An Extra's POV

Chapter 98 The Library Incident [Pt 1]

Chapter 98 The Library Incident [Pt 1]

Much to everyone's relief, no one was late to the rendezvous spot.

The last couple of people to arrive only did so three minutes before time was up, so there were no issues at all.

The students had shown just how responsible they could be in their adventures.

"I see this as a frequent thing."

"I saw a lot of things I want to check out tomorrow."

"Adonis, you better tell them how much we cooperated."

The students all had refreshed, excited expressions on their faces.

Truly, letting everyone go off on their own was the best choice Adonis could have made.

And it paid off tremendously.

The students returned to the Royal Estate without issues, and as they were gracefully greeted by the Royal Guards, they submitted their 'Pass' to Adonis, who was going to make sure they ended up where they were supposed to.

The students didn't doubt him, and they were also assured that they would be able to frequently leave anytime they wanted.

They just had to have a Royal Badge and a Pass to do so.

Every student got to keep their Badge, but their Pass was to be submitted once they got back to the Castle.

The rationale behind the latter being mandated was simply the Council's way of indirectly monitoring the Otherworlders that they summoned.

By granting Passes, they could know the total number of students who went out, and the time at which they did so.

This was necessary for order, and since the regulation wasn't really infringing on the livery of the students, no one complained.

Once the students arrived in their Living Quarters, they all went to shower.

All… without exception.

It was a fun day, but walking around for hours inevitably caused sweat to form all over the body.

After showering, a lot of the students chose remained in their rooms or the living room, discussing how they spent their time in length.

Only a few chose to go outside.

Billy, for one, went to train.

Trisha went to try out her new sword.

Alicia went to the library, and not long after, Rey also trailed along.

Justin and one or two boys went out to test out the 'toys' they bought from their adventures outside.

And Adonis went to report the entire day to the higher-ups, not just as a matter of protocol, but also to assure them that everyone was well-behaved, and that future excursions weren't going to be an issue.

The Otherworlders weren't wild beasts that had to be tamed.

They were reasonable people.

Sure, as teenagers, they wanted to have fun. However, they also had good hearts and wanted to help.

Adonis hoped to present that image to the Royal Council.

And, as always, he would succeed.


Night had fallen already, and hours had elapsed since the excursion was concluded.

Most students were already in their rooms, enjoying the much-needed sleep they required before the next day's expedition.

However, out of the few who remained outside… two were awkwardly seated in the library.

Alicia White, with a book shoved in her face, and Rey Skylar… who also had a book shoved in his face.

Both of them were yet to say a word to each other since they returned from the excursion.

No, that wasn't quite right.

Rey had tried, on many occasions, to initiate a conversation. However, he was only met with Alicia's cold response.

Since he was something of an introvert, it didn't take long for him to stop trying and retract into his shell.

The result was the current air of awkwardness that didn't want to leave the library.

It was a wonder how both of them were able to read despite the obvious tension that pervaded the room.

The truth was that they weren't reading!

Both of them were distracted by the presence of the other—to the point where they could simply not focus on any other thing.

And then…

"Are you mad at me?"

… Rey's loud voice echoed across the library.

It had a trembling tone to it, almost as if he was afraid to ask.

Afraid that she would say "Yes."

"What makes you think that?" After moments of silence, Alicia's voice filled the room.

The hearts of both students were racing.

They could no longer even see the letters that were strewn over the pages of their books.

"Because… I ditched you today?" Rey responded, his tone clearly depicting how he was treading carefully into uncharted territory.



At this point, Rey's face twisted into something akin to confusion.

"What else makes you think that?"

He hadn't thought beyond those actions of his. What else could he have done?

"Not apologizing sooner…?" He finally let out the only thing he could think of.


Beads of sweat began to form on Rey's face at this point.

What else was there?!

His heart racing and his brain was panicking Neurons fired within his skull as he pleaded with his mind to tell him the answer to the puzzling question.

No Skill in his arsenal could answer this question, so Rey felt stuck.

He didn't give up though.

… He couldn't!

'Think… think… think…!'

Then, as if his life was flashing before his eyes, Rey had an epiphany.

A small smile formed on his face as he figured out the answer.

"It's Trisha, isn't it?" His voice echoed out.

"W-what? What are you talking about?"

"You saw me with Trisha and got mad, didn't you?"

"What? That's not what happened!"

At this point, Alicia turned to Rey and she had flushes of red all over her face.

Rey had never seen her look like that before.

It was cute beyond compare.

"Come on! Don't lie! Your face says it all!" Rey doubled down on his words, slowly coming out of his shell.

The fear and anxiety from early now vanished, replaced by a newfound confidence whose origin was unknown.

"S-so what if I was mad? You ditched me and went out with Trisha instead!"

The moment Alicia said this, Rey realized what the entire issue was.

'She's misunderstanding everything!'





And so the tension begins!

Man, I just like how these two relate. That doesn't mean I support their ship.

But you gotta admit that they have a nice bond.

This chapter is updat𝙚d by f(r)eewebn(o)

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