American Comics: Angels Descend

Chapter 43

The money for just one solar particle cannon is enough to build several space battleships.

However, in terms of deterrence, even a hundred space battleships are not as effective as a solar particle cannon. It is easy to destroy a large city. This terrible force is almost impossible to defend against with the current technology on Earth.

Nuclear bombs need a delivery tool and can be intercepted, which is impossible to intercept at the speed of the solar particle cannon.

It can hit whatever it points to.

Faced with such a huge temptation, it would be strange if Hadar and Nick Fury were not tempted.

"Lin, is there really nothing to discuss?" the old bald man asked unwillingly.

"This is a matter of purchasing weapons. If you don't have money, you don't have to install them."

Lin Xuan shook his head.

How could he let go of such a good opportunity to strike?

Anyway, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Science, and S.H.I.E.L.D. are all fat sheep, so it would be a waste if he didn't kill them.


Our Ministry of National Defense wants to purchase two.

"General, you will be thankful for your decision today for the rest of your life."

Lin Xuan laughed

"Angel Technology can provide supporting services. This particle cannon is best installed on a satellite or spacecraft. If the Ministry of Defense does not have a suitable carrier platform, Angel Technology can also help launch the satellite for only $200 million."

"No need."

Hadar shook his head:"Our space station can carry such weapons."


He nodded slightly.

This is a good thing. The Ministry of Defense spent 60 billion US dollars to let Lin Xuan install weapons for himself.

Where can you find such a good thing?

"Mr. Lin, tomorrow a special person will come to discuss purchasing matters with you."

Hadar smiled.

After completing this batch of purchases, his position should be able to move up.

"Just let them go to the Angel Building and meet with my secretary Liz."

Lin Xuan looked at Nick Fury:"Nick, have you decided, do you want it or not?"

"Yes, of course I don't want it."

Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., gritted his teeth, stamped his feet and shouted.

Then he lowered his voice and said,"Lin, I'll give you Hill, how about you give me a particle cannon for free?"

"Get lost."

Lin Xuan cursed angrily:"It would be better if you gave all your SHIELD to me."

Nick Fury shrank his neck, looking embarrassed.

"Even if Hill is made of gold, it is not worth this price."

Lin Xuan complained

"I'll call Liz later. Your spaceship can start construction tomorrow. Angel Technology also has many new weapons to choose from. Go to Angel Building by yourself."

"Lin, I hope you can deliver a solar particle cannon to us as soon as possible."

Hadar said hurriedly

"No problem, it's a small matter."

Lin Xuan waved his hand. Anyway, it's not difficult to make that thing.

Let the laboratory work overtime and it will be completed in ten days or half a month.

Then he showed a few more weapons. Although they were not as powerful as the previous particle cannon, they also made Nick and the other two envious.

Sure enough, compared with the weapons of Angel Technology, the technology they have is really outdated.

As a result, after watching the weapons display, the three guys didn't even eat, and couldn't wait to leave.

"Boss, you showed so many weapons today, aren't you afraid of being targeted by the federal government?"

Alice wondered.

"What are you afraid of?"

Lin Xuan shook his head

"They don't have the guts to touch me."

Those government officials are not fools.

After lunch and a short rest, he continued to practice in the laboratory.

Days passed.

The aerospace giant ship has been started, and the first solar particle cannon has been delivered to the Ministry of Defense.

Hundreds of billions of dollars have been received, and after the project is completed, there will be tens of billions of dollars in balance.

All in all, hundreds of billions of dollars have been easily earned.

This is the power of science.

Science is productivity, and technology is wealth.

Later, under the matchmaking of the Ministry of Defense, the military began to carry out large-scale technical exchanges and cooperation with Angel Technology.

Of course, this kind of exchange is not free. In addition to the huge tuition fees, the military and the government have added many preferential conditions to Angel Technology.

Lower taxes and a higher voice in various projects.

Especially in the arms industry, the military All the large bidding projects in the next few years have been won by Angel Technology.

Lin Xuan made a lot of money again.

In the blink of an eye, several months have passed.

In addition to practicing in the villa, Lin Xuan works in the underground laboratory.

The data model of the Invincible Body has been basically constructed. The next step is to test it. After the test is completed, the six-frequency operation will be reversed.

It is expected that around the middle of next year, the six-frequency operation framework of the Invincible Body will be completed.

The nuclear fusion research of the Energy Laboratory has also made great progress. Once the new material research is completed, micro-controlled nuclear fusion can be produced.

The Black Armor Laboratory located in the Mosanya Space-Based Building has sufficient vibranium.

It is vigorously promoting the development of dark alloy armor.

The huge Angel Technology is fully committed. When it is running, the energy it releases is absolutely enormous.

After completing the industrial adjustment, all departments are expanding.

And Lin Xuan's wealth is also increasing rapidly. In just half a year, he has basically recovered the investment money.

At the end of the year shareholders' meeting, he directly took out 30 billion US dollars to distribute dividends to those guys.

The military and political circles divided more than 10 billion US dollars, which made Marshall and Lincoln very excited.

At the same time, he also took out 10 billion US dollars to reward Angel Technology's employees.

Overnight, the Federation had several more billionaires and hundreds of multi-millionaires.

Even ordinary employees got a lot, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars, and as little as a few thousand dollars.

For a while, Angel Technology once again became the cusp of the fishing reel.

Countless people want to join Angel Technology, After all, as long as you become one of the employees, even if you are just an ordinary employee, you will live a life without worries about food and clothing.

It is conceivable how crazy next year's job fair will be.

On the Forbes wealth list, Lin Xuan's ranking was once among the top ten in the world. His net worth reached 100 billion US dollars, but this is only on the surface. If you count the industries in Mosanya and other places.

His net worth will skyrocket.

There are even many economists who bluntly stated that Lin Xuan's net worth is already the first in the world. They call Angel Technology the most dazzling pearl in the federal civilization.

Many people disagree with this view, but the vast majority of people agree. Lin Xuan, who was in the center of the fishing reel, was drinking coffee in his office at this time. Hill stood in front of him uncomfortably.

"Christmas is coming soon. In view of your excellent performance during this period, the company has decided to agree to your request for leave."

Lin Xuan said softly.


Hill was surprised.

In the past few months, she hadn't had a day off. She was exhausted by Lin Xuan's exploits.

"This is your year-end bonus.

He took out a bag from the drawer.

"Count them yourself, and don't say that I am a heartless boss."

Hill took the bag and opened it. Inside were piles of US dollars.

A full five hundred thousand.

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