American Comics: Angels Descend

Chapter 35

Hill's fighting skills are still too immature in front of a murderous devil like Shaq.

An agent is an agent, not a warrior.

Every year during his vacation, Shaq's favorite thing is to go hunting in Siberia and Africa.

But they never use guns for hunting, they always use cold weapons. Last year, Shaq hunted a brown bear in Siberia with a dagger. He also brought back the bear paws and bear skin for Lin Xuan.

After being thrown from behind, Hill struggled to get up. She didn't dare to fight Shaq anymore and could only dodge continuously.

But she had good perseverance and didn't give up even after being hit several times.

Lin Xuan was watching with great interest when the phone on the table suddenly rang.

He picked it up and asked,"Who is it?"

"It's me."

A deep voice came from the phone.

"Who are you?" he asked rudely.

"Nick Fury"

"I haven't heard of it."

After the call was hung up, Lin Xuan looked amused. This guy actually called his office.

In the office, Hill���He stopped dodging, and Shaq couldn't do anything to him for a while.

He cursed:"Shaq, did you miss your meal?"

""You're so nagging, like a woman."

After being scolded by Lin Xuan, Shaq was embarrassed. He was an instructor of the Navy SEALs, but he couldn't even take down a woman.

He yelled, cursing Fuck, and kicked Hill with a whip kick.

The continuous kicks were powerful and heavy.

In a secret military base somewhere in Manhattan.

Nick Fury's already dark face was like a piece of charcoal. He was holding a phone in his hand, shaking with anger.

The screen was playing the scene of the fight in Lin Xuan's office.


Hill was hit by a punch and fell off the wall. He struggled to get up.


Barton slammed his fist on the table, his face gloomy, and the faces of the other agents were not good either.

As a senior agent, Hill had a high status in S.H.I.E.L.D., but now he was humiliated like this.

"Chief, why don't you let me go there?" said the good old man Coulson.

"Because of Natasha's incident, Lin Xuan was wary of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Coulson, this Lin Xuan is too much."

Barton was dissatisfied

"It's not about Natasha, it's mainly because of my wrong decision."

Nick Fury shook his head.

The main reason for this matter was the mistake of the government's decision-making level, and SHIELD was just an executor.

But they underestimated Lin Xuan and the power of Angel Technology.

This led to the current situation.

"Those idiots, they were the ones who allowed us to infiltrate Angel Technology before, and they are the ones who are going to protect Lin Xuan now."

Barton cursed

"Nick, why don't I go?"

Natasha volunteered:"It was my mission in the beginning."

"This Shaq is not a simple character."

Coulson sighed:"I have seen his file before. He won the fighting championship for 33 consecutive times and held the record for bare-handed killing. Such a talent was poached to be a guard."

"This is the power of the dollar.

Nick Fury sighed.

In the office, Hill was hit by a heavy hammer again, lying on the ground and struggling to stand up again.

"You still have a chance if you give up now."

Lin Xuan said.

Hill ignored him and stared at Shaq.

""You have perseverance."

He praised, and a small particle rolled to his feet. Lin Xuan picked it up and put it on the table.

""Everyone, do you like it?"

He said to the black particles.

Inside the military base, the screen showed Lin Xuan's face.

This sentence was naturally said to everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Inside the base, the agents looked at each other in bewilderment. It was obvious that the other party had known Hill's identity for a long time.

Nick Fury calmed down, took out his phone, and dialed Lin Xuan's number again.

"Lin, I think this is really a misunderstanding.

Nick kept his attitude low.

"Isn't it exciting?"

Lin Xuan chuckled:"I have to say that your SHIELD agents are not very capable, but they have a very stubborn temper."

""Lin, I think we need a face-to-face communication to clarify the previous misunderstanding."

Nick Fury said hurriedly.

Hill is not only an agent, but also his right-hand man, an indispensable figure in S.H.I.E.L.D.

If he were gone, Nick Fury would have no place to cry.

"All right, come to the Angel Building in three days and we'll talk face to face."

After that, the phone was hung up and the picture on the screen disappeared.

Nick Fury's heart was finally relieved. Now it seems that Hill should be saved.

As for using force to snatch people, SHIELD does not have the ability or authority to do so. They cannot mobilize the army, and they can't even enter the Angel Building with their agents alone.

If they are not careful, they may be surrounded by the army.


Hill's body flew out three meters like a cannonball, smashing two tea tables before stopping.

But this time, she couldn't stand up. She struggled twice before fainting.

"Shaq, that's enough, don't really beat him to death."

Lin Xuan said

"Boss, this person should have a military background."

Shaq said:"I think her fighting skills are very similar"


"You did a good job, I'll give you a raise this year."

Lin Xuan said with a smile, and severely dealt with the SHIELD agent, which not only vented Lin Xuan's anger, but also made him proud.

"Thanks, boss."

Shaq grinned.

""Go out."

Lin Xuan waved his hand, and two mechanical arms picked up Hill, who was lying on the ground and covered in blood.

The wall cracked, and a huge glass container appeared, filled with emerald green liquid.

The mechanical arm put Hill into the container and soaked him in the liquid.

The wound on Hill's body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is a biological medicine developed by Angel Technology, which contains powerful energy.

It can help heal physical injuries, and has the effect of delaying aging and strengthening the body. It can be used externally or internally. This thing is used by Angel Technology for its own use and is not sold to the outside.

When Lin Xuan developed it, When I came here, I just wanted to use it to strengthen my body.

I didn't expect the effect to be so good that only some major shareholders knew about it. For example, Lincoln and Marshall had used this medicine.

Senior employees of Angel Technology also have the opportunity to use it when they make great contributions.

In fact, for Lin Xuan, this thing is not worth much. Most of the time, he uses it to win people's hearts.

After soaking in the biological medicine for two hours, Hill's surface injuries were basically healed.

But he didn't wake up.

Shaq's fist is not so easy to take. His internal organs were shattered and even many bones were broken.

As time passed, the color of the medicine became lighter and lighter.

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