American Comics: Start With An Eye Of God

Chapter 77 Take A Step And See One Step At A Time! (Ask For Flowers And Collections!)


Facing Jing Kong's proposal, Dr. Banner shook his head repeatedly.

Obviously, because of Jing Kong's operation, Dr. Banner's vigilance towards Jing Kong has reached its peak.

Banner was extremely terrified that the other party could forcefully bypass his subjective consciousness and communicate with the monster in his body.

If the other party can do this, does it mean that the other party has the ability to let Hulk permanently replace himself in this world?

Even if there is only a small possibility, Banner also said that he cannot accept it.

"Okay, good luck~" Seeing that Banner rejected his proposal again, Jing Kong didn't intend to force it, and waved away the portal before turning around and leaving.

The other party didn't believe it, and Jing Kong didn't intend to force it.

In the past two years, apart from Tony who successfully joined the group, the rest of the "203" who took the initiative to contact, such as: Wanda, Pietro, Eddie, etc...

There is no doubt that they have poured cold water on Jing Kong.

Strong vigilance is not a shortcoming, it is a good thing, and it is the same if you change yourself.

So after this, Jing Kong never intends to force, nor does he intend to explain too much, nor does he want to put a hot face on a cold ass.

In a simple sentence, believe it or not.

He went straight down the stairs and waved at the bumblebee at the entrance of the street.

The Hornet's lights flashed, its engine roared, and it stopped in front of Jing Kong and opened the passenger's door.

'Sir, such a great opportunity, don't you plan to join in the fun?

Before Jing Kong got into the car, Bumblebee's slightly disappointed voice sounded immediately.

Jing Kong frowned, and said angrily: "Why join in the fun when everything is in hand? Are you really thinking about fighting with the United States military all the time?"

This month's synthesis material is only short of Tony's nano-armor, even if it's all done, everything here is done, why are you still here?

Help the military solve the abomination?

Tired of being bored?

What's more, Mr. Lan's blood samples were all emptied by him, so whether the hatred will appear is still a question.

'Uh...not really, it's just a bit boring~ I haven't been active since I was born~'

Bumblebee whispered a BB, and then said: 'Sir, are you going home now...or?"

Hearing Bumblebee's self-concealed, but in fact super loud, soliloquy, a few black lines floated on the face of the empty nose.

Why can't this living treasure be a little more stable?

Godzilla G, who is obviously the big leader, can endure loneliness, work hard and never be troublesome, but Bumblebee can't?

'Um, sir, did I make you angry?'

After a long time without getting a response from Jing Kong, Bumblebee's voice became weaker and weaker.

"No!" Jing Kong raised his hand and rubbed his brows: "But you reminded me that you are all living beings with souls, not cold machines." I think too little

"Since you were 'born', I have never asked you what you think, it seems a bit inappropriate, this master is a bit incompetent."

No, no, sir... The steering wheel next to you turned over, and a mechanical face suddenly appeared: 'As the creator, you have no fault at all...

"Okay, you bastard!" Jing Kong turned his head and glanced at Bumblebee: "I didn't mean to blame you, and my words are all literal, without any connotation.'

"It's time to find some time to think about it."

'Uh...' Listening to Jing Kong's words, Bumblebee poked his head over and asked cautiously: 'Well... sir... If possible, don't let the big boss know that I told you these things...

‘If the big boss knows, I will be finished, I will definitely be torn into scrap iron by the huge amounts of claws of the big boss, then stuffed back into the furnace and rebuilt...

Obviously, in front of Godzilla G, Bumblebee still can't get up.

"Okay, I won't say anything!" Jing Kong's mouth curled up slightly: "Let's go, since you're bored and flustered, then do something you want to do after a while.

'Sir, what do you mean?' Bumblebee's electronic eyes lit up slightly, his face full of anticipation.

"Wait for a while, drive back slowly now, I have to think about it!" Jing Kong didn't respond directly, but slowly closed his eyes.

Alright sir, leave it to me!’

Bumblebee's head retracted, the reverse disc rotated for a while, the engine roared, the body turned around, and rushed out of the street.

It will take a lot of time to return to Marbury in this way, but the Hornet is galloping all the way full of interest, without any feeling of fatigue at all.

Drag racing~ Who says you can’t race yourself?

Ignoring the somewhat excited actions of some bumblebees, Fukong began to think about the next action measures...

The story of green titan Hulk is coming to an end, and the story of Thor Thor has also begun, and after an old popsicle is dug out...

The possible arrival of the Avengers alliance seems to be within reach.

But it is close at hand, but it has to be counted in years... In theory, there is still a whole year, no, it should be two years.

It is only in the middle of 10 years now, but the prelude to Avengers only started in the first half of 2012.

Almost two years, and it may be earlier.

But no matter what, Jing Kong said that he can afford to wait.

Whether the Avengers alliance battle will be staged, Jing Kong is not worried at all. After experiencing Thor, S.H.I.E.L.D will definitely study Tesseract.

As long as Tesseract is studied, it will naturally attract the attention of alien civilizations, especially the crazy Titan Thanos who already holds the original mind stone.

And Thanos, who plans to collect infinite rough stones, will inevitably send troops to the earth for the first round of exploration.

Only this is infallible.

But the only thing that may change is that the people who come to invade the earth or test the earth are likely to change.

Like, no more Loki or anything...

It is impossible for Jing Kong to predict this kind of thing, he is not a great prophet, let alone see the development of the timeline, and he does not have a similar ability.

Who knows what changes will happen because of his existence? 2.1

But it doesn't matter, whether it's Loki or not, it's actually the same reason.

It involves two infinite rough stones, so it is absolutely not wrong to be cautious.

Before Thanos sent the Mind Stone to Earth, Jing Kong didn't plan to travel again.

After all, the experimental data collected during time travel is not perfect, what if the next world does not follow the two-to-one time flow?

Then when I came back, I found that I had missed two rough stones...

Cardiopulmonary arrest!

The last time he came here as he wished, he went on a cross-travel journey as soon as he wanted to, and this time he couldn't continue to be willful.

What if he transmigrated to a world more boring than the symbiote universe, and he missed the appearance of the two rough stones...

Then it's not just cardiopulmonary arrest.

Let's take a step and see one step at a time! .

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