An npc who just wants to live idling around.


(there is a somewhat sensitive part in this chapter, it will notify you when you arrive)
Closing my eyes, and a few moments later, when my mind was about to enter dreamland.
My phone rings, 'is it a rule of this world that you are interrupted when you sleep!? First, in a dream a foreign soul dominates your body, then a messenger elf of the sss rank heroine wakes you up, and now that it is my time to dream of a long day they call me, even with the phone on silent.
I jumped up remembering that my phone should not ring, and with the sound, I went to the box next to my bed, and there were 2 incredible things, the latest generation touch screen phone (before he used one of those keyboards they had around 2004 in their old world more or less) and a letter.
- dear ren, knowing the time that dinner ends with my nephew, I decided to put an alarm on your new phone, put on something that makes you look presentable and handsome, and go to this address. -xxxxxxxx-
'It's serious, I wonder what the director wanted, although it's not like she has a choice, I ran to my closet and put on something casual, leaving the house I took a taxi, giving her the address it took at least 15 minutes to travel.
Upon arriving at the place, I realized why they told me to look presentable, the location was a gourmet restaurant.
Although it's not like I have anything better in my closet, walking to my entrance the guard looked at my outfit from top to bottom and said.
- we do not accept beggars, please do me the favor of leaving.
'That hurt, but it's not like I can deny it, when he said something presentable I only put on shorts, sneakers, and a colorless white polo shirt, I know he said something presentable, but unfortunately, there was nothing more elegant in that closet.
ren never spent on formal wear, and I wouldn't either, but the problem is that right now I needed it, knowing that the boss of this guard would fire him if he annoyed a student at the academy, and also knowing that even though he saw me as a class, he was kind still, and my grandfather's rule was, "always repay the kindness of whoever gave it to you, no matter who it was."
"Sorry, but there is a mistake", and I took out my student ID, the guard saw my ID, as in All most students usually have money. The guard realized that I was trying to help him, and he bowed and apologized.
I patted him on the shoulder and said "always return kindness to others, even though you called me homeless, you were kind and that's why I'll tell you, kindness can save your life because you never know if the one with the face of gangster can really be someone with power."
(ATTENTION, in the next part there is a part that can be sensitive, nothing specific but it never hurts to warn, you don't need to follow this part since it is like a past experience of ren)
remembering my past life, in my 16 years at the time of my blindness, working in a restaurant, once a gangster came in with a girl, when he went to sit down, I had to serve him, after bringing him food and retiring to the kitchen, 15 minutes later the manager went to the guy's seat.
an old man in his 60s, he worked in the kitchen, with few staff, he and another one in the kitchen, and I with a colleague in care, I had no budget for more, but even so, he gave me the job at the time out of need, and he gave me food, at lunches because he wanted to save as much as he could.
Upon arriving at the gangster's seat, the old man listened to his complaints for 3 minutes about the poor quality of food and how bad the business was, it was not the first time that someone complained, in fact, it happened very often, but that time for The first time I wanted to listen for fear that something would happen to the old man when the guy started making threats that I didn't understand, I got involved.
I hit the table he was at and with the calmest smile I could manage, I asked him to leave, he just looked at me for a few seconds and left.
The boss then gave me a talk about customers respecting each other, and that the insurance guy looked me up and suggested that I take another route, and described it to me, at first it seemed strange to me why, but continue on that path Turns out it was all a well-planned trap, and the guy who looked like a gangster wasn't really, he was an undercover government agent who was sent to that restaurant because there were a lot of rumors about food infections, and he wanted to Make a scene to get into the kitchen.
I later found out that where the pans were kept, there was an infestation of cockroaches, the reason why I didn't get sick is that for his employees, he used another pan, and every time a customer complained he always said, "my employees they eat from the same pot, and they never get sick, surely you already came like this".
when he suggested I go that other route, it was actually because he made a shady deal with other guys.
the plan was good, every time a customer got sick in the middle of the meal, or had a complaint of stomach pain, he always said that there was no bathroom in his restaurant, that there was a bathroom along the route he sent me, which was a very narrow and desolate, and through that desolate area, said clients were kidnapped for the illegal sale of organs, and he received a percentage of said sale, the reason why he sent me there was because he thought that the police would contact with me because of the way he looked at me before he left, although he didn't know he was a policeman he had suspicions, and the reason they didn't catch him earlier was that he was always suspicious and didn't leave any loose ends.
when I knocked out more than 10 subjects and interrogated them, I went to the police and met said agent even in his gangster guise and worked with him to lock up the old man, and he was sentenced to life in prison, after that we became friends with the agent, and he gave me work to tell him about my situation and work with him helping him in cases, thinking about my time as a police adviser, it gave me a good nostalgia.
(The sensible is over, from here it continues with the history of the present)
walking to the reception I looked at my card, and I put a little mana on it and my status appeared.
Name: Ren Artega.
Magic Affinity:
level 4 (upgradable)
Attributes :
Strength: D
Agility: C
Resistance: D
intelligence :D
Mana Ability: D+
Luck: ???
fighting styles:
[lazy style] - Rank A (can be improved).
[mind in flux]-rank S.
An ability is given by (????????? ?? ???), when activated the user gains the ability to have emotions in a calm and continuous flow, no matter how affected the user is, thus preventing out of control, it also passively blocks all mind control abilities.
This ability can negatively affect the user if he keeps it active for a long time since it is linked to mental strength, the more mental strength the user has, the longer it will be possible to maintain the ability.
I was surprised that a style that believes in a world of peace, there would be at such a level and could be improved.
and more when I saw the ability that he gave me Mr. Bob, as I have no idea who he is and a name is necessary as I feel it won't be the last time I see him.
As I looked around, my gaze met that of a girl in a maid outfit, which isn't surprising considering many nobles have maids at their disposal.
what made me look again was that she was looking at me with a very….
and because he knew that face, she was one of the demon king's generals, ice witch Eira. my doubt was, 'why was she looking at me like that!?'

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