American Comics: Angels Descend

Chapter 137

He looked into the depths of the starry sky, where a huge fireball was burning, and the energy it released nourished the entire solar system.

The sun, the source of life for all things on Earth, has existed for billions of years.

Now, this star will become the energy source for Lin Xuan to forge a divine body, and once again give birth to a powerful god. A huge space gate appeared in the starry sky, and the energy vortex rotated, like a black hole, swallowing everything.

Lin Xuan took the lead and walked into it, followed by all the angel warriors.

Inside the huge wormhole, the space was constantly folding and compressing, and mysterious lines appeared one after another, maintaining the space wormhole from collapsing.

In an instant, Lin Xuan appeared on a desolate planet with the angels. The fierce sunlight enveloped the planet, the heat waves rolled, and the yellow sand flew.

This is Mercury, the planet closest to the sun in the solar system.

It is subjected to strong high temperatures and radiation all the time.

The highest temperature reaches more than 400 degrees Celsius, and at night it will drop to more than 100 degrees below zero Celsius.

Ordinary carbon-based life cannot survive on this planet, in addition to the huge temperature difference, there is also strong radiation.

But this temperature is not a concern for the invincible super soldier.

"Emperor, do you need to build a space transmission node on Mercury?"

Leng asked

"No, just wait for me here."

Lin Xuan said

"I am going to a place millions of kilometers away from the surface of the sun."

His face showed a solemn expression:"The space there is impacted by the energy of the star, it is extremely unstable, and the temperature has reached a terrifying height. Your energy shield cannot resist it."

""Your Majesty, let Leng and I go with you."

Ling Feng said

"You will stay on Mercury with the combat team, and remember to shut down all communication signals."

Although Lingfeng and Leng are stronger than other third-generation super soldiers, they are still not enough to withstand such terrifying energy.

The space gate appeared, and Lin Xuan walked into it without looking back.

The closer to the sun, the more unstable the space is, and powerful energy is everywhere.

Even the space wormhole will be affected. If he hadn't practiced a lot of high-end space magic in Kamar-Taj, he would never have come here.

""I'm clearly in a space wormhole, but I feel like my body is about to melt."

Lin Xuan muttered softly.

Even with the space barrier, it was completely unable to block the increasingly terrifying temperature.

His mind kept updating the coordinates to avoid going in the wrong direction.

After a few seconds, Lin Xuan walked out of the space wormhole, and it was as if there was only a world of fire left.


The whole world was a fiery color, the space was extremely distorted, and the powerful energy was about to make his blood boil!

"Warning, Warning"

"Temperature is too high"

"Apply to open the energy passport."

Even the indestructible body of Vajra could not withstand this energy.

The azure shield protected his body, and the burning feeling of melting disappeared. The huge sun was invisible in his eyes, and Lin Xuan did not dare to go deeper.

Otherwise, there would be only one way to go. In this starry sky, terrifying energy was everywhere, a piece of orange

"Such pure energy."

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and couldn't help but say.

The energy of a fusion reactor is not even one billionth of that of a star.

He felt that every cell in his body was cheering.

From an invincible body to a divine body, there is no need for genetic modification.

Because theoretically speaking, an invincible body is already the limit of the body.

The difference between a god and an invincible body lies in the engine, energy, and operating system used by the divine body.

In short, the hardware of the two bodies is basically the same, and the difference lies in the software.

Gods have faster computing cores, more powerful means of attack, and more efficient energy utilization.

And The most important thing is that the energy level is higher, and after completing the upgrade of these software, it will feed back to the physical body.

Thus, the invincible body will be upgraded to a divine body, making the divine body more powerful.

It is not to upgrade the invincible body to a divine body first and then upgrade various software configurations.

This is a logical order.

The first step is to implant a sacred engine in the body, and then write the stellar energy code into the cells.

Immediately after that, implant stellar drive technology, and then construct an eight-frequency computing core.

Finally, change the energy core in the body from nuclear fusion to stellar energy.

Complete the charging, activate the engine, and then write the definition to the divine body. This is the complete process


A space thousands of kilometers away from him was directly annihilated by the gushing stellar energy, the space collapsed, and then quickly healed.

Lin Xuan's eyelids twitched wildly. Within this distance, the space was extremely unstable, resulting in his weak control over the space.

It was not like on Earth, where a thought could instantly appear a few light years away.

The closer to the sun, the more unstable the space, and the stronger the solar storm.

If you are not careful, the space will collapse, and you won't even have a chance to escape. You will be directly annihilated by the space storm, or exiled to an unknown starry sky in this universe.

Without coordinates, he didn't know when he would be able to return to Earth.

Lin Xuan sat cross-legged, and a powerful energy burst instantly expanded the energy shield, covering the space of hundreds of meters in radius.

Although he can't directly extract energy from the star now, he can absorb the energy of these solar storms to replenish his own consumption.

After all, when upgrading the invincible body, Lin Xuan implanted the primary stellar energy code in his cells.


The violent solar wind rushed out from the surface of the star, like a tide, exploding in the starry sky, sweeping in all directions. Wherever it passed, the powerful particle flow, radiation and energy annihilated the cosmic dust.

When the solar wind came in front of Lin Xuan, the space trembled, and the azure energy shield also trembled, and it could break at any time.

The energy storm was like a tide, endless, and Lin Xuan frowned slightly.

With a thought, the shaky energy shield glowed brightly and stabilized instantly.

""Start energy absorption."

The six-frequency computing core was running at full speed, and a part of the energy was stripped from the solar wind, passed through the halo, and entered Lin Xuan's body to replenish his energy.

But even this little bit was terrifying enough.

It could easily annihilate a city.

Not destroy, but annihilate, turning into ashes, not even a slag left.

After a full hour, the terrifying solar wind slowly disappeared, and the originally violent energy on the surface of the star gradually stabilized.

Lin Xuan sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

"Start the operating system, connect to the database, and prepare to implant the sacred engine."

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