American comics: Brother-in-law, Superman, I practice the method of covering the sky

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Can Superman Harvest Superman?

"Bang...... Smack!".

This sound is not the sound of a double kick.

It was the sound of Superman being smashed by Donald punch for hundreds of meters and hitting the canyon wall.

"Donald, are you really?".

Clark rubbed his cheek.

Fortunately, he is thick-skinned, otherwise he would have to break his appearance if he went down with such a punch.

"Clarke, you'd better give it your all, and if you can beat me today, I can give you a little bit of information about your origins. "

Donald knew that Clark had been looking for his origins ever since he was sensible and had discovered what made him unique.

Who am I, where do I come from, where am I going?

For others, these three questions are the ultimate three questions of life, a philosophical proposition that will never be answered.

But for Clark, it's a reality because he's adopted, and he's different, knowing he's not a native.

For Clark, Donald is a bit mysterious, he said that he knows his background, and he doesn't lie to himself.

At least there's always a little bit of knowing.

"Tell me!".

The guy got excited.

Seeing this, Donald knew that Superman should be able to exert his full strength at this time.

"I've said it before, I'll tell you if I win. "

Donald hooked his finger at Clark.

Clark touched the ground on tiptoe, and in an instant, the speed broke through to Mach 5.

It seems that he still deliberately hid his strength just now.

I didn't expect the progress to be so fast during this time.

When I was in Hawkins, I was just over Mach 2.

Sure enough, after entering puberty, Superman's strength is the same day by day.

Fortunately, for now, Superman is not his opponent at all.

Donald took out a speed similar to Superman's, and also punched over.

The fists of the two people collided, and a huge amount of energy exploded, forming a shockwave.

You know, the relative velocity of two people has reached Mach 10.

There is a saying in the military that says so.

A double kick of 10 times the speed of sound can smash it into a big hole in the ground even if it doesn't explode.

The two of them each took a few steps back, and then instantly continued to fight forward.

In the distance, Al couldn't see the two men clearly.

The speed was too fast, and the whole small valley was full of remnants.

These remnants have become less and less common over time.

This shows that the speed of the two is getting faster and faster, and it has exceeded the time that the image stays on the retina.

Donald felt very obvious about this, and Clark was only Mach 5 at the beginning.

After 10 minutes of play, he was already at Mach 8.

It's just cheating.

Others are also making rapid progress in terms of strength.

At the beginning, the force was about 1,000 tons, and now it should be more than 1,500 tons.

Of course, this is not to say that his body has become stronger, but that he has the strength to play it before, and his power skills are too poor.

He was supposed to have a power of 1500 tons.

It's just that the utilization rate of forces was only more than 60% before.

This is also normal.

Superman's father, Jonathan, has always kept him from using his powers.

Without practice, Xi can't give full play to your strength, it's normal.

After 10 minutes, Clark's strength was still increasing, but the increase was very, very slow.

Technique is a thing.

Each part of the human body contains multiple lever structures.

Some increase strength with effort, while others increase speed with effort.

But there is a limit to the torque of these levers.

It is impossible to say give me a fulcrum and give me a stick long enough to pry the earth up.

The length of the bone is there, and there is no way to extend.

And the so-called power technique is the limit of leverage.

Superman has a super brain.

In the fight with Donald, crazy to learn experience.

It's been 10 minutes now, and the various power skills have basically reached the peak, and there is no need to think about it anymore.

As he played, Donald noticed that Superman's eyes were a little red.

It looks like it's time to awaken the scorching ray.

Then give him a little more force.

Donald instantly boosts his speed.

The original Mach 8 directly became Mach 20, and then a side kick kicked Superman 300 meters away.

So far, even if Clark is honest, he has played a real fire.

Clark emerged from the rubble pile 300 meters away, and felt his eyes heat up.

Two transparent rays of light that others couldn't see instantly pierced the air and hit Donald's body.

Donald didn't make any defenses.

It's not that he's too late.

Instead, he wanted to feel how hot the scorching rays that had just awakened were really hot.

Since Clark is a scorching ray awakened in anger, he should be at full power now, and it is impossible to retain any strength.


Dissolving iron can do it.

Not bad.

It's a pity that it is not enough to hurt me. "

The god of Donald's Dao Palace, the Red Emperor, has the Red Emperor Fire Emperor Fist in one hand, and the temperature can reach more than 10,000 degrees, and even the air will be burned.

Keep in mind that the temperature on the surface of the sun is only 6000°C.

However, there is nothing particularly remarkable about this temperature, mainly depending on the energy it contains.

If only it was a flash.

The temperature in the center of the little boy is hundreds of millions of degrees, doesn't the little devil still say a word?

It's just that I've become an acquaintance.

After feeling the temperature of the scorching ray, Donald instantly rushed in front of Superman at a speed of Mach 20, grabbed his face, and then pressed it to the ground, and his whole head was pressed into the ground.

I don't know if I can plant a Superman now, and when autumn comes, I can harvest 10 Supermen.

"Clark, it looks like you can't win me yet.

Next time, I'll tell you the next time you win me. "

Although Superman was not hurt much this time, he was directly stunned.

The whole person is a little dizzy.

"I'm going to beat you!" Donald. "

After shaking his head and shaking off that feeling, Clark looked determined.

"I believe, come on, lad. "

Donald patted Clark on the shoulder as if he were encouraging his junior.

"Alright, Al, it's your turn to test. "

Donald looked at Al hiding in the distance and beckoned to her.

"Brother Donald, can my test not be so violent?

I don't have Clark's physical strength.

You could be punched to death. "

Al was a little scared, after all, the test just now was too violent, look at this small valley now.

It felt like being bombarded by 100 tanks for half an hour.

"Rest assured, your test is not the same.

Clark is tested this way because of his rough skin and thick flesh, and your test will be a little more delicate than his. "

Donald rubbed Al, the short hair that was almost sucked on the scalp, not to mention, it was quite comfortable, a little prickly.

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