American Comics: Transformed Into A Super Race, Spider Gwen Was Stunned

Chapter 70 Destroyed Perfect Atmosphere, Violent Killing And Abomination!

S.H.I.E.L.D, on countless split screens, broadcast the Brooklyn battle live.

"Director, the captain has brought the team over, but...does this really work?" Phil Coulson asked with some concern.

No matter how much he adores the captain of the United States, he must admit that the captain's strength is of no use at all in this monster confrontation.

Nick Fury put his arms around his chest, stared at the screen quietly, and said calmly:

"Captain doesn't need to defeat these two monsters, as long as they cause a little disturbance to allow Hulk to escape smoothly."

The military's super soldier program has been going on in secret, and General Ross is the current person in charge, who created monsters like the Hulk.

Looking at Hulk on the screen, Fury felt a pang of desire.

He wants to get this power!

Only this kind of terrifying power made him see the hope of checking and balancing Sun Wuming.

However, this Hulk is, after all, the product of General Ross and the military's experiments, and he would definitely turn his face if he directly sent someone to rob him.

The reason why Captain America was sent there was also because the opponent had a very special military background and would not arouse too much opposition.

As long as the Hulk doesn't fall into Rose's hands, then he has a chance to slowly infiltrate and eventually master him.

Seeing what Nick Fury said, Phil Coulson can only continue to watch the situation develop.

Manhattan, Museum.

Gwen only felt huge amounts of surprise.

Originally thought that such a new small museum would not have any good art, but it is not the case.

"My God! This is "The Wanderer Above the Sea of ​​Fog"! Why is this painting here? It should be in the Hamburg Art Museum!"

"And this one! "The Sistine Madonna", are these paintings really authentic?"

Sun Wuming looked at the happy girl with a smile. The museum is very big, but apart from a few employees, there are only two tourists.

"It should be true, you see there is evidence here.

Sun Wuming doesn't understand art, but he understands certificates.

"This art gallery is amazing, so many precious works can be collected, who opened it?"

Gwen was so excited that her little face was blushing

Suddenly, Sun Wuming frowned, and soon let go, continuing to follow behind Gwen as if nothing had happened.

The two came to a painting.

Gwen's eyes were fascinated, ""Girl with a Pearl Earring", this is my favorite painting, this color tone, brush strokes..."

Sun Wuming still smiled, this painting is not in the collection of the Camorra family, but he got it here specially.

At first, the curator of the Windmill Country was still unwilling to sell it, but he finally agreed to it after going over in person and taking the other party to the sky for a friendly exchange.

"It's really nice here, we will come here often in the future." Gwen took his arm and said coquettishly.

Sun Wuming agreed immediately, "No problem, you can come whenever you want, even if it's twelve o'clock in the middle of the night."

The girl Psst smiled, "Which museum is still open at twelve o'clock, even if I want to come, the boss won't let me."

"Isn't that just a matter of your words?" Sun Wuming smiled mysteriously, and patted Meng under Gwen's confused gaze.

A staff member came with a tray with a contract on it.

"Sign it, and you can come whenever you want in the future."

"This..." Gwen took it over, her eyes widened, as if she had thought of something, she quickly opened the contract.

"Is this museum yours?"

"No, I prepared this for you." Sun Wuming corrected: "You are the boss here."

"I..." Gwen covered her mouth excitedly, her eyes were moist.

"Hurry up and sign, before they get off work, they can go through the formalities.

"En!" Gwen nodded heavily, but wrote Sun Wuming's name on the contract.

"What's yours is mine. It doesn't matter who owns this museum, so be it." Gwen hugged Sun Wuming with a smile.

All the people around who were very discerning disappeared, and when the two were about to make love, Gwen's Spider Telepathy suddenly activated, opened his blurred eyes, and instantly woke up.

"problem occurs!"

Sun Wuming's face darkened, not targeting Gwen.

He was targeting the two big guys outside who were causing trouble.

Fight, fight, why come here!

Soon, his phone rang, Sun Wuming connected, and immediately heard Tony's screams.

"Help! Help! I'm dying!"

"Sorry, you made the wrong number, I don't know you." Sun Wuming was about to hang up after saying that.

"Fack! Sun Wuming you don't come here again! Don't even want your gravity room!"

"I don't believe you made it, goodbye."

Sun Wuming hung up the phone, and Gwen took advantage of this time to read the news online and found out what happened.

Biting his lips, he met the boy's eyes.

"I just found out, but today is your birthday, and I don't want to care about such crap." Sun Wuming explained.

Gwen shook her head, "I don't want you to go either, but if you keep fighting, you will be at our house."

On a few live screens, Hulk fights with Hulk all the way, demolishes all the way, and will soon go to Queens.

Gwen blinked playfully, "Mr. Sun, you don't want us to be homeless tonight, do you?"

"alright, you win."

Sun Wuming raised his hands in surrender, hating both Hulk and the abomination in his heart.

Brooklyn, oh no, it's Queens here.

Hulk's battle with the abomination is unstoppable, and Iron Man's most powerful weapon can't even break the defense of two people.

Among the weapons brought by Ross, only the infrasonic weapon can cause damage to the two monsters.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, create a new folder, I'm going to make anti-Hulk armor when I get back!" Tony was a little annoyed.

"Also, find out where Sun Wuming is!"

He is no longer the slut he was when he first appeared on the stage, and he can only cooperate with Hulk to contain the abomination, which can only play a role in harassment, annoying the abomination like a fly.

Not because he has a soft spot for the Hulk, but because the threat of abomination is greater.

The opponent will spray a highly corrosive venom, and his armor will be melted together.

Now Tony learned how to fly higher and farther away from the building so that the abomination couldn't get close to him quickly.

"Sir, Mr. Sun Wuming is still in a museum in Manhattan."

"Fack! New York is gone, and you still want to pick up girls!"

"I don't want to pick up girls, why are you here to collect your body?" Sun Wuming's unhurried voice rang in his ears.

Tony turned his head quickly, overjoyed, "You're finally here, but forget it, stop them quickly, half of Brooklyn has been destroyed!"

"I'm not here to stop them." Sun Wuming's eyes flickered coldly, "I'm here to vent my anger!"

After speaking, he swooped down directly.


The body of the abomination who was wrestling with Hulk shook, feeling the huge amounts of threat.

Looking up, I saw a small black dot, approaching him rapidly.


Hate raised his hands, stomped on the ground, and took the initiative to meet him.


Hate just jumped halfway, and flew back at a faster speed, a Shockwave swayed the ripples, and the dilapidated buildings nearby were devastated again, the ground rolled, huge amounts of stones were thrown into the air, and Hate coughed loudly Blood, the whole person is inlaid into the earth.

The kind that can't be picked off.

He screamed in pain, his ribs twisted strangely, piercing his skin, and he looked extremely miserable.


Tony gasped, seeing his chest twitching all of a sudden.

"Is the fist so hard? J.A.R.V.I.S, calculate the impact force just now."

"Sir, million tons, the entire street would have been destroyed if the Abomination hadn't taken a massive hit."

"It's no different from being ruined." Tony looked at the devastated street, as if it had been plowed, it was horrible.

Tony couldn't help shivering, he interrupted Sun Wuming's date, and today is his spider girlfriend's birthday.

You won't be targeting him for a while, will you?

Seeing the abomination who was beating him crazily just now, he couldn't take care of himself after being beaten in an instant, Hulk's little head hadn't reacted for a while.

But Sun Wuming has not given him this chance.

He's not here to be a superhero, he's here to vent his anger!

The perfect date with Gwen was ruined by these two cuties, Sun Wuming almost turned into a super subhuman in anger.

The abomination wants to fight, and the Hulk also wants to fight.

Whatever Avenger you are!


A punch hit Hulk who was still a little dazed in the face, sending him flying, and Sun Wuming slowly floated up.

"Get up! You two trash! I'm going to beat you to death today!"

"Reptile! You are courting death! I am the strongest!"


Roars sounded one after another, and the abomination broke free from the ground. After Hulk received a punch, his anger level rose gradually, and his muscles swelled a circle.

"Go Ming! Don't kill Hulk! His situation is special!"

Tony quickly shouted in the air. He also learned about the situation during the battle just now. This green giant is Bruce Banner. Besides being not a bad guy, he is also involved with the military.

If Sun Wuming beat him to death, then General Ross would definitely not let him go.

"It's none of your business here, you can go."

Sun Wuming said lightly that the relationship between him and Tony is good, but it doesn't mean that the other party can influence his will.

The two giants smashed towards him at the same time, Sun Wuming turned sideways, avoiding the punch of the abomination, and punched him directly in the abdomen!

……ask for flowers…

Possessing a strong recovery ability of hatred, the wound just now has scabbed over, but now he dare not underestimate Sun Wuming's attack.

In this small body, the power of explosion is hidden.

So, with a turn of the eyeballs of hatred, Hulk was pulled over and stood in front of him as a meat shield.

The next moment, Hulk's angry expression changed, his facial features were distorted, and he spat out green blood in a gulp.

It hurts! It hurts!

His internal organs seemed to have been crushed by this punch.

Sun Wuming didn't care who he hit, Hulk knelt on the ground, but he grabbed his head, forcing him to look up his painful face.

"I'm so angry right now!"

In response, Hulk roared again.

Accompanied by pain is anger, and after such a long period of superimposition, Hulk's anger has broken through the sky, and his strength has surpassed hatred.

"No! Bruce!"

On the plane, Betty screamed, watching the scene where Hulk was beaten, she quickly said to Ross:

"Dad! Stop him! Bruce will be killed."

"Wait a little longer." General Ross's voice was calm. Things were going too badly. If the two monsters continued to quarrel, his position as a general would be lost.


When this person defeats Hulk and the abomination, it's not too late for him to stop them, so that he can catch them and make up for the mistakes.

Rose's eyes flickered, and he looked at Sun Wuming with greed.

Terrifying power, human appearance, and strong combat experience.


This is his dream super soldier template!

At the moment, Abomination and Hulk were beaten violently by Sun Wuming in turn. Everyone's body was covered with blood, even Sun Wuming's fist was covered with blood from both of them.

The tyrannical defense completely lost its effect under his iron fist, and the huge amounts of body became a burden. No matter how hard Hulk and the abomination tried to dodge, Sun Wuming's attack was like

Maggots of Tarsus.

Blocking Hulk's fist, Sun Wuming grabbed his ankle and slammed back and forth, hitting the ground hard.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The ground was trembling, Sun Wuming's feet were smashed into potholes, and they were constantly getting bigger and deeper!

Loathing rushed forward, took the opportunity to sneak attack Sun Wuming who smashed Zhenghuan, and opened his bloody mouth with a ferocious face.

He's going to bite off this man's neck! Eat his head!


Hulk was used as a weapon by Sun Wuming and flung at the abomination, the two monsters crazily stuck together.

"Damn it! Get the hell out of here! Hulk you big bitch!"

Venus flashed in his eyes, hating being smashed, and his teeth fell all over the ground.

As for Hulk, it has lost the ability to speak, and its eyes are dull, allowing Sun Wuming to play with him at will.

Although, as long as Hulk is angry all the time, his strength will become infinitely stronger, with almost no upper limit.

But anger is also conditional. When the strength of the two is not much different, Hulk can continue to be angry.

For example, when fighting against the anti-Hulk armor, he kept getting stronger, and finally demolished Veronica.

But now, Sun Wuming and his forces are not in the same dimension at all, making people see no hope.

Under absolute crushing, no matter how strong Hulk became, he was still beaten violently.

Gradually the anger dissipated and was replaced by fear.


Sun Wuming found that the weight on his hands was getting lighter rapidly, and Hulk's complexion was also getting lighter.

Is this changing back to Banner?

Wrinkled his head, he threw it directly into the ruins on one side.

It's really useless, it's not easy to use as a weapon.

Forget it, anyway, the anger is almost gone, and it's time to kill someone.

A cold light flickered in Sun Wuming's eyes.

The abomination of At the moment was very weak, its limbs twisted at a strange angle, and it was even a little unable to move.

No matter how strong the recovery ability is, it's useless if it can't be recovered as fast as the injury.

If he was given a few minutes, he might still be able to stand up, but obviously, Sun Wuming would not give him this chance.


The index finger stretched out, and the bright golden light condensed on the fingertips.

In the light of that terrifying energy concentration, Hate felt the crisis of death for the first time.

"No! You can't kill me! I haven't killed the Hulk yet! I haven't become the strongest yet!"

The hatred roared again and again, but Sun Wuming remained unmoved, and slowly pointed his fingertips at his chest.

Seeing that Sun Wuming had not only won, but also wanted to kill directly, General Ross couldn't sit still. The plane landed quickly, and his big horn shouted down.

"Stop! This is a military item, you have no right to dispose of it! I order you to stop!"

"Annoying flies!

Sun Wuming snorted coldly, and the qigong wave was released immediately.

For a moment, the eyes of everyone present were all blocked by the dazzling light.

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