An Incubus Life

Chapter 23 New Ride

Chapter 23 New Ride

Mom left me her keys for me to get to practice.  This was the last day I would need to borrow my parent's car.  I was early and Sam was opening the rink.  She asked if I had thought more about private lessons.  I told her I didn’t have time right now but might in January.  Sam seemed disappointed but stopped pressing me on the subject. I had given it serious thought because I was considering trying to get to 100 life essence to upgrade myself before we ventured into the transit.

The practice was sloppy.  Our defense was not good.  Our top 9 skaters were on the three forward lines.  It left our defense lacking.  Our first defense pair was ok. But the 2nd and 3rd pairs were too slow and scoring on them was too easy as they were frequently out of their lanes.  Sam wanted the forwards to cycle all the way back to assist the defense.  But that would wear out our scoring lines.  Sam was torn since three seniors who played defense had graduated last year.  I had greatly improved the offensive potential of the team but Sam could foresee the coming problem with the defense.  She made the call to pull apart the third line of forwards and move the two best skaters to the first defense pairing.  It caused chaos at practice.  

Everyone on the team was bitchy in the shower after practice.  James asked, “What do you think Caleb?” I really didn’t want to get dragged into the bitch session.  I turned to face the guys showing off my front.  Some eyes popped and I heard one guy mutter, ‘they weren’t lying’. “Sam is the coach and she knows what is best for the team.  We need to trust her decisions and execute them to the best of our ability,” I said as turned off the shower. I also thought she might be listening to us at the locked door in the shower.  Since her husband wasn’t at practice today she could be more overt in spying on us.

I dressed and left before anyone else came out of the shower.  I needed to go home and have mom drive me to school. She needed her car today.  During the drive to school, she asked me about Iris in half a dozen ways.  I deflected and dodged as best I could.  I was certain my mother would catch me at some point with another girl.  I wasn’t looking forward to that lecture. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and thanked her for the ride to school and went inside.

Adam didn’t ambush me today but Mandy did.  James’ sister had the same curiosity that James had.  How did I get their bitchy arrogant cousin to agree to a date?  Of course, Mandy talking to me in the hallway drew over her boyfriend, Anthony.  Did I really need to have a throwdown with a jealous troll this morning?  “Anthony,” I preempted, “I have a date with Mandy’s cousin Friday.  Just working out the details.”  It worked and I walked away just getting a cold stare from the massive senior.

Classes were fine but at lunch, Iris sat at our table.  It killed my social time with Rob.  Sophia announced to our little group that I had a nickname on the ice hockey team.  Curious I asked what it was since I was unaware.  She said Rhino.  Iris laughed so loud that she drew attention to our table from around the cafeteria.

“I like it!” she cackled.  I just shook my head.  

In English class Molly and I sat next to each and worked on rewriting run-on sentences.  Her hand rested on my thigh under the table and she boldly felt the outline of my cock in my jeans.  I guess the rumor mill from the hockey team was in full tilt and she was confirming.  The desk table we were at was shielded in the front with an apron and only the two people behind us could see what she was doing.  I turned to see who it was there and the two girls who had been watching quickly turned their eyes to their own work.  Both girls had rosy flushed cheeks, obviously enjoying the show.

I whispered to Molly, “I hope you have satisfied your curiosity.  If not we can pick this up after the sophomore dance.”  Her hand slid away from my jeans. I continued to work on the problems for a few minutes.

Molly leaned into me and whispered, “Yes let’s continue at the dance…maybe before the dance? Can you pick me up early?”  I could smell her arousal and the arousal of the two girls behind us who had watched her rub my cock for a good four minutes through my jeans. I liked Molly.  I thought the tiny redhead was cute in a plain sort of way.  Maybe if I didn’t become an incubus she would have been the type of girl I would have dated.  She was obviously inexperienced.  I think my biggest hiccup was the fact that she was so small.  I didn’t want to hurt her.  I could be gentle I chided myself.

“Yeah let’s plan on two hours early,” I said committing myself.  I figured I could just give her oral to get her off and get some essence out of the deal.  

I left school during my study period.  I figured I could take the buses to my dad’s dealership and get my car a little early.  I texted my dad saying I was coming to pick up my new car but he replied that it was already at the house as the mechanics had dropped it off earlier today when they finished getting it ready.  So I took a different bus home and yes my new car was there.  I texted Rob to come over after school and we would go hit DQ or BK, his choice.  

My new car was in the driveway.  The black Nissan Pathfinder was waxed and polished and looked brand new.  I got in and it had been detailed on the interior and looked great.  The leather seats were comfortable.  It felt great to have my own vehicle. A sort of freedom.  After spending a few minutes checking things out like figuring out how to fold down the back seats to create a nice space where two people could lie down comfortably I went inside.  I spent my time vacuuming and making beds on the second floor.  I wanted to cross this task off my list.  Maybe I would do something cute like leave a mint on each pillow.

I was pretty much finished when Rob said he was home.  I went downstairs and watched as Rob checked out my new ride.  I told him I would pick him up after hockey practice to bring him to school.  He wanted me to take his sister as well.  I wasn’t sure I really wanted to have the school gossip in the car every day.  Rob convinced me as he said his mother, Camila, would probably make him take the bus with her if she couldn’t go with us.  Mothers and their powers of persuasion.  I said we would definitely not be picking up any of her friends though because I knew that was coming. When I had use of Paige’s Jeep she asked every day!

Rob decided to go to DQ.  There was a junior from the school that worked there that he was interested in.  Her name was Yuki Tanaka.  Her father was a corporate executive and they had moved here two years ago.  She was Japanese and her family was wealthy but her parents made he work for her own money so that was why she was at DQ most days after school.  She was in all of Rob’s classes…he told me he selected his classes based on her schedule.  My friend hadn’t yet had the balls to ask her out though. 

When we got to DQ Rob made sure to have us order at her register.  I ordered a burger and Oreo Blizzard for myself and as Rob was quiet so I ordered the same for him.  I paid with a $100 bill.  We got our food and sat down, Rob with his back to the cashiers.  “Rob why don’t you just ask her out?  You have been pining over her for a year,” I prompted our conversation. 

“I don’t think she would go for it.  She is just too proper and I don’t think her parents trust her out of the house at night,” he said as he dabbed at his Blizzard.  I looked at Yuki as I had a line of sight on her.  Had she been staring at our booth?  She was cute.  A thin Asian girl with slight hips and minimal chest and always proper, not really my type.  My incubus side wanted to corrupt her but I was already doing that with Molly and Mary. 

“Rob this is for your own good,” he looked at me confused as I activated my seductive charm gaze on him.  “Good and ask Yuki out on a date,” I said to him.  His vision was unfocused as the request was received.  He stood and approached Yuki.  I finished my burger while they talked for a good five minutes.  When he got back to the table he had a huge grin on his face.  “How did it go I asked,” as I located the charm thread.  It was much easier to find this time around.  I broke the thread releasing him from my spell.

Rob seemed unsteady for a heartbeat before sitting.  He stuttered, “I can’t believe I did that!” He looked at me. “She said yes!  We are going out after school on Friday to a movie.” He was still in disbelief he had found the internal courage to ask Yuki out. 

“You are going to need some cash,” I said pulling out a $100 bill from my wallet.  Rob always gave his mother all the money he made.  “If you need more just ask.  Aunt Amelia gave me $200 last week for helping with house staging.  I feel guilty about not having you help.”

He looked at the bill on the table and nodded, “I will pay you back.  Thanks, Caleb.”  I dropped Rob off at home and got some pillow mints at the store. 

I thought it would be funny to leave the mints and I had planned to use a line on Paige’s friends…something like, ‘would you prefer something else on your pillow?’  Maybe that would be too cheesy.

When I got home dad was excited to hear about what I thought about the new car.  I loved it and told him so.  Mom was going to be home real late so he was ordering dinner and I said I already got a burger with Rob when we took out the car for a spin. I talked about hockey practice with him briefly before heading upstairs. I did my aether shaping exercises in my mind space and returned when my grandfather clock chimed.  It was only 5:18 pm. 

I lay on my bed working through text messages.  Rob was excited about his date.  Mary was her usual over-informative self.  Paige asked how I was doing with my dating life with a banana and donut emoji.  Mom had told her that I spent the night at Iris’ house.  I told her I was making progress.  She then said if I needed advice on what women like to ask my girlfriend or if I was too shy she would give me some advice.  I thought about this and how I could turn this to my advantage.  I texted her back:

Maybe I could have an open discussion with you and your friends when you come home for Thanksgiving?

Maybe that had crossed a line?  My last text was from Molly and it reminded me to add the date of the sophomore dance to my calendar, December 12th.  It was the day after the Junior dance and in the same ballroom.  The school committees probably saved some money by scheduling them back to back.  Molly had asked for some after-school help with homework.  Her field hockey season was ending next week so she would have more time to study.  I told her no problem and I even had a car now so we could study at my house or hers when we were both free.

I spent the night working on my online coursework and finished all the modules for calculus.  I sent an email off to the professor asking for a day and time to take the exam.  The professor, Lena Brooke, emailed me back.  I could take the exam in her office on any Tuesday or Thursday between 4 pm and 6 pm.  I had two hours to complete the test under her supervision.

I texted her back that Tuesday, December 1st was good and she confirmed. I looked her up on the college website to get the building and room number.  Lena’s picture and bio showed her as being a German exchange professor.  She was teaching at the university and just picked up this one course at the community college.  She looked very young in the picture, maybe 30 at most, freshly minted Ph.D in mathematics.  Not bad looking either.

I went to bed feeling pretty good about my day.

Tuesday’s hockey practice was still a mess.  Sam’s husband was there but it was obvious they were having issues.  I didn’t try to pick up the gossip but I assumed he wasn’t happy with Sam’s use of the teenage players on the team.  The new defense did make significant progress at least.  I was very quick in the shower and picked Rob and his sister up for school in my new ride.

Sophia asked if we could collect her friends at their bus stop and I said no before she even finished asking.  She then asked if it was true that I had a ‘horse cock’.  Rob immediately turned angry at his sister.  She defended herself saying that was the rumor going around school.  I told her it was not true and that if she wanted me to prove it to her just ask.  I said I was just kidding so Rob wouldn’t get upset with me.  I confessed I had a big dick but not horse cock big…well maybe in my incubus form that would be true. 

Tuesday's classes flew by and I didn’t run into more drama.  I did have two notes in my locker from girls I didn’t know.  I kept them since they both had phone numbers and first names.  If I really wanted to I could get Sophia to…  I paused.  I think one of the girl’s was Sophia’s friend who sat at lunch with us, Teresa.  How many Teresa’s could there be at our school?  Not that I would take advantage of a freshman girl. 

At lunch, I confirmed it was her.  She was a nerd, 5’5”, with glasses, black hair, thin and pale but had nice blue eyes.  She kept eyeing me at lunch shyly which confirmed it was her.  She was even bold enough to catch me while I brought up my tray at the end of lunch.

“Hey, Caleb.” She spoke softly so no one could hear. “Did you get my note?”  I nodded.  “I…well…I was…could you do me a favor?” She finally asked as other students were approaching.

I moved to the hallway and she followed and it gave us some privacy.  She continued, “Can you…I have been wanting to ask you out for the longest time. Sophia knows.  She said you are having relationships with Iris Cartwright, Molly Bullock and Mary Taft.”  That little gossip!  “I don’t mind if you have…you are so nice…can you be my first?” What the hell?  This had to be my incubus side bleeding through.  Was I wearing a post it on my back saying, “Willing to fuck anyone!”  I was going to get the rep as the school slut at this rate.

Teresa was rail thin.  I think my erect dick would be as big as her arm.  Her aether core was not anything special either.  She had a nervous look on her face as I paused.  Finally, I said, “Tell you what Teresa.  Ask me again at the end of your sophomore year.” She looked confused but slowly nodded.  That was a year and a half away and I was sure she would either find a guy or forget about me before then.  She was definitely not getting my phone number as I had enough work answering the texts I got now. 

During the last period study hall, I left school early.  I had a car now so I could get anywhere I wanted.  I was surprised that Iris hadn’t contacted me.  Maybe she was rethinking our appointment tomorrow.  That was fine if she was. 

I spent my afternoon clothes shopping at the Thrift store outside of town in my advanced age form.  I had rolled my age forward enough that I needed a lot of new clothes.  That was the thing about thrift clothing stores.  The clothes here were usually pretty good and they were already broken in.  Paige and her friends had dragged me here more than once. 

When I got home I laundered the six bags of clothes and cleaned out my closet of the clothes that would no longer be any good to me unless I cycled my age back.  I packed them in plastic totes and put them in the attic crawl space in case I needed them.  I didn’t have practice tomorrow morning and I was tempted to go visit Iris but held back. 

At dinner later that night I was eating with my parents.  Mom said Amelia and her husband were coming for Thanksgiving dinner.  That made it 12, a full setting for our table.  I hadn’t heard from Aunt Amelia since our encounter and was curious if it would happen again.  Mom answered that with the next topic of conversation. 

“So I need to get you a ticket if you are planning to come to Europe with us honey,” she asked.  I hadn’t asked my hockey coach yet but I thought a vacation would be nice.

“Yeah, I think I can make it.  I will not miss much practice and no games,” I said eating the chicken Caesar salad. 

“That is great!” She smiled.  “When you fly back on January 1st Aunt Amelia said she would pick you up at the airport.  She is going to stay with you till your dad comes back on January 5th.  I know you are old enough to not need someone to watch you but I just feel safer knowing there will be an adult in the house.  Amelia promised to make sure you eat right and get to bed at a reasonable time,” she said in a motherly tone, “I will get home on January 9th as I have to go to Germany after the training seminar.”  I grabbed my phone and entered all the information in it.  I was already getting excited to spend more time with Amelia.  I learned that if I hadn’t gone on the trip then Amelia would have stayed with me for the entire 10 days.  Maybe a missed opportunity there but four days would be enough.

 I spent Tuesday night working on my literature course.  It was only three novals, Moby-Dick, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, and the Joy Luck Club.  There were just six modules to complete for the course and one paper to write.  The one campus exam was multiple choice and was just to assure the professor that you did in fact read all three books and understood them and their undercurrents of the plot, style, and prose.  I downloaded the kindle version of the books and scanned them into my mind space successfully. 

I did spend a few minutes working to make the novals that appeared in my mind space more aesthetically pleasing, added heavy leather covers giving the books a nice aged look to them.  It was good practice at manipulating objects in the space.

I slept in my bed normally tonight after my aether exercises.  The rest did feel different than when I slept in my mind space.  I woke at 5:00 am and oriented myself.  No practice today and no need to rush.  I left early anyway and got breakfast for Rob, Sophia, and me.  When I picked them up I gave them the coffee and bagel sandwich.  On the drive, Sophia was very quiet.

I looked puzzled at Rob and nodded at Sophia asking what was up.  I figured Teresa had already spilled the beans on our date that was 18 months away.  “I told our mother what she said yesterday to you and she got a spanking like you wouldn’t believe.  She is all bent out of shape and should be on good behavior for at least a week,” he smirked.  “Of course, she is pissed at me for telling mom about it.”  I looked in the rearview mirror and Sophia was wearing a scowl with her arms crossed in defiance.

The school day went by quickly and my teachers were starting to accept their previously mediocre student, Caleb, was actually decently smart. Iris was not at lunch but did text me saying we were still on for after school.  I thought she would have backed out.

I waited in study hall today, checking out Moby Dick and reading it in the library until school got out.  Iris met me in the parking lot, gave me a weak smile and I followed her home.

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