American Comics: Fishing All Over The World, Starting As Homelander

Chapter 51 Nick Fury Is Not A Human Being! Skill - Lockhart's Smile!

Just when Chu Mu was still in the wilderness.

New York.

The bustling city is still brightly lit at night.

This is not just a feast for the eyes, a symbol of a beautiful city that never sleeps.

Behind the seemingly glamorous scene, there are actually many people staying up late and working overtime.

"Papa papa ~"

This is not a heart-pounding sound.

It's just a hard-working worker who has to work overtime in the middle of the night and makes sounds by typing on the keyboard.

Top agent Hill is still struggling in the newspaper office.

"Fury, I need you to send me a few people to assist me in my daily work, otherwise I will have to die gloriously due to sudden death."

It’s hard to finalize the content for tomorrow’s additional edition.

Hill only felt that she had aged ten years, and she couldn't help but send a message for help to her real boss.


these days.

Hill cannot get the most basic guarantee of sleep every day. Even with her excellent physical fitness, she still feels that her body is seriously deficient.

She wanted to lighten some of her burdens.


"Have you finished your newspaper work today? It just so happens that there are not enough manpower here in New York today, so go and assist the group of agents who are tracking the skulls."

The real boss, Hei Lu Dan, did not show consideration for Hill or even express his polite concern. Instead, he assigned Hill another overtime task.

"When Hill sent me a message, he must have wanted to take the initiative to work overtime. Well, what an excellent agent." Nick. Fury was very inappropriate on the other end of the communicator.

Fortunately, Hill didn't hear what he said, otherwise he would have been tempted to rebel. In fact, you can't blame Nick. Fury entirely for being unkind.

He had been troubled by the recent series of supernatural events.

Who would have thought that it would be midnight today.

Another flaming skeleton actually appeared. This skeleton passed through the entire New York City area and is still speeding on the suburban streets.

Can it be handled?

It is absolutely impossible not to deal with it!

Nick. Fury sent people out, but he received negative feedback from the tracking agents one after another. He was worried that there was no reliable agent to use.

Hill sent this message...

The only thing is that he self-recommended, giving Nick. Fury the opportunity to send tasks to Hill.

"I shouldn't have sent this message!"

Hill felt like his eyes were darkened!

She really wanted to fall to the ground unconscious like this. It would be best to sleep for three days and three nights before waking up.


Even though his body felt very empty and his vision was slightly dark, the blissful coma never came to Hill.

Since he could not enjoy the happiness of being in a coma, Hill could only grit his teeth, return to his car and quickly change into another set of work clothes.

The role switching is so quick.

During the day, he is a media person who criticizes the government and various official organizations. At night, he becomes the target of his own criticism.

I have to say that Hill is quite dedicated.

"Damn skeletons, they come out to cause trouble in the middle of the night. Where did this monster-like guy come from?"

Hill complained and started the car.

She quickly changed from working as a newspaper media person to working as an agent, and began to contact and direct the agent who was tracking this time.

One thing to say, when faced with such a mysterious and supernatural target, Hill actually doesn't have much work experience.


With her joining, the agents, who had become somewhat undisciplined because they faced supernatural things for the first time, quickly returned to the working level that an agent should have.


"The report states that the speed of the other party's motorcycle has exceeded 400 kilometers per hour. We can only bite behind it and cannot get close.

The agents still couldn't keep up with Ghost Rider's unscientific driving speed.

A two-wheeled motorcycle.

It's really unscientific to be able to run so fast...

"This motorcycle... the speed is too abnormal."

Hill looked at the real-time satellite monitoring screen on her mobile phone. A long flame was dragging and flying. She couldn't help but feel that the skull was the spokesperson of Harley-Davidson. Also, how much did Harley pay for this skull thing, and how much did the group let it ride? I traveled all over New York on a Harley motorcycle and still raced in the suburbs!

Complaints are complaints.

Hill still did not miss work.

She also started her modified car, preparing to attack the flaming skeleton with other agents.

She was also curious.

This skeleton stretches across New York.

Travel thousands of miles.

What is the purpose…………

You can't really advertise motorcycles. These days, the advertising industry should not be involved to this extent.

About Ghost Rider.

It's not just the S.H.I.E.L.D agents who have no idea what this thing is about.

Even Chu Mu, who was the target of Ghost Rider's pursuit, was not aware of the coming danger and was still looking for a phone booth on the road in the middle of the night.


Not surprisingly, it was really difficult to find a place to make a phone call in the wilderness. Fortunately, Chu Mu saw (b GBj) an off-road vehicle approaching in the distance behind him.

"I hope it's a kind person." When the off-road vehicle was still one or two kilometers away, Chu Mu stretched out his hand and made ten international gestures for help.

On the road at night, a bloated off-road vehicle was driving quickly.

There were three people on this off-road vehicle, the elderly driver responsible for driving, and two beautiful girls with strong capital.

"Daisy, it's my fault that you had to get out of the car to go to the toilet on the way, otherwise we would definitely be able to take pictures of the reason for the abnormality in that area." A beautiful girl with blond hair and high cheekbones looked at another with swollen breasts The girl complained, with deep regret in her tone.

"Oh, really, Jane, do you think so, but I do think I saved all of us. You all saw the situation there. It was like being bombed by a missile. God, I don't think that What a natural phenomenon!”

"I think there must be some monster out there!"

The girl named Daisy immediately retorted and tried to pull the elderly driver over, "Dr. Erik, you have seen the tragedy there, right?"

The driver named Erik is actually a doctor of astronomy.

He nodded and said: "Indeed, it is very different from normal natural phenomena, but for the sake of scientific rigor, I don't think it could be the work of some monster.

This kind of speech.

It can be said that the two are not helping each other.

Older men all understand one truth, that is, when two women quarrel, they cannot let the flames of war spread to themselves.

"Daisy, we are scientists, and everything must be scientific. How can you be superstitious about those urban legends? There are no monsters or supernatural phenomena in this world. Everything can be long as we can capture it. The laws of those anomalies.”

The blonde girl named Jane spoke seriously.

"Monsters, vampires, and werewolves, why aren't they science? They are definitely science, but we haven't understood the scientific principles yet.

"Just like humans a thousand years ago would not believe in the existence of airplanes." Daisy still insisted on her statement plausibly.

To increase credibility.

She also took out her mobile phone and connected to a social platform network.

"Look, this happened just a few days ago."

This online platform is a place where people who believe in the supernatural gather. The link Daisy opened was a photo uploaded by a forum member.

I saw.

There is a blurry object in the photo that looks like it is flying at high speed in the sky. Although the specific appearance cannot be clearly seen, it is vaguely certain that it is a humanoid figure.

"Superman! There has been a lot of discussion on the forum recently! A flying super human!"

Daisy held her cell phone in front of Jane's eyes.

"Look, Jane, the facts are right in front of you." Daisy shook her phone. She was one of those who firmly believed in the existence of "Superman".

"This is just like those UFO photos. You can tell at a glance whether they are photoshopped or not. I will not believe this kind of prank to fool children.

Jane shook her head disapprovingly.

"I have other ones, high-definition ones."

Daisy still persevered, as if she had made up her mind to convince her companions.

She fiddled with her phone a few times, and then found some photos of people on fire, smashing, looting, and burning on the streets.

"You can't call this a prank, it's been in the news before." Daisy said with a proud look on her face.

"Someone has come out to refute the rumors about this matter. It is just a case of spontaneous human combustion." Jane remained unmoved and adhered to her materialistic thoughts.

"Only a fool would believe that this is a case of spontaneous combustion!"

Daisy sneered at the official refutation of the rumors. She saw that her companions had no choice but to give up even if they were not convinced.

Anyway... Daisy's goal was already achieved after she had already fooled herself into missing the abnormal weather because she went to the toilet.

"What about Superman, Pyro, and the werewolf you mentioned before? I have absolute disbelief in them until I see them with my own eyes.

"We are scientists, how can we be so superstitious?"

Jane didn't know that she had fallen into a trap, and was still trying to persuade her friend to turn around.

the scientist.

Let science speak for itself.

"There seems to be someone in front asking for help...

Suddenly, Dr. Erik, who was in charge of driving, spoke, and both girls looked towards the front of the car.

I saw...... Beside the dark road, a man in casual clothes was standing in the distance facing their car lights and making a gesture of needing help.

"How could there be anyone in a place like this at night?"

Jane was very confused.

"It can't be a vampire that comes out to look for food."

Daisy was a little excited and a little scared.

She is obviously a bit like Ye Gong who loves dragons, longing for supernatural things and being afraid of them.

"Can you be normal?"

Jane rolled her eyes at Daisy.

"Stop or not?"

Dr. Erik also feels that it is a bit strange to meet passers-by in this kind of place.

Such a deserted place does not look like it is inhabited.

And it doesn’t look like the other person’s car broke down… it’s just weird anyway.

With two beautiful girls, Dr. Erik was a little worried about meeting some bad guys. He, an old man, couldn't beat a young man in his prime.

"It's too dangerous to meet such strange people in a place like this. I think..." Daisy was about to say something, but the distance between the two parties was getting closer at this time. Through the car lights, he saw someone asking for help. The man is a handsome guy with a perfect figure!


What Daisy originally wanted to say was directly interrupted by

She swallowed it back.

She felt like her heart was moving.

Oh my god!

How could there be such a handsome guy!

Even more handsome than those stars in TV and movies!

"I think we should stop! We don't have to stop! The quality of being helpful deserves to be promoted!" Daisy began to whip the driver's seat in the back seat.

He signaled Dr. Erik, who was driving, to stop quickly.

"Didn't you just say that this was too dangerous?"

Jane felt dumbfounded because she had a friend with a cute face. She could often see him slap him in the face, transforming into a nymphomaniac.

"How can such a handsome Prince Charming be a bad guy! Even if he is! I would do it too!" Daisy fully demonstrated the thinking mode of a nymphomaniac.


He also made an expression as if he wanted to be ravaged by a handsome guy.

Jane was speechless.

She didn't know how to complain about her friend.

Dr. Erik was also speechless.

Girls these days.

It really makes him, a person from the old era, not know how to evaluate it.

"Hey, let's help." Although Dr. Erik was still a little worried.

However, he still stepped on the brakes when he reached the caller.

"Wearing such expensive clothes, he shouldn't be a robber." Compared with a person's appearance, Erik prefers to judge a person based on his clothing and conversational temperament.

Identify the person's class to determine whether he is a dangerous person.

Through the window of the car, he could only judge at the first moment what kind of young man this person was from Chu Mu's famous clothes.

The danger... to him, it's not that big.

However, upon closer inspection, I found that this requester was far more handsome than previously expected.

As a result, my students may be in trouble.

Dr. Erik secretly glanced at the rearview mirror, and sure enough, he saw his student Daisy. At the moment, his eyes could not be brighter.

Even Jane, who had always been very resistant to handsome guys, couldn't help but look at this seeker a few more times.

"I just hope this person doesn't kidnap them."

Erik sighed silently. There were already very few women in the scientific industry, and he didn't want to see the industry lose two more women.

Hooked up with a handsome guy.

There are many examples of him giving up on scientific research because of this.

"Hello, can you help me? I was thrown here by a prank friend." When Chu Mu saw a car stopped, he quickly used the [Lockhart] drawn from the Harry Potter world.

Smile] skill, showing the most approachable and charming smile.

At the same time, he has quietly used a trick to create something out of nothing. He has no choice but to tell the truth and tell these ordinary people that he had a fight with the devil.

Compared with the kind of truth that would be regarded as a lunatic, it is obviously more appropriate to use it as a prank by friends. After all, there are many people in the great free country who like to make such jokes.

"It's definitely okay to help! Handsome guy! Get in the car quickly! Those bad friends of yours are really too much!" The girl with a voluptuous figure did not doubt Chu Mu's statement at all, while she defended Chu Mu

Feeling aggrieved, he opened the rear door and signaled Chu Mu to get in the car quickly.


As expected of a handsome guy!

When I smile... I feel like my heart is about to melt.

This is definitely the most charming smile I have ever seen in my life!

Daisy thought so in her heart.

She didn't know... everything was affected by the skill effect, which made Chu Mu's image in her heart suddenly become much more favorable.

Lockhart, the author of Harry Potter, had a knack for attracting girls with his smile.

Chu Mu has proven this with his skills more than once.

And now.

Obviously, the effect is still excellent————Chu Mu saw the girl in front of him with her eyes blurred. This time, it was obviously no problem to hit the car.

"What a free ride."

Chu Mu couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the skill [Lockhart's Smile] in her heart. .

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