Anime: Infinite Swordsman! (Danmachi + Asterisk War)

Chapter 150: Each World Has a Different Development Direction!

Chapter 150: Each World Has a Different Development Direction!

"It's miserable, so tragic..."

"Yes, we thought the Braver was already harsh enough, but the Sword Master was even more ruthless..."

"Grabbing her neck and pressing her head into the ground, that amazoness's head won't crack, right?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, did you see his expression just now? He seemed a bit dissatisfied with the outcome."

"It's too scary, isn't it...huh?...Hey! Look! He's walking back again?!"

"Damn, don't tell me, he's not thinking of doing it again, is he???"

"My God, who, who can go up and stop him..."

While Luke listened to various discussions around him, he walked back to where Tiona had been 'planted like a carrot.'

He grabbed her legs and forcefully pulled her out of the ground.

"It seems I went a bit too far..."

Luke looked at the familiar amazoness who had fainted and rolled her eyes back, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

Perhaps due to his high expectations for the 'warrior' he had not encountered in a long time, his disappointment manifested as excessive force unconsciously when those expectations were not met.

Moreover, Finn ended the battle in this manner, so Luke also subconsciously buried Tiona in the ground as well.

Anyway, the result of the battle was a victory for Loki Familia.

According to their agreement, Tione and Tiona must join Loki Familia.

Luke, holding the unconscious amazoness, approached Finn.

Under Tione's terrified gaze and Finn's strange look, he handed Tiona over to her sister.


The Braver and the Sword Master ended the story of the Amazoness sisters' valor, and the onlooking crowd spread the news of new members joining the Loki Familia.

Moreover, after undergoing the 'challenge,' Tione and Tiona successfully joined Loki Familia and also advanced beyond Level 3, becoming Level 4 adventurers.

Because of this, the amazoness sisters, who were not originally qualified in terms of strength and skill, successfully gained the recognition of Gareth and Luke, becoming core members of Loki Familia.

At this point, all the key members of Loki Familia mentioned in the original story were finally gathered.

As usual, whenever a new member joins the Familia, an experienced senior is assigned to guide and teach them.

The main purpose of this is to help newcomers familiarize themselves with the labyrinth city and to teach them various aspects of the dungeon.

To prevent these ignorant newcomers, who know nothing about Orario and the dungeon, from causing trouble or dying in the dungeon:

Tione and Tiona's situation was somewhat different from that of typical new adventurers; their strength already ranks among the upper levels of Orario, meaning they do not require anyone else's protection.

However, they are indeed new adventurers who lack knowledge about Orario and the underground dungeon.

Given their special circumstances, the task of guiding them has fallen on Luke.

Unfortunately, in Loki Familia, only Luke and Riveria have both the ability and free time to handle this matter.

However, Riveria is not ready to accept the task of accompanying two 'inappropriately dressed' girls.

Therefore, this job can only be assigned to Luke.



Luke slammed his palm into Tione's stomach.

The pain from the impact caused the girl to kneel on the ground involuntarily.

Then he sidestepped to avoid a kick from Tiona from behind, while simultaneously pushing her back with his right hand.

Instantly, Tiona, losing her balance, crashed into Tione, who had just managed to stand up.

The Amazoness sisters turned into rolling gourds, tumbling together across the grass in the courtyard of Twilight Manor.

"Okay, that's it for today's training."

Luke, withdrawing his stance, said to the twin sisters lying on the ground:

"Although you two are sisters, you do not cooperate with each other at all."

"Not only is there a lack of understanding between you two, but you can't even perform the simplest coordinated attack."

The more Luke trained them, the more he became disappointed with Telskyura.

The so-called [Country of Blood and Fighting], the [Amazoness' Holy Land], which was reputed to train warriors in such a manner, made Luke feel that the place was simply overrated.

However, the two amazoness girls sitting on the ground, who were being scolded, had different expressions.

"What can we do? We haven't been trained to fight together."

"In Telskyura, all female warriors fight individually!"

Tione was very unwilling.

She originally thought it was impressive to encounter someone strong like Finn who could easily defeat her, but after joining Loki Familia, she realized she couldn't beat any of the core members.

Among the six core members, there were five who could defeat Tione and Tiona easily.

Even the remaining werewolf was much stronger than them.

"Well, unfortunately the issue is, you can't beat me in individual combat."

Luke's words silenced Tione.

It wasn't her fault; in Telskyura, failure equated to death.

In a country where even blood sisters would kill each other, who would think about cooperation?

She and Tiona left their homeland for this very reason and came to the distant city of Orario.

"Hey, Luke, why are you so strong?"

"Aren't you a swordsman? Everyone says your alias is 'Sword Master,' so why are your physical skills also so impressive?"

Unlike Tione, who was full of unwillingness, Tiona, the younger sister, had a smile on her face.

But she asked a question that Tione was also concerned about.

A few days had passed since they joined the Loki Familia, and they had gained a basic understanding of the situation in their familia.

Having the blood of warriors flowing in their veins, Tione and Tiona naturally challenged almost all the members of Loki Familia within a few days.

That's how they discovered Luke's uniqueness.

He was the only adventurer who could defeat them with pure skill.

Luke didn't even need to draw his sword; he just used strength and speed not exceeding that of the amazoness sisters and suppressed them with their own preferred style of combat.

This was quite a shock for them at first; although they disliked the 'Country of Blood and Fighting.'

But Tione and Tiona had to admit that they were proud of their 'martial arts.'

However, Luke's appearance brutally shattered this pride.

His unheard-of skills made them question who among them was the real warrior.

"Did the teacher who taught you combat skills ever tell you what the core of their technique is?"

Luke, hearing Tiona's question, first asked her back.

But seeing the confused expressions on their faces, he shook his head and continued:

"Every martial art carries its original concept and spirit of creation. This is the soul of the martial art, passed down through generations."

"In your combat skills, I only see techniques."

"A technique executed without concept, spirit, or soul may provide brute force, but it lacks true martial skill."

"Strength and skill complement each other, are similar yet different. The 'technique' you and I use are fundamentally not the same thing."


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