Amnesia In Movie World

Chapter 7: luck is very important


Xie Zhi went around the city a few times, found a remote place, stopped the car, carefully cleaned up the traces left on the car, carried the sleeping little girl out, closed the door, and left.

This day was exciting enough for the little girl, causing her to sleep deeply at this time.

Xie Zhi's target is a hardware and grocery store that is only open during the day. I have checked the spot before and it is very safe.

Arrived at the destination, picked the lock, entered the house, very skillful.

Put Ava on the sofa in the office, and found a blanket to cover the little girl.

Then Xie Zhi walked around the store, found some daily chemicals in bottles and cans, and started to fiddle with them.

"Homemade smoke bombs, self-made flash bombs... I know a lot of things, but unfortunately, the memory fragments related to the experience are too messy. I have been on the battlefield, killed people, kidnapped spies to learn skills, and so on... I used to do it. What?"

He muttered in his mouth, but it didn't affect the work in his hands. Xie Zhi seemed to be a skilled worker who had done it countless times.

"I can fight very well, my physical fitness is extraordinary, my marksmanship is very good, um, super powerful, but..."

Xie Zhi raised his hand, took a closer look, and said: "The marksmanship is practiced. This can be determined from the incomplete memory, and it was practiced in actual combat. But my hands... have no calluses at all, which is unreasonable."

After pondering for a while, Xie Zhi picked up the dagger and cut his finger, but the skin didn't break at all.

I made a second cut, this time with more force, but it still didn't break.

For the third time, Xie Zhi made more efforts. This time the skin was cut open, but only the epidermis was damaged. To be precise, it was the **** layer of the epidermis, and the transparent layer was not damaged.

"The cutting feeling is very jerky, too tough, what should I say, rough skin and thick flesh? How did it cause it?"

Xie Zhi sighed, shook his head and said, "But one thing is certain, my memories of those battles are not in this era. What happened after the millennium, specifically in the 20s... I can't remember clearly."

"In addition to Ava's description... So, am I not from this world? Am I from another world? Traveling through time and space? Or am I from the future?"

"It should be impossible in the future. The information on the ID card does not correspond to the reality. Other worlds are more likely..."

"Of course, it's also possible that I'm a lunatic. Some memories seem to be... really what a lunatic would do."

"These are a bit far away. Check it out slowly in the future. Now you are still a wanted criminal with a child..."

"...Ava, on the other hand, has had six episodes since the afternoon. The longest interval is two hours, and the shortest interval is only fifteen minutes. It's completely irregular."

"Hey... If I'm alone, it's quite easy to escape, but with a child, it's so difficult..."

"...But I don't care about her, what about this child? When the attack occurs, the body seems to be torn apart and put back together again, that feeling..."

"There will be a way, there will be..."

Before dawn, Xie Zhi woke up Ava, washed, ate, changed clothes, cleaned up the scene, and left before the owner came.

They have a new car, which Xie Zhi went out to get in the middle of the night.

He continued to drive around the city, not aimlessly. Xie Zhi was mainly observing the atmosphere in the city, the intensity of official inspections, and the temporary safe house where he could hide.

The situation is not good, the density of police car patrols has increased, and the helicopter can still be seen in the sky.

This is not the worst, Xie Zhi found that some people were also looking for them with their photos. They didn't look like kind people, nor did they look like police or secret agents. Obviously, the underworld in this city was also dispatched.

Xie Zhi licked his lips, and said to himself: "Fortunately, there are more exaggerated scenes in the incomplete memory than this one. After seventy-two hours, it will be easy to handle... It's almost noon, Ava, are you hungry?"

Ava played with the telescope and replied: "I'm not hungry, I ate chocolate."

Xie Zhi sighed: "You can't eat snacks, especially sweets, I regret buying you snacks."

"Not next time, Ava promises."

"If next time..."

Before Xie Zhi finished speaking, a gray car suddenly rushed out of the intersection, ran the red light without any mistakes, and when it turned sharply, it was obviously not good enough to control the car, and hit the front of the second car in front of Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi stepped on the brakes in time and did not collide with the rear, the car in front could not react fast enough, so he went straight. The accident happened, and the traffic at the intersection was temporarily paralyzed.

While secretly calling for trouble, Xie Zhi was going to turn the steering wheel to bypass the scene of the car accident.

However, the three people who came out of the gray car made Xie Zhi understand that there was serious trouble.

Those were three men, not unusually long, but they held guns in their hands, and one of them looked like an AK47.

One of the bearded men was looking at a black bag in his hand. The mouth of the bag was split, and two plastic bags fell out, one of which was broken, and white powder flew...

At the same time, the direction they came from, sirens approached.

Seeing the three gangsters firing in the direction they came, Xie Zhi shook his head helplessly: "That is to say... because of me, UU Reading's official investigation, these three drug dealers suffered, and they also It hurt me. Therefore, luck is very important, and the plan cannot keep up with the changes..."

While the gangsters were shooting wildly, they ran over to Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi pulled out the pistol with the silencer installed. Although it doesn't matter whether there is a silencer or not at this time, there is no need to remove it.

"Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop...Your uncle!" His wish came to nothing, the leading gangster pointed his pistol directly at Xie Zhi, his eyes were full of madness, and they looked at each other for a moment, making Xie Zhi believe that the other party He didn't intend to steal the car without hurting others, that guy didn't care about the lives of others.

There was no other choice, Xie Zhi fired first, the target was still the opponent's weapon, and the firearms of the three gangsters collapsed first in order. Xie Zhi not only shoots the gun fast, but he doesn't even follow the three-point line shooting standard of eyes, sights, and targets. No need, he uses the gun already because of instinct, which is the so-called gun feel.

But unlike the agents and the police before, Xie Zhi was angry with these three guys, and because of his status as a drug dealer, so when the weapons were blown away, Xie Zhi shot them in both hands, crippling their wounds. human ability.

Then he got out of the car and shot each of the thugs who were lying on the ground, hitting the calf so that they couldn't run away.

Still... no killing.

He turned around and opened the car door, put the backpack on one shoulder, and then picked up Ava with one hand.

Looking around, there are too many witnesses on the street at this time, the so-called disguise is meaningless, after all, he has a child with him, and based on this alone, he fits the description of the wanted warrant.

Xie Zhi took out the homemade smoke bomb and said, "Ava, close your eyes and hold your breath."

After saying that, he threw out a smoke bomb, and the turbulent gushing white smoke quickly filled the street.

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