An npc who just wants to live idling around.

1. You never know what it is until it happens to you

Who would have started what would end up telling my story?

If someone had asked me if I wanted to tell it for fun, I would have said go to hell.

And even now I don't do this without getting anything, but what I gain by telling you this I will tell you in the future, for now, let's say that I will start when I was just a young idiot of 15 years old...

I was coming home after a long day of college classes as always, looking at the same faces, the same neighbors.

But strangely and by some chance of fate, I decided to try another route and deviated from my usual path and went to the different bakery known for its reviews to get dinner.

Who knew that a casual decision could cause such a radical change in my life?

As a lazy person by profession, I know when annoyances are going to come, and knowing that my mother will make me leave the house after dinner is one of them, but I never thought that something as casual as avoiding walking more would end with a hit by the famous truck. -Kun.

As I crossed the track, strangely the sidewalk sank, trapping my foot. The confusion was in my mind for only an instant, when I heard the trumpet sound coming from behind me.

When I turned around, I saw a truck inches from my face.

While my body was artistically flying through the air in my opinion, I knew that this must be the famous truck kun.

As a basic anime lover, it was quite a coincidence that I was hit by a truck without the possibility of dodging, and even worse, a normal truck could not make even a dent in my skin reinforced to the limit beyond humans, but barely making contact with it, I destroy 287 bones in less than 1 second.

The worst thing about this wasn't the blow itself, the worst thing was that Truck Kun didn't end my misery immediately, but instead sent me flying down the sidewalk until I collided with the asphalt.

After ending up on the ground several meters away creating a path of blood

I can say that at that moment I would have liked it all to end quickly instead of being photographed by a bunch of people who look at me as if I were an exotic animal instead of calling an ambulance.

'Fuck, I'll appear in funny videos if they don't censor me, how the hell can my sister and my mother see that?

At that moment I could only think of 3 things.

In my dear and beautiful little sister.

About my mother who won't be able to eat dinner with my aunt...

Well, I actually thought about this because my aunt came after 4 years of her stay in California, my aunt had bought me a new console, and today I would try it out.

sad indeed (*~*).

The third thing would be that I don't even know where I would be sent and I don't know if I will enter paradise or not.
I hope so, although I was lazy in my life, obviously not to the point of not studying or working since it is one of the most necessary things in these times.

Besides, I supported charity every time I could and on many occasions, I helped my neighbors when they needed help carrying heavy boxes... well, my mother forced me to do so to look good with the neighbors, but anyway.

I don't know if it's considered abnormal, but I have to admit, even if I don't want to, that in my university life, I didn't like going out, to be more specific, going out to karaoke or disco after school or things like that in the city. You must have social skills.

Will it be narcissistic if I say it like that? Anyway, I don't consider myself very attractive in my opinion, but I know that for people I am aesthetically very attractive.

Jet black hair with a good cut, deep blue eyes, and even my face appeared in video games, I didn't say anything because my sister likes the game where my face appears, and even the women who take pictures of me have sad eyes as if they were seeing the end of an artist.

But well, thanks to my face I attracted many girls who invited me to these places, which I obviously rejected for this reason.

My social skills suck, so I avoided clubs and spent my time on more interesting things.

At night or in my free time I read web novels, and fanficts and played video games of all kinds from adventure and action to romance and otome games, it should be said that my sister made me play the last ones years ago and I later got a taste for those. games.

Now you may wonder how I can have a monologue if I should be in agony.

Firstly, because I was calculating my blood loss, and with my great resistance I thought I could afford it, but Truck Kun works magic, I wasn't even half as good as I thought and I fell dead.

Curiously, my consciousness did not stop and let me continue talking as my vision changed instantly.

While I was having my monologue, out of nowhere I appeared in this space darker than the galaxy and I lost that painful feeling that I wouldn't like to describe much since it was like someone was holding a giant mallet and then hitting you with it like it was golf, and finally falling and feeling gravity become your enemy, finally being on the ground and having your limbs turn around in a way that you could say your toes could scratch your head with room to spare and your hands...

(Hush man, we don't need you to be so specific).

- don't be a spoilsport author.

(and you don't break the fourth wall (°-°))

- okay, don't be bitter.

After the author repaired the spatial break in the fourth wall due to being a rookie, the boy's astral form could be seen in some kind of space...

like he was saying, here I am in this place and as if my trash day couldn't get any worse this place is dark with no perception of time or any kind of guidance and I really have to say I didn't expect this in the slightest.

It surprises me how these protagonists start in these places and accept it as if it were something normal, imagine being in this place for eternity with nothing but darkness.

Although over the years I have learned to adapt to situations, in this case, it seems that it will be difficult to be in this space for eternity.

Meanwhile, I guess I should tell something about my life while he avoided driving me crazy with this deadly silence.

Today I was starting to get back on track in my life.

One of the most precious memories in my young life, or what would be the trigger for the great change in my life, began on the last day of high school, the day when everyone usually signs shirts with their friends and then makes promises about seeing each other every so often. time to then be forgotten and reunited after 10 years.

Since September I began to prepare for the end of the year, meditating, practicing, and thinking of an idea to be able to propose to the girl I liked, after all, who didn't have her first high school love?

Some will say that she liked the most attractive girl in the class, and others will say that they liked her mature teacher, in my case, the girl was not the most attractive in the world, but she was among the most attractive in the school.

At that time she was not as attractive as now, she was somewhat overweight and wore glasses to prevent people from recognizing me because of the unique features of my eyes that only those who carried my blood had.

After a long time, I came up with the best-known and most subtle idea to propose to a girl, the well-known letter in the backpack.

It was easy to put a letter created with a lot of effort in the girl's backpack, the difficult part was creating it.

I had to practice calligraphy for months to be able to write the phrase in the most beautiful handwriting, using the most expensive paper I could get, just so I could propose to that girl and make it more perfect, as if the prettier the present was, the more possible it was. That the girl accepted me was a suggestion from my grandparents.

Unfortunately, in the 21st century, girls stopped being interested in these things, I didn't know if it was all of them, but at least she wasn't interested in those things in a boy.

Although it sounds like making a safe bet, my young heart knew I wasn't her type and the truth is I didn't think it would be reciprocated, I just wanted to free myself from the mental burden and launch the bet.

but at least I thought she would give me an answer.

Among the many greasy stupid young love things I put in that letter, I finally asked her to meet with me so I could get her response.

That afternoon I waited for her in the back of the school with itchy fingers, mentally practicing any kind of response she might receive, but for better or worse, she never came.

The girl knew me well, I gave her hints that she ignored at the time, and like an excited idiot, I believed that she didn't understand without thinking that girls are masters of hints.

After she ignored me like that, I didn't go cry like a schoolgirl with personality problems, I went home and told my grandmother, my grandfather's second wife with whom I was closest since I lived for a while. them when I was younger.

I remember well that she just told me.

"nothing is free in this world son, if you want it you must fight for it"

So I decided on it, I thought of one of the few things that she might like and I decided on something expensive, something so I could impress her with the famous phrase "wallet kills a galán."

Just after my decision, the girl's neighbor called me telling me that when she returned from school she told the entire neighborhood that I would not return there and that if anyone saw me, they should notify her immediately and ask me to go.

That decision seemed quite strange to me and I felt sorry for everyone on that block who knew me because she used to go a lot in the past, of all of them only one of them told me about that decision.

But that did not discourage me, I must admit that I was quite ignorant, so I ignored that clear red flag and continued on my path of working and buying him that gift that was expensive.

I took several extra night jobs saving the money I gave to my mother and after 6 months of saving, I was able to buy it.

I went home with the packaged gift, which was the console that I wanted, but I decided that I would give it to her because she also really liked video game consoles.

Since I was forbidden to go there, I sent her a love letter with the console, obviously, I thought she would call me to her house to play or give me a chance, but no.

She just sent me a very long message with the conclusion that she wanted some time to sort out her feelings.

I concluded that she meant that she would give me a chance if I did more, so I bought more games and sent them to her by mail. Her mother told me that late at night she heard the television on and she used to lock herself in her room. More often than not, I took it as proof that she was using the console.

After three months I decided that I would give her a surprise, so I didn't say anything to my informant and her neighbor's advisor and I left secretly with the best clothes I had, the best perfume and with a bouquet of roses, her mother had said that her daughter was at home playing and that she was at the mall with the rest of her family.

When she walked through the front door with a trick I learned in my time as a locksmith, I heard the sound of one of the games.

but it was clearly the main menu because of the background sound and the sound was loud.

With doubts, I went to the door of her room and cautiously opened the door and there I learned a couple of interesting things.

The first and most important thing is that all people lie, no matter who they are, they have ever lied to you or they will.

and the most important thing is that love is like gambling.

You can either walk away with the winning prize or you can walk away broke.

That afternoon I saw the console turned on there with the main menu on the television in front of her bed and on top of the console 2 pieces of underwear one of which was clearly not a woman's along with the sound of applause and the voice of the neighbor who had told me before. told her supposed situation.

I clearly left that house ruined.

As I returned home I felt sadness and anger for them, not for what they did.

She and I were not a couple and everyone was free to make their decisions.

It hurt me that the two of them lied like that and made me waste all that money and time.

It was clearly my fault for thinking like a novel protagonist.

Life does not revolve around you, you are just a small leaf on a big tree called life.

I also didn't expect her to end up dating that guy, as far as she knew, he was a neighborhood Diller, a good-for-nothing, but he was a trusted friend, or well, that's how he portrayed himself.

After that, I decided to focus on myself and no one else with that idea, I was on adventures for years and finally, after a long time, I was able to enter university.

While I was thinking about the conversation with them that I had after not seeing them for more than 10 years, a light covered all my vision and I felt the members of my body again and I woke up in a bed.


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