An npc who just wants to live idling around.

20. a momentary incident.

When I came home after the academy, I didn't know what to feel, the truth.

On one hand, I was happy since I got to 25th place and I will earn 750 points monthly, but on the other hand, I was bitter that people now have an idea that I am a lucky martial artist and not just a lucky guy... I guess something is something.

I shouldn't have gotten into the fight, I should be more focused on things from now on.

Anyway, reviewing the document that was sent to me, I felt happy.


1. Kiriko hakuya.

2. Saiko hakuya.

3. Kuroka Nakiri.

4. Amerie Slyford.

5. Kara.

6.-Aiko evilness.

7. Eira evilness.

8. Brant Lambard.

9. Kumiko.






25. Ren Artega.





At least I'll get more pay than I thought.

Arriving at my house, I threw my backpack on the ground and jumped on the bed.

Remembering my fight with kiriko... made me realize that I need training, a lot of training.

The one I just fought against is the prologue form of the protagonist, one who still hasn't developed his body-strengthening spells, neither has any abilities or artifacts in his hands... although some artifacts are lost or used by powerful enemies on earth, Most of them are in other territories, so let's say that Kiriko still has a long way to go.

at least here is an artifact that is easy to get, but I still have to wait a couple of weeks until the first student field trip, the artifact is a unique ring.

Now concentrating on the present, tomorrow morning I will start my training so that my muscles get used to my fighting style and I don't feel incredible muscle pain in future fights as I feel now, so right now I will sleep like a log.

Closing my eyes, and a few moments later, I returned to my bliss of sleep.





' ...who are you?

- Ren.

'...can you tell me who you are?

-Help them, only you can do it in the end.

' oh really? because I? and who should I help? '

- soon... soon you will know, and when you do, shout my name with all your being.







'what the hell was that'.

getting up I thought about the voice ?.

' who was?

I don't know who she was, but apparently, she does know who I am

Hopefully, the aftermath of the kick hasn't caused me psychosis...

anyway, looking at my keypad phone, I saw that it was 5 in the morning.


'she couldn't talk to me at 7 am?

'well, time to keep a promise I guess?

In my past life, I made a promise to my grandfather at his grave, that every time I lose a fight I would do the normal training at least 2 times more intense.

I put on some sneakers, and a diver and went out into the street.

my routine was called the bald almighty routine, but too bad I never became one...

100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 air squats, and a 10K run.

'I guess I have to do 10 more times that...

' Since this body is supposed to be stronger than my body from the past, I have to do it I guess...

'I guess I underestimated baldy training for my current body...

When I finished training at 7:30 am, I was in a hurry to end up thinking that I could go back to my bed and sleep a little longer, but it was a bad decision.

'My legs hurt with hell.

Although I was someone who had to move his body a lot, I used to train indoors for many reasons and not at dawn, and you should not underestimate the early mornings of March when you are someone who is not used to training on Everest...

I'm feeling it right now, my lungs are burning along with my joints, and my body is too weak, feeling so much difficulty from a bit of cold air... I just gritted my teeth and went home

I bathed, changed and I started to go to the academy.

Upon reaching my classroom, a few students were chatting among themselves, I just went straight to my seat and closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

After I don't know how much time passed, they touched my shoulder and when I looked up, it was the protagonist Kiriko extending his hand for a squeeze.

-Good fight yesterday, if there is an opportunity we should do it again.

Returning the greeting, I answered him.

"good morning, I'd rather not, your kicks hurt like hell

-you're sure?.

Saying that Kiriko applied force to the handshake.

' I suppose his aunt must have taught him this to defend himself against those who want to belittle him, a trick for novice people, however.

without blinking and returning the force I answered


After a few seconds, he let go of my hand his expression a little pained.

-Your grip is strong.

"Haha, it's not true, it's simpler than you think if I press on this area of your hand.

I said as I showed him a part of the specific bone in my hand.

"This would cause a separation in your joints and that's why you lost strength, no more, no less.

-ho... so you also know the anatomy of the body.

"only the basics

After a few moments of silence in which I wanted him to leave so that I could continue with my nap, Kiriko suddenly asked me.

-Why do you hide your strength?

I answered him without changing my expression.

"I don't know what you're talking about

-I'm sure it is, by the way.


-If someone bothers you, tell me and I'll talk to the tutor in charge.

"don't worry, nobody has bothered me

and so he returned to his chair.


as one villain said, "only the strong survive in the end".

And although it seems cruel, it is the truth, I have seen the case of a person being harassed in the past, and the first time he was harassed he told the teacher asking for help...

there was no proof, and the teacher thought that they are children's hobbies, or because perhaps he did not want to get into the problem, he did not inform the director.

The bullying continued for a while longer, and the boy told his parents, but while they were traveling they told him that they have more important problems than fights between high school kids.

After all, said the student, since no one believed him about the abuse, and every time he said something they hit him harder, he had no choice, so he hid his bruises thinking that one day those guys would stop.

it turns out that the principal was bought by the father of the leader of the boy's bully, a guy with a lot of money, who donated a large sum of money to that school all for a good education.

The director for fear that the donation will be removed, decided that a simple student like that harassed boy was not worth it and turned a blind eye to the abuse.

In the end... after 2 years of bullying, he found out that the director turned a blind eye to how he found the letter that he secretly put in his office with evidence and pictures proving the abuse he received in The trash.

that boy sent everyone to hell, he sent his parents who were always away from home to hell and especially he sent the school to hell, so he made his decision and jumped from the building in front of the school entrance making the case become well known to the public.

I heard about this case from the news, and later I took the case as an assistant agent.

As I finished the first class and went to the cafeteria, I remembered my opinion regarding the life of that boy who committed suicide and this game, and I can only say that...

In this game it is similar to what happened to the boy, the nobles rule here, and although the principal and the teachers are more upright than the principal who was bought, they cannot cover all the bullying, and that happened to ren in the game along with even certain kids who became villains in the later stage of the game.

Ren harassed for being a no mana(a person who can live among mana without getting sick but has no ability to an elemental attribute like everyone else), and although Kiriko tried to help him, it was the wrong way, instead of saying, "I'll help you if they harass you", Kiriko must have helped him immediately, since those harassed after having been thrown into hell, look for a hand that saves them, a hand that tells them here I am, but on the outside, they usually say that They don't need help or are too scared to ask for it.

but nothing this good could happen to ren, a simple NPC that only served to teach kiriko a lesson in the game.

Ren's parents told him to hold on, having no talent, no one helped him, nor did the corrupt police want to help him since the parents of Ren's stalkers were all nobles, in the end, the original Ren died in his misery in a dungeon abandoned and alone

while I ate my bacon, I waited.

I was hoping for the first ren bullying event in the game to pass, as the game narrates things from kiriko's perspective, I don't have exact dates for events that aren't tied to kiriko, but considering that today is the first class without important events, I just had to wait for it to happen...

and I didn't expect much, seeing how 2 people sat on my 2 sides and 3 in front of me and surrounded me in my isolated seat from the others.

They were kuroka's fans and ren's stalkers in the game.

Thinking about what I will do with them... only one idea came to my mind.

'Should I kill them? eliminate an unnecessary nuisance?

-Hello, lucky student.

'take it easy...

'You can't hurt them while in a public area...

- We have some things to tell you.

looking up from my plate and seeing the blond guy with a haughty look, reminded me of that stalker from my past life.

'breath... in the end you put those guys in jail, you can do it, you can hold on...

"Good afternoon, comrades, tell me, how can I help you?

- In fact, you can help us with some things.

"Please tell me.

- Well, I like that they are obedient.

'so there are more students being bullied just starting classes?

-First, get away from our goddess kuroka, it is enough to insult your poor life that you breathe the same air as her, but you dared to declare yourself to her.

"I apologize for that, I promise I won't go near her.

-Well, second, now you will pay for our food.


"Why should I do it?

-because we chose you to do it.

- and three.

the guy said as he reached for the bacon on my plate.



while ren was being possessed by the bacon-loving goddess...

a group was also arriving at the cafeteria at that time.

Within the group there was a boy with black hair, seeing Ren surrounded, he thought that they could be his friends since it is not strange that there are people who have known each other from before within the academy, but seeing the hollow look that Ren gave him To the guy who was approaching his plate, he was going to approach to intervene, but a white-haired girl stepped forward.

-Hey, what are you doing?

Aiko, seeing Ren surrounded, instinctively approached, when she was already meters away from them, she saw Ren's look at the blonde, Aiko was confused when she saw the hollow look she was giving the blonde who was looking at her. and ignored Ren, but seeing the hand near the bacon on Ren's plate, Aiko seemed to have come to an understanding and made a mental note to herself.

- I asked you guys, what are you doing.

the blond pointed his 2 hands to the sky as a sign of surrender.

- We were just talking to an old friend.

Aiko didn't believe it, she looked at the 5 in silence, Kiriko also caught up and approached and gave the 5 boys a warning look.

Seeing the look of the 2 people with power, they decided that they would do it another time and without saying anything, the 5 got up and left.


When they left, my mind regained its calm, I took a deep breath and directed my attention to the 5 people who were looking at me, 2 with worried faces, one confused, one looked at me coldly, and one gave a cold look to the 5 who were leaving. were.

' I guess they saved them, if they touched my bacon without permission it would really explode and I would go back to those times, I have to improve my control...

"Thank you very much for the help

-Don't worry, I promised I'd help you if I saw something like that, are you okay?

"Yes, the truth is they just talked nonsense, so I wouldn't worry too much

Are you sure you'll be okay?

"I'll be fine, I'll tell the tutor about this later

- okay then, do you want to come to our table?

'hoh, so fighting gives you familiarity with people?

"I don't want to bother you, I've finished my meal.

- There's a piece of bacon on your plate.

Picking up the bacon, I took a bite and got up from my chair, to leave my empty tray in the area where the trays are left.

"I'll go eat on the way, I'll see you in class.

and without waiting for his answer I left.

When I got to the classroom, the teacher was writing the next class on the blackboard, when she saw me, she gave me a nod and I did the same when she was about to get to my seat...

-Student Ren Artega, can you come for a moment, please?

'I hope it's not what happened a while ago, I want to take care of only those guys

"tell me, teacher?

- You see, in the fight we had, I observed that every time you deflected an attack, you breathed out, and before counterattacking you breathed, and then you counterattacked, could I know why?

"The truth is, I did it because having fresh air, it's like a little boost that can give me some extra strength, I also use air to boost certain attacks.

- I see, I guess I could tell you... my butterfly art, sometimes I feel like when I advance to the enemy, I lack strength sometimes when I'm about to attack, how should I do it in that case?

"Well, you see, that's something simple, if you lack air, train your lungs, right?

- and how do you train your lungs?

"In the same way that you train the muscles, you make them able to withstand more pressure, to use more air and power your attacks, let him explain.

(a long time making references to kimetsu later...)

"So you can pop an elongated pumpkin, Professor.

- interesting, I'll take your advice in my training tonight, thank you very much for the help student, you can go back to your place, the bell is about to ring.

As I sat I thought.

'ha, who says anime and manga wouldn't help in life?

And so the days passed, those bullies no longer bothered me, and my morning training days improved using the theory that I explained to the teacher, and every day after lunch, I quickly returned to the classroom and we gave advice to teacher Shiro about the improvement of the techniques, although she still looked a bit uncomfortable when she slept in her class, worried about my grades, I told her not to worry, the director knows it and she had no choice but to agree.

And so came Saturday and my meeting with the director.

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