American comics: Brother-in-law, Superman, I practice the method of covering the sky

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Two Monsters

"I participated in a networking event, ran a raffle, and guess what?

I hit the jackpot!".

Women deserve to be natural actors.

This came out of Chloe's mouth as if it were true.

"Good luck. "

The envy in Clark's eyes was about to take shape.

Soon Clark was trying to get behind the wheel of the new car.

He liked it very much.

"Let's get down to business, the day after tomorrow, Chloe and I are ready to leave for that town called Hawkins.

Do you want to come along?

It's definitely going to be fun.

When the time comes, this car will let you and Chloe switch cars. "

An hour later, Donald let the two of them enjoy driving their new car for a while, and then got down to business.

"I'll have to ask my dad, there's been a lot of work on the farm lately, maybe I'll stay and help. "

Superman in his youth can definitely be said to be a good baby.

In the past, Kent Farm would occasionally hire three or five workers on a temporary basis, but since Clark grew up, this has not happened again, after all, it is easy for him to do the work of 10 people by himself.

Eat less, do more, and don't get paid.

Proper cheap labor.

It can't be said that there is no salary at all, Clark has $20 per month in pocket money.

In the whole school, that's in the low to medium level.

"I'm sure your father doesn't mind that you have 10 days and a half of your life during the summer vacation. "

Jonathan Kent is a very rigid guy who usually asks for superman, and he can't do this, and he can't do that.

But at the root of it all is that doing these things is easy to expose Superman's unusualness.

If there is no risk of exposure, then he is still more than willing to let Superman participate in group activities.

In the words of the Hokage, it is called bonding, and in scientific terms, it is for the mental health of this son.

"I'll try. "

After that, the two siblings went to find Lana Blue and Pietros.

It's clear that the black guy has his own ideas.

It seems that he is going to the Metropolitan to find his old watch.

And Clarke, for his part, also gave a reply.

Finally 4 people.

Two men and two women.

Donald, his siblings, plus Superman, plus Lana Blue.

Soon the time was two days away.

Everyone prepared a small change of clothes and some things that might be needed on the way, such as some food, tents and tools.

Then drive to Colorado.

First of all, everyone came to a camping camp in the Grand Canyon.

Two tents were erected.

Two little girls have a tent, and Donald and Superman have a tent.

The Grand Canyon is a desert, so there are no large carnivorous beasts.

You can't feed these things without that much food, but small ones like coyotes and foxes still have them.

Even if there are large carnivorous beasts, in the face of Superman, Donald and the like, it is also a food delivery.

"Clark, I always felt like you were hiding something from all of us. "

Late at night, the two men were still keeping vigil outside.

They lit a small bonfire around it, and used it to drive away wild beasts.

By the way, grill a sausage, grill a chicken wing, or something.

The two are both classmates and neighbors who grew up together.

The relationship is still quite good.


How come I don't know what I'm hiding from everyone?".

Superman's heart chuckled.

For these hard-won friends and precious friendships, Superman still cherishes them very, very much.

"That's only you know.

In fact, sometimes, you underestimate the ability of your friends to bear it. "

Donald said meaningfully.

Camping at the Grand Canyon took a total of one day.

Then everyone thought it was too boring, the place was bare and too hot during the day.

Is there any clean water around that you can use for bathing?

Both girls felt that they were sticky and uncomfortable.

"I said, don't you two have pores on your bodies?

I won't sweat. "

As a journalist, and a journalist who went to the Pulitzer Prize, Chloe usually honed her observation skills, consciously or unconsciously.

Donald and Clark didn't have a drop of sweat on them, and she naturally found out.

"Maybe. "

Donald said with a pout.

After another day, they finally arrived in the small town of Hawkins.

They didn't stay in a motel.

For Donald, it's too low.

He went straight to a local agent and rented a short-term rental villa.

The kind with a pool.

The villa area is about 1 km from the town centre.

The road is lined with woods.

Maybe it's because the land is more fertile, and the trees here grow very luxuriantly, and at night there is not a trace of moonlight that spills in, and it looks particularly dark.

The four people who had just finished buying some daily necessities, mainly food, in the commercial street in the center of the town, and then returned, were walking back slowly.

As for why she should hike and not drive, that was Chloe's idea, of course.

A new type of beast has emerged here.

And it's a large carnivorous beast.

If you drive, there is 100% no hope of seeing this beast.

But if you're hiking, use your body as bait to see this new type of beast.

As for why she is not afraid, it is of course because she believes in her brother.

My younger brother has been fighting very well since he was a child, and he has a lot of strength and agility, definitely surpassing the average professional martial arts athlete.

Not to mention that this time for their own safety, they are quite well prepared.

Revolvers, daggers, and even steel bracers were brought.

In Chloe's cognition, as long as it is a carnivorous beast that lives on land, its size is generally not too outrageous, at least it is impossible to surpass the male lion and the bear tiger.

In that case, the pistol could definitely threaten the life of such a beast.

This tiger girl is still quite bold.

It's just that Donald kind of hates iron and steel.

Didn't you see that Lana Blue had shrunk into her arms out of fear?

Even if you're really not afraid, you pretend to be scared of me.

If this continues, when will the layer of window paper between this old lady and Clark be pierced?

He's wanted to be Superman's brother-in-law for a long time.

"I didn't expect the opportunity to confess so soon. "

Donald smiled.

Although he didn't take the initiative to release his divine sense, he had already cultivated to the peak of the four extremes, and this cultivation was placed in the cultivation world, and in the ordinary Cave Heaven Blessed Land, it was all at the level of the sect master.

With his keen spiritual sense and super five senses, he had already noticed that 500 meters away, a group of wild beasts were running towards them at a rapid pace.

There are two kinds of these beasts.

One looks a little bigger than a gray wolf, a little smaller than a liger, and on all fours, it feels like a bigger dog.

The other looks somewhat similar to a human body, with upright feet, but is very tall, estimated to be around 2.5 meters.

Elongated body shape.

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