American Comics: Hard Food, Mutant Academy Begins

Chapter 60: Happy Events Outside The Door And Happy Events Inside The Door, Destroying Enemies While

Yes, Yukio is also a Mutant, and she has the ability to predict fragments of the future.

This ability is not under her control and occasionally appears automatically in her brain.

I don’t know the cause or the result.

We can only speculate about the future through that fragment.

Just now, when Yukio was still talking about Nuo Lin, her mutant ability suddenly triggered.

She saw Nuo Lin standing high in the sky, the goddesses dancing in the audience, and the gods on the stage toasting in compliments.

Next to Nuo Lin, she saw many people. Although it was blurry, she could still see one figure clearly, which was Mariko who was smiling.

Seeing this scene, Yukio didn't know what to say. She was sure that Mariko was not threatened, and she smiled happily and proudly.

This means that there seems to be no need for her to hate Nuo Lin for her best friend and director Mariko.

And she is not qualified to be Nuo Lin's opponent.

"I never miss it, things always go as predicted... Mariko, you will be his woman!"

Yukio's eyes were complicated. She couldn't understand why Nuo Lin became the king of the world when he was just a biogeneticist.

Mariko's eyes flickered, "Is there a possibility that your prediction was wrong?"

"Absolutely impossible!" Yukio said firmly.

"I understand! This is fate!"

Regardless of her image, Mariko trotted to catch up with Nuo Lin and said softly: "I promised you, you will become my master in the future, what should we do next?

"If you use force to acquire the Yashida Group, you will not be able to legitimately control the power. It may also attract the attention of outsiders, which will be very detrimental to you."

Nuo Lin smiled and said, "It's very simple. Just let them dog eat dog. If they all die, are you confident that you can fully control the group?"

Mariko nodded and said confidently: "Give me half a year, and I can make the group have only one voice, and that's you!"

Nuo Lin shook his head and frowned: "Too slow! One week! I will give you some help, and you must completely control the group within one week!"

"This...I'll try my best!"

Mariko didn't dare to vouch for it. If after a while, Yashida Ichiro made a will, even if it was an oral will, she would be confident that she could take over the power of the group in the shortest time.

If you want to fully control the group, you need to eliminate several other shareholders and even political partners.

But now, Yashida Ichiro is just more inclined to her. Even if the two competitive people are dead, it will be difficult for her to convince the public immediately.

This takes time.

But considering Nuo Lin’s power, it doesn’t seem impossible?

Nuo Lin said nothing and signaled her to return to normal and continue walking forward.

At the same time, a trace of invisible spiritual power is activated, covering all nearby areas.

Just when a few people walked to the gate and were about to be tested by the bodyguards to see if they were carrying unknown metals,

Suddenly gunshots were heard from inside the gate!

This gunshot seemed to be just a signal, and soon more intense gunshots were heard, as well as wailing sounds after being shot.

Listening to the sound of gunfire, there are not only pistols, but also more powerful submachine guns and even automatic rifles.

The bodyguard at the door changed his face after hearing this, and immediately took out the pistol hidden in his waist and rushed into the door.

"Miss, please stay outside and don't come in!"

The bodyguard also knew the seriousness of the matter. After entering, he closed the door without waiting for Mariko and Yukio to take action, and rushed towards the place where the gunfire was the loudest, preparing to deal with the unknown intruders.

However, when they arrived at the battlefield, they found that the "intruder" was none other than Dr. Shida Kaishin!

With crazy eyes, he led a large group of black-clad men from the Yakuza organization and rushed towards Yashida Ichiro's location.

"Old man! How dare you plot against me and want me to die! In that case, don't blame me!"

Opposite them were a group of black-clad ninjas who were secretly sponsored and adopted by Yashida Ichiro. They were raised and trained as weapons since they were young, and each one of them was loyal to Yashida Ichiro.

The leader is the ninja leader Kenichiro Harada.

A licking dog who was sent to protect Mariko and had feelings for her would betray Ichiro Yashida for Mariko in the original time and space and die under the silver Katana.

"Xingen! How dare you commit the following crime! This is a capital crime!"

"Bah! It's just our family dog, who do you think you are?"

Yashida Shingen looked at the knives in their hands and the broken pistols in the hands of the bodyguards with disdain, "We are in this age, and they are still playing the same old tricks. It is really something only an old guy can think of, give it to me! Crush them! Who?" Kill Ichiro Yashida and I will give him ten million dollars!"

After hearing this, the subordinates of the Yakuza organization acted like crazy bulls, breathing heavily and firing wildly at each other.

This battle was sudden, and Yashida Shingen was not actually prepared, so he had far fewer men than his opponent.

If he hadn't learned that the old guy was secretly training ninjas and preparing to kill him, he wouldn't have acted rashly if the time waited for no one.

At the beginning of the operation, he immediately called people outside and asked them to bring some big guys to support him.

As long as he can forcefully kill the old man, and with his control over the group, he can still control a large amount of property by just taking out some things to feed people outside.

Now, it is time to get rid of these obstructive ninjas and bodyguards.

inside the house,

Yashida Ichiro heard the noisy noise outside and learned that Yashida Shingen suddenly rebelled and tried to rush in and kill himself. The old fox was so angry that he wanted to tear Shingen into pieces!

He always thought that he had perfect control over Shingen's character and lifeline, but he didn't expect that the other party would have the courage to risk everything and make the following mistakes.

It seems that he still underestimated this unsatisfactory son!

At least he is ruthless and has a bit of his style.

However, just with a few little Kayla rice, you want to kill him?

"Hmph! Do you think I don't know that you have trapped those people outside? Do you really think you are doing everything right? It's a pity that everything about you is in my calculations!"

Yashida Ichiro made a call, and the sounds of "Hey, Hey, Hey" kept coming.

Then he called another person, Noburo Mori, who was Mariko's fiancé, Minister of Justice, and a rising star in politics.

This marriage was mainly led by Yashida Shingen, who wanted to quickly marry Mariko, who was a great threat to him, so that Yashida Ichiro could only choose himself in the end.

At the same time, he can also gain political support from the promising Mori Noburo through marriage, allowing himself to gain more benefits.

In this regard, Yashida Ichiro did not object too much. He did not care about these small tricks of Shingen, because he was not prepared to hand over the group to anyone except himself.

Noburo Mori received the call. When he learned that Shingen and others were guilty and were preparing to use force to gain control of the Yashida Group, he immediately promised to bring people to support as soon as possible.

But in fact, after gathering people, he slowly rushed to the Yashida family residence.

The reason is simple. He wants to reap the benefits. As long as Shingen and Ichiro fight to the death, preferably both die, then the group will fall to the sole heir Mariko, and as the other's fiancé, he will most likely get Yashida in the future. Everything about the group.

Then use the group's resources and connections to push him to a higher level, and even become the highest position.

In this way, he would get money, power and beauty, wouldn't it be nice?

"You guys fight slowly! Yashida should change his name from now on, hahahaha!"

Not long after I called Yashida Ichiro,

Yashida Shingen then received the cry for help from his subordinates.

"Boss, we are surrounded by police! There are at least hundreds of people on the other side. It is difficult for us to break out!"

"Damn it!"

"Come on! Support is on the way, arriving soon!"

Yashida Shingen was not stupid. He knew that the situation was critical and could not shake the morale of the army. He simply picked up his submachine gun and charged in.

Under his leadership, the members of the Yakuza organization relied on firepower to carve out a hole.

Although there are many people on Yashida Ichiro's side, there are too few Mieli.

Especially ninjas. Although there are many in number, they can carry out assassinations. Once they use ninja tools and bows and arrows head-on, they are completely targets!

But thanks to their bravery and fearlessness of death, and the hard work of the bodyguards.

After Yashida Shingen broke out of the siege, he was lucky enough to be left alone.

Others were once again overwhelmed by numbers and surrounded,

Yashida Shingen knew that he didn't have much time. Harada Kenichiro was leading people to chase him, and once his men ran out of bullets, they would definitely die.

Therefore, the only way to break the situation is to kill the old man.

Yashida Shingen ran over quickly without hesitation and killed the last few ninjas guarding the door with a few shots.

When he arrived in the room, he also announced that he had run out of bullets.

Yashida Shingen pulled out Katana and walked towards the immobile Yashida Ichiro step by step, "I'm sorry, old man, who told you that you weren't prepared to give the group to me? You even sent people to get rid of me! If I hadn't called a few people in on a whim. , I’m afraid you really succeeded!”

"Now, the game is over and victory belongs to me!"

"Xingen, you know, I'm very disappointed in you!"

"As my son, you have not inherited any of my excellent qualities! As a person in power, you are not good enough! You are not qualified to shoulder the responsibility of leaving a huge group unmanaged and hanging around with people from the Yakuza organizations outside. The name of Yashida!”

"Shut up! If you hadn't held onto power so tightly and never given me a chance to intervene, would I have gone looking for those bitches?"

At this time, Yashida Shingen had already heard the sound of running outside. Knowing that time waits for no one, he came to the other party in a few steps and said, "Don't worry, after you die, I will inherit everything from you and send Mariko out. In my hands, Yashida will truly flourish!"


Yashida Shingen stared blankly at the bullet hole in his abdomen, and then looked at Yashida Ichiro who was holding a gun.

"You, me, are your me after all! Do you really think I am so old that I can't move at all?"

Looking at Yashida Shingen's dead eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of Yashida Ichiro's mouth, but soon the smile solidified and turned into panic.

"Damn guy, how dare you do this!"

There was a bomb under the dead Yashida Shingen's coat!

The time on it immediately returned to zero the moment he landed!


As the explosion sounded, Yashida Ichiro and his son died together!

This sudden war was calmed down not long after the explosion.

The living people stared at the fire blankly, and until now they still don't understand why this happened.

Everything was sudden and unexpected.

At this time, Mariko walked in at Nuo Lin's signal,

0…Please give me flowers O…………

"Now everyone listen to my order! Put out the fire immediately, see people dead or see corpses. As long as there is one ten thousandth chance, my grandfather and father must be rescued!"

"Harada Kenichiro! You go and gather the remaining people to guard the door. No one can enter without my order!"

"You should contact the police immediately and let them be responsible for maintaining public order in the outside world. No one is allowed to privately report to the media what just happened!"

At this moment, Mariko changed her weak appearance and gave orders in an orderly manner.

The rest did as she wished.

Forgetting the living bodyguards, those ninjas who only obeyed Yashida Ichiro subconsciously acted according to the orders.

After all, Mariko is the granddaughter of their master. When the master dies, Mariko naturally becomes the new master.

After Mariko finished giving instructions on the main tasks, she took Nuo Lin and walked towards the back room.

"From now on, you are the master of the Yashida Group!"

Nuo Lin said in her mind using Telepathy.

Mariko paused for a second, then walked forward as if nothing had happened, and glanced at Nuo Lin with a complicated expression.

She became increasingly confused about Nuo Lin.

While talking and laughing, the two biggest rivals came to blows, and coincidentally died together.

She didn't believe it at all if there was no handwriting from Nuo Lin in it.

But she didn't mind, neither she was as kind to her grandfather nor her father as she seemed.

Caught in the middle, she can be said to be walking on thin ice.

Neither party is friendly and neither regards her as their relative.

If necessary, they can send her out at any time, or even execute her!

Especially when she learned that Yashida Ichiro was secretly researching an experiment that could transfer the ability to heal and gain immortality, any family affection in her heart disappeared.


But she's so good at pretending.

On the surface, she is still a delicate woman, looking exactly like a filial daughter and grandson who has lost a loved one.


Mariko and Nuo Lin came to a room,

Ophelia, Yukio and the others were fixed not long ago.

After this happened, Yukio was in a very bad state at the moment, and he didn't think much about Mariko's reaction, thinking that the two were going to talk about some kind of secret.

After Mariko invited Nuo Lin in, she respectfully poured a cup of tea and knelt down next to Nuo Lin obediently.

Then he looked at Nuo Lin quietly, with a dazed look on his face.

"Sir Nuo Lin, what should I do next? What do I need to do for you?"

Unknowingly, Mariko used the honorific "sama". She was at a loss and also frightened. No matter how scheming she was, in the face of the mysterious and powerful power, she was no better than ordinary people.

What a difference.

Nuo Lin had already prepared a plan.

Mariko took it carefully and looked at it seriously.

When she saw the next task arrangement, her pupils shrank suddenly.

Breathing also became rapid.

"Sir Nuo Lin...what are you..."

"Follow the instructions above and don't ask why, do you understand?"

Nuo Lin slowly picked up the tea cup from the coffee table, took a sip, smacked it in his mouth, and then swallowed it with a gurgle.

Mariko nodded, still thinking about the plan he just saw.

If what is said above is true, then the Yashida Group will usher in a major turning point.

Or be attacked by a group and fall into the abyss,

Or just soar into the sky and reach a height never imagined.

Neither Yashida Ichiro nor Yashida Shingen can look up to such heights!

Nuo Lin’s ambition is too great!

But Mariko didn't feel crazy. On the contrary, because of women's strong-willed mentality, she was not so repelled by Nuo Lin.

Even if the other party is likely to be the culprit who killed her relatives,

Definitely, it is also possible that due to the evil nature deep in Sakura Country and Yukio's prophecy, she had another strange emotion towards Nuo Lin.

Coupled with the fact that the two of them were in the same space, the aura on Nuo Lin became stronger and stronger. As she looked at it, she felt hot all over.

When the temperature is high, it’s natural to take off your clothes.

Mariko feels crazy!

Even though her father and grandfather left tonight, she not only did not cry bitterly, but instead threw herself at the man who was suspected of being an enemy. Could it be that the blood flowing in her body was so low and dirty?


Tonight, she was very proactive,

There are white things happening outside, but happy events happening inside.

And further outside,

Noburo Mori, who was dressed in formal attire, pointed at Kenichiro Harada and cursed with a ferocious expression.

"Let us go in! A shooting occurred inside. As Mariko's fiancé and the Minister of Justice, I have the right to know what happened inside!

"What, do you want to rebel? Do you care about the country and the judiciary?"

"I am your future master, you all will get out of here!"

Inexplicably, both Mori Noburo and Harada Kenichiro felt fleeting palpitations.

It was as if something inexplicable was moving away from them, and at the same time, something seemed to hit their heads, which made them a little heavier.

But neither of them paid attention to it. One firmly stopped his love rival from disturbing the heartbroken Mariko, and the other scolded her desperately and tried to break in.

The two looked at each other, wishing to kill each other.

I checked my eyes and found that it was my love rival Eight!

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