American Comics: Transformed Into A Super Race, Spider Gwen Was Stunned

Chapter 67 I Hate Not Only Niggers But Also You, Hydra Wants To Recruit Sun Wuming

There are all kinds of nuisances in the world, but there are a few recognized ones.

The first is self-righteous.

The second type is the prostitute who wants to give credit for everything.

The third type is black people.

The man in front of him has it all.

Nick Fury, a man who thinks he is protecting the world, but in fact, what he does is like a Joker, which is ridiculous.

The most hateful thing is that such a person doesn't know what he has done, and every time he does something stupid, he has to say, I did it to protect the earth.

But looking at this nigger's life, what contribution did he make?

The Ancient One is not dead yet, the magicians in the holy place are still there, they face the invasion of evil gods from various latitudes every day, what kind of onion are you?

Where did this nigger get the confidence to say that he protected the earth with a big face?

The most hateful thing is that this guy is still a ball king.

He introduced the Skrulls to the earth, and his trust in the Skrulls is much higher than that of the earth people, and he even married a Skrull.

After Thanos snapped his fingers, he even sent the Skrulls to change into their own appearance and stay in Blue Star to continue to control S.H.I.E.L.D.

And he ran to the sky for vacation.

What the hell are you in charge of Blue Star's external defense organization, and you handed it over to the aliens directly?

What's the difference between that and surrender.

It directly led to the secret invasion incident, and countless Skrulls quietly replaced the high-level human beings in an attempt to control Blue Star.

Just seeing this nigger, Sun Wuming couldn't help but harden his fist.

"You know me?!" Nick Fury's one-eyed pupil narrowed sharply.

It was an opening he had never imagined.

Sun Wuming actually knew him?

"I don't know, I just hate niggers, go away, you are not welcome here."

Nick Fury's face darkened even more.

"Mr. Saiyan, are you racist?"

Sun Wuming said impatiently: "Yes, I am discriminating against you and your race. If you don't accept it, you can go to court and sue me. I have a lot of lawyers to play with you.

"Hehe, a killer who wantonly tramples on the law and kills like hemp will believe in the law."

Nick Fury was humiliated repeatedly, and all the homework he had done before coming here was wiped out.

He is known as the king of agents, but once he is called a nigger, the DNA of these blacks will be dismantled, and his sanity will disappear instantly.

"I'm happy, you can control me." Sun Wuming looked at him coldly, "Nick Fury, you can't afford to mess with me, so don't engage in unnecessary temptations, let me see you appearing at my door next time, I directly blew up your Tricurved Wing Building.


After speaking, Sun Wuming closed the door directly, not wanting to see this unsightly guy again.

Nick Fury was shocked back two steps in a daze.

The hidden agents around appeared one after another, Phil Coulson walked up to Nick Fury, and asked in a low voice:

"Boss, what should we do now?"

They heard all of Sun Wuming's scolding through the headset just now, which is really ugly.

In the United States, you can swear at black people with words starting with f, and you can greet their 18th generation ancestors, but as long as skin color is involved, except for their own ridicule, anyone who says it can blow them up.

But Sun Wuming not only said, but also repeatedly mentioned that it was rubbing against the wound.

The director who directly made them angry is still trembling.


Nick Fury looked at the strange gazes of several of his subordinates and roared.

"What else can I do! Go back!"

Back at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, the time on the road finally allowed Nick Fury's sanity to retake the high ground.

Although the messy things he has done are messy, but Nick Fury can become the director and develop HYDRA hard for so many years, after all, he has some skills.

Today's contact was unexpectedly bad, Sun Wuming knew him and also knew S.H.I.E.L.D.

But how did the other party know, through the Continental Hotel? Through Tony? Or other channels?

Also, why do you hate yourself so much.

Is it just because of skin color?

No, through the way Sun Wuming looked at him, Nick Fury knew that the other party was hating him.

A dangerous character who hates S.H.I.E.L.D, hates SHIELD Director.

This is a very bad sign.

"Increase the threat level of Sun Wuming to ten, marked as extremely dangerous." Nick Fury ordered.

"Director, what the other party has done doesn't seem to have reached this level?"

Deputy Commissioner Hill raised doubts.

Maria Hill is not only the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Nick Fury's deputy, but also a nail inserted by the Security Council to monitor whether Nick Fury has abnormal behavior

You must know that S.H.I.E.L.D was established with the approval of the Security Council. Its authority is so high that most countries on the Blue Star have special privileges. Such a great authority must be checked and balanced [Medical Doctor]

Now Hill has some doubts about whether Fury's behavior is out of selfishness, a decision made without rational thinking.

Level 10 threat represents the highest level in S.H.I.E.L.D. When necessary, tactical cartridges can be used to attack, no matter where the opponent is or whether there are civilians around.

It is an assumption that it will not be an enemy as a last resort.

She has also read Sun Wuming's file. Apart from his terrifying strength, the things he did can't even be ranked in the third rank, and he doesn't have anti-social personality.

In other words, the other party also saved New York once, and if you publicize it well, you can treat it as a positive person.

"Hill, I'm the SHIELD Director." Nick Fury said in a deep voice.

"Nick, you'll regret it."

Bang! The door to the chief's office was shut, and Nick Fury didn't care about Hill's attitude.

The top priority is to increase the power of S.H.I.E.L.D as much as possible, so as to have the hope of fighting against Sun Wuming.

In his mind, a figure holding a shield flashed, and a gleam appeared in his eyes...

Hill carried out Nick Fury's orders after all.

At the same time, she also reported the matter to the Security Council.

Pierce, who was in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D's affairs, sneered after reading the report.

"The king of agents is also stupid sometimes, and when there is no way to eliminate the enemy, he regards the enemy as a deadly enemy, which is a big taboo.

"Minister, what should we do?" HYDRA agent Sitwell stood at the desk with a respectful expression.

"Don't worry about it, our people will avoid any actions related to Sun Wuming, just let Fury go to die." Pierce said decisively, and after thinking about it, he added another sentence.

"And about Spider-Woman, don't mess with her."


Sitwell left with the order and Pierce was lost in thought.

After learning more about Sun Wuming's life, he had a bold idea.

Shall I... recruit him to HYDRA?

If one head is cut off, two heads will grow back.

Can HYDRA survive from being targeted again and again by continuously absorbing elite talents, and then working hard towards a common ideal?

As for what ideal?

That definitely is to rule the world!

Secretly, HYDRA relied on the algorithm researched by Dr. Zola to calculate the people who are a threat to HYDRA.

On the list, Tony Stark, George Stacy, astronomy expert Dr. Selvig, Nick Fury, these threatening names are impressively listed.

But there is no Sun Wuming.

This also shows from the side that under the status quo, Sun Wuming has no threat to HYDRA.

If such a powerful existence can be pulled into the organization, then the power of HYDRA will definitely be greatly enhanced.

However, there are also some problems.

That is, after Sun Wuming joins in, what kind of status will be given to him?

If the level is low, not only can't show favor, but it is easy to turn against each other. If the level is high, I am afraid that other people in the organization will be dissatisfied.

Pierce's head hurts thinking about it, but he has already made up his mind to find an opportunity to get close to Sun Wuming and test his reaction.

New York, Queens.

In a store, several farm implements were doing their traditional zero-yuan purchase, one farm implement pointed a gun at the boss, and the others were throwing goods into sacks.

Also always look at the price tag.

It's not that they want to pick the expensive one, but it is stipulated in the law of the United States that if the robbery does not exceed nine hundred and fifty dollars, you will not be convicted of a felony.

The sentence for felony crimes is generally about three to ten years, while the sentence for misdemeanors is less than one year. If you are caught with a good attitude and actively plead guilty, the court will give you a lighter punishment, and one month of community labor will do.

It is under this sick law that the zero-dollar purchases in the United States are more rampant.

Just when they were full of things and were about to leave quickly to find a place to sell their stolen goods, the glass of the store shattered, and a figure rushed in quickly.

In a few moments of stunned farm tools, the farm tools with guns were kicked away, followed by a series of screams.

After a while of dazzled.

All the robbers lay on the ground wailing, clutching their legs in pain.


Only then did the store owner see who it was.

"Hey, you are not injured." Gwen turned around and greeted, and at the same time launched cobweb to trap several puppets tightly.

"No, no, thank you." The store owner said in a daze.

"You're welcome, you can report the loss of items to the police station, and someone will contact you to provide compensation.

Plop! Plop!

Several robbers were kicked out of the store one by one by Gwen, and then hung on the street lamp.

Then Gwen walked away gracefully.

The store owner was stunned.

Is there any compensation?

He thought that the damage to the glass and shelves would have to be repaired at his own expense.

Some people who didn't believe it called the police station, and the answer he got shocked him, it was actually true.

Soon the police will come to verify the amount of compensation.

On the road, there were already many people surrounding the robbers who were still panting.

"It's really hard to hit, and the legs are broken."

"Since disappearing for a while and reappearing, Spider-Woman's shots have gotten heavier.

"It's too cruel, even criminals have human rights, Spider-Woman is committing a crime!"

A farmer said indignantly that perhaps it was the skin color of these robbers that resonated with him.

Or maybe he was worried that when he robbed himself in the future, he would be so miserable.

The person next to him sneered, "Spider-Woman is an honorary police officer of the NYPD, with law enforcement powers, please speak up, beware of those lawsuits that will ruin your fortune.

Farm Tool immediately shut up, his face changed and he hurriedly left the scene.

Others watched the excitement for a while and left one after another, but at the same time sighed that Spider-Woman's deterrent power was getting higher and higher.

Overnight, all the negative comments about Spider-Woman on the Internet and newspapers disappeared, and those media who criticized Spider-Woman received notices from the court.

The worst editor-in-chief of the "Daily Horn", he is burdened with

After more than a dozen lawsuits, his wife ran away with others.

And those netizens who cursed Spider-Woman did not escape the sanctions, ranging from banning their accounts to warnings from lawyers.

With the support of Stark Industries and several well-known law firms, as long as they go to court, these little guys will undoubtedly lose.

Not only that, New York Police Chief George also changed his attitude towards Spider-Woman in the past. He not only awarded her the title of honorary police officer, but also punished her for some extreme actions.


An honorary police officer is roughly equivalent to a regular police officer. A criminal's resistance is an attack on the police, and Spider-Woman is a legitimate self-defense.

There's nothing wrong with that.

"I'm back!"

Gwen, who wandered outside for a while, returned to Sun Wuming's home, took off her headgear, and showed a pretty face.

Today she kicked and broke the legs of eight robbers and the fingers of three thieves.

Such a record was unimaginable for Gwen before.

In the past, she would only transfer the prisoner to the control department and hand it over to the police.

But now, she felt that the law's punishment for these bad guys was too light, so she just let her make up for the real part.

"You came back just in time. I was going out just now. Do you want to come together?"

Sun Wuming came out of the bedroom, wearing orange exercise clothes.

"Where are you going?" Gwen asked curiously.

"Tony just called me, he's already done the Dragon Ball Radar, and I'm going over there."

"I won't go, hee hee." Gwen kissed Sun Wuming's cheek, "I'll cook at home and wait for you."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to Chef Gwen."

Sun Wuming smiled and patted the girl's head, then launched a teleport and disappeared.

Gwen is very envious, when will she be able to meet the requirements of learning teleportation?

Shaking his head, Gwen changed the battle suit and put on home clothes [come to the kitchen and start preparing dinner.

Like a little daughter-in-law waiting for her husband to return. .

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