American Comics: Hard Food, Mutant Academy Begins

Chapter 55: To Subdue The Dead Woman, Congressman Kelly Exerts His Strength

"Traitor! Damn traitor!"

"I thought you were my staunchest ally, but you betrayed your class and your friends!"

"Isn't Mutant our enemy, or our strongest ally? It's like Satan has become God!"

Stryker couldn't describe how he felt at this moment.

There are many difficulties in fighting Mutant, not to mention that he is only a small colonel.

There is not much say in the United States.

Congressman Kelly is different. He is one of the most famous congressmen recently. He is so famous that he can even influence the president to a certain extent!

And he was the most determined anti-Mutant faction before.

Even last week, they publicly stated that they would impose sanctions on Mutant~.

However? How long did it take? He abandoned his allies and stood on the opposite side.

An alien called a Skrull was also used as an excuse.

"Idiot! Aren't the Skrulls Mystique? You were deceived by them! Are there any aliens in this world?"

Stryker was furious. According to Kelly, it was obvious that the person who kidnapped him was Mystique.

This was a trick directed and performed by Mutant. Their plan was so successful that they directly instigated Kelly's rebellion!

Watching Congressman Kelly giving a speech passionately on TV, Stryker tore off his suit. He disdained to be associated with such an idiot!

He's going to do it his own way, Mutant!

Without Kelly's support, he can still gain the president's trust and receive constant resource support!

at this time,

He answered a phone call,

His face turned pale instantly.

"Pass my order, and you must hold on until I come back! You must kill all the intruders!"

Without looking back, Stryker got on the helicopter that had been prepared and quickly headed to the airport.

Kelly’s remarks,

It wasn’t just Stryker who was shocked,

Nick Fury was sitting in S.H.I.E.L.D working overtime, with his only eyes fixed on the computer.

He confirmed it again, this person!

Isn't this the tool man he tried so hard to hide?

They kidnapped Kelly?

And they are secretly replacing the top leaders of various countries?

How come he doesn’t know!

Nick Fury made a secret phone call with a dark face.

"Talos, I need an explanation!"

On the other end of the phone, Talos was a little confused, "What's wrong?"

“Look at New York TV!”

"What did you do without telling me?! Now you are actually planning to replace a congressman!"

Talos frowned and turned on the TV. His wife Soren also came over and sat with him slightly worriedly.

On the TV, Congressman Kelly's thrilling day was being broadcast.

Several mysterious Skrulls disguised themselves as Senator Kelly's right-hand man, Henry, and abducted him to a small island in the Atlantic Ocean, preparing to use a detector to obtain Kelly's memories and transmit them to the Skrulls.

After the memory transfer is completed, the Skrull will use the racial ability to transform into Senator Kelly, enjoy his beautiful and lovely little wife, and bully his cute children.

And use Kelly's status as Congressman to run for president.

At the same time, they made some terrible remarks to achieve their evil purposes!

In the end, thanks to their Mutant friends, they ignored the past suspicions and, after noticing the Skrulls' plan, resolutely sent X-Men to rescue him and kill those evil Skrulls.

Congressman Kelly speaks so passionately that people can't help but be addicted to it and feel scared of the villain Skrulls in it!

"My compatriots, do you know what the existence of the Skrulls means?"

"It means that we can't really trust anyone around us. Maybe when you don't know it, your husband, wife, parents, or even your children and colleagues have been impersonated by an alien.

"And use your status to do whatever you want!"

"Think about it! If we don't do something, in twenty years, maybe our president will be a Skrull, and all those in power will be Skrulls!"

"They will bring more Skrulls to exploit us and replace us, without our knowledge, becoming the true masters of the earth!"

"And we will be brutally killed after their plan is completed!"

"Everyone, the time has come for life and death!"

"We should unite all the forces we can to fight against the aliens led by the Skrulls!"

"Mutants are also our friends. At least we can still have children when we marry Mutants, right? They are also human beings, but Skrulls are not!"

"In those dark corners, aliens are on the move!"

"Those who don't want to be replaced, stand up!"

Kelly's remarks are extremely bold.

The thoughts it expresses make people feel not cold but serious.

In fact, many people saw his remarks, but few were willing to believe them.

The Skrulls are too far away for them, and even if they replace someone, they will hardly reveal their flaws.

They even wondered if Congressman Kelly was crazy.

However, few ordinary people are willing to believe it, but those who are aware of it are aware of the seriousness of the situation.

Their identities are exposed!

"Fury, I can assure you that I have not given any similar orders! And no one under my management has invaded the Earth without authorization.

"Guarantee? Then what did Congressman Kelly say? How did he know you existed? In a dream? Or did someone tell them?"

"Perhaps the Kree are doing something secretly. They want to use this method to make the people on earth reject us."

"The Kree are a cosmic empire. I don't think they will use such despicable methods. Okay, I just want to know if your people are still of the same mind as you!"

Talos hesitated for a moment, and with Sauron's nod, he reluctantly said: "As long as I am still in the meeting, they will not oppose humans!"

"But... you once promised to help us find a new home, but now more than ten years have passed and there is still no movement."

"Some of my tribesmen do have some complaints..."

Talos thought of a young Skrull who had reacted the most violently recently, and was even secretly forming a gang to gather some people to oppose his actions.

In fact, his current situation is not as good as Fury said. Secretly, he is even called a traitor by some people.

Because he gets too close to the people on Earth, and has no intention of finding a new home for the Skrulls, and often takes the initiative to do things for Fury.

A dignified leader of the Skrulls, now he personally works for Fury, which makes other Skrulls quite dissatisfied.

"Complaining? That means this matter may also be related to you?"

Nick Fury's face turned darker.

He always thought that he could control the power of the Skrulls and let them work for him, but he never expected that some people on the other side wanted to become the masters!

If you replace the congressmen today, you will replace the president tomorrow?

If you think about it more carefully, if they use these identities to create conflicts, wouldn't it be possible for humans to kill each other, and the Skrulls to reap the benefits!

"Taros, look at the good things you have done! You should really take good care of your people and give you three days to investigate this matter. I need a perfect answer!"

Nick Fury hung up the phone and began to think about how to deal with this matter.

If the Skrull is really dishonest, what should he do?

And Congressman Kelly... I didn't expect him to be with Mutant.

What role does Mutant play in this?

Kelly, Mutant, Skrull

He felt like things were getting out of control.

Mutant's recent actions have been too frequent and have violated the rules.

Before taking action, I didn't report to them in advance.

This means the other person has other ideas.

what are they doing?

What are those Skrulls going to do?

And Senator Kelly, was he really kidnapped by the Skrulls? Or did something else happen that made him change his mind?


Alkali Lake Dam,

It was sunny and windy outside at the moment, and the lake surface was shining brightly in the sunlight.

However, under the calm surface of the lake, Ula Ula's alarm suddenly sounded.

In the high-altitude clouds in the distance, an unidentified modified Blackbird fighter suddenly appeared, falling rapidly at a speed exceeding Mach 2.

When the alarm sounded, the guards in the dam changed from their previous laziness. They held weapons and came to the only entrance of the dam under the instructions of the commander.

This is the spillway, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

And under Stryker's order, they were ready to close the door and release the water.

As long as the intruder dares to break in through the spillway, he will instantly enjoy the gentle greetings of the flood.

To be on the safe side, they stood a platoon of soldiers behind the gate.

Weapons were raised and aimed at the spillway gate from all angles.

Everyone is nervously waiting for the war to begin.

Although they seem to have a sure chance of victory, they dare not be careless because their enemy is a non-human Mutant!

"Nuo Lin, this is the spillway of the dam. Are we sure we want to enter from here?"

"I'm worried they're going to flood the spillway the second we step in."

By scanning the dam, Qin discovered the seriousness of the matter.

Others looked at Nuo Lin, waiting for his order.

"I could try to freeze that part of the lake so that the spillway doesn't work."

Iceman Bobby raised his hands and said eagerly.

Nuo Lin shook his head, "Qin, just stay on the fighter plane. Everyone else holds hands, and I will take you in."

Everyone followed suit, including Logan. They looked at Nuo Lin curiously, waiting for the next move.

Then I saw Nuo Lin carrying Wolverine forward, and others followed and plunged into the dam.

It was a wonderful feeling. They seemed to have become part of the air, and without breathing, they arrived inside the dam in a blink of an eye.

"This is Shadowcat's variant Ability!"

Others were surprised, especially Colossus Peter, who looked at Nuo Lin in a particularly strange way.

He thought about that day again, the time he was kidnapped by Katie.

That was the first time Katie had been so mean to someone.

However, in front of Nuo Lin, he always smiled. This kind of treatment made him feel deeply disappointed.

But then, he had no time to think about it.

"The next step is up to you. Get rid of all the people in this base and rescue our compatriots. Is there any problem?"

0Please ask for flowers…………

"Don't worry! I promise to complete the mission!" John lit the fire with a snap and suddenly felt his whole body on fire.

Logan just nodded and walked forward without saying a word.

As he approached Lake Alkali, his memories were constantly triggered, recalling many unforgettable things in the past.

This is his nightmare place, where he obtained Adamantium and was almost made into a weapon by Stryker!

Now he's back and he's going to destroy this place!

Led by Logan, Iceman, Pyro, and Colossus Three

The people followed behind, preparing to take over this base.

Nuo Lin, on the other hand, walked leisurely through layers of concrete walls, ignoring all the soldiers, and arrived at an experimental site.

In the middle is a glass cabin that can accommodate one person lying down, and next to it is a steaming Adamantium metal liquid. The two are connected to a computer, and there is a human-like figure on the screen.

Structural diagram, which outlines the bones of various parts of the human body.

Soon after Nuo Lin arrived here,

A group of soldiers, led by a well-dressed woman, broke into the base.

Not a word of nonsense,

The moment they saw Nuo Lin, the soldiers immediately pressed the trigger. In less than three seconds, all the bullets in a magazine were tilted towards Nuo Lin!

However, the moment all the bullets hit Nuo Lin, they were blocked by an invisible force attached to the body surface. The head of the bullet deformed into a pancake shape visible to the naked eye, and then rained down like raindrops.

It fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

"Are you still going to resist in vain? Just step aside and don't disturb me from doing my business.

Nuo Lin's lazy voice sounded, and he looked at the leading woman with a scrutinizing gaze. Her face was frosty and she looked like she should not approach strangers. Her eyes were murderous and indifferent. If you look closely,

It can be seen from the heart that her eyes are as dull as a Deadman.

Under that black leather jacket, she couldn't hide her graceful figure.

She said nothing since she came in, and just looked at Nuo Lin as if she were prey.

The soldiers remained silent, even though their pupils were full of fear. In their eyes, Nuo Lin was not a human being at all.

How can anyone ignore bullets?

But their bounden duty as soldiers forced them to barely escape in front of Nuo Lin. They quickly replaced the magazine and some even took off the grenade.

"Tsk, why are you risking your lives for a few thousand dollars!"

Seeing this, Nuo Lin said no more, his eyes turned red, and two heat visions swept across all the soldiers in one second.

When Nuo Lin closed his eyes, the soldiers present fell down as if belatedly, and their bodies were split into two!

Blood was sprinkled all over the ground, but the Death Girl still stood there without moving.

She crossed her hands, and each finger popped out a slender and sharp claw, which shone with silver-white metallic light under the dim incandescent light.

She was like a cheetah locking the enemy's throat, her enchanting and sharp figure suddenly popped up, but she just took a step, a figure flashed in front of her, and she was caught by Nuo Lin at some point.

Luck on the back of the neck.

The Phoenix force is activated and immediately takes out the Mind Control agent extracted from the brain fluid of the Master of Illusion that controls the dead woman.

And use Telepathy Ability to sort out the consciousness of the dead woman.

Death Girl suddenly stopped walking, her eyes became confused and then gradually became clear.

While she was half conscious, Nuo Lin's handsome face appeared in front of her, "Help me...kill Stryker!"

Nuo Lin noticed that there was something wrong with Death Woman's consciousness. When he was sorting out her memory just now, he discovered that due to the long-term Mind Control, her original memory began to become confused, and some of her original memories began to be confused.

The memory overlaps with the illusion created by the Master of Illusion. Even if she is relieved of control, she cannot truly restore the original for the time being.

However, out of hatred for Stryker who has controlled her for so long, what Death Girl wants to do most is to kill him.

Nuo Lin thought for a while, made some changes to his memory, and deleted some memories that could not be sorted out.

He needs the other person's Self-healing Ability and long lifespan, which will make up for some of his shortcomings.

After doing all this, Nuo Lin carried Death Woman on his shoulders, who could not fully regain consciousness for a while, and walked out.

For him, the mission of this operation has been completed.

But for Logan and others,

But got into a hard fight.

As the leaders of the new generation of Mutants, Pyro and Iceman are quite powerful. With Logan and Colossus in front, they can use fire and ice to quickly eliminate them.

Destroy the enemy.

I thought this mission would be completed soon.

But halfway through their advance, they finally encountered a difficult opponent.

It was a shimmering figure that could not be seen or touched.

His movements cannot be captured by the naked eye.

The opponent used some kind of sharp object to continuously attack the four people with high-speed movement.

Colossus's whole body is made of steel, so he is naturally not afraid of the opponent's attacks.

As for Logan, due to his fierce performance, he was attacked many times by the opponent. Every time he flickered, there would be another hole in his body.

John and Iceman in the rear were also injured. In order to resist the unknown enemy, they had to lean against each other. One of them set fire, and the other created ice walls, covering every space.

Cover to block enemy attacks.

As if afraid of the two men's attacks, the figure used all means on Logan. However, with Logan's reaction ability, he was unable to counterattack the opponent at all.

The battle reached a stalemate for a while.

However, the bigger trouble lies behind.

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