Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 601 - One Million Dollars

Chapter 601 One Million Dollars

Li Yong parks the car in a hidden place. After inquiring with the woman about the specific location of Jiubu Tomei’s villa, he pokes the woman into fainting with one finger and then instructs Feng Yumeng to keep an eye on her.

Feng Yumeng says in horror, “Yong, what have you done to her? Will she die?”

“She won’t die. To prevent her from escaping, I have to let her pass out for a while.” Li Yong has no choice but to do so. Had Feng Yumeng known some martial arts, he wouldn’t have had to do so.

He poked the woman’s acupuncture points by using his power, preventing her Qi and blood from circulating smoothly, which won’t be conducive for her injury recovery!

“Then can you wake my mother up? Being here alone, I am scared,” pleads Feng Yumeng.

“Don’t be afraid. I’ll be back soon.” After saying that, Li Yong gets out of the car and walks towards the tall fence of the villa area.

He doesn’t wake up Feng Qingqing, because he dislikes her alarmist talk.

Climbing over the fence with ease, Li Yong searches for the door numbered 66 among a block of luxury villas.

Luckily, he is fast. Being able to see through the night, he can see the number on the door plate from afar. Moreover, he can see through a dozen villas and see the door number farthest.

It saves him from taking a lot wrongful paths. Looking past row by row, he finds Jiubu Tomei’s villa soon.

Turning on his clairvoyant vision to look inside the three-story villa, he sees the situation inside right away.

Servants and bodyguards occupy the first floor. And the second floor is empty. So is the third floor. Li Yong finds it strange. “Could it be that Jiubu Tomei isn’t at home? If so, it will be a wasted trip.”

He ponders on it and looks down to the underground, only to be shocked. He can’t help but frown.

Because the scene underground is too shocking, stunning him.

It is a large room of more than a hundred square meters which accommodates four women and a man.

In his forties, the man is fat and short just like a dwarf wax gourd. Li Yong has seen a photo of him, knowing that he is the boss of Ruofei Company, Jiubu Tomei.

At this time, wearing an undershirt only, he holds a leather whip in his hands, patrolling in the middle of four naked women as if he were a king looking down on his territory. With a sinister and evil look in his eyes, he is arrogant and condensing. Thinking that he is unbeatable and high above others, he makes light of everything else.

One of the four young and beautiful women lies on the bed. One crawls on the floor. And another one is tied to a post. While the remaining one gets her hands tied to a rope with her feet stepping on the table.

They are all wearing black stockings and red high heels. And their naked upper bodies are painted black and red.

Twisting their asses and posing in all kinds of sexy poses, they couldn’t look more flirtatious.

From time to time, Jiubu Tomei raises the leather whip, whipping them on their bodies. And every time he does so, the women all cry out in pain. Hearing their cries of pain, Jiubu Tomei laughs as if he were enjoying himself.

They seem to have been having fun for a long time. Each woman has clear whip marks on her body. Their black stockings are ragged. Some of the whipping wounds on their bodies are bleeding. The color of their upper bodies is mixed with some of the blood and looks strange.

Li Yong gazes at them. Although these four women don’t get seriously injured, the bleeding whip marks on their bodies are shocking.

“Despite being sexually impotent, I have fun with you to my heart’s content all the same. How do you feel? Are you happy? If you feel good, you can scream out. And if you get 100 whippings from me, I will give you a million dollars,” shouts Jiubu Tomei in the Nihon language while screaming and cursing.

The women scream so loudly at first, rendering Li Yong the impression that they are in pain and making him intend to rush in to save them from the dreary situation. Gradually, he finds that the expressions on their faces show that they aren’t in pain at all. Instead, they deliberately scream very loud in monotone, sounding rhythmical with different flows of sounds.

They seem to be deliberately cooperating with Jiubu Tomei as if they were carrying out a perverted transaction between them.

A woman shouts, “Honey, whip me hard, whip me to death!”

Another woman isn’t shy, shouting as well, “Give out all your energy. We love you.”

“Seventy whippings now.” It seems that one of the women can’t take it anymore.

“Hang in there. With thirty more whippings to go, we’ll make a ton of money.” The woman, who got hung by her hands, looks yearning. It seems there were a lot of banknotes flying before her.

“B**ches! You are selling your bodies for money. I’ll whip you B**ches to death. Hahaha…” Waving the leather whip repeatedly, Jiubu Tomei whips them viciously. Like a belt, the flat leather whip gives out loud sounds. Moreover, it can hit a large number of areas. Sometimes, it can break open one’s skin without causing any fatal wounds.

Hiding in a wooded area, Li Yong admires their performance without rushing into action.

Based on Li Yong’s findings, there is only one gateway to the basement. Four sturdy bodyguards guard there. He isn’t afraid of these bodyguards. But he minds a box of explosives in the basement. If Jiubu Tomei detonates the explosives when he rushes in, no matter how excellent he is at martial arts, he is highly likely to be buried underground and be in danger.

Li Yong is not an impulsive person. In this case, he naturally wants to ensure his absolute safety.

Watching the performance of Jiubu Tomei and the four women, Li Yong can’t understand their vernacular language at all as if he were watching a silent film. Judging from their movements and expressions, he can thus associate them with some of his favorite content.

Other than that, he can’t tell anything more.

After a few minutes, Jiubu Tomei throws the leather whip away and picks up a towel to wipe his hands. With a wave of his hand, he has someone bring him a pen and paper, with which he signs a check. Then he hands it to a woman, roaring in disgust, “Get out.”

The women excuse themselves with a lot of thanks before leaving. They dare not put on their clothes. Only after exiting the basement do they support each other and start to put on the clothes in their hands.

These clothes are too short and too small to cover their bodies. Even so, they don’t care about exposing some parts of their bodies. After haphazardly putting the clothes on, they all leave in a hurry as if they went through a nightmare. They want to forget what happened here as soon as possible.

“It is indeed a perverted deal.” Li Yong considers these women pathetic, feeling that Jiubu Tomei is so cruel. Meanwhile, he considers money an evil thing. Money is the source of evil, which he thinks is damn true.

After seeing the four women leave by car, Li Yong retracts his gaze and thoughts, continuing to see through the basement.

Jiubu Tomei drinks a glass of water and rests for a while before getting up and going upstairs.

He eventually arrives on the third floor. Instead of following him, all his bodyguards rest on the first floor.

Rather than go to bed, Jiubu Tomei stands on the bed, looking at a strange pattern on the wall.

Thinking that it is a painting, Li Yong takes a closer look. Then he can’t help but clench his fist, flying into a rage.

Because it is human skin, a sun-dried one. And, it belonged to a woman.

Li Yong dares not imagine how great pain the woman suffered when Jiubu Tomei peeled off her skin. Seeing that Jiubu Tomei even did something that inhumane and terrifying, Li Yong wants to kill him.

Taking a deep breath, Li Yong no longer hesitates. Carefully circling to the back of the villa, he climbs up with his body against the wall like a gecko. Right from the first floor, he climbs onto the second floor and then to the third floor. Suddenly opening the window, he jumps in.

Jiubu Tomei is so frightened that he is about to scream. Before he can do that, Li Yong pokes a finger in the Chest’s Gate Acupoint of his. Feeling that his whole body is sore and numb, Jiubu Tomei goes limp and directly faints, falling to the ground.

Li Yong takes another look at the dry skin of a woman hanging on the wall, feeling deeply shocked. In the depths of his memory, someone used to eat human flesh and drink human blood, which he thinks isn’t as cruel as this.

Blinking his eyes with determination, Li Yong doesn’t delay any longer. Quickly walking out of the room, he goes directly to the first floor along the stairs. After gently approaching the domestic servants and bodyguards inside the villa, he pokes their acupuncture points on their bodies, making them all pass out.

Confirming that no one is awake anymore, Li Yong then unhurriedly comes to Jiubu Tomei’s bedroom. Facing this short and fat man, he directly lifts his feet and kicks him viciously to wake him up.

Jiubu Tomei rolls to the wall before opening his eyes and screaming in pain. Only then does he see Li Yong. Seeing that Li Yong is a young man by himself, Jiubu Tomei immediately gets up, jumps forward, and swings his fist to hit Li Yong.

However, before he can hit Li Yong with his fists, he is slapped in the face by Li Yong. With a crisp sound, he spins around in place. Half of his face is immediately red and swollen. And he even loses two teeth.

There is a clear slap mark on his face with fingerprints imprinted on it.

Feeling such a great force and pain, Jiubu Tomei immediately comes to his senses.

Realizing that he is no match for Li Yong, he has to stop resisting. After a moment of silence, he shouts in Nihon Language, “Help! Someone! Come quickly! Someone broke in, intending to kill me…”

Upon hearing the Nihon language, Li Yong feels that he has a headache, thinking, “Damn it. I can’t understand any word of his. And there is no way to communicate with him. What to do?

“Bang! Bang! Bang!” Feeling so angry, Li Yong raises his palm and slaps Jiubu Tomei dozens of times in a row, directly rendering his face bruised and scarred. All the teeth of his fall off. His mouth keeps bleeding. He can barely make a sound.

Despite such noises, none of the bodyguards goes up. Only after seeing this does Jiubu Tomei give up.

He realizes that before coming upstairs, Li Yong got rid of all his bodyguards.

At the thought that Li Yong may kill him, he is frightened. And his face is ashen.

He no longer resists or shouts, panting non-stop like an old dog on the verge of his death, watching his life come to an end and dying in pain.

He is scared and afraid, wondering what to do. Crawling to the side, he tries to get as far away from Li Yong as possible. It seems that by staying farther away from Li Yong, he will be safer.

Seeing that Jiubu Tomei has become submissive, Li Yong is distressed for a while.

He thinks, “Should I call Feng Yumeng? It’s not appropriate for her to know too much!”

Li Yong holds on to a sliver of hope, asking out loud, “Can you speak Huaxia language?”

Upon hearing Li Yong’s voice, Jiubu Tomei is stunned at first. Then, he spits out the blood and teeth inside his mouth, exclaiming in raw Huaxia language with a strong accent prevalent in the southeastern coast, “Are you a Huaxia national? You turned out to be a Huaxia national. You must come from Huaxia. Warrior, I know a little bit of Huaxia language. May I ask what you want from me?”

Jiubu Tomei’s Huaxia language isn’t agreeable. It is good that Li Yong can barely understand him. Feeling happy in his heart, Li Yong looks extremely serious on the surface, saying, “To kill you.” At the same time, he makes a head-chopping motion with his hands.

Jiubu Tomei is far more afraid of death than that woman. Hearing this, he immediately goes limp on the ground with shit and urine flowing all over his body. The stench of shit immediately fills the whole room. Li Yong is so furious that he hates to stomp him to death.

“Damn it. Eat it.” Li Yong slaps him once again, directly knocking him over to the ground.

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