American Comics: Make Up Containment! I Create A Foundation

Chapter 88 Orbital Assault, We Step Into The Battlefield With Both Feet!

After Obadiah used the armed satellite to attack the earth's surface for the third time, the time passed by, and the armed satellite hanging in the low-earth orbit was like the sword of Damocles, making all human countries tremble with fear.

At S.H.I.E.L.D, the fourth attack predicted by the White Eagle Federation military was about to launch again, and when New York was about to fall, when the pointer passed the last second, the attack did not arrive as expected.

According to part of the information given by S.H.I.E.L.D, the JTF joint combat force realized that every time the armed satellite of the 935 group in low-earth orbit was going to attack, it would have at least 8 hours of cooling time to recharge it.

Shortly after the third attack, a few hours ago, the Foundation suddenly announced that it would intervene with full force.

The JTF troops who were still fighting fiercely at that time, as well as the people trapped in the urban area, felt that the incident was about to usher in a dawn and a reversal-.

It's just that the time after that was almost like a year, and I didn't see the Foundation's next move. However, endless mutated creatures formed waves of offensives and began to attack the New York defense line.

New York City, which was already in jeopardy due to the blockade across the country, is even more shaky this time.

It's just that when countless fearful people are fearing that the apocalypse is approaching, the fourth doomsday weapon will turn New York into the largest biochemical brood of the White Eagle Federation.

Nothing happened, and the eighth hour passed quietly.

In the low-earth orbit, eight HO-229 tactical mechs have controlled the satellite, and the white-painted mecha At the moment silently sent a radio signal to the fleet docked in the distant low-earth orbit.

"Here, Captain 2B of the Yoroha Assault Force has seized control of the target.

#1D, 11E, you will capture the target and bring it back to the fleet, and the rest of you will go directly into the atmosphere with me. "

On the Punishment, after finally receiving the news that Miss 2B's operation was successful, the orbital assault operation was finally launched.

"Attention all units, attention all units, the operation begins, and the orbital airdrop will be carried out in 5 minutes!"

In the hangar of the Punishment aerospace aircraft carrier, one after another Jackal aerospace fighters that have been prepared slowly moved to the ejection port.

"Tower, tower, this is the Jackal Squadron, the fighter jets are ready to take off."

"The tower received it, the airspace is good, you can take off!"

Accompanied by the activation of the catapult, one Jackal fighter after another ejected from the flight runway of the Retribution, and flew towards the atmosphere of the Blue Star.

Among the Punishment, a regiment-level hell paratrooper MTF mobile task force and a regiment-level nine-tailed fox MTF mobile task force have already assembled in front of the orbital airdrop cabin.

These two MTF mobile task forces that are airdropping are elite MTF troops. They are all equipped with MTF-I mobile exoskeletons, accompanying stealth mechs, and various accompanying unmanned vehicles. They are also equipped with orbital The communication system can call the support of the orbital fleet at any time.

These troops At the moment are taking companies as units, ready to go one by one, and the queues are like standard tofu blocks, staying in front of their respective orbital airdrop cabins.

In front of the airdrop cabin, the siren sounded, and with the green action signal lights on, all troops immediately entered their respective orbital assault cabins.

Three Imperium of Man Indomitable-class light cruisers of the 40K universe At the moment have adjusted their guns.

"The artillery is ready to clear the landing area!"

Immediately, hundreds of dazzling flames appeared on the three battleships. These hundreds of fireball-like cannonballs were like comets, piercing the sky and falling to the ground.

Every ten seconds or so, there will be a new round of bombardment of the Tubu-class light cruiser, which will constantly pour down on the ground with intensive orbital firepower.

The two Gloria air-space assault motherships began to break into the atmosphere. These two ships are specialized ground suppression motherships. Although they cannot carry out orbital bombardment, they have super ground suppression ability. The main force providing supporting firepower.

When the two Gloria ground-suppressing motherships broke into the atmosphere, in the low-Earth orbit fleet, countless Foundation troops armed to the teeth, as well as all the combatants on the silent Krieger Legion, had already Entered the completely enclosed orbital airborne cabin.

At the moment Chen Feng's voice sounded on the public channel.

"I am honored to be able to carry out this unprecedented airborne operation with so many warriors."

"This time we're going to blast from orbit and come back like a comet."

"The out-of-control of the abnormal containment object 008 has created a large number of aliens, polluted our land, and threatened the safety of all human beings."


"As a member of the Foundation, I will never sit idly by and allow these aliens to run amok on our planet. I will, as a member of you, participate in orbital airborne operations."

"Ready to save the world? We control, we contain, until we die!"

In the countless airdrop cabins, there were cheers from the soldiers.

"We control, we contain, until death!"

"Huha! Human Hail!"

"To die generously is now!"

The action begins!

With an order, countless orbital airdrop pods were ejected at this moment. Looking from space, an incomparably spectacular scene appeared in the eyes of the battleship crew.


Accompanied by the orbital bombardment like pyrotechnics, countless orbital airdrop pods fell rapidly.

Soon these airdrop pods were pulled by the gravity near the ground, broke through the atmosphere, and fell into the world like meteor showers one after another.

In New York City in the midst of winter, the UTF soldiers who had been fighting for a day were helpless and exhausted.

Countless agents across the territory who fought bravely were exhausted from the endless battles.

At this moment, a UTF soldier who was resting widened his eyes and watched meteors appearing in the sky one after another.

"How can there be shooting stars at this time? This a bit wrong."

Seeing this scene, he suddenly thought of something.

Not long ago, there was news from the JTF Combat Command that a support force would arrive by airborne.

At this moment, the rail bombardment arrived as expected, and the tide-like corpses in the army suddenly seemed to be smashed into a calm lake by a stone.

Huge amounts of explosions sent countless zombies and mutated creatures flying, accompanied by terrifying Shockwaves and heat waves, almost wiped out hundreds of square meters.

Then, the second, the third

Countless light spots fell into the tide of corpses.

The originally precarious line of defense was instantly stabilized.

"Our reinforcements... have come down from the sky!"

PS: "Sorry, I've been in a bad state for the past two days, and my body is too weak, which has caused sinusitis to recur. Today I originally planned to have 3 more guarantees, but I reneged on my promise."

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