Ankaido, the ancestor of pirates

Chapter 108 The Tunhua Is Mine (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 108 The Tunhua Is Mine (Please Subscribe)
"Sajiro, go organize a fleet of about ten warships and go to the sea to meet the enemy. Remember that only failure is allowed, success is not allowed!"

Jhin sat in his office, resting his chin on one hand, quietly reading a notebook in the other, and gave instructions to the man standing in front of his desk.

"Only lose battles are allowed?"

Zuo Jiro didn't understand, he really didn't understand why he had to engage in a battle where only failure was allowed.

"Go! Sakujiro... seduce those who attacked us to get closer to us, and then arrest the opponent at once."

Of course Jhin knew Zuo Jilang's confusion. He was also very puzzled when he first heard the order Kaido gave him. Why would he use tricks when he could wipe out the enemy in an instant?It wasn't until Kaido told him that he planned to capture the people on board alive and let them join the coolie force to contribute to Zaun that Jhin suddenly realized.

"Is that so? I see!"

Zuo Jiro nodded slightly towards Niannian, turned around and left the office. He was originally a famous swordsman in Zuan, and he couldn't stand the humiliation of failure at all, but if it was a trick, then it's another matter .

"Zuo Jiro really hit! Brother Jhin, why did he let you go there?"

As soon as Zuo Jiro came out, a group of warriors with swords pinned to their waists surrounded him and asked Zuo Jiro.

"Let's fight a fight... a fight that only allows you to lose!"

Zuo Jiro nodded slightly to the crowd, and then conveyed Jin's words to the crowd.

"What? Brother Jhin, isn't he crazy? How can we, the swordsmen of Zu'an, lose the battle?"

A group of warriors complained after hearing Zuojiro's words. They were swordsmen, and the glory of a swordsman was more important than his life.

"Okay! Don't ask me more about the specific situation. In short, just listen to me! Or do you not trust me?"

Zuo Jiro frowned slightly when he heard the words of the samurai, then took out a pocket watch from his pocket to check the time, and then ordered directly.


"Of course I trust you!"

Hearing Zuo Jiro's serious tone, all the samurai suddenly calmed down a lot, nodded and bowed one after another.

"Then let's go! We don't have much time left."

As Zuojiro said, he went to the shipyard first, where he wanted to pick out his warships and some abandoned warships that could be abandoned.


"Do you think we can win this time?"

The warships of the Anti-Zuan Alliance are getting closer and closer to the country of Zu'an, but the closer they are to the people of Za'an, the more guilty they are.

All the pride and aspirations I had when I set off gradually faded away on board.

No matter how unclear the mind was at the time, how hot the mind was, the brain would wake up when it was blown by the icy sea breeze. Once a person wakes up, he will have fear of the unknown in his heart.

"I don't know... But I heard that Kaido is no longer in Zu'an. As long as Kaido's monster is gone, we all have a chance of winning, it should be... Besides, our king has not equipped us with the latest weapons. Is it? It is said that these weapons were all bought from a weapon supplier called Drago, and it is said that they are of the same model as the weapons equipped by the current World Government."

An old soldier raised the weapon in his hand while talking, and saw a brand-new standard rifle in his hand. There was a big Z written on the edge of the rifle. I don't know if it was an ornament or a symbol What's the symbol.

In fact, if the old soldier disassembled the rifle in his hand, he would find a shocking secret, that is, he would find the anti-counterfeit mark engraved with the words "Made in Zaun" inside the chamber of the rifle.

That's right... This is how I sell you weapons, increase your self-confidence, let you hit me, and then provide me with manpower!
Perfection can't be complete without the perfect schedule!

"We will definitely win! Our king has said that he has prepared rewards for us in the rear! The soldier who kills the most Zaun can get a reward of one million Baileys, and the person who kills Kaido's cadres can It’s not too rich to get a reward of tens of millions!”

A soldier said excitedly while rubbing the knife in his hand.

He has already started to figure out how he will spend the 1000 million...

No, it may not be 1000 million. What if he killed dozens of cadres?That's a few hundred million!It's not too beautiful...

While thinking about it, the soldier wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth. The picture was so beautiful that he couldn't help but drool.

"I advise you not to think about it. It is said that Kaido's cadres are all monsters, and they can beat dozens of them one by one!"

A soldier with only one eye left lightly patted the shoulder of the soldier who had imagined that he was rich, trying to pull the other soldier back into reality from the meaningless delusion.

"Cough cough cough... I'll just think about it! Just think about it for a while... But there is a chance, right? You know no matter how powerful they are~"

"Even if everyone is a superman who can beat a hundred, isn't he still human? Don't we have knives and guns in our hands? No matter what kind of person, as long as they are human, they will be beaten to death, right? ?”

The fanciful soldier, after being interrupted by the one-eyed soldier, didn't feel any embarrassment, but said to the one-eyed soldier very seriously.

The one-eyed soldier, who was planning to laugh at this fanciful soldier, looked at the serious and sincere eyes of the other party, and the ridicule in his heart disappeared completely, and he gradually became serious.

"I think what you said is right, maybe I can kill one too! Hahaha..."

The one-eyed soldier pretended to be relaxed and smiled.

"That's right... when the time comes, we'll each kill the other, and from now on we'll only drink the strongest wine and soak up the prettiest girls in our village!"

That young and imaginative soldier raised the corners of his mouth, and he couldn't help himself to start fantasizing again. When he thought of the flowers in their farm, he felt the male hormones in his body screaming This caused him to have a physiological reaction... In short, he simply wanted to reproduce, um...very simple.

"Hey Hey……"

The one-eyed soldier was also taken away by the opponent, with a lewd smile on his face.

"Enough of you guys! The enemy fleet can already be seen, ready to fight!"

Just when the one-eyed soldier was about to say something to the young soldier, their chief couldn't stand it anymore, and whispered something to the two of them.

"Fighting... fighting..."

When the one-eyed soldier and the young soldier saw the officer coming, they immediately shut their mouths and hurried back to their positions.


"One day I know I'm dreaming, tmd Tunhua belongs to me!"

After the one-eyed soldier and the young soldier returned to their combat positions, the officer said disdainfully.

 Ask for collection!Ask for a recommendation!Seek investment!


(End of this chapter)

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