Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 19 – The Invisible Door

Althea walked down the long corridor leading to the cathedral, holding hands with Regalus. Behind them, Jean followed from a slight distance.

The accommodation and the church were connected, with corridors spanning across the second and first floors of the accommodation. Upon opening the door at the end of the corridor, a long corridor of the church continued, culminating in the cathedral at the end.

As they walked along the long corridor leading to the cathedral, Althea and Regalus were told they could enter some rooms along the way as long as they were "unlocked," so the two enjoyed exploring.

As they enjoyed their exploration, Althea suddenly heard a voice in her ear saying, "This is it, here..." She stopped and turned back in the direction of the voice, noticing a door of a different color from the other room doors.

Didn't there used to be a door here?

She thought as she turned to Regalus.

"Big brother? Can't you hear something from this door?"

"...A door? No, I don't hear anything... But what do you mean by 'here'? ...There doesn't seem to be a door here, though..."

"Huh, brother, can't you see the door?"

Surprised, Althea turned back to look at Regalus, then turned back to the door again.

"No way... there's... no door..."


"...It is true! Big brother. There was a door here earlier, and it said, 'This is it, here...'"

As she spoke, she gradually lowered her head, and Regalus gently patted her on the head.

"It's okay. I don't doubt what Althea is saying. It's just that what Althea saw, I couldn't see... It's lonely for me, but... By the way Althea, can you still see that 'door' now?"

"Yeah... I can't see it now, and I can't hear the voice either."

"I see... What about you, Jean?"

"I also couldn't see the door, nor did I hear anything."

"...A door and a voice that only Althea could see, huh... Alright, I'll report this to Father later... So Althea, what do you want to do? Continue exploring or go back to our room?"

"...I want to continue. I want to see the statue of the 'Maiden and the Prince' in the cathedral again. I won't be able to see it up close during tomorrow's ceremony, right?"

"Yeah, that's right. I can go there tomorrow, but I probably won't be able to relax and enjoy it... Well then, let's gather ourselves and continue."

Regalus held Althea's hand again and headed towards the cathedral at the end of the corridor.

Upon entering the cathedral, they noticed several young nobles who seemed to be the sons and daughters of other nobles.

While the young noblemen exchanged greetings and admired the interior of the cathedral, most of the noblewomen gathered around the statue of the 'Maiden and the Prince,' gazing at it in fascination. It seemed the influence of the story of the 'Two Blessed Maidens' was indeed strong.

As Regalus and Althea approached the statue, the noblewomen who had been gazing at it turned to look at them as they approached. As soon as they saw the two, they froze for a moment. However, Regalus, unfazed by this, approached them with a smile and greeted the noblewomen.

"Excuse me. My sister also wishes to see the statue of the 'Maiden and the Prince.'... Would it be alright if she joined you?"

With a smile, Regalus asked the noblewomen, who blushed and nodded in response.

"Thank you... Well then, Althea, we'll be here waiting."

"Yes, brother... Well then, everyone, excuse us."

After bowing, when Althea raised her head, she saw that most of the noblewomen who had been there had moved closer to Regalus and started to greet and introduce themselves.

It seemed the reason for their initial hesitation was because of Regalus.

Big brother is amazing... He's so popular. Surrounded by so many noble ladies... Well, it's only natural. He's my proud brother after all.

Smiling to herself, Althea approached the 'Maiden and the Prince' statue, which was now less crowded, and began to observe its features and form.

"How is it? Isn't it wonderful?"

Suddenly, a voice from beside her spoke.

Turning around, Althea saw a slightly older girl with wavy black hair and blue eyes the color of the daytime sky.

Oh... Her pitch-black hair like the night sky and her eyes the color of the daytime sky... Beautiful... But, haven't I seen her somewhere before?

While Althea was lost in thought about her response, the girl continued speaking as if not minding the lack of response.

"I love the story of the 'Two Blessed Maidens' so much... Do you like it too?"

Staring somewhat impolitely at the girl, Althea managed to respond, "Uh, yeah... I mean, yes."

"Hehe, you really are charming."


"I apologize. I'm Lily, the daughter of the priest of this church. Earlier, my father escorted the Earl of Monclair family to their rooms...

! I mean Archduke... and... as soon as we returned to our room, he praised the young lord and lady... so I couldn't help but... be a little rude and approach you."

"Oh, I see. That's good, it clears things up."

"...What do you mean by 'clears things up'?"

"I felt like I've seen you somewhere before, but not really... If you're the daughter of the priest who showed us to our rooms earlier, then it makes sense. You look alike... And, your black hair like the night sky and your eyes the color of the daytime sky are really beautiful."

Smiling at Althea's response, Lily blushed slightly.

"Is... is that so?... This is the first time I've been complimented for my black hair... Most of the time, I'm told it's 'scary' instead..."

"Huh? I'm sorry, I didn't catch the last part..."

"Oh, no, please don't worry about it... Your hair is much more beautiful than mine. Even though it's silver, it looks like platinum blonde when it catches the light, and your purple-blue eyes... They're so sparkling. I've heard rumors about 'angels,' and now I'm convinced they're true."

After chatting with Lily for a while about the 'Two Maidens' story, Regalus, looking a bit tired, called out to Althea.

"Let's go back to our room. ...And you?"

Regalus noticed Lily and inquired.

"Ah... Nice to meet you. I'm Lily, the daughter of the priest who showed you to your room earlier."

Bowing, Lily greeted Regalus.

"Oh, the priest's daughter... Since I bothered your father while he was working, could you thank him for us?"


"Well then... Althea, let's go."

"Oh, okay... Lily, it was very enjoyable. Thank you."

With a light bow, the two left, and Lily watched them with slightly flushed cheeks.

Back in their room, Laila rushed up to them.

"Miss, everything okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine."

"Really, Laila, don't you trust me and Jean?"

Regalus said somewhat grumpily.

"I wouldn't say that, but..."

"Well, never mind. Father."

Regalus addressed his father, who was lounging on the sofa while sipping tea made by Laila.

"While walking with Althea along the long corridor to the cathedral, Althea saw a 'door' that only she could see."

"...Only Althea?"

Thomas and Clara exchanged looks.

"Althea, is that true?"

"Yeah... but... it disappeared when I looked away for a moment... Maybe I just imagined it..."

"It seems a 'voice' was also heard from that 'door.'"

"Hmm... Althea, can you show us where this 'door' appeared?"

Nodding, Thomas, Regalus, Laila, and Althea headed back to the long corridor leading to the cathedral.

"This area, Father."

Facing towards the cathedral, with stairs to the right and a wall to the left, Althea said.

"...I see. By the way, what kind of voice was it? What did it say?"

"Um... It sounded like a woman's voice. I heard, 'This is it, here.'"



"Ah, no... Could you leave that matter to me? I'll investigate it, so Althea, promise me you won't tell anyone else about this. Can you promise me that?"

"Yeah, I promise... But, big brother and Jean already know, and so does Laila..."

Althea turned back to see Laila standing behind her.

"That's fine. I'll inform Regalus and Jean myself... Laila, are you okay with this?"

"Of course, if it's for Miss's sake?"


"In that case, of course. Regardless of any treatment I may receive, I will never divulge this matter."

"Treatment... That sounds ominous."

Thomas chuckled.

That night, after Althea had fallen asleep, Thomas gathered his wife Clara, Regalus, Jean, and Lailain the living room.

"Regalus, Jean, about the door and the voice from earlier... Forget about it. When I say 'forget about it,' I mean 'don't let anyone else know.'"

"Is there something troubling about it if it's known?"

"...Yeah, it's troubling. Anyway, if you want to stay with Althea, don't ever speak about it."

"If Father says so, I won't utter a word. But, could you tell us the reason at least...?"

"...You might understand if you go to the academy... Maybe."

"Is it not the right time for it now?"

"...No, it's better if you remain unaware... Even if you learn it at the academy, never make a fuss about it... Jean, too."

"Yes, understood."

"And Laila."


"You're the same as Jean. Even if you learn about it at the academy, don't make a scene, keep unnecessary things to yourself, and protect Althea."

"...Of course, sir. I will do my best to align with your wishes."

Laila bowed deeply.

Clara, who had been listening silently, also bowed to the three at the end.

"Absolutely, no word of this to anyone. I also... ask for your discretion."

For Thomas and Clara to emphasize it to this extent, it must be something they really want to keep hidden.

The three reaffirmed their oath to keep silent.

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