An npc who just wants to live idling around.

22. Kumiko

The first thing that came out of my mouth was

"excuse me?

I didn't really understand what she told me at this point.

- I said that I challenge you to a simulated battle.

I only stared into her eyes for 2 seconds, I turned my gaze to Kiriko who only gave me an apologetic look.

' this idiot... what a bummer.

Kumiko's quality in the game is that she was more of a support type, she was an NPC, but in her description it says that she was very competitive and had many competitions with kiriko, thus giving a couple of points to the form attributes passive towards the protagonist for every 2 hours if you paid money for it.

In the game, my sister thanked Kumiko a lot who made her battles easier, but here I already want to curse her.

" why?

-because you beat kiriko, that's why I want to check it out and fight you.

' What kind of brain circuit is this woman operating?

I couldn't help but roll her eyes and respond in a way as if she was trying to make him understand her logic and leave me alone.

"Only for that reason? That's a lie, we were at best even, and Kiriko didn't use mana, if he had, I would have lost in 10 seconds at most.

Although it was a lie... Ren lost to avoid the public gaze, even if Kiriko had used mana in that fight, Ren would have managed to fight and continue without using lightning mana, it's a pity there was still a long way to go to prove it.

(hey narrator, don't give me spoilers on my own novel)

please, author, it's obvious.

(well yes, but still)



then without Kumiko knowing, she correctly guessed what would happen if ren hadn't let himself be hit, which the others would find absurd since everyone knew and believed that kiriko would have won without much trouble, it's not that they look down on ren, just that Kiriko in the next fight against Brant, he won by crushing Brant directly using the wind to counter Brant's magic and using the earth attribute to incapacitate him.

For this reason, someone without mana like Ren could not beat Kiriko, no one could even guess Ren's current ability to adapt, everyone thought that Kumiko was just talking nonsense, but even so, Kumiko did not feel the gazes of the other girls, she said.

-Kiriko told me, he said that although you fought at par, he knew you had a pair of aces in hand.

'um... kiriko is sharper than he seems huh? though I hadn't used any tricks against it anyway.

"As I said before, that's a lie, I would have lost if he used mana, neither more nor less, now if you'll excuse me I have to go, to the supermarket today Saturday, bacon is on sale.

while he withdrew me, I heard how a whisper of the devil entered my ear canal.

- and if I give you money for the fight?

" wait, what?

Kumiko smiled in that stoic face he usually keeps at work, he held it in his palms.

- I said that I will pay you if you beat me without my sword being able to touch you.

" made.

'Finally... some extra money, I was already running out of food for this skinny body, Ren really lived with the just, poor boy.

while the two of them headed to the center of the room previously prepared at Kumiko's request...

2 pairs of eyes sparkled in understanding.

Kumiko's point of view:

my name is Kumiko... just like that, no last name, slaves are not given a last name and I don't remember the last name my parents gave me either.

I was sold into slavery by my drunken stepfather when I was 3 years old, he did it to pay off the debts he accumulated over time, and that's why they sold me in the end.

According to my mother, who said a few words to the seller so they could increase the price of my sale, my light blue eyes were like my grandmother's and surely my future appearance would also be that of a beautiful woman like her, unfortunately, my grandmother got an illness shortly after my mother finished her adolescence, in the end, my mother ended up marrying a man who lived excluded from the town where my mother was born, my mother also agreed with her husband's decision, in the letter that they left by my side said so.

They took me to a nobleman, who collected girls to be future servants of his unborn son, we were about 10 girls of similar ages, and I was with them for a couple of years, as time went by I saw them as sisters.

At 4 years old, I was able to have some reasoning about my situation, it's not that I'm a genius, but I already had some idea of what was going on around me, about why I was being trained, to be the exclusive servant of the son of the owner of the mansion.

One day, while I was walking through the mansion on the upper floors where the office of the head of the mansion is usually, carrying a letter that arrived, I heard how in a room there were sounds of applause and muffled groans, I went to see who it was, and It was the nobleman of the house being attached to the servant, although I did not understand what that was, I understood that they were busy and I withdrew, another day, I saw the wife of said nobleman with a young servant kissing passionately.

After that, I curiously asked one of my older sisters what that was, and she just told me.

- Haha, that's what we'll get with the boss's son when he grows up.

As I was curious about what my future job would be, I began to investigate, as there was bad security in the mansion, being there for 2 years, I learned some tricks, and I sneaked from my room in the servants' house to the main house where the library was.

when I saw in the library some images similar to what the lord and lady of the mansion did... I was scared, not because of what it was, but because of the result of that act, the result was a baby, my mother, One of the few good things she could remember about her was that only big girls, those who are married and love their husbands, will be able to have a child.

but in the book, it was more specific, when I found out that this would happen to me in a few years when I'm older... I got scared and wanted to escape from that place.

days later, taking advantage of the fact that we went with the head maid to the capital to buy provisions, since the mansion where we lived was further from a forest of beasts, I tried to sneak between the people and found her...

- hello little girl, what's going on?

It was a beautiful woman that I found in front of a water fountain in the middle of the place, the woman at that moment was alone and looking at the water that came out of the statue of a child.

besides, she was the only person who dressed differently from the people around me, I remember that all the people around me wore worker's clothes, I knew that they couldn't help me because the head maid treated those who dressed similarly badly in the mansion, and that woman was wearing clothes as if she were noble, with that logic I approached her.

"Please help me miss, they want to sell me.

she was Naomi hakuya

-oh, could you explain it to me in detail?

Naomi was surprised by my sudden appearance, but she still heard me with a smile.

and I told her what I saw in the mansion.

but the head maid found me while telling the story and grabbed my hand, the further I got from Naomi, the more desperate I felt, but before I left, Naomi put a rock in the pocket of my maid outfit and told me with her fingers. lips.

- I will be back-

Although I didn't hear her voice, I felt what she said.

When we got back to the mansion, I knew that I would get mistreated like all girls every time we make a mistake... while I was waiting in my room for the head maid to arrive with a whip, she never showed up.

From my room, I heard the voice screaming and I hid under my bed scared thinking that it was an attack by something scary, and after 30 minutes my door opened and Naomi appeared with knight clothes and a bloody sword.

Seeing her blood on her sword, I was scared, but Naomi's sweet look calmed me down, and she saved me from that place and she gave me a job as a servant in her family.

After a month of living quietly without much to do other than read books, I was introduced to a boy, Kiriko Hakuya.

In the beginning, I only saw him as a country boy who I have to take care of as my job, I had to educate him in etiquette, I learned to fight with him, I learned magic with him, I learned many things with him and most importantly, with the passing of time, I learned to smile with him.

After all these years, I learned what love is, but I learned it very late... recently he will be engaged to another girl, a black-haired woman with a haughty look, and every time they meet, she looks down on Kiriko, it's a pity that I'm in class B and I can't be next to you.

When I saw Kiriko's qualifying fight against that ren boy, I knew that Kiriko hadn't had fun like this in a long time... not even with me now, to avoid hurting me, he holds back in fights, no matter how much I say no, I know. that he contains himself which makes him bored, but in his infinite kindness he just tells me not to worry...

I want to learn from that boy Ren, I want to know how to fight like him so that Kiriko smiles at me like that when fighting.

So I challenged him, imagining that when he says yes, then I will be able to fight him, and no matter how long it takes me, I will learn from him and use my strength to fight alongside Kiriko, and so I can finally Be in Kiriko's sights... I love him, I love Kiriko, I can already see him abandoning that black-haired woman and asking for my hand in marriage.

(Don't ask me why Kumiko is with that brain circuit, I can only say that love lowers your IQ by force)

"Ren Artega, I challenge you to a mock battle now.

-excuse me?

'He's such an idiot that he doesn't listen or what?

"I said, I challenge you to a mock battle.


' Do I really have to tell you everything? Can't you accept at once so as not to waste so much time and for Kiriko to notice me more quickly?

"Why did you beat Kiriko, that's why I want to check it out.

- just for that reason? That's a lie, we were at best even, and Kiriko didn't use mana, if he had, I would have lost in 10 seconds.


'I don't know why he said that... but kiriko said that he's strong, that's all I need to be able to learn from him and make kiriko notice me after he beats this guy in the end.

"Kiriko told me, he said that even though you fought even against him, he knew you had a pair of aces in hand.

- As I said before, that's a lie, I would have lost if Kiriko used mana, neither more nor less, now if you'll excuse me I have to go, in the supermarket today Saturday bacon is on sale.

'just for that!?, that's why he refuses a fight!?

' without him, I'm fried, what can I offer a man? my body?



'my body belongs only to kiriko

'If he's talking about supermarket discounts... then he means he doesn't have any money?

'I got it.

"And if I give you money for the fight?


I know I'm smiling a little instead of the stoic face I usually keep at work, I had it in the palm of my hand.

"I said that I will pay you if you beat me without my sword being able to touch you.

- made.


I gave Naomi a look and she understandingly made a sand-like space appear.

putting me face to face with the boy, the first thing he said to me was.

- you should block the view of the spectators.

" why?

- Because I don't want to embarrass you in front of Kiriko.

' What did he say?

'He thinks he can embarrass me just by matching Kiriko?


'Although I can't beat Kiriko, I could always give Kiriko wounds in a fight, and he thinks I can't hurt him?

'Well, if he wants to play like that...

"as you like.

signaling to the director, walls appeared around us, blocking us from view of everyone, including the director.

- perfect.

"Okay, you can start.

-Before I start, I have to ask you something.

the guy named ren said that while he was in a relaxed posture, I already had my sword in battle stance.

he wanted him not to waste my time, so I had no choice but to answer his question.

" tell me

-Are you doing this just for the love of him?

His sudden question left my mind in shock, it took me some time to process his words.


"What did you say?

- I said, are you fighting just to make him look at you?

Ren asked making a face as if stating the obvious.

Although I have feelings of love towards Kiriko, I can't show it, I would be stripped of my job as a servant and very possibly away from him, I tried to ignore words like this.

"I don't understand you, can you explain?

the boy rolling his eyes told me.

- It's obvious, we barely saw each other today but it shows that you have it.

" what do I have?

this guy gave me a mischievous smile as he answered me.

- the eyes of a maiden in love.

I was stunned by the words of the boy in front of me, but I calmed down by force trying not to show my nervousness and answer him.

"...can you stop talking nonsense? kiriko is my master.

- if you say so

Ren said shrugging his shoulders as if to say "it can't be helped".

when I was getting in position, Ren did too, knowing that his fighting style of this type is for defense, I attack first, I ran towards him with the aim of giving him a thrust and testing how much of a difference there is between us, but when my thrust was about to touch his chest...

- I'll ask you again.

'how the hell!?.

my sword was stuck in the ground, and there was a sword pointed at my neck.

' It all happened so fast, I couldn't even notice it.

-Are you doing this just for the love of him?

'Shut up...

- or do you have a goal in mind? Maybe you take advantage of his innocence to be with him?

" Shut up!

I pulled the sword out of the ground and punched back with the aim of knocking out the guy who was talking nonsense about my motivations.

but there was no one behind me.


"I ask you Kumiko, why do you want to fight?

while ren was talking, Kumiko tried to cut him, but ren also blocked his attacks, even though Kumiko's sword was a 2-handed sword similar to kiriko and her sword style was focused on speed and strength, Kumiko couldn't avoid being blocked and deflected.

She was getting bitter, and it didn't help that Ren kept asking the same questions sending her into a state of rage.

" why are you doing this?

"What do you win with this duel?

"Or are you telling me that you have no goal?

with each question he asked, she put more force into his attacks, but Kumiko was also running out of energy.

Ren seeing Kumiko desperate and tired from trying to cut him, felt sorry for her.

Ren knew from the game, he knew that Kumiko was crazy about Kiriko, although the game didn't say so directly, Ren guessed based on everything they'd experienced so far.

They have been together since they were both 5 years old, and they have been together for 10 years, plus Kiriko is the protagonist of a harem game, it is quite obvious.

In the stages of the game, Kumiko was always there, it was always her who carried things and did household chores for Kiriko, even when they traveled to other states or territories where Kiriko was invited, she was behind him, waiting in case of doing chores or helping him with whatever he needs, but Kiriko was also someone too kind to even try to speak to his stoic servant girl who keeps her emotions withdrawn to the point of appearing stoic all the time.

Kiriko was an idiot in that sense, if he tried to boil water, he would burn himself and the water would all evaporate.

when the heroines were there near him, Kumiko will always be doing some task at that moment, although it is not uncommon for servants to be present in whatever their masters do, only in those moments of flirtation between kiriko and another woman she wasn't there, and although it wouldn't be strange for the players, for the current ren, now knowing the customs of this world, it seemed quite strange.

and seeing how frustrated Kumiko was at this moment only proves her theory, that Kumiko is crazy keeping her hidden feelings under lock and key with no intention of showing them.

Ren wanted to see if it was possible to help her, taking into account the large number of women waiting for Kiriko, it wouldn't be strange if Kumiko went crazy and became a yandere and tried to kill Kiriko, it would be a game over for this world.

when they clashed swords, they both exchanged glances.

Ren asked Kumiko trying to see if there was a possibility of returning for this poor woman who would not have a chance in her life to show her emotions in the future if she continues like this.

" You love him?

Kumiko gritted her teeth and answered.

-He is just my master.

and another clash of swords.

"You love him?

-He is my master.

"I don't ask you as a servant, I ask you as a woman, do you love kiriko Hakuya?

after several more clashes of swords.

Ren was able to make her break since she screamed tired.

-I love him!

- every day I know! I know I love him!

- I do everything for him! At some point, I just thought that he was just my lord, but I ended up falling in love, I want him for myself, I want to hug him, and I want to be by his side, but it's impossible, he will marry another woman because of the state of be future king!

- Now that I answered you, are you happy!? fucking bastard.

after more furious clashes with her, they both distanced themselves.

Ren didn't have any scratches on her clothes while Kumiko had only a few bruises from Ren's counterattack, but the flame of anger in her eyes never went out.

Ren stood up straight holding the sword with 2 hands resting the sword on the ground, but not leaning on the sword.

ren said what would help Kumiko fulfill her wish, Kumiko is quite a capable woman who could support kiriko in the early stages and let him not be fooled, ren is not kiriko's babysitter so I delegate it to Kumiko, And what better way to do that than to make the stubborn hero Kiriko listen to a person he likes.

"So make him fall in love, don't be an idiot just trying to support him like that, instead of doing it indirectly just by being behind him, make him fall in love and then declare yourself, if you can't make him understand that you love him, then give up on this, you can't do anything if You just wait behind him for him to look at you.

'This woman has every chance to be by her side, but would she prefer to wait until he turns to see her? only in emotional TV dramas could such a situation happen.

they both stared at each other, each with their thoughts.

and then...


they both burst out laughing

- I'll keep it in mind.

Kumiko replied, wiping the sweat from his forehead and getting into position again.

"I hope so because I don't repeat lessons, so it's better to finish this, right?

both getting into position once more, Ren with his sword on his shoulder, and Kumiko holding his sword with 2 hands, they both dove in to win.

Kiriko's point of view:

These days Kumiko behaved strangely, she felt lost after that night after the qualifications while we were training.

I still remember it like it was yesterday...

- why are you smiling kiriko?

" I'm smiling?

Kumiko asked me while we were having dinner on the same night after the first-year rankings.

- Yes, you do, what is the occasion today? any statement from any girl?

'She's always such a joker, how many were there today?...

"Today there were 8 love letters after school, but it's not because of that, do you remember my fight this morning?

- Of course, everyone saw it, you fought wonderfully, and your movements were beautiful and polished.

'I know it's her job, but I feel a little embarrassed when she puts it like that.

I didn't want to make things uncomfortable for her by making her notice my feelings, I know she's not interested in anyone, I've known her since I came to the noble world, and she was always stoic because of her sad past, even though I managed to make her smile, outside At home she always has a stoic face, I understand her, I know that nobles must remind her of her past, the sad thing is that I am one too... I know that she is not interested in anything unless, of course, it is her job as a servant The good thing is that her work allows me to be with her at least.


seriously author?


How can he have that logic?

(It's simple, Kumiko since she met Kiriko was someone with a stoic face, over the years she developed that smile towards her teacher, but Kiriko, who is her teacher, never could and will never notice a woman's heart easily normally, He thinks that Kumiko is only with him because of thanks to his aunt, that was his logic at the beginning of the relationship when they were little and he is not wrong, now Kiriko believes that he was able to create a bond with Kumiko as a master-servant after a lot of effort and time, but although she shows less stoic expressions at home, it's not common for her to show a lot of emotions since originally Kumiko wanted to keep her emotions to herself and hope that Kiriko would fall in love with her at some point, but unfortunately, she doesn't understand men either, seeing a dense idiot kiriko is something normal for her who didn't have much contact with men even when she was a servant in that mansion, since the girls were like “separate”. das" for the owner's son, those girls were going to be trained to be capable servants and already, in other simple words, they would not be destined to know the feelings of the other unless of course there is a variant in their destiny.)

It shows that you rummage in that hole you call your brain, right?

(shut up and continue with the story)

How am I going to continue with the story if I'm quiet, idiot?

(Do you want me to forbid you the vision of the future situations of this world and only give you the paragraphs? in an empty room?)

please forgive me! but don't take my vision away from seeing what happens here! I have nothing more than that to entertain me, please, pity this poor storyteller!

(just do your job)

I understand dear author, I will continue with my work.


"Well, my opponent, do you remember him?

-That boy?, What does he have?

"What is your opinion of how he fought?

Kumiko thought for a few moments before answering me in a tone like it was hard to remember.

-Well, I really don't know, he looked weak, at least from what I heard from his previous fights, do they call him the lucky swordsman?

"Well, it's not like that, he's a swordsman, yes, but what he did wasn't lucky, I saw pure planned movements, even as his opponent slipped in sweat, even that was analyzed in what his opponent was like, that boy has a great technique.

-so much so?

"Yes, in my fight with him I felt it, I felt that he was still holding back, that he still had more to give, despite being no mana, I wanted to fight him again.

- why you said that?

"Because I think that if we train more, I will get to have my martial arts better polished.

-oh, and why don't you challenge him again?

"Because he will tell me no

- Would that guy really turn down the opportunity to associate with the emperor's grandson?

I could only make an ironic laugh at that, in almost any person I could see a sparkle in his eyes, eyes that want to bond with me, but that boy was different.

It's not that I brag about it... but I know that I have a certain status that often makes many ordinary people feel a certain amount of tension when talking to me, it's something I'm used to, but that boy Ren... he always looks at me without lowering his gaze at no time, it's like looking at an equal, which pleases me.

but from what little I know of it so far, I could only say this to Kumiko.

"Well yes, if he rejected the opportunity to be ranked first, it also shows that he prefers to be alone, yes I think he would reject me.

Kumiko who was silent suddenly got up from the table with a determined look.

- I decided.

" what?

- I will challenge him and make him teach me his fighting style and then I will use his teachings to learn with you, master.

"Hahahaha, don't worry Kumiko, it's not necessary, I really like practicing with you.

Although I told her, she made a point of challenging him, in the end, Kumiko challenged him and my aunt agreed, and they both locked themselves in a cube to fight, I hope Ren doesn't hurt him, I don't want her to get hurt...

After 30 minutes while chatting and waiting with the girls, the secluded area of the cube where Ren and Kumiko were locked up opened.

Ren was approaching us while his expression had a calm look as always and...


It was surprising to see the guy who matched me tired.

' Did they fight so much inside the arena?

but without a doubt, the strangest and greatest surprise that took me in my entire life were the following words from Kumiko.

-Master, I will go with Ren to learn more about him and I will return when I have learned enough.


I didn't understand what she said for a moment.


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