American Comics: Angels Descend

Chapter 110

A figure appeared behind Logan, thin and tall, holding a black long knife in his hand, the blade was stained with blood.

The hot blood dripped onto the deck along the blade. Lin Xuan turned around and smiled brightly at Charles.

But such a bright smile made the members of the X-Men tremble with fear. They felt cold in their hearts, as if they were in an ice cave.

"Charles, your mind control isn't that good either."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Just now, Charles wanted to use mind control to stop Lin Xuan, but his power couldn't enter Lin Xuan's mind at all. Do you really think that the invincible body and the six-frequency computing core are vegetarian?

Charles' face changed slightly. This was the first time he encountered such a situation. Magneto was because of the helmet.

Lin Xuan didn't wear any equipment, but his mind was like a fortress.

Protected by a mysterious force, Charles's mental power was instantly decomposed as soon as it came into contact with this force.

If he hadn't retreated quickly, he would have been counter-invaded by Lin Xuan's computing power.

A space wormhole appeared, and Lin Xuan inserted the long knife into the wormhole with his backhand, and walked towards Charles and others.

The crisp footsteps echoed on the deck.


The adamantium claws of Wolverine Logan's crossed hands broke off from the back of his hands, leaving a smooth cut like a mirror.


Logan knelt on the ground, his head drooping. He was no longer breathing. A thin red line appeared on his neck.

Fine blood oozed out along the red line.

One cut killed Logan in one second.


Everyone gasped.

When they looked at Lin Xuan again, their eyes were filled with horror.

Is this guy still human?


A terrifying lightning bolt fell from the sky and struck in front of him, creating a huge hole in the deck.

A storm appeared, with lightning and thunder, as if the world was about to end.

Above his head, Storm Jade opened his arms and controlled the lightning and hurricane, like a god.

"Go back."

Storm spoke, cold and emotionless.

Cyclops stood up, ready to take off the ruby eyes on his face and emit laser beams.

Lin Xuan raised his head and looked at Storm, his eyes as deep as a black hole.

"Activate six-frequency computing core"

"turning on"

"Startup Success"

"Target: Storm"

"Definition: Control the weather"

"Perform data analysis"


"One percent progress"

"Ten percent progress"

"Twenty percent progress"

"Progress is 40 percent."

Looking into Lin Xuan's deep eyes, Storm felt a strange feeling in her heart, as if those eyes had a different kind of magic.

Everything about her could not be concealed in front of those eyes.


Storm spoke.

Endless thunder gathered around her, holding up powerful lightning in her hands.

The storm was under her feet.


""Boom boom"

The huge space battleship was surrounded by thunder and hurricanes, like a sea of thunder. The terrifying lightning made people tremble with fear.

Each lightning carried violent energy.

Storm pressed down with both hands, and suddenly endless thunder gathered together and struck towards Lin Xuan.

The hurricane was enough to blow down a tall building.


He spoke, but without making any movement, all the thunder and storms were blocked by an invisible energy when they approached him.


Nick Fury and Coulson's expressions were no longer surprised, but horrified.

"Is this Lin?"

Nick Fury said to himself

"I really began to doubt his identity, whether he was a mutant or not."

Coulson said

""Doctor, what's going on?"

The blue beast stared at the calm figure.

As a teacher at the mutant school, Storm has the power to control the weather, including wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

And as the earliest veteran mutant to follow Charles, Storm's strength is unquestionable.

But now, Storm's power is completely ineffective in front of Lin Xuan.

"Eighty percent progress"

"Ninety percent progress"

"One hundred percent progress"

"Storm Girl data analysis completed"


Lin Xuan spoke, and in an instant, all the storms and lightning disappeared in an instant, as if they had never appeared.

Even the dark clouds dissipated, and the moon was dim and the sky was light.


Storm shouted.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't generate any lightning.


Storm was unwilling to give in.

Her power seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.


Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Even Charles, a learned man, couldn't figure out how this could happen.

The power of mutants could be restrained, but it wouldn't disappear out of thin air.

Storm's abilities were still there, but this space had already been defined by Lin Xuan.

She had no ability to break through Lin Xuan's computing power.


Lin Xuan said

"Whoosh whoosh"

""Whoosh whoosh!"

The next second, hurricanes appeared in all directions, and even the giant space fleet was shaking!


Lin Xuan spoke again


""Boom boom"

The originally bright night sky suddenly appeared densely packed with lightning and thunder.

The lightning and thunder shook the earth, as if there were ferocious beasts roaring.

It was deafening.


Charles could hardly calm down.

"How could he have Storm's abilities?"


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck Storm, who was dazed. She trembled all over and fell headfirst onto the deck. Her body was pitch black, like charcoal, and she was still twitching.


A bolt of lightning passed through the sky above the X-Men, and endless thunder roared.


Lin Xuan opened his mouth, and in an instant, the storm and the thunder in the sky dissipated.

"Who are you?"

Charles asked tremblingly.

"I am God."

Lin Xuan grinned.

"Bullshit God."

Cyclops cursed, took off the ruby eyes on his face, and immediately two powerful laser beams were fired from his eyes, shooting towards Lin Xuan.

Cyclops is his name and also his ability.

Because he cannot control this ability, Cyclops wears ruby eyes.

Two laser beams tore through the night sky, and violent energy rushed towards them, but soon they discovered the extremely cruel fact.

Facing the two laser beams, Lin Xuan just stretched out one hand to block them.

The terrifying energy was controlled in his palm, without even a little overflow.

The energy was directly absorbed by Lin Xuan's cells.

There was a hint of intoxication on his face.

Cyclops' face was ferocious, his eyes were about to bleed, and then the constantly increasing laser beams were all absorbed by Lin Xuan.

When facing the indestructible body of Vajra, Cyclops couldn't even break the defense.

(It can be read now, seven more, please subscribe, and please vote for the monthly ticket. I will go for the twelfth more today)

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