Anime: Infinite Swordsman! (Danmachi + Asterisk War)

Chapter 55 – Information!

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Chapter 55 - Information!

"Is this your first official mission?" Captain Yas wore a look of profound sorrow.

Luke sat down next to the table, exchanged greetings with a few familiar faces, and replied, "Yes, just completed it. I had some questions, so I came straight to find you."

"I see. Your first official mission, huh? I probably have an idea of what you want to ask."

Upon hearing that Luke came to discuss serious matters, Yas put away his pained expression.

"Well then, the perks for newcomers have passed. You're aware of the rules, right?"

"Of course." Luke opened the trading function and exchanged the 'bonus' he had received from a certain vice-captain.

Yas looked at the amount of redemption points, considered Luke's current situation for a moment, and nodded in acceptance.

"Since we're acquaintances, I won't ask too much from you."

Yas scratched his head, suppressed the slight feeling of being deceived that arose in his heart, and prepared to give Luke a brief overview.

"Let's start with you. Can you tell me about the progress of analysis of the world in this mission? Do you mind telling me the percentage?"

"24%," Luke had nothing to hide. After all, he also wanted to know the significance of this value, whether it was too much or too little.

However, the 24% figure surprised Yas, not because it was too much, but because it was too little.

The analysis progress of the mission world refers to the Main God Space's understanding of the mission world through the agent.

Once the analysis progress of a mission world reaches 75% or more, the agent can receive the reward.

At the same time, the Main God Space comprehends and absorbs parameters such as the composition, rules, and development of the mission world to optimize and strengthen itself.

Typically, an ordinary agent needs three missions to reach 75% or more in analysis progress, with the first mission often yielding the most progress.

Under normal circumstances, the analysis progress for the first mission should be around 40%, making Luke's 24% quite low.

At this point, the middle-aged mage beside them, who was also one of the vice-captains named Robert, reminded Yas of another possibility.

"Captain, you forgot, Luke might be undertaking a 'pre-plot' mission."

"Ah, that's right. If he hasn't had much interaction with the 'protagonist' and the 'antagonist,' this analysis progress is reasonable."

According to the current analysis of agents in the Main God Space, the protagonist and the antagonist collectively account for at least 60% of the progress in world analysis. They can be considered the core elements of the entire world.

As for how the analysis progress increases, there isn't overly detailed information. The only confirmed method is through 'contact.'

Whether it's getting along friendly or exchanging harsh words, as long as you come into contact with the so-called 'plot characters,' the analysis progress will increase.

After listening to Yas's explanation, Luke gained some understanding of the settlement panel at that time.

However, after hearing the explanation, he looked at the 'massive' team in the bar and felt a bit distracted.

The bar, named 'Adventurer Enthusiast Club' or simply 'Adventurers' Club', was different from bars in ordinary worlds. Its interior space was exceptionally vast.

This was also the reason why Yas and his team often appeared in this bar.

Being able to accommodate a team of tens of thousands in a bar was a rarity, even in the Main God Space.

"So, Senior Yas, the contact you are referring to is to bring all the people you know back to the Main God Space?!"

Luke looked at the 'invitation maniac' in front of him with a speechless expression.

You see, Yas's team of tens of thousands, except for himself, consisted entirely of 'plot characters' he had invited from the mission world into the Main God Space.

Yas's team was particularly famous in the Main God Space. While others brought along a girlfriend or a harem, or perhaps some companions, friends, or family, Yas had directly brought back an entire army.

Moreover, aside from Yas, the vice-captain, Robert, who had the best relationship with Luke in the team, once privately mentioned that everyone in this team was personally invited by Yas.

They came from different mission worlds, and each one was an elite.

"Well, sometimes, after a little interaction, they become my teammates."

Yas felt a bit embarrassed being teased by Luke.

In fact, he didn't initially plan to form such a team. He was just making friends. However, at some point, the team grew larger and larger.

Before he knew it, there were already tens of thousands of people in his team.

After some casual banter, Yas once again brought up other issues with Luke.

Next were the keywords and important figures.

The Main God Space doesn't judge the importance of individuals in the mission world based on strength or status.

Instead, it assesses a person's significance by looking at their involvement and impact on the main storyline of the world.

So, in most cases, the importance of the 'protagonist group' and the 'antagonist forces' will not be too low. Contact with these crucial characters will determine the extent of world analysis.

In addition, there is another thing that increases the analysis progress, and that is keywords.

These keywords are essentially the 'special products' of the mission world.

They are also the part that the Main God Space needs to understand and absorb when the analysis progress reaches 75% or more.

The more keywords the agent obtains in the mission world, the greater the Main God Space's attention to this world.

At the same time, the analysis speed will be faster, and the agent will gain more analysis progress.

However, different worlds have their 'limits' based on their development and characteristics.

Generally, obtaining more keywords relies on luck.

Otherwise, like Luke this time, one can develop keywords that the Main God Space recognizes, such as the 'Star Swordsmanship.'

Regarding the explanation of Luke's settlement panel this time, Yas mentioned this much.

Regarding more advanced information, such as what happens when the analysis progress of the mission world reaches 100%, Yas stated that Luke currently doesn't need to know and might not be able to afford the price of advanced information.

Luke also knew that the information gathering was about enough.

Next, he wanted to ask some other things.

For example, who are the powerful individuals in the Main God Space, whether there are factions, or if there are relatively important facilities that he hasn't discovered.


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