American Comics: Make Up Containment! I Create A Foundation

Chapter 37 Living To Death, The Brave Are Fearless!

"Sir, as MTFC, your responsibility is very heavy, you should not come to the front line!" (MTF refers to the commander of the task force, definitely, the commander of the protagonist, refers to the general.)

As the MTFC of the Mobile Task Force Hammerfall, Colonel Hans should have been sitting in the rear commanding combat missions, but at this moment he appeared on the front line fully armed.

Hearing the persuasion from the major's action captain, he shook his head and categorically refused.

"The 702nd and 703rd Battalions, as well as the 704th Armored Synthesis Battalion, are on the perimeter to guard against possible Chaos insurgents."

"None of them are in much danger."

"However, the 701st Battalion now serves as the advance team to carry out the most dangerous containment missions."

"This mission is extremely important. Whether or not the 096-shy person can be accommodated is related to the lives and deaths of millions of civilians, so I must take it! Hammer, don't persuade me!"

The major operation captain code-named Heavy Hammer snorted coldly after hearing the words: "I personally agree with your courage, but as a task force member, I firmly oppose your actions. Afterwards, I will definitely report your dangerous behavior to Commander Chen Feng!"

Hearing this, Colonel Hans laughed and shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "If you go back alive, you can report whatever you want, even if you let me make coffee with my own hands and kowtow to you to admit my mistake."

Major Hammer curled his lips: "Today's menu in the kitchen is steak stewed in Burgundy red wine, so you can drink your coffee after the meal."

At this time, Hans pointed to the eyepiece on his finger and said: "This is a special eyepiece developed by Wilhelm, an A-level doctor of the foundation. It will block the 096 face with a black mosaic based on the detected face. With this thing, We can definitely contain 096."

At this moment, the voice of the front task force came from the headset: "This is the scythe, approaching the target farm. I found the S.H.I.E.L.D helicopter, but there was no one there."

"Heavy hammer received, we are 150 meters away from you, pay attention to search, there may be survivors."

At this moment, several gunshots came from the front, and everyone looked solemn.

"Drone spots civilians, appears to be exchanging fire!"

"Quick! Go to the goal!"

The soldiers of the 701 Special Reconnaissance and Search Battalion trot forward quickly, and it didn't take long for them to arrive near the farm barn at their destination.

The surroundings are in a mess, but only a few bloody and unrecognizable things can be seen... Muddy meat.

"Find the murdered civilians and weapons, etc. According to the radar detection of the containment, a signal has been detected nearby!"

Colonel Hans gestured to the task force on the side: "Fighting posture!"

All MTF mobile task force members all entered the combat alert posture after seeing it, raised their guns, and unfastened the safety.

At the moment, in S.H.I.E.L.D, Nick. Fury, Pierce, Phil Coulson, as well as Natasha Romanoff, Skye, and Melinda, are all watching the scene in front of them through the high-altitude drone.

S.H.I.E.L.D has already failed in disgrace, and even the witnesses and surviving agents have become part of the mess just now.

However, they were also curious about what kind of containment failure the Foundation would face when it kicked the iron plate this time, until they saw the special goggles worn by the task force members.

The experienced Phil Coulson seemed to see some tricks: "Director Nick, it seems that these task force members are wearing a special kind of goggles. Is this the key to containment?"

Hearing this, Nick. Fury's eyes widened, and he slapped the table angrily: "Damn! I should have thought that these people in the Foundation have an intelligence advantage that we don't even know. They know more about the contents than us. See This powerful containment is about to be contained by the Foundation."

Pierce's eyes flickered for a moment, and he bewitched thoughtfully: "Director, the photo of 096 is suspected to be a key item to drive 096, such a dangerous thing, should the Foundation provide a copy by then?"

"Or if their containment fails, I think we also need to send follow-up troops to continue to get the photos."

But Nick. Fury didn't listen to him, but waved his hand and said perfunctorily, "Let's talk about this, Pierce. This is not in the interest of S.H.I.E.L.D."

As the director of SHIELD, Nick. Fury is a proud and arrogant person. Whether the Foundation succeeds in containment or fails, he is not easy to let go of this face.

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D also wants face. If you go to ask for something from your friendly department at the same level, how can it be so easy for the other party to give it to you?

This shows the difference between Nick. Fury and Pierce. People like Nick. Fury prefer to follow the rules. Unless the power surpasses the opponent too much, he will make the rules himself.

But despite being rejected, Pierce secretly planned whether to let the HYDRA people find a way to get the photos.

At this moment, in the screen, a figure with a mosaic appeared vaguely on the screen.

"It's Containment 096-Shy Man!"

"Here is Colonel Hans, we see it, the A-team is approaching."

"Here is the heavy hammer. I am leading Team B to destroy everything related to the containment."

"The eyepiece seems to be working, Colonel Hans, 096 is very docile and did not attack us."

The task force members of team A had already surrounded 096 in a circle. At this moment, the docile 096 suddenly became extremely sad, covering his face and crying.

"Snow! The eyepiece didn't work!" Just as he finished speaking, 096 rushed towards a vanguard.


Hans listened to the screams one after another on the radio. He knew that his soldiers were falling one by one. As the commander of the task force, his heart was bleeding.

But under his strong psychological quality as MTFC, he forced himself to calm down at this time.

Because just now he saw 096 through the back, and silently recorded its original position.

Colonel Hans lowered his head and walked through one corpse after another of the team members who had just died. At this time, 096 hadn't started to destroy the corpses. The scene was horrible, but Hans suppressed his grief and anger, silently picked up a hood, and recorded own deployment.

He walked to 096's back slowly, lowered his head, did not look at 096's face, and then put the hood on 096's face.

At this moment, the captain of the operation's heavy hammer's laughter came from the earphones: "Hans, I can't drink your coffee."

"What's the matter? Old buddy? Obviously the containment has been!"

He smiled and looked at the blurry mosaic photo in front of him, and slowly took off the eyepiece.

After taking off the eyepiece, what I saw was a mountaineering photo that couldn't be more normal. In this photo, there may be only a few pixels of 096.

He silently picked up the pencil at the side, and then looked at the 096 who was still calm and hadn't started berserk, and silently picked up the pencil to scratch the photo.

In the next second, 096 outside the window disappeared.

He said on the public frequency with a smile on his face: "MTF Hammer Drop, the containment is successful!"

In the next second, 096 wearing a hood appeared behind him.

The smile on Operation Captain Heavy Hammer's face froze for a long time.

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