of the strands of hair just over my left eye,  the eyes that where dark red in color so it wasn't notable at firs, then my face was the hardes part to make but i woud say that was as close to perfect as i could imagine31this part i left it to you to imagine following down to my chest area the breast where a modest D cup size more o less and a waist that was close to perfect hour glass then to my new ass wasnt to big nor to small a good midle relatibly long legs that were in shape, the hole body came with a lot of musles that you could not see clearly but offered more strength and durability as for the genitalia i could not decide so i went with both 32you don't like that,well to bad for youjust that the male one is capable of retracting and i can bring him out at will
-mm I like it... but I need clothes...
so I used my shapeshifter abilities to give me some clothes 33... convenient... but it was something simple a leather corset that covers my new breast and groin area a skirt and knee-high boots, then some extra details here and there of course there are no seams
now for my new kitsune friend that i had left alone for a wile, i undress her she was 1.65 m345.4ft at minimum her hair was platinum white her ears where covered in blood as well as her single tail that was white with a black tip she had a slender figure and wasn't in a bad nutritional situation but she was getting there her breast must be around B cup or a bit more, now into her wounds i saw that wile her wound were numerous none were inmedietly fatal but juts the arrow in her leg was a problem so while i remove it, i opened up my shop skill got the [parallel thinking] skill and then used my other skill [second body] making it appear in my hand and again it is a weird sensations having my self in my hand while looking at both versions of myself while being capable of controlling both at the same time form a first and third person view but for the time beeng i put my ...other self...? in the body of the kitsune then, i started expanding until i covered her hole body and started compresing and fosebly closing all of her wounds wile using my [life suport] skill to stabilize her body that was getting colder and colder 
after a while it was fine.
-now that she won't die I can tell you that she appears to have an incomplete slave seal (system)
-what does that mean?
-it means that if you put a bit of your blood in the seal you will be able to complete it and have her become your slave (system)
-neat... but I want to ask her if she will become mine if she refuses I will straight up rape her using some drugs so that her heart doesn't break I have no use for a toy that is broken
-ill tell you now that the kitsune race tends to be pride driven (system)
-so breaking her it is....haaa...a, for now, I will loot the dead guys, they must have something useful

there wasn't much on to use guys they must have it all on their carriage if they had one...
in any case, I found a bow and about 20 arrows 3 daggers 2 swords that appear to be iron, and 1 more that was steel but of really bad quality I also found some dried food each had a badge with a weird insignia on it and the one that appeared to be the leader had a letter that said something about going to a noble home to get the payment and to get the oldest daughter... I also found paper money surprisingly it was dollars... about 500 dollars...
-why are there dollars here?
-some of the first heroes that came to this world implemented it, it is used all over the 3 continents that are inhabited just for reference the cheapest inn cost 5 dollars the night and a meal goes somewhere around 1 dollar
the rest were just cotton clothes that I immediately absorbed and used to make some undergarments like bra; panties and thigh high stockings I also remade my skirt from just leather to cotton, I felt pretty happy with how it turned out so I saved this form and touched the kitsune and transferred myself into that other body and my first body entered too and waited.

after a while I that was now attached to the kitsune felt her waking up, I checked the connection to her so that I could talk to her mind directly
-where am I...? (kitsune)
she looked down at her self and saw that her entire body was covered with weird black one-piece leather clothing that only showed her head
-what is this! (kitsune)
she started trying to take the weird but it didn't budge
-I wouldn't do that if I was you... (armor body 35AB from here on)
-who is there? (kitsune)
the clothes started moving like water without losing a single part, from her foot a black blob started forming then from that blob a humanoid shape started to emerge
-thank you- smile -now to business, I am that clothing that you are wearing right now, I am a living armor and need a host, and you were dying so I save your life but now your body has become dependent on me to survive... so I propose to you that you become mine (humanoid body 36HB from here on)
-I was dying... wait... become yours, isn't normally the other way? (kitsune)
-so you knew... but you see I am not a normal living armor and if you accept you will understand why - smile (HB)
-no, I will not become someone else property (kitsune)
-even knowing that you will die without me, or that you are now a slave that anyone could capture and complete the seal? (HB)
-even then... I will not... (kitsune)
I got my face closer to hers
-and you are thinking of taking revenge on your parents thas sold you out?... you will not last even a day in your condition /whisper/
-even... I will not...(kitsune)
-...-/sad face/-... (HB)
-what? (kitsune)
-I would have wished that you accepted it, would all have been so much easier... (HB)
-what are you talking about? (kitsune)
I kissed her and raped her mouth with my tongue, I also made her drink some aphrodisiac that was among the plants that I found, when our lips separate a string of saliva appeared and I smiled again while she made a dumbfounded face full of ecstasy thanks to the aphrodisiac, it appears she came a bit
-my little fox... you never had the choice I just wanted to make it more slowly because you were my first host, but as you rejected me, I will now... make you accept me <3 (HB)
-wh... what... my head... feels a bit... funny(kitsune)
-I will now enjoy the show that you and my other self will now put out (HB)
my female humanoid self sat down in front of the dumbfounded and exited kitsune then her fingers made a snap sound then in my other armor self started appearing little tentacles covered in the same aphrodisiac that I forced her to drink around all the internal walls of the clothing except on her erogenous sones like her vagina, anus, nipples, clit those came later and soon enough...
-haa...aa... what... is... this... it feels as if my whole body... is been licked so carefully... I am feeling... weird.... (kitsune)
she tried to stand up, but her walking was wobbly at best
-no, no... no scaping there -<3smile- (HB)
what another snap of my fingers, my armor self shot out four tentacles that attach them selfs to the surrounding
-kyaaa! (kitsune)
rising the kitsune facing up in the air about half a meter from the ground and a meter from where my humanoid body was seating placing her beautiful ass in my view her tail was relatively stiff but that can be fixed
-don't... look at... me...there (kitsune)
while still caressing her whole body with my armor body, my humanoid one stood up and said while getting closer<3(HB)
saying that my humanoid body started rubbing the kitsune clitoris through the clothing getting it some of the aphrodisiac place... is dirty(kitsune)
-why would it be dirty?...mmm? doesn't it start to feel good?<3 (HB)
and she came again
-I'll take that as a yes <3- smile (HB)
-what wa..s tha..t...(kitsune)
-ho...!? you are telling me that you have never masturbated? (HB)
-ma...sturv...ated? (kitsune)
-yes...come on accept me and I will teach you about it... and more, you will be able to feel even better (HB)
-I will... not someone... else... property (kitsune)
I moved my "HB" head to her breast and my "AB" opened up the sections corresponding to her breast revealing her pink areolas and erect nipples that I instantly started suking and massaging with my free hand, as well as the area between her legs revealing the labia of her vagina while my hand is still caressing her now exposed clitoris and leaving exposed her tightly closed ass
-nooo.... not my breast tooo.... i.... i.... is coming again....  no.... nooo.... (kitsune)
I stopped and frowned ... and I moved my head to her exposed vagina that she tried to hide with her legs but I stop her while saying is not "is coming" it is said I about to cum or I will cum or come you choose...(HB)
then I started to lick her clit while moving down to her entrance making her cum even more intensively following my abandonment of her breast, my armor self closed that area and started to massage it too
-noo.... it is... dirty.... noooo.... <3 (kitsune)
it is too much to say that she was kind of flooding
we stayed like that for a good 10 minutes and she came almost continuously while I was doing that, I remembered about my corruption skill and started using it actively
-well I guess I will have to use the big guns...-(HB)
I started to change the shape of my underwear to let out my brand dick 16cm 376.2 in dick out to play, then I stopped everything the tentacles that massaged her whole body my tongue attack on her clit and vagina and stood up, her entrance was moving ass if looking for something, something to fill it.
-/SFX/...fuña?- (kitsune)
she made a cute sound while trying to look at me and in her look, there was ecstasy and behind that was a pleading look, then she made visual contact with my erect dick and froze in place then I lowered her to ground level she was still looking at my meat rood
-you want it don't you? you know what you have to say-smile<3 (HB)
she looked to one side while trying to suppress the urge to look at me
-i ... i... don't...(kitsune)
I got down on my knees with my dick in hand and started tracing the entrance of her vagina and with the occasional hit
she jumped each time I touched her clit and her entrance was moving opening and closing like crazy, it was hard to contain myself with her pleading eyes
-say it(HB)
I placed the glans on her entrance and pressed a little I could feel how she was about to cum again
-haa...a... fine. (HB)
I started to move back but I was stopped by something looking back I saw her legs crossed behind my back
then I looked straight at her and she was biting her lower lip, I got my head closer to her ears and I whisper while biting them lightly
-say it... you know you want to (HB)
I said while continuing to tease her entrance with my dick
-haaa I don't care anymore I accept make me feel good mistress!!!! (kitsune)
-well said -smiling
I said, then I started applying pressure in her entrance that was folding, it was entering rather easy up until the point where her hymen was that with slightly more pressure gave in and I went completely inside filling her
-haaaaa!!!.. it hurts but it feels good nooo I am going crazy
then I started to move slowly at first to get her used to the feeling
-noooo... it feels too good.... haa... ha ...
she was right on that, I never imagined that I would do something like this but it just felt awesome, her walls were tightening even more with each thrust she was flooding she was cuming pretty much each time I trusted inside of her, that I must say I was reaching her cervix, she had the perfect size for me
-noo... haaa ...i am cuming again ...(kitsune)
-... it feels as if it has grown? (kitsune)
she was right I am about to cum mistress going to cum?...(kitsune)
-that's right.... take it all inside ...- /effort SFX/hummmm (HB)
I started to cumm inside of her
-nooo not inside..... haaaaaa....!!! (kitsune)
and she came as well at the same time pressing on all of my rod, her walls making sure to press out all that I had
then we dropped to the ground and I started to move back, but she blocked me yet again, so I hug her and he hugged me back
-again? (HB)
she just nodded and we went at it for about 1 hour until she fainted
did you like it? tell me in the comments that way I can understand if I have to fix something (there is a limit of how much I can improve on my own) also while you are at it comment on a possible name for the characters our little kitsune our mc, the system even or if names aren't your thing post a possible continuation or do it through a private message or donate to me through ko-fi or PayPal

ok poll time :D where should I send the characters? also while I said it above please comment on names or how to continue the story because this story is as mine as it is yours (in a way) chers!!

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